Galactic News

  • 12 September 3306
  • Inquiry into Starship One’s Destruction Concludes

    An independent inquiry by the Federal Attorney’s Office into the destruction of presidential vessel Starship One has produced a final report.

    Senior Attorney Milandu Okoro made this statement:

    “The loss of presidential vessel Starship One in May 3301, along with hundreds of lives, was a great tragedy. Despite suspicion that this was an attempt to eliminate then-President Jasmina Halsey, initial investigations concluded that a catastrophic malfunction of its drive systems was the likely cause.”

    “A new inquiry was opened when fresh evidence came to light, including testimonies from several members of the Federal Navy. Our final report states that there is sufficient reason to believe Starship One was destroyed by deliberate sabotage.”

    “A grand jury has determined that criminal charges should be made. We have shared our findings with the Federal Intelligence Agency, and understand that an arrest will take place shortly.”

    The inquiry report is not yet in the public domain, but is thought to allege that illegal modifications were made to the Frame Shift Drive system of Starship One in advance of its destruction during flight through hyperspace.

  • 11 September 3306
  • Starport Upgrade Initiative to Support Fleet Carriers

    A press release from Brewer Corporation discusses plans to improve access to refuelling for owners of fleet carriers.

    “We have been surprised and gratified by the popularity of our latest product. The options for independent pilots and crews have been considerably expanded by the versatility and capability of our Drake-Class Carriers.”

    “But we have also listened to customers’ concerns, in particular that large ships such as Anacondas, Corvettes and Clippers cannot dock with refinery outposts to take on Tritium fuel.”

    “To help alleviate this issue, Brewer Corporation has partnered with two independent construction firms: Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Steel Castle Inc. They are tasked with upgrading a number of outposts into fully functioning starports, in order to make refuelling runs more efficient.”

    The two construction companies that won this contract both have impressive track records in modifying orbital habitats. Kavanagh Spaceframes specialises in Orbis starports, while Steel Castle exclusively works with Coriolis designs. The projects are expected to begin next week.

  • 10 September 3306
  • Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports

    Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders

    The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels:

    “There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval’s home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility.”

    “In coordinated attacks they have also struck at Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.”

    “We urgently request assistance from the galactic community with repairing these starports and rescuing their populations.”

    The Imperial Internal Security Service issued a bulletin regarding this current threat:

    “The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is a paramilitary force of political extremists, whose activities have been small-scale until now.”

    “Marlinism is a well-known ideology inspired by Marlin Duval, who established the Republic of Achenar in the 23rd century prior to it becoming the Empire. Many people in the fringe systems are Marlinists, who want to replace hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators. Neo-Marlinism is a more radical conviction that only terror tactics will force such change.”

    “The NMLA’s hatred of the Imperial Family explains why it has targeted starports under the Duval banner. But its use of portable military-grade explosives is unprecedented, suggesting an increase in resources.”

  • 9 June 3306
  • Vitadyne Nanomedicines Reach Galactic Market

    The nanomedicines developed in December 3304 by Vitadyne Labs have been approved for distribution to medical facilities across the galaxy.

    At the time of Vitadyne’s original announcement, the nanomedicines were believed to be mere weeks away from widespread availability. The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) had verified the medicine’s healing properties, and Vitadyne Labs owner Professor Katrien Rook had been hailed as a genius for spearheading the research and development project.

    But some questioned how a relatively small company could produce such advanced drugs – questions that were answered when Pranav Antal announced that the nanomeds were derived from pharmaceuticals developed by the Utopia commune. Responding to accusations of theft, Professor Rook clarified that the original nanomeds had been legally salvaged from the wreckage of a Utopian transport ship.

    A lengthy legal battle followed, with Pranav Antal demanding the return of both the original nanomedicines and the Vitadyne derivatives. Vitadyne argued that the derivatives were of great potential benefit to humanity, and should be made available for sale. The IHO eventually ruled in favour of Vitadyne Labs, with the caveat that all distribution be maintained by an established pharmaceutical corporation.

    That honour went to the Vandermeer Corporation, which has now established the necessary manufacturing facilities. It has taken a year for all parties to agree on the rigid quality control measures and personnel qualifications required for the production of the nanomedicines.

    “I am proud to announce that Vitadyne nanomedicines are now available for distribution from the Kuma system,” said Professor Rook at a press conference at Elion Dock. “We have established a fantastic relationship with the Vandermeer team, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of our labour with humanity.”

  • 14 January 3306
  • Witch Head System Designations Updated

    Universal Cartographics has updated the names of fifteen systems in the Witch Head enclave.

