Noticias galácticas

  • 28 de agosto de 3301
  • Imperial Internal Security Service Requests Exploration Data

    In an unprecedented move, the Imperial Internal Security Service – the organisation responsible for domestic security throughout the Empire – has issued an open contract for exploration data. Agent Cope of the IISS made the following statement:

    “The Imperial Internal Security Service is conducting a comprehensive revision of its information networks, and is therefore in need of as much fresh data as possible. The more information we have, the more accurate we can make our database. We thank the community in advance for their cooperation with this effort.”

    The request was preceded by rumours that the organisation was actively gathering information about the group known as Emperor’s Dawn. When asked about the rumours, Agent Cope said:

    “I can assure you that any allegations concerning interest in specific individuals or groups are entirely groundless. The IISS has a remit to analyse any available data for useful intelligence, and the exploration data we have requested will be subjected to this analysis. That does not mean, however, that this operation has been designed to gather information about Emperor’s Dawn.”

    This refutation was somewhat undermined, however, by an article published this morning in the Imperial Citizen. In the article, the Citizen claimed to have intercepted an IISS communiqué in which Emperor’s Dawn was specifically mentioned:

    “Our recommendation concerning Emperor’s Dawn is to gather fresh astrological data, and to filter it for information about the group’s movements and bases of operation. Our belief is that the organisation has no more than half a dozen bases within inhabited space, but it would nevertheless be advisable to accumulate accurate data.”

    The request is being managed by the Cemiess Empire Party on behalf of the IISS. Independent pilots interested in participating should deliver exploration data to Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system.

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data (*).

    Here are 10 of the 13,342 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Masters of Wolf 906

    • LP 811-17 Corporation

    • Yawa Empire Party

    • Natural LP 811-17 Conservatives

    • NLTT 13249 Limited

    • HIP 20480 Coordinated

    • HIP 20480 Universal Incorporated

    • Allied Wu Kich Dominion

    • Progressive Party of Wu Kich

    • Ernutet United Co

    Civil wars involve conflict between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 2,443 minor factions at war:

    • Family of HIP 94863

    • Independent Gladyangar Revolutionary Party

    • Crew of Gamamonga

    • Amahutii Gold Dragons

    • Purungurawn Purple Society

    • Haolin Ti Partners

    • Nik Future

    • Lodemovoi Advanced Incorporated

    • Worker's Party of Tamor

    • G 126-31 Purple Federal Org

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, wealth, security and standard of living are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Antares Incident Links to VP’s Death?

    The case of reporter Elaine Boyd took an unexpected turn today as several respected newsfeeds, including the Federal Times, received encrypted data packages. It is claimed that these were automatically sent by Elaine Boyd from a public storage server with instructions to be delivered if newsfeeds reported her death.

    The data apparently reveals a connection between the death earlier in the year of Vice President Nigel Smeaton and the Antares Incident. His death was officially declared an accident, although many at the time suspected foul play. Those suspicions are likely to rise again with the revelation that he was related to one of the crew aboard the Highliner Antares when it disappeared on its maiden flight 50 years ago.

    Elaine Boyd discovered details of a private ‘off the books’ investigation by the Vice President into the incident and that he suspected it was caused by sabotage, rather than drive component failure. He had already spoken to a number of now quite senior officers involved in the original enquiry. Elaine Boyd’s information implied that he may have been killed to stop his investigation.

    In a statement, the chief editor of the Federal Times said:

    “We hope that amongst the information Elaine has provided there is evidence to prove her innocence in the crimes she was implicated in. We are continuing to examine the data in detail.”

  • 27 de agosto de 3301
  • Zemina Torval and Florence Lavigny Join Patreus’ Campaign

    Senator Patreus has seen a resurgence of support since his declaration of war against the group responsible for Emperor Hengist Duval’s murder. Reports from the campaign have indicated that Emperor’s Dawn is now claiming responsibility for the regicide, although this hasn’t been independently confirmed as yet.

    In a Senate session, Senator Zemina Torval declared her support for the operation and instructed her loyal followers to join the campaign.

    Analysts have been keenly watching the political landscape shift in the weeks since the Emperor’s death. Many had written off Patreus as his influence waned with the dishonour of his association with the Emperor’s assassin, Brendan Paul Darius. However, his decisive action against Emperor’s Dawn has raised his profile. Some believe that it is a cynical ploy by Patreus, but none can argue that he has gained the support of the Senate heavyweights.

    Even Florence Lavigny has spoken out for unity and support for Patreus:

    “When I was much younger, and my first husband dear Aristide was sadly eaten by a Ling Lang in his own menagerie, there were conspiracy theories, none of which were true. The simple truth was he was foolish to keep so many dangerous animals as pets. I’ve known Denton for years, and I know he wasn’t involved in the Emperor’s murder. Hengist had many enemies, but Denton Patreus was not one of them.”

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

    Here are 10 of the 2,106 minor factions holding elections:

    • Cocoyet Holdings

    • HIP 113948 United Industries

    • HIP 113948 Systems

    • Alcor Independents

    • LTT 14019 Democrats

    • Darkan Vision Interstellar

    • Darkan Network

    • Quiate Jet Legal Inc

    • Tun Netcoms Services

    • Party of Kremainn

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 26 de agosto de 3301
  • Fuel Rats Complete 1,000th Rescue

    Heroes: that's what some call the Fuel Rats. Ever since launching their emergency fuel delivery service a little over two months ago, the Fuel Rats have made an impact on the lives of over 1,000 commanders who would otherwise have faced a long spacewalk home.

    For one stranded commander, over 31,500 light years from inhabited space with five months’ worth of exploration data on board, the Fuel Rats’ service was greatly appreciated. Commander Paul Kavinsky, in partnership with Commander Rusticolus, made an incredible high-speed transition to the far side of the galaxy to rescue Commander TheHairyMob.

    Commanders Anuranium and Domaq also demonstrated the lengths to which the Fuel Rats will go. High above the galactic plane, 2,800 light years north of Sagittarius A*, a commander found himself stranded with no hope of returning home under his own power. The limited number of nearby stars made locating the hapless commander exceptionally difficult, but the rats found their man.

    A little closer to home, Commanders Aitken and Dardevel were not to be outdone. Commander Ghetto King was only moments away from drawing his last breath, with only two seconds of emergency air remaining, when the Fuel Rats swooped in to save the day.

    This reporter joined the Fuel Rats to witness a rescue mission firsthand. I experienced a mix of adrenaline and warm satisfaction in knowing I had made a positive difference to another pilot’s fate.

    Commander Ceska Zbrojovka

    Radio Sidewinder News

  • Heike Starport Security under Strain

    On patrol outside the busy starport of Brunel Station, Heike Security Forces pilot Kenji Nobu reluctantly admits that not all visitors to the station are being subjected to "the full scrutiny of the law".

    "There's just too many of them and too few of us", Nobu said, resignedly. In the last 24 hours, nearly 750 ships have docked at Brunel Station, mostly small or medium transport ships – over 10 times normal volumes.

    "Word is that the brass is waiting on approval for emergency funds. The pilots’ union rep said we might have to put in some overtime. Nothing I haven't heard before, though", said Nobu.

    Dockworker Sothy Ferrell elaborated on what was drawing pilots to the station: "Some fruits, some coffee, but mostly tea. How 'bout those monks growing the stuff? No doubt they're loaded!"

    It has been reported that a faction called Emperor's Dawn has recently issued a contract for large quantities of ceremonial Heike tea. The group is located over 200 light years from Heike, with most of the journey lying within Federation space.

    "I might recognize a name or two coming up on the scanner”, said Nobu, “but most of it just runs together. Listen, I gotta get back to my patrol.”

    Commander Tyber de Maat

    Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

  • Athena System Hosts ‘XYZ Fight Club’

    The popular gladiatorial tournament known as the ‘XYZ Fight Club’ took place again this weekend. Our reporters were ringside for the spectacle. Pilots descended on Athena, pitting dog-fighting skills against one another in both light and medium ships.

    Criminals targeting participant Commander Angel Rose marred the start of the event and forced an evacuation of Darboux Orbital, but Commanders Rhea and Lynk1973 ensured that contingency arenas allowed combatants and spectators to avoid further harassment.

    Commanders Bodmans, Danten and Old Sauveur dominated play for the light rounds – fast-paced jousting with no shortage of collisions. Commanders DJTruthsayer, Estelath, Ace Rimzy and Jankster gave solid performances, but were knocked out.

    The light semi-finals saw Bodmans – recent champion of the Sol Grand Prix – facing off against Commander Rainy Day in close-quarters knife-fighting. Rainy Day spent chaff and shield-cells before Bodmans delivered the deathblow – a barrage of missile-fire – that delighted the audience.

    Medium-class contents continued into the night, involving Couriers, Vipers, and Diamondback Scouts. Commander Synaptic made notable use of their DBS-stealth capabilities to evade missile-fire, but eventually succumbed to their opponent’s attacks.

    Angel Rose's Viper took on Commander Louise of Darkwater's Courier. Audiences watching the event live cheered the commander from Slough Orbital, but it was not enough to protect her from her opponent’s rail-fire as a victorious Louise of Darkwater moved into the later rounds.

    Showing impressive skill in the marathon tournament, the same pair of combatants managed to reach the finals for both classes. Bodmans and Old Sauveur intitially exchanged fire in Eagles, with Old Sauveur proving victorious in the fast-paced battle through a well-timed use of shield cells. Going head-to-head in Couriers to decide the victor of the medium heats, Bodmans eventually claimed victory at the end of a protracted defensive battle.

    Commander Edgar Starwalker

    Lomas Racing News | Interstellar Press

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • Civil Aid Crisis as Millions of Mourners Fill Capitol

    The civic authorities on Capitol have reported needing to use strategic reserves of food, medical supplies and shelters as millions of mourners now fill the streets, waiting for their chance to see Emperor Hengist Duval’s body before the funeral next week.

    In all of history there has never been as many people on the home planet of the Empire as there are today. This strain has pushed all of the emergency services way beyond capacity, so extra troops have been drafted in for increased security and to assist with distributing the aid. Imperial Navy personnel are also providing medical and rescue services, with temporary command areas deployed throughout the city.

    The problem is exacerbated by the mourners remaining in the city after paying their respects. People are being urged to leave the Capitol if they have already visited the Hall of Martyrs, but many are choosing to stay to witness the funeral.

  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled.

    Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered.

  • 25 de agosto de 3301
  • Report Raises Concerns about Operation Davy Jones

    The Stratis Information Group, an independent think-tank of political, defence, and economics analysts, has published an in-depth study of Operation Davy Jones, the ongoing conflict between the Imperial Navy and the forces of Archon Delaine.

    Aside from providing statistics regarding the current Imperial deployment, the report raises concerns about the overall purpose of the operation, stating that: “The current premise of ridding the Pegasi sector of the Kumo Crew is merely a cover for aggressive Imperial expansion into Federation-aligned systems.”

    Stratis analyst Marcus Orrin elaborated on the concerns: “The Imperial Navy has invested a tremendous amount of effort and resources in securing the Pegasi sector. To believe they will simply withdraw from the region once hostilities come to an end is to ignore historical precedents. The Empire will likely maintain an occupation force in the Pegasi sector for some time after.”

    Commander Driggers

    Times of Mars | Interstellar Press

  • Famous Reporter Commits Suicide

    The hunt for Elaine Boyd ended today with the discovery of her body in a low-rent hotel in Wyrd. Local law enforcement reported that they received an anonymous tip-off about her location and discovered her body as they gained entry.

    The former reporter of the Federal Times was accused of murdering her partner, Agent Susan Monroe. An investigation into her death is already underway and agents from the Federal Security Service have been granted special access to assist the independent local police.

    The police have so far refused to provide any details, but an off-the-record source has revealed that a suicide note was found. It allegedly states that she could no longer live with the guilt of killing her lover.

    The Federal Times has so far refused to comment on the fate of their reporter.

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

    Here are 10 of the 432 minor factions in lockdown:

    • Meiri Fortune Industries

    • HIP 98211 Silver Electronics

    • Lu Pah Prison Colony

    • Labour of V902 Centauri

    • Kitjali Patron's Principles

    • Amphisatsu Empire Group

    • Ehecatl Silver Creative Ltd

    • Leesti Alliance Union

    • Progressive Party of Meiri

    • LHS 142 United Solutions

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

    Here are 10 of the 671 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

    • Allied Veamit Movement

    • United San Muss Values Party

    • Contiku Empire League

    • Aristocrats of Aurawala

    • Hiranyaksha Co

    • Groombridge 1618 Inc

    • Krivasho Co-operative

    • HIP 107494 Public Company

    • Krivasho Dominion

    • Left Party of Polecteri

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 24 de agosto de 3301
  • Federal and Imperial Diplomats Discuss the Pegasi Sector

    Historically, areas of mutual interest have resulting in cooperation between the Empire and the Federation. Now it seems that the humanitarian crisis in the Pegasi Sector represents one such mutual interest.

    In a meeting between Federation and Imperial commanders, Commander Nyluss of the Merchant Marines offered these words: "We must re-establish liberty in those zones that have become lawless. The Kumo Crew and its vagabond leader will no longer be tolerated in our space. I call upon all Federation pilots. How can you tolerate this encroachment upon our worlds?”

    Commander Corrigendum of Lavigny’s Legion added: “We welcome all those who want to oppose the tyranny of Archon Delaine, and ask that Federation and Imperial commanders operating in the Pegasi sector give one another a wide berth as they work toward the common goal of bringing Delaine to justice."

    Commander Corrigendum, Lavigny's Legion

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,607 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • HIP 20277 Inc

    • People's Procyon Values Party

    • Confederacy of Audhumbwe

    • Ngandins Organisation

    • Workers of Macuayan Liberals

    • United LTT 16548 Movement

    • Xereta Gold Creative Corp.

    • G 203-47 Silver Fortune Ind

    • Future of CD-39 14212

    • Chick Bara Empire Group

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 46 minor factions experiencing an economic bust:

    • Zandu Jet Syndicate

    • Democrats of LTT 4961

    • Chi Orionis Vision Organisation

    • Ovid Defence Force

    • Ross 490 Justice Party

    • Law Party of CD-51 102

    • Isleta Transport Incorporated

    • HIP 51197 Central Services

    • CD-35 9019 Liberals

    • Lalande 38451 Creative PLC

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • 23 de agosto de 3301
  • Emperor’s Killer Not Working Alone?

    While Chancellor Anders Blaine has provided almost daily updates on the investigation of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination there has been little progress of note until today. The breakthrough is reported to have originated from an investigation into the killing of Brendan Paul Darius’ family.

    The local investigator, Inspector Reeve, discovered encrypted data files hidden within the toys of the six year old girl killed in the attack. These files have revealed the existence of a secret group – calling themselves Emperor’s Dawn. They are an ultra-traditionalist movement fearing the erosion of imperial values.

    The exact reason why the Emperor was targeted is as yet unknown, but it was discovered that Princess Aisling has also been targeted by the group. In response to this threat her security has been increased.

    Chancellor Blaine concluded his update by saying:

    “This unexpected development has revealed a hideous cancer within our society. One that will be hunted down and eradicated with the utmost urgency.”

  • Federal Times Reporter Named as Murder Suspect

    Following news of the brutal murder of Agent Susan Monroe, the Federal Security Services upgraded Elaine Boyd’s person of interest status to 'suspect', and called for any information regarding the reporter’s movements.

    “This was a particularly savage murder of a person who laid their life on the line. We believe that Elaine Boyd was using her lover to access confidential information. While we haven’t yet ascertained the exact nature of the information she was trying to access or why she murdered the agent. It is also unknown whether Agent Monroe was a willing participant in the information retrieval, although we believe that her murder indicates that she was not.

    “We urge anybody who sees Elaine Boyd to report her location immediately. At this time she is considered dangerous and should not be approached.”

    In a statement, the Chief Editor of the Federal Times said:

    “Having worked with Miss Boyd for seven years, I find it hard to imagine that she could commit the crime she is accused of. We are of course helping the security services with their inquiries, but I can confirm we have had no contact with Miss Boyd for several days.”

  • 22 de agosto de 3301
  • 'Operation Uranus’ Successful

    This week, Archon Delaine hit back at the renewed Imperial offensive. Using a multi-pronged attack, the Kumo Crew struck hard at systems under the influence of Senator Patreus. Dubbed ‘Operation Uranus’, the campaign successfully pushed the system of Contiku into turmoil.

    The number of Kumo Crew raids within Imperial space increased during the week, with multiple Imperial commanders reporting run-ins with the cartel. Although a combined task force of Imperial powers laid siege to the Pegasi sector, pilots loyal to Senator Patreus failed to prevent the pirate counter-attack. This may jeopardize the fragile alliance between the powers, and strengthen internal opposition to the Pegasi Pirate War.

    Time will tell if the operation has shifted the balance of the power, but Archon Delaine certainly refuses to go gently into the night.

    Commander Mikalus

    Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNat presents a list of 10 of the 1,480 minor factions currently expanding into new systems*.

    • People's Nu Tauri Independents

    • Nima for Equality

    • HIP 78866 Services

    • HIP 53509 Partners

    • Workers of Skeggiko O Labour

    • Lexovit Empire League

    • Hun Nighu Empire Party

    • Caneph PLC

    • Confederation of Kong Tzu

    • Antanasata Co-operative

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.