Advanced search > Stations

Found 9 294 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Truman Hub
Eskite / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 146,99 ly
1 515,40 ls      
Baxter Arsenal
Eskite / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 146,99 ly
641,37 ls      
Cayley Station
HIP 80065 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate High Tech 147,04 ly
1 185,92 ls      
Card Station
HIP 80065 / Outpost
Independent Corporate High Tech 147,04 ly
1 202,25 ls      
Hume Stop
Loko O / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 147,09 ly
2 855,84 ls      
Kulaye / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 147,10 ly
3 072,27 ls      
Nourse Dock
CD-63 201 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 147,12 ly
441,10 ls      
Dashiell Orbital
CD-63 201 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 147,12 ly
258,50 ls      
Lorrah City
CD-63 201 / Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 147,12 ly
140,85 ls      
Szentmartony City
CD-63 201 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 147,12 ly
77,25 ls      
Archer Barracks
HIP 97537 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Military 147,13 ly
399 035,50 ls      
Shapiro Orbital
HIP 97537 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 147,13 ly
404,15 ls      
Garnier Keep
Tiegfries / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Democracy Military 147,15 ly
567 985,81 ls      
Lambert Dock
Tiegfries / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 147,15 ly
498,52 ls      
Linteris Orbital
Ndanbain / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 147,15 ly
2 271,47 ls      
Melotte Terminal
HIP 19758 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage High Tech 147,18 ly
3 004,49 ls      
Lunney's Claim
Bragur / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Colony 147,20 ly
1 173,34 ls      
Filter Terminal
Bragur / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 147,20 ly
183,73 ls      
White Enterprise
Bragur / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 147,20 ly
807,85 ls      
Salgari Station
Bragur / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 147,20 ly
459,49 ls      
Sekelj Bastion
Bragur / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Military 147,20 ly
2 095,74 ls      
Bulychev Enterprise
Bragur / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 147,20 ly
246,19 ls      
Heaviside Escape
Bragur / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Colony 147,20 ly
1 173,03 ls      
Wankel Hub
Djeriman / Outpost
Independent Feudal Industrial 147,20 ly
557,40 ls      
Stebler City
Djeriman / Ocellus Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 147,20 ly
433,47 ls      
Rizvi Orbital
Gliese 44 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Extraction 147,21 ly
2 324,27 ls      
Wilhelm Silo
Gliese 44 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 147,21 ly
3 194,78 ls      
Hopkins Terminal
Volciates / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 147,22 ly
161 957,16 ls      
Alexeyev Barracks
HR 1475 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 147,24 ly
1 165,39 ls      
Clairaut Vista
HR 1475 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 147,24 ly
224 415,43 ls      
Tully Vision
HR 1475 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Refinery 147,24 ly
4 977,74 ls      
Hansteen Hub
Apisni / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture 147,25 ly
5 869,20 ls      
Stabenow Vision
Apisni / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 147,25 ly
5 744,99 ls      
Chorel Penal colony
Apisni / Planetary Port
Empire Corporate Military 147,25 ly
6 273,52 ls      
DeLucas Station
Kemuru / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 147,26 ly
6,18 ls      
Polyakov Ring
Kemuru / Outpost
Independent Communism Industrial 147,26 ly
8,25 ls      
Mullane Station
Wolf 903 / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 147,26 ly
38 851,04 ls      
Shaw Point
Marian Nungari / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 147,27 ly
1 042,31 ls      
Offutt Installation
Pandinus / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 147,32 ly
1 145,10 ls      
Taylor Port
HIP 117960 / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 147,34 ly
763,50 ls      
Crown Ring
HIP 117960 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 147,34 ly
429,94 ls      
Ordway Horizons
Shaplintin / Outpost
Independent Patronage High Tech 147,34 ly
1 922,35 ls      
Phillifent Vision
Shaplintin / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal High Tech 147,34 ly
7 340,38 ls      
Geston Gateway
Amuzgo / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 147,39 ly
15,44 ls      
Abernathy Terminal
Lepchazi / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 147,42 ly
2 548,60 ls      
Grant Horizons
Hsuanqueno / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 147,43 ly
53,78 ls      
Dampier Terminal
Lalande 32151 / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Industrial 147,46 ly
90 756,77 ls      
Rangarajan Horizons
Lalande 32151 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Confederacy Colony 147,46 ly
90 283,35 ls      
Lubin Forum
Lalande 32151 / Planetary Port
Independent Confederacy Colony 147,46 ly
90 274,99 ls      
Rennie Station
Gliese 3095 / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Terraforming 147,48 ly
874,31 ls      
Pythagoras Depot
Rishnum / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 147,55 ly
7 129,64 ls      
Szilard Settlement
Angrboldoga / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 147,58 ly
1 824,34 ls      
Milnor Arena
Etznabozo / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 147,58 ly
37 927,11 ls      
Fife Silo
Dabakaja / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 147,60 ly
149,61 ls      
Killough City
Mapocori / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 147,63 ly
13,85 ls      
Wood Depot
Mapocori / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 147,63 ly
13,78 ls      
Friedrich Peters Dock
Varani / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Refinery 147,64 ly
6,10 ls      
Beadle Ring
HIP 99241 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 147,66 ly
885,38 ls      
Vanguard SJ59
HIP 38225 / Mega ship
Independent Corporate Military 147,66 ly
3 145,70 ls      
Lupoff Landing
HIP 38225 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 147,66 ly
88,46 ls      
Gloss Station
HIP 38225 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 147,66 ly
162,16 ls      
McDivitt Terminal
HIP 113355 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 147,67 ly
77,25 ls      
Cori Plant
Mimuruin / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 147,70 ly
290 239,66 ls      
Ochoa Orbital
Mimuruin / Ocellus Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 147,70 ly
290 438,79 ls      
Neff Enterprise
HIP 90451 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 147,71 ly
377,05 ls      
Selberg City
Lelabo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 147,72 ly
19 168,60 ls      
Saberhagen Ring
Devata Baru / Ocellus Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 147,75 ly
189,31 ls      
Evangelisti Port
Devata Baru / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Industrial 147,75 ly
286,13 ls      
Lagrange Keep
Tehuevi / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 147,76 ly
1 127,18 ls      
Ford Port
Tehuevi / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 147,76 ly
1 101,34 ls      
Marley Vista
Bochica / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 147,85 ly
5 848,98 ls      
Ahern Installation
Koira / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Refinery 147,90 ly
1 287,95 ls      
Rawat Landing
Thernobo / Planetary Port
Independent Communism Colony 147,91 ly
14,44 ls      
Thoreau Hub
Thernobo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 147,91 ly
14,41 ls      
Rubruck Depot
Yi Dhodere / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 147,94 ly
40 042,47 ls      
Nouvel Survey
Karamai / Outpost
Empire Corporate Extraction 148,03 ly
107,08 ls      
Dilworth Hub
Karamai / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 148,03 ly
81,66 ls      
Lorenz's Claim
Wilintae / Planetary Outpost
Independent Confederacy Colony 148,03 ly
145,26 ls      
Mandel Port
Laksar / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal High Tech 148,04 ly
296 640,09 ls      
Marley Silo
67 Tauri / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 148,08 ly
3 227,65 ls      
Fuchs Mines
67 Tauri / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 148,08 ly
851,23 ls      
Alexeyev Hub
HIP 36485 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy High Tech 148,14 ly
3 802,00 ls      
Hartog Arsenal
HIP 36485 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 148,14 ly
5 517,93 ls      
Soto Exchange
HIP 108598 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 148,18 ly
157,26 ls      
Dillon Dock
HIP 108598 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture 148,18 ly
236,34 ls      
Holden Point
HIP 108598 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 148,18 ly
76,20 ls      
Oort Vision
HIP 108598 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Extraction 148,18 ly
157,86 ls      
MacCurdy Terminal
Fonga / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 148,21 ly
795,17 ls      
al-Din Settlement
Senti / Outpost
Independent Communism Refinery 148,25 ly
467,97 ls      
Bella Port
Irusan / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 148,25 ly
1 311,22 ls      
Onufriyenko Port
Irusan / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 148,25 ly
2 350,25 ls      
Stillman Vision
Shokuth / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Extraction 148,31 ly
52,84 ls      
The Lucent Embrace
Agartha / Mega ship
Independent Cooperative Military 148,32 ly
1 995,70 ls      
Cummings Resort
Agartha / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Service 148,32 ly
2 615,52 ls      
Watts Ring
Pang Guans / Outpost
Independent Communism Industrial 148,32 ly
38,30 ls      
Ibold Arsenal
HIP 94326 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Feudal Military 148,32 ly
3 588,73 ls      
Finlay Orbital
HIP 16783 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 148,35 ly
766,82 ls      
Myasishchev Hub
HIP 107299 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 148,39 ly
11 565,73 ls      
Yu Relay
Mawul / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Military 148,40 ly
821,37 ls      
Drebbel's Folly
Macat / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 148,41 ly
317,27 ls