    Cynthia Sideris, chair of Universal Cartographics, elaborated on the development:

    “Last year’s colonisation efforts resulted in a number of new settlements in the region, and providing systems with less unwieldy appellations is of great benefit to explorers. For example, ‘the Wisanye system’ rolls off the tongue much more agreeably than ‘the Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-7 system’.”

    “We are confident that these more personable memorable terms will be welcomed by the Witch Head community.”

    The Witch Head enclave is currently experiencing a number of Thargoid incursions, prompting local factions to call for assistance.

  • 13 January 3306
  • Thargoid Incursions in Witch Head Enclave

    A series of Thargoid incursions into human-occupied Witch Head systems has alarmed the region’s colonists. Multiple casualties have been reported, with pilots caught off-guard by the sudden increase in Thargoid ships.

    The Thargoids had largely withdrawn from the Witch Head enclave following a heavy defeat in July 3305. Following a significant increase in Thargoid activity, Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research offered the following comments to Vox Galactica:

    “Regrettably, the Thargoids were unlikely to surrender this area of space after a single defeat. Humanity may have established the Witch Head enclave, but the Thargoids are clearly still intent on driving us out – particularly with so many barnacle sites in the region.”

    With starports at considerable risk of assault, local authorities are hopeful that a defence force can be organised soon. A number of independent pilots have already travelled great distances to engage the Thargoid forces.

    Kelvin Masters, a regular pundit for the Rewired network, provided this take:

    “Those people in the Witch Head are crazy if they thought the Thargoids were just going to roll over like good pups. We’re six months down the road from our initial expansion into the sector, and the local factions seem to have forgotten they’re living in Thargoid space. There’s a little push-and-shove for influence going on, corporations vying for control. What’s going to happen in the Witch Head enclave now the Thargoids are back in force?”

  • 18 December 3305
  • Reorte Year’s End Festivities Conclude

    End-of-year celebrations have concluded in the Reorte system, with organisers declaring the week a grand success.

    Deliveries by independent pilots ensured that the needs of the billion-plus attendees were met. Meanwhile, agitators in the system were prevented from intercepting convoys or causing trouble.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon offered this statement:

    “I’d like to express my gratitude and appreciation to everybody involved in the festivities, from interstellar traders to revellers on the streets. Now, as goods are packed away and sensory experience hubs are dismantled all across Home, the clean-up efforts begin. It has been a real honour to witness so many come together in Reorte.”

    “On behalf of the Alliance Assembly, I wish everybody a most prosperous New Year.”

    Pilots who took part in either campaign can now obtain their rewards from Davies High in the Reorte system.

  • 12 December 3305
  • Year’s End Festivities in Reorte

    The Reorte system has been selected for the Alliance’s end-of-year festivities, prompting huge demand for commodities.

    Traders, performance artists and chefs throughout Allied space have already flocked to the system, where billions of attendees are expected. The planet Home is planning a synchronous firework display spanning every continent, while the habitation decks of Davies High will offer a culinary celebration featuring dishes from across the galaxy.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was the guest of honour at the commencement ceremony, and he offered these words to the gathered press:

    “As the year draws to a close we have a lot to be thankful for. There is peace between the superpowers. Thargoid encroachments on human space have ceased. Through hard work and cooperation, we have proven ourselves capable of rising together in response to significant challenges. This is something each and every one of us can be proud of.”

    “And so, the Reorte system will host a celebration to tell future generations about. We call upon the galactic community to ensure the system is well supplied, and look forward to rewarding these ever-reliable pilots for their continued service.”

    The Reorte Mining Coalition has elected to oversee the initiative. Units of fish, fruit and vegetables, animal meat and beer have been requested at Davies High in the Reorte system. More exotic traders are also encouraged to bring units of Lavian Brandy, Anduliga Fire Works and Eranin Pearl Whiskey.

    To ensure the celebration goes without a hitch, the Reorte Mining Coalition has also offered to pay handsomely for all bounties collected on wanted ships in the system.

    The initiative is scheduled to run from the 12th to the 18th of December 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • 11 December 3305
  • Holloway Biology Centre Opens

    Following months of setbacks, the Holloway Biology Centre has finally opened in the Colonia system. The research centre will focus on the study of newly catalogued lifeforms.

    Dr Roy Casimir, chief researcher at the Holloway Bioscience Institute, held a press conference at the opening ceremony, and discussed the delays that followed a successful campaign to found the centre in February this year:

    “Our study of the lifeforms discovered over the past year formed the basis of the research centre’s designs. As the volume of scans provided by the galactic community continued to grow, it became apparent that we lacked the laboratory space required to study it all.”

