CMDR Vertigan profile > Flight Log

Commander name:
Current ship:
Member since:
2 Sep 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
540,771,534 Cr
18,671 systems visited.
  • 4.29 ly

    Jump distance: 4.29 ly

    Distance to Sol: 113.59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,888.21 ly

    Estimated value: 8,571 cr

  • 4.76 ly

    Jump distance: 4.76 ly

    Distance to Sol: 117.65 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,884.21 ly

    Estimated value: 31,158 cr

  • 6.41 ly

    Jump distance: 6.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 120.44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,881.08 ly

    Estimated value: 2,424 cr

  • 6.24 ly

    Jump distance: 6.24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 124.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,876.50 ly

    Estimated value: 3,635 cr

  • 4.17 ly

    Jump distance: 4.17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 126.85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,874.09 ly

    Estimated value: 266,689 cr

  • 10.88 ly

    Jump distance: 10.88 ly

    Distance to Sol: 130.91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,870.01 ly

    Estimated value: 64,658 cr

  • 10.90 ly

    Jump distance: 10.90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 130.82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,871.42 ly

    Estimated value: 1,123,303 cr

  • 8.00 ly

    Jump distance: 8.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 126.85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,874.09 ly

    Estimated value: 266,689 cr

  • 5.79 ly

    Jump distance: 5.79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 133.53 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,867.38 ly

    Estimated value: 238,510 cr

  • 10.81 ly

    Jump distance: 10.81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 130.91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,870.01 ly

    Estimated value: 64,658 cr

  • 3.38 ly

    Jump distance: 3.38 ly

    Distance to Sol: 127.23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,873.25 ly

    Estimated value: 161,158 cr

  • 4.26 ly

    Jump distance: 4.26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 124.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,876.28 ly

    Estimated value: 15,745 cr

  • 20.50 ly

    Jump distance: 20.50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 120.28 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,880.24 ly

    Estimated value: 6,209 cr

  • 9.39 ly

    Jump distance: 9.39 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.71 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,883.99 ly

    Estimated value: 70,344 cr

  • 9.39 ly

    Jump distance: 9.39 ly

    Distance to Sol: 116.77 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,884.52 ly

    Estimated value: 22,606 cr

  • 6.98 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 6.98 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.71 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,883.99 ly

    Estimated value: 70,344 cr

  • 10.61 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 10.61 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,877.30 ly

    Estimated value: 4,814 cr

  • 6.41 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 6.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 134.17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,869.08 ly

    Estimated value: 14,104 cr

  • 6.34 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 6.34 ly

    Distance to Sol: 129.76 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,874.04 ly

    Estimated value: 38,185 cr

  • 6.98 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 6.98 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,877.30 ly

    Estimated value: 4,814 cr

  • 7.52 ly

    Jump distance: 7.52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.71 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,883.99 ly

    Estimated value: 70,344 cr

  • 8.22 ly

    Jump distance: 8.22 ly

    Distance to Sol: 113.51 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,888.19 ly

    Estimated value: 6,253 cr

  • 9.40 ly

    Jump distance: 9.40 ly

    Distance to Sol: 105.96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,896.15 ly

    Estimated value: 5,913 cr

  • 5.21 ly

    Jump distance: 5.21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 101.33 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,900.70 ly

    Estimated value: 2,410 cr

  • 8.00 ly

    Jump distance: 8.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 96.27 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,905.49 ly

    Estimated value: 9,993 cr

  • 7.31 ly

    Jump distance: 7.31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 89.85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,911.88 ly

    Estimated value: 2,414 cr

  • 10.05 ly

    Jump distance: 10.05 ly

    Distance to Sol: 88.99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,913.32 ly

    Estimated value: 194,367 cr

  • 4.34 ly

    Jump distance: 4.34 ly

    Distance to Sol: 81.00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,921.14 ly

    Estimated value: 104,254 cr

  • 10.04 ly

    Jump distance: 10.04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 76.82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,925.20 ly

    Estimated value: 879,682 cr

  • 8.50 ly

    Jump distance: 8.50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 67.95 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,934.47 ly

    Estimated value: 281,822 cr

  • 4.32 ly

    Jump distance: 4.32 ly

    Distance to Sol: 65.09 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,939.42 ly

    Estimated value: 189,639 cr

  • 8.91 ly

    Jump distance: 8.91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 67.94 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,937.94 ly

    Estimated value: 30,109 cr

  • 5.40 ly

    Jump distance: 5.40 ly

    Distance to Sol: 64.19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,944.60 ly

    Estimated value: 282,017 cr

  • 14.22 ly

    Jump distance: 14.22 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61.53 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,949.29 ly

    Estimated value: 16,088 cr

  • 11.82 ly

    Jump distance: 11.82 ly

    Distance to Sol: 67.94 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,937.94 ly

    Estimated value: 30,109 cr

  • 7.03 ly

    Jump distance: 7.03 ly

    Distance to Sol: 58.02 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,949.62 ly

    Estimated value: 3,611 cr

  • 5.33 ly

    Jump distance: 5.33 ly

    Distance to Sol: 56.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,954.46 ly

    Estimated value: 1,206 cr

  • 10.24 ly

    Jump distance: 10.24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 52.44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,959.04 ly

    Estimated value: 2,413 cr

  • 7.13 ly

    Jump distance: 7.13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 49.41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,967.42 ly

    Estimated value: 8,143 cr

  • 6.15 ly

    Jump distance: 6.15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 53.30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,969.67 ly

    Estimated value: 2,407 cr

  • 10.97 ly

    Jump distance: 10.97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 52.59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,973.68 ly

    Estimated value: 14,978 cr

  • 6.70 ly

    Jump distance: 6.70 ly

    Distance to Sol: 51.64 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,983.25 ly

    Estimated value: 573,869 cr

  • 4.56 ly

    Jump distance: 4.56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 56.82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,985.68 ly

    Estimated value: 28,967 cr

  • 10.76 ly

    Jump distance: 10.76 ly

    Distance to Sol: 58.60 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,989.37 ly

    Estimated value: 1,041,626 cr

  • 12.69 ly

    Jump distance: 12.69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 67.50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.89 ly

    Estimated value: 54,822 cr

  • 8.44 ly

    Jump distance: 8.44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 57.20 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,992.47 ly

    Estimated value: 6,818 cr

  • 8.26 ly

    Jump distance: 8.26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 52.50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.61 ly

    Estimated value: 320,536 cr

  • 6.41 ly

    Jump distance: 6.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr

  • 12.14 ly

    Jump distance: 12.14 ly

    Distance to Sol: 43.10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.20 ly

    Estimated value: 312,825 cr

  • 6.47 ly

    Jump distance: 6.47 ly

    Distance to Sol: 32.83 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,999.42 ly

    Estimated value: 31,015 cr

  • 7.51 ly

    Jump distance: 7.51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 36.50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.74 ly

    Estimated value: 12,735 cr

  • 4.48 ly

    Jump distance: 4.48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 43.10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.20 ly

    Estimated value: 312,825 cr

  • 4.66 ly

    Jump distance: 4.66 ly

    Distance to Sol: 47.39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.05 ly

    Estimated value: 71,157 cr

  • 6.41 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 6.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr

  • 8.23 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.23 ly

    Distance to Sol: 43.10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.20 ly

    Estimated value: 312,825 cr

  • 5.12 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 5.12 ly

    Distance to Sol: 42.43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,997.57 ly

    Estimated value: 3,269 cr

  • 9.20 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 9.20 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr

  • 8.68 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.68 ly

    Distance to Sol: 48.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,005.52 ly

    Estimated value: 318,314 cr

  • 5.16 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 5.16 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,007.23 ly

    Estimated value: 1,706 cr

  • 7.01 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 7.01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 51.69 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,008.76 ly

    Estimated value: 1,209 cr

  • 7.90 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 7.90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 56.66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,005.08 ly

    Estimated value: 295,911 cr

  • 5.80 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 5.80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62.81 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,002.32 ly

    Estimated value: 65,834 cr

  • 8.41 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62.96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,998.06 ly

    Estimated value: 1,708 cr

  • 8.44 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 57.20 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,992.47 ly

    Estimated value: 6,818 cr

  • 8.26 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 52.50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.61 ly

    Estimated value: 320,536 cr

  • 4.66 ly

    Ship: Brannigans Surprise (Viper Mk III)
    Jump distance: 4.66 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr

  • 4.66 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 4.66 ly

    Distance to Sol: 47.39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.05 ly

    Estimated value: 71,157 cr

  • 5.12 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 5.12 ly

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr

  • 8.23 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 8.23 ly

    Distance to Sol: 42.43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,997.57 ly

    Estimated value: 3,269 cr

  • 6.41 ly

    Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)
    Jump distance: 6.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 43.10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,993.20 ly

    Estimated value: 312,825 cr

  • Ship: [OTS] CASSINI'S LEGACY (Sidewinder)

    Distance to Sol: 46.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.57 ly

    Estimated value: 149,052 cr