CMDR Werdna profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Oooh Shiny [133SW2]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
17 Oct 2015
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
2,211,704,750 Cr
Class B Supergiants Are Easy!

While it turned out my first selection of a class B supergiant had already been claimed, my second one Eol Prou ZE-A f7 had not. It was only about 9 jumps from Colonia, too.

Eol Prou ZE-A f7 2

The view is from the rim of a large impact crater looking back towards the supergiant from a bit over 2000Ls. The Colonia nebula is to the bottom right of the image. The nebula between the star and galaxy is Dryooe Prou AA-A h55. The one just peeking out from behind my Krait Phantom is Dryooe Prou AA-A h131.

The surface of the crater wall was extremely lumpy and formed some nice canyons to fly down. Poor flying and 1.37G resulted in loss of shields and 5% off the hull. I could have repaired that, but decided not to bother since I was returning to Colonia anyway.

Class-G Supergiants Are Hard To Find!

I must have searched tens of thousands of systems in the galmap, searching for a Class-G Supergiant. I'd noticed on EDSM that the systems were almost always "e" numbers, so I limited my searches to those. Even so, I ended up downloading a mouse macro utility (Mini Mouse Macro - it's standalone and doesn't even need installing) to speed up the galmap searching.

After many play sessions I eventually found Dumboea YZ-Y e2287. This is the view of the star from about 2800Ls.

Dumboea YZ-Y e2287 4

After scanning the system I decided to visit another system I found while searching - Dumboea UY-S e3-3733. I had noticed that this system had one of each type of main sequence star, except for an O-class. I was worried that I might run into one of the other stars on entry to the system, but the nearest stars to the entry star are 230Ls away.

While checking my list of first-discovered star classes, I discovered a new type had been added! Now I need to find a Class-B Supergiant!

Luckily, they are much easier to find. Search for the "AA-A h" pattern until a blue super giant turns up. I just need to find one nobody else has.


Made it! A successful landing on Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1.

Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1 Biological Site 2

The gravity was already above 5.3G when I got close enough for the gravity reading to appear and rose rapidly after that. Unlike the last high-gravity world I landed on, I was able to stay in orbital cruise right down to the drop altitude, then glide down to about 3km altitude. On landing, the gravity reading was 0.01G short: 11.00G:


I didn't even ding the shields - they read 100% when I checked immediately after landing. Next challenge is taking off...

I'm going to scout around this area to see if I can find an undiscovered class-G super giant.

Back in Black

After a month of slowly collecting and trading materials, I've fully engineered a Krait Mk2 as an armed trader for "general missions", and a Krait Phantom for exploration.

I've never really liked the Kraits - I've preferred the Python for a long time, but the Krait Mk2 was fine for doing surface scans, prospecting, and hauling cargo from A to B.

As a "shakedown cruise" for the Krait Phantom, I'm going to Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1 - an 11.01G planet!

Tolagarf's Junkyard

I'm starting my expedition at Tolagarf's Junkyard. The Krait Phantom has a respectable 63.44Ly jump range and I've been pleasantly surprised that it's only 38 jumps to get there.

Exploration Data Bonanza

It's been seven months since I paused this main account and switched to my alt account for a while.

For that time I've been selling 400 Arx worth of exploration data each week. This week, I finally brought my account balance up to 4,000,000,000Cr!

Got more credits than Uncle Scrooge!

I know it's not much in these days of LTD cheesing, but I feel like I earned this properly.

I had estimated that I would end up with a balance of about 4.1 BCr by the time I sold all my data, and it's looking to be about 4.18 BCr. I estimate I have one more week of exploration data to sell.

Now that I have the badge - it's time to start spending. There's going to be a new Krait Mk2 for Colonia mission running while I unlock the engineers here. Then there's going to be a Krait Phantom fitted for exploration. Finally, I'll probably buy a Mamba. All these are going to engineered as best they can in Colonia, then left here as my 'Colonia' ships.

Made It To Colonia

Today would have been Day 255 of Distant Worlds 2. I finally made it to Colonia.

I first landed at Colonia Hub, primarily because I really don't like docking the Beluga at space stations, but also because it is controlled by the Colonia Council and I wanted to sell my exploration data there.

Colonia Hub

First thing I did was repair my ship, including the paint. I'm not one of those commanders who thinks a tatty ship looks good. I like to see my decals!

DW2 Decal

As it turned out, Colonia Hub doesn't have a Universal Cartographics, so I flew to Prisma Renata which does.

After selling two pages (about 100MCr) worth of exploration data, I exited to the main menu to see how my Arx was going - 400 already!

According to EDSM, I should have a little over 2.8BCr of exploration data to sell. If I don't want to waste Arx, it's going to take a while to sell!

I'll take the opportunity to work on my alt account after neglecting it for many months.

Nearly To Colonia

A mere eight jumps from Colonia, I discovered another Earth-Like World - Eol Prou MT-G c11-175 CDE 2.

Eol Prou MT-G c11-175 CDE 2

I should probably stop these close-up photos - it's just a big tease reminding me that we can't land on these worlds.

Agnaimt YP-N d7-26 3

Still slowly making my way towards Colonia. Still got about 7,000Ly to go.

Today I found an Earth-like world, Agnaimt YP-N d7-26 3, the first for some time. Got some nice screenshots from it, too.

Agnaimt YP-N d7-26 3

Stopping for screenshots

I'm now about 400 jumps from Colonia. I decided it was time for a break from travelling to get some screenshots and found a rocky moon with some volcanism orbiting a gas giant.

Dryua Ble UZ-W d2-5 6 a had a couple of volcanic spots down some canyons located with nice views of the gas giant on the horizon.

Dryua Ble UZ-W d2-5 6 a

The second area had a very deep canyon.

Dryua Ble UZ-W d2-5 6 a

I was able to park the Esra Taf at the top of the canyon and still able to drive to the end of the canyon with her taking off. I got to 1.7km away at most and was able to drive down the bottom of the canyon and examine the volcanic vents there.

First Helium-Rich Gas Giant

One of the more obscure "to-do" things while on the Distant Worlds 2 trip was to find at least one Helium-Rich Gas Giant. It was the only planetary body type on my EDSM Exploration dashboard that was "first discovery: 0".

I searched EDSM for helium-rich gas giants and located Eok Greau HS-R d5-64 a little over 1,000Ly from me that had nine, so I headed there on the reasonable assumption that other helium-rich gas giants might be in nearby systems.

As it turned out, the second system I visited had 2. The first one had a rocky moon orbiting quite close to the rings. What a nice view of my first EDSM discovered helium-rich gas giant:

Eok Greau HS-R d5-62 2

When I then checked my exploration dashboard to confirm, I found out that G-class super-giants have been added to the list of stellar bodies - and I haven't been first to discover any of those!

Sigh, one step forward, one step back.