    “As a result, the Holloway Bioscience Institute committed to several months of investment and redesign, to ensure that a wide variety of material could be analysed. We are confident that this decision will prove more than worthwhile, and our scientists are excited to work in this state-of-the-art facility.”

    The Holloway Biology Centre is located in the Colonia system on Colonia 7 G.

  • 5 December 3305
  • Golconda’s Inhabitants Migrate to Forester’s Choice

    The crew of the generation ship Golconda have migrated to their new home - the outpost Forester’s Choice in the Upaniklis system.

    Following a successful bid to assist the Golconda crew with their relocation, the Federation arranged for transportation from the ancient vessel to the outpost now in orbit around Upaniklis B 3.

    Communication with the generation ship in the days prior to departure revealed a certain amount of trepidation among their people. But with centuries of space travel having exhausted the Golconda’s ability to adequately sustain the colonists, the majority supported the decision to relocate.

    The Golconda’s command staff also confirmed that they would continue distillation of the beverage Apa Vietii. This unique spirit will be on sale to traders from Forester’s Choice.

    Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion Independent University, was on hand to observe the mass resettlement:

    “Many of the colonists openly wept as they stepped aboard the transport vessels, speaking words of thanks and sorrow to the Golconda itself. On several occasions, the emigrants broke spontaneously into song, with hundreds locked arm-in-arm.”

    “During the flight I overheard a group of youths chatting excitedly about the technology that would be available to them, perhaps ignorant of the significance of their journey. But most striking was the people’s collective determination to maintain their unique culture, and to remain together as they enter this new chapter.”

    “It remains to be seen whether this society will retain its isolationist outlook or willingly integrate with the galaxy. We can only hope that these remarkable travellers from the past will be left alone long enough to explore 34th-century humanity at their own pace.”

    To celebrate this historic event, the Federation has announced that a purchase discount will be applied to Federal ships between the 5th and 16th of December 3305.

  • 25 November 3305
  • Black Friday Sale - Now On!

  • 24 November 3305
  • Federation Delivers Golconda’s New Home

    The Federation has won the bid to provide the Golconda’s population with a permanent home, beating a rival effort by the Empire.

    Both campaigns received support from the galactic community, but the initiative to create a new orbital outpost for the generation ship’s inhabitants ultimately proved more popular than the construction of a planetary port.

    An official message from the Golconda confirmed that the colonists were impressed by the superpower’s success, and have agreed to migrate to the outpost once it has been completed. The outpost will be named Forester’s Choice to honour the captain of the Golconda, Jonathon Forester.

    The Golconda crew have also accepted the status of a Federal partner while retaining their autonomy.

    Congressman Harlan Turk made this statement:

    “We are proud to offer a fresh start to a society descended from the Federation’s forebears. Their unique culture will continue to thrive among the stars at an outpost that enjoys Federal protection.”

    Imperial Senator Ava Cornelius sent a message of goodwill to Captain Forester and his crew. She admitted disappointment at the Golconda’s decision but wished the colonists peace and prosperity for the future.

    Supporters of the Imperial and Federal campaigns can now collect outstanding rewards from their respective megaships in the Upaniklis system.

  • 22 November 3305
  • A Gift from the Golconda

    The inhabitants of the generation ship Golconda have offered a token of gratitude to authorities in the Upaniklis system for their recent help.

    The gift was a case of an alcoholic spirit labelled Apa Vietii, distilled only aboard the Golconda for many centuries. An accompanying note explained that the production technique has remained largely unchanged since the 22nd century.

    Analysis of the beverage confirmed it was safe for consumption, although nothing is known of the raw ingredients or distillation process.

    As yet very few people have sampled Apa Vietii, but the celebrated gourmet and critic Giles Cappelleo was invited to appraise the spirit:

    “Well, what a delight this is – to experience a previously unheard-of libation! Apa Vietii is refreshing on the palate with a smooth, crisp flavour, but delivers a vigorous thump to the senses once swallowed. If it ever becomes widely available, connoisseurs everywhere would surely adore it. The Golconda crew is sitting atop a potential goldmine!”

    Professor Elizabeth Perez of the Orion Independent University provided an anthropologist’s take:

    “This is a significant gesture from a society that has been highly reluctant to interact with outsiders. Although their isolationist stance remains prevalent, offering Apa Vietii could be interpreted as the start of a cultural exchange programme prior to rejoining civilisation.”

  • 18 November 3305
  • Superpowers Compete over Golconda’s Future

    The Empire and the Federation have announced rival initiatives to provide a new home for the crew of the generation ship Golconda.

    During the aid appeal by Upaniklis Vision Incorporated, engineering experts confirmed that the ancient vessel can no longer meet the colony’s needs. While the Golconda was designed for long-term habitation, it lacks adequate facilities for the current population levels.

    After lengthy discussion, the Golconda’s leaders have reluctantly decided to abandon the vessel. But the ship’s captain, Jonathon Forester, has insisted that its population remain together in one location.

    The Empire has vowed to help the colonists complete the ship’s original mission by establishing a planetside home. Senator Ava Cornelius summarised the campaign:

    “After generations in an artificial environment, we want to reward these travellers with a world to call their own, fulfilling their destiny after a millennium of adventure. Contemporary agricultural techniques will enable them to become a self-sustaining colony with full Imperial support.”

    The Federation has taken a different approach, offering to create an outpost where the Golconda’s spacefaring traditions can continue. This was outlined by Congressman Harlan Turk:

    “These people have the inalienable right to continue their current way of life. A modern outpost will offer vastly superior amenities while allowing their culture to remain intact, with facilities for new trade relationships within Federal market guidelines.”

    Both superpowers have asked the galactic community to support their campaigns. Pilots can deliver polymers, CMM composites, titanium, beryllium and thallium to either of the megaships in the Upaniklis system: The Lucent Embrace for the Empire or Keller’s Resolve for the Federation.

    The initiative is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 26th of November 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • 15 November 3305
  • Golconda Attracts Superpower Interest

    The discovery of an inhabited generation ship has attracted attention from both the Empire and the Federation.

    A recent trade appeal in the Upaniklis system provided the Golconda with emergency aid. Each of the superpowers has since deployed a megaship to the area, along with proposals for integrating the Golconda’s crew into the galactic community.

    Imperial senator Ava Cornelius released this statement:

    “This remarkable thousand-year mission exemplifies humanity’s indomitable spirit. We stand ready to help these colonists complete that mission by constructing a new planetary settlement exclusively for their use. There, they will finally be able to enjoy solid ground and open skies, in a colony that thrives under Imperial protection.”

    Federal Congressman Harlan Turk outlined an alternative approach:

    “As the descendants of a generation ship launched from Sol, we view these courageous travellers as honorary Federal citizens. We therefore hold that they are entitled to remain a spacefaring commune as their ancestors wished, and intend to honour their traditional way of life with an orbital outpost to call their own.”

    There has been minimal communication with the Golconda, and only a select few representatives of Upaniklis Vision Incorporated have interacted with the colonists. Assuming that the freshly donated supplies can fortify this micro-civilisation, vital decisions will need to be made regarding the Golconda’s future.

  • 14 November 3305
  • Golconda Receives Vital Aid

    The initiative in the Upaniklis system to provide the generation ship Golconda with essential supplies has concluded successfully.

    A statement was provided by Itsuko Harada of Upaniklis Vision Incorporated:

    “Sincere thanks to all traders who delivered medicines and emergency supplies, and also to the brave pilots who protected these shipments against pirate raids. Transfer of the goods to the Golconda has concluded, and I understand they were accepted gratefully.”

    The medical supplies were accompanied by representatives of the Interstellar Health Organisation, who advised the colonists on their use. Team leader Dr Ivan Johansen commented:

    “Our antiviral agents are far more advanced than those on the Golconda, and early indications suggest patients are responding well to treatment. Hopefully we have halted the outbreak of what the colony calls ‘the wasting kiss’.”

    Reports from Upaniklis government insiders indicate that communication with the Golconda has become more frequent, particularly in regards to technological advancements. Local media coverage has fuelled public speculation that the colonists should abandon their ancient vessel and establish a new home in the system.

    Pilots who took part in the campaign can now obtain their rewards from Fozard Port in the Upaniklis system.

  • 11 November 3305
  • The Golconda Generation

    The culture of the generation ship Golconda has been examined by Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion Independent University.

    “Little is known about the Golconda’s origins. There are no intact records of its launch, and the lack of archived blueprints suggests a privately funded colonisation attempt. But there’s no doubt this microcosm of 22nd Century society will have diverged over the past thousand years.”

    “The inhabitants’ language is entirely comprehensible, however, and their social structure is recognisable. Rigid security measures are in evidence, as one would expect from an isolationist culture.”

    “We also know there is a custodian tasked with ensuring the community’s wellbeing, and a chaplain who provides spiritual guidance. All signs point to contentment with – maybe even an addiction to – their spacefaring existence.”

    While audio messages recorded by the Golconda crew are available to the galactic community, only a select handful of individuals representing Upaniklis Vision Incorporated have been permitted to dock with the Golconda. Professor Perez travelled to Upaniklis to speak with them as part of her study.

    “Interviews with those who delivered supplies were fascinating. As one pilot put it: ‘The loading procedures were done at top speed, hardly any comms chatter at all. Nobody on the Golconda entered the cargo bays before we left. I got the impression they were scared stiff of us.’”

    “History shows that isolated cultures can be irrevocably damaged by contact with outsiders. We must ensure that efforts to support the Golconda community do not destroy this unique bubble-colony.”

  • 8 November 3305
  • Inhabited Generation Ship Discovered

    A generation ship with a living population has been discovered in the Upaniklis system.

    The ship’s distress signal was initially picked up by a listening post. Investigating pilots were surprised to find that the ancient vessel - identified as the Golconda - had drifted into the uninhabited region around Upaniklis B.

    Generation ships are huge, self-sufficient craft from the pre-hyperdrive era, designed to deliver their original crews’ descendants to uninhabited systems. Launched in the 22nd century, the Golconda has survived for more than a millennium as the home of a self-reliant society.

    But it is believed the vessel’s outdated facilities are struggling to meet the needs of its crew. The inhabitants have reported a lack of maintenance materials and medical supplies, the latter made more pertinent by a virus sweeping through the ship.

    Itsuko Harada of Upaniklis Vision Incorporated gave the following statement:

    “These visitors have crossed incredible distances, entirely disconnected from the rest of humanity until now. Sheer desperation has forced these proud people to call for help – a disease referred to as ‘the wasting kiss’ is running rampant, and in a closed environment its effects may prove catastrophic.”

    “Understandably, the Golconda’s people are reluctant to leave their home or interact with the rest of the galaxy, at least at present. They have gratefully accepted our offer of medical supplies and other materials, however.”

    Traders are asked to deliver basic medicines, advanced medicines, aluminium, ceramic composites and semiconductors to Fozard Port in the Upaniklis system. Upaniklis Vision Incorporated is also offering bounty vouchers on wanted ships to deter pirate activity in the area.

    The initiative is scheduled to run from the 8th to the 14th of November 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • 5 November 3305
  • Rockforth Corporation Releases Apology

    The CEO of Rockforth Corporation has expressed regret at her company’s role in the distribution of blight pathogen, which ravaged crops in hundreds of systems.

    In a statement to the media, Sylvia Rockforth insisted that the lack of proper oversight in the manufacture of EX7 fertiliser was an ‘anomaly’, inconsistent with the company’s ‘traditional commitment to quality’.

    “I offer my sincere apologies to everyone affected by the blight,” said Rockforth. “The premature release of an ultimately damaging product is unacceptable. My company now has a great deal of work ahead to regain the trust of our customers and partners. The foundation of a restitution fund, using profits made from EX7, is the first step towards doing so.”

    “A review of decisions preceding the release of EX7 has resulted in the termination of several Rockforth employee contracts. This includes former marketing director Rex Whitlock. Rex’s desire for career progression overcame his common sense, and his dismissal of regulatory practices placed billions of good people in danger.”

    In other news, Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture has confirmed that thousands of markets across the galaxy will now stock its specialised agronomic treatment.

    “We have established the widespread manufacture and distribution of the treatment, ensuring availability in the event of a blight outbreak,” said Dr Kane.

    “Additionally, data provided by IAA vessels indicates that we can accurately determine which areas of the galaxy are in need of agronomic treatment. One anomaly involved an unexpected call for supplies from the Upaniklis system, which will need to be investigated. But otherwise we are satisfied with our detection methods.”

  • 2 November 3305
  • The Lessons of the Blight

    The blight that laid waste to vast areas of cropland over the past month has now officially been contained.

    Reports from the Interstellar Association for Agriculture confirm that the blight has been eliminated from all affected systems. The new agronomic treatment has rejuvenated emaciated fields, with the remaining harvests once again viable.

    Journalist Adalyn Cross published a review of recent events on Vox Galactica:

    “As the availability of staple foodstuffs begins to return to something like a normal level, many pundits are asking what lessons can be learned from this catastrophe. The IAA has pledged to intensify screening regulations for agricultural commodities. The speed with which the blight spread caught many by surprise, and it is vital that this does not happen again.”

    “Intelligence agencies have pