CMDR Tolgar profile > Flight Log

(Federal Corvette)

43.76 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.76 lyDistance to Sol: 1,341.97 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,294.01 lyEstimated value: 551,081 cr
25.04 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 25.04 lyDistance to Sol: 1,365.37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,309.25 lyEstimated value: 4,841 cr
40.10 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40.10 lyDistance to Sol: 1,380.61 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,319.34 lyEstimated value: 8,647 cr
39.94 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.94 lyDistance to Sol: 1,396.57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,324.90 lyEstimated value: 65,463 cr
39.25 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.25 lyDistance to Sol: 1,433.01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,361.14 lyEstimated value: 3,616 cr
43.47 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.47 lyDistance to Sol: 1,462.20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,380.80 lyEstimated value: 226,128 cr
36.15 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 36.15 lyDistance to Sol: 1,504.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,421.45 lyEstimated value: 2,423 cr
43.90 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.90 lyDistance to Sol: 1,531.46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,439.16 lyEstimated value: 48,382 cr
41.81 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.81 lyDistance to Sol: 1,520.00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,418.81 lyEstimated value: 2,414 cr
44.67 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.67 lyDistance to Sol: 1,559.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,460.36 lyEstimated value: 1,212 cr
18.65 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 18.65 lyDistance to Sol: 1,598.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,490.33 lyEstimated value: 169,180 cr
35.45 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 35.45 lyDistance to Sol: 1,609.87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,502.87 lyEstimated value: 16,600 cr
42.82 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.82 lyDistance to Sol: 1,642.67 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,537.37 lyEstimated value: 17,291 cr
38.67 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38.67 lyDistance to Sol: 1,628.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,537.20 lyEstimated value: 1,214 cr
39.88 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.88 lyDistance to Sol: 1,663.77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,575.63 lyEstimated value: 180,355 cr
40.55 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40.55 lyDistance to Sol: 1,673.60 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,596.30 lyEstimated value: 367,671 cr
39.16 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.16 lyDistance to Sol: 1,662.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,594.55 lyEstimated value: 64,461 cr
30.91 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 30.91 lyDistance to Sol: 1,652.67 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,592.79 lyEstimated value: 47,344 cr
43.46 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.46 lyDistance to Sol: 1,668.48 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,613.82 lyEstimated value: 16,851 cr
34.46 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 34.46 lyDistance to Sol: 1,656.04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,611.51 lyEstimated value: 62,478 cr
42.84 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.84 lyDistance to Sol: 1,690.34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,645.46 lyEstimated value: 563,995 cr
42.54 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.54 lyDistance to Sol: 1,728.73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,686.46 lyEstimated value: 313,545 cr
38.75 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38.75 lyDistance to Sol: 1,728.55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,691.90 lyEstimated value: 158,633 cr
42.78 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.78 lyDistance to Sol: 1,720.35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,689.61 lyEstimated value: 101,746 cr
34.03 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 34.03 lyDistance to Sol: 1,714.03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,687.41 lyEstimated value: 2,419 cr
18.14 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 18.14 lyDistance to Sol: 1,714.08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,692.95 lyEstimated value: 175,579 cr
31.66 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 31.66 lyDistance to Sol: 1,696.35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,675.36 lyEstimated value: 313,794 cr
19.65 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 19.65 lyDistance to Sol: 1,671.68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,650.39 lyEstimated value: 1,210 cr
45.73 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.73 lyDistance to Sol: 1,653.96 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,634.19 lyEstimated value: 2,419 cr
41.92 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.92 lyDistance to Sol: 1,622.60 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,600.04 lyEstimated value: 570,141 cr
42.90 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.90 lyDistance to Sol: 1,584.46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,563.94 lyEstimated value: 1,231 cr
41.16 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.16 lyDistance to Sol: 1,551.15 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,530.15 lyEstimated value: 90,753 cr
