CMDR Puncturist profile > Logbook

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Member since:
11 Jun 2018
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Systems discovered first:
1,022,036,056 Cr
Beagle Point! Yeah!

I've finally made it to Beagle Point! Officially over 65k ly from Sol :-)

Next stop: Beagle Point!

As any commander would do, I've saluted Zy at his memorial while reflecting...

It has taken me a long time to reach this point, as I've taken the long way round from Sol all along the Sagittarius-Carina Arm, but it was a great voyage. And it isn't the end!

Me @ Zy's memorial

With over a billion credits in exploration data in my ship, it's time to head to the nearest station.

That would be Explorer's Anchorage in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system, 39k ly from here.

It will take me a while :-) The things I will see before I get there...

I guess we should settle here!

I've just come across a system with one neutron star and one M class star. That's nothing special, but the M class has 6 terraformable planets (!), of which 5 are water worlds! That's 6.3M credits in exploration payout :-)

Also, three high metal content worlds... I guess at 43.4k ly from Sol, it's a nice place for an outpost. If I could build my own, I would!

On to Beagle Point

After much deliberation and a nice vacation, I've decided to just head along the arm I'm in already, as that will eventually lead me to Beagle Point!

Always wanted to go there ;-)

See you in "a bit" :-)

So, where to? And a scary system!

Well, after trying to get to Void's Brink by manually finding a cross over between the Sagittarius-Carina Arm and Perseus Arm, I've decided it is not the way. I should have started out in a southerly direction from Sol and then follow the Perseus Arm... So, here I am, 40k ly from Sol on the Sagittarius-Carina Arm, looking for a better destination.

I have come across a type of planet I hadn't seen before! A water world with rings :-)

Ringed water world

And I nearly whetted myself when I jumped in to this system with a fast spinning neutron star and another star very close to the entry point:

Scary binary

That's it for now. Lets think about where I'm heading now...

How many?! 65!

OK, I'm used to systems having none to 40-something bodies, but I just left a system with 65 astronomical bodies... A record for me anyway!

65-body system

A long way around...

Well, I am still on my way to Voids Brink. Loosely, that is.

I could not find a direct path over the gap between the Sagittarius-Carina arm and the Perseus arm, not even with 75ly potential jumps, so I'm taking a long way around and visiting a lot of stuff that is "on the way".

A black hole at 480ly? That's close by! Well, it shows that even distance is relative ;-)

12k ly to go and it's getting harder...

I'm still on my way to Void's Brink and have a little over 12k ly to go.

The thing is, it is getting harder and harder to find a route. I am in between the Sagittarius-Carina Arm and Perseus Arm and it's a lot of empty space out here. There aren't many systems and they are far apart.

So, it's a lot of manual route plotting and probing, but I'm sure I'll get there. Others did!

Only 17.8k ly to go

I'm now officially over 25k ly from Sol. 26k ly to be exact. It is a long way.

So, onward we go to Void's Brink. 17.8k ly to go and I'm hoping for some more exiting systems and planets. Most systems I come through are dull places, but there is the occasional gem, although it has been a while.

Fly save, commanders!

Almost half way!

Yep. Almost half way on my voyage :-)

I'm now 21k ly from Sol and 22k ly from Void's Brink. The nearest inhabited system is now NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 at 18k ly.

Won't be meeting humans anytime soon, I guess.

Feeling blue?

So, about 28k ly left in my voyage to Brink's Void and a little over 15k ly from Sol. The numbers are mind boggling.

I've just come through a very interesting system. A neutron star and an M-class star with 6 bodies around it, of which 5 are terraformable. That's the most I've seen in a single system yet :-)

Can you imagine living near a neutron star? I'd be feeling blue all day ;-)