Perfil de goldfishrock > Diario


Another one of those quiet days where you are crossing the vast emptiness of The Black and without encountering anything of any interest.... so much so that I have even had to pull a shot from the archives to post today!
A couple of days out of the cockpit and I feel refreshed and ready to continue this expedition. I am now making good progress toward the penultimate waypoint for this trip, The Lonely Lantern Nebula (Crooki PX-V c17-5). As with any long journey, at times you are going to start to feel fatigued and jaded. I've really enjoyed this expedition so far but at the beginning of this week I really started to feel it. I've travelled 140k LY since I left Lave when this expedition began. It feels like many months ago, but is in fact only just over eight weeks. I've jumped most days since then but have made sure I have taken time out at the same time.
I'm beginning to feel excited about the prospect of completing this expedition and it's most certainly given me a taste for more of the same. I'm also looking forward to getting back to a station and offloading my exploration data which should run into several hundred million credits and boost my Elite Explorer rank up to at least level II. I've been thinking quite a lot recently about what I would like to do after this and I keep coming back to exploration. I love trading but it's hard work and I find can get boring quite quickly. I'm not in this for the money, it's not what drives me at all. I like the adventure and unknown of exploring and so going back to trading just doesn't light my lemon at the moment. So I'm thinking I've not been out to the 'eastern' extremities of the Galaxy yet and I'm sure there are many wonderous worlds to discover out on those remote edges.
No jumps today
No jumps today
Not much to report. I did fly through this wonderful systen though. Mene Tekel (Hypua Priae BA-A g0)
Having made it to waypoint 11 late yesterday, I decided not to hang around. To be honest there wasn't much to see in that system apart from the beautiful background glow of the nebula.
So it's onwards and upwards. I am now less than 30k LY away from the destination and a week ahead of the main expeditionary force. Looking at what's ahead for the next leg, there isn't much to be honest..... well nothing that's been discovered yet anyway. So I will take my time, explore a little and see what I can find out here in the black. First system I will head toward is Hypua Priae BA-A g0 which is a system containing a black hole and three neutron stars..... should be a pretty wild ride pushing into that one!
I set sail from Bendurion's Present and headed toward the next waypoint. As I cleared the nebula I turned my ship around for one last look and was greeted with a stunning view of the blue and pink emissions from the core. Time to carry on my journey and speed toward Rusalka's Trilemma (Scaulae ZL-C d13-11) which was a few jumps away. A system of many ringed planets and many water based ones too. Unusual to say the least.
After a few hours of flight through not very much, I arrived at Bendurion's Present (Eolls Graae PG-E b15-4). The system sits inside a large and rather pretty Nebula containing many hundreds of systems. I decided to try and find the famed high pressure carbon dioxide geysers on the AB1B planet but after searching various geological signals for a while I failed to find them. I decided to land anyway and leave my craft on the ground for the night.
No jumps today
Almost half way between the two waypoints is Aiphaisty YE-A d130 in which was found to be an anomaly, Q07. I flew into the system and targeted both areas of 'Notable Interest' but couldn't find the anomaly anywhere. I followed the orbit of B1 around as I believed it to be sitting at one of the Legrange points however try as I may, I couldn't find it anywhere. After some considerable time I decided to call it a day and fly off to the next point on my adventure.....