44.51 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.51 lyDistance to Sol: 1,511.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,491.29 lyEstimated value: 103,970 cr
42.97 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.97 lyDistance to Sol: 1,468.41 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,446.94 lyEstimated value: 6,909 cr
42.83 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.83 lyDistance to Sol: 1,427.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,407.37 lyEstimated value: 108,530 cr
39.89 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.89 lyDistance to Sol: 1,389.65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,372.74 lyEstimated value: 43,026 cr
45.28 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.28 lyDistance to Sol: 1,354.55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,338.96 lyEstimated value: 2,409 cr
42.74 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.74 lyDistance to Sol: 1,313.31 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,300.73 lyEstimated value: 3,719 cr
42.83 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.83 lyDistance to Sol: 1,278.13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,262.68 lyEstimated value: 6,014 cr
44.92 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.92 lyDistance to Sol: 1,236.12 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,219.88 lyEstimated value: 63,007 cr
41.92 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.92 lyDistance to Sol: 1,195.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,181.99 lyEstimated value: 7,207 cr
41.66 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.66 lyDistance to Sol: 1,156.17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,140.71 lyEstimated value: 30,249 cr
44.95 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.95 lyDistance to Sol: 1,117.70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,101.85 lyEstimated value: 5,206 cr
43.13 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.13 lyDistance to Sol: 1,076.96 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,063.77 lyEstimated value: 2,410 cr
39.66 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.66 lyDistance to Sol: 1,036.85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23,025.61 lyEstimated value: 660,272 cr
32.96 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 32.96 lyDistance to Sol: 997.46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,987.29 lyEstimated value: 1,228 cr
45.20 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.20 lyDistance to Sol: 970.41 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,961.00 lyEstimated value: 80,763 cr
42.02 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.02 lyDistance to Sol: 925.87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,916.95 lyEstimated value: 22,035 cr
44.32 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.32 lyDistance to Sol: 884.12 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,874.94 lyEstimated value: 7,344 cr
42.41 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.41 lyDistance to Sol: 841.50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,834.13 lyEstimated value: 69,995 cr
41.92 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.92 lyDistance to Sol: 799.81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,793.01 lyEstimated value: 5,706 cr
41.02 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.02 lyDistance to Sol: 760.37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,752.27 lyEstimated value: 4,707 cr
45.22 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.22 lyDistance to Sol: 720.75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,712.36 lyEstimated value: 19,410 cr
40.22 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40.22 lyDistance to Sol: 677.11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,670.28 lyEstimated value: 1,219 cr
45.15 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.15 lyDistance to Sol: 638.85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,633.98 lyEstimated value: 56,930 cr
42.76 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42.76 lyDistance to Sol: 598.17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,593.75 lyEstimated value: 1,205 cr
43.09 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.09 lyDistance to Sol: 557.81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,553.87 lyEstimated value: 47,805 cr
45.82 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.82 lyDistance to Sol: 519.43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,516.88 lyEstimated value: 14,113 cr
41.31 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.31 lyDistance to Sol: 475.73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,472.48 lyEstimated value: 6,219 cr
45.85 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.85 lyDistance to Sol: 435.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,431.96 lyEstimated value: 5,705 cr
45.58 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.58 lyDistance to Sol: 392.50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,390.84 lyEstimated value: 40,626 cr
44.69 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.69 lyDistance to Sol: 347.98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,345.64 lyEstimated value: 57,240 cr
45.76 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.76 lyDistance to Sol: 304.64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,301.19 lyEstimated value: 245,801 cr
41.39 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41.39 lyDistance to Sol: 263.90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,260.66 lyEstimated value: 104,761 cr
45.23 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.23 lyDistance to Sol: 222.82 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,219.49 lyEstimated value: 4,813 cr
45.85 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.85 lyDistance to Sol: 183.80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,176.81 lyEstimated value: 1,206 cr
45.51 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.51 lyDistance to Sol: 146.11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,134.11 lyEstimated value: 3,611 cr
45.50 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.50 lyDistance to Sol: 114.96 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,090.39 lyEstimated value: 2,413 cr
44.43 ly
Ship: Lofty Fog (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44.43 lyDistance to Sol: 82.91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,044.92 lyEstimated value: 98,586 cr
22.77 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 22.77 lyDistance to Sol: 64.43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,000.98 lyEstimated value: 371,310 cr
37.42 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 37.42 lyDistance to Sol: 72.60 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,009.89 lyEstimated value: 38,593 cr
35.28 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 35.28 lyDistance to Sol: 91.54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,039.63 lyEstimated value: 26,592 cr
19.20 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 19.20 lyDistance to Sol: 119.87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,069.65 lyEstimated value: 53,039 cr
37.69 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 37.69 lyDistance to Sol: 102.51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,056.04 lyEstimated value: 213,050 cr
38.19 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.19 lyDistance to Sol: 70.71 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,031.94 lyEstimated value: 55,239 cr
18.15 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 18.15 lyDistance to Sol: 64.43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,000.98 lyEstimated value: 371,310 cr
38.79 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.79 lyDistance to Sol: 74.54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,004.97 lyEstimated value: 290,096 cr
38.14 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.14 lyDistance to Sol: 78.34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,005.30 lyEstimated value: 1,201 cr
38.90 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.90 lyDistance to Sol: 99.72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,018.57 lyEstimated value: 125,364 cr
23.76 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 23.76 lyDistance to Sol: 136.18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,019.06 lyEstimated value: 333,090 cr
38.08 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.08 lyDistance to Sol: 114.40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,021.49 lyEstimated value: 856,301 cr
39.10 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 39.10 lyDistance to Sol: 77.08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,017.23 lyEstimated value: 2,428 cr
21.54 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 21.54 lyDistance to Sol: 48.84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,992.50 lyEstimated value: 52,945 cr
39.00 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 39.00 lyDistance to Sol: 56.51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,982.92 lyEstimated value: 52,492 cr
130.40 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 130.40 lyDistance to Sol: 83.37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,964.26 lyEstimated value: 2,406 cr
34.37 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 34.37 lyDistance to Sol: 99.01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,994.36 lyEstimated value: 23,905 cr
37.50 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 37.50 lyDistance to Sol: 77.64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,019.19 lyEstimated value: 110,346 cr
37.55 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 37.55 lyDistance to Sol: 74.14 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,050.04 lyEstimated value: 210,104 cr
13.15 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 13.15 lyDistance to Sol: 81.84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,075.76 lyEstimated value: 77,820 cr
15.42 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 15.42 lyDistance to Sol: 72.64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,067.90 lyEstimated value: 470,176 cr
35.04 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 35.04 lyDistance to Sol: 59.29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,055.76 lyEstimated value: 5,704 cr
38.89 ly
Ship: SILENT BEAR (Python)
Jump distance: 38.89 lyDistance to Sol: 48.93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,029.50 lyEstimated value: 2,431 cr
12.23 ly
Jump distance: 12.23 ly
Distance to Sol: 64.43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,000.98 lyEstimated value: 371,310 cr
12.72 ly
Jump distance: 12.72 ly
Distance to Sol: 57.42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,009.44 lyEstimated value: 361,914 cr
19.88 ly
Jump distance: 19.88 ly
Distance to Sol: 53.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,017.89 lyEstimated value: 7,413 cr
21.62 ly
Jump distance: 21.62 ly
Distance to Sol: 51.37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,032.49 lyEstimated value: 3,609 cr
19.88 ly
Jump distance: 19.88 ly
Distance to Sol: 53.65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,042.44 lyEstimated value: 17,442 cr
21.30 ly
Jump distance: 21.30 ly
Distance to Sol: 61.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,057.07 lyEstimated value: 7,228 cr
13.15 ly
Jump distance: 13.15 ly
Distance to Sol: 81.84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,075.76 lyEstimated value: 77,820 cr
16.28 ly
Jump distance: 16.28 ly
Distance to Sol: 72.64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,067.90 lyEstimated value: 470,176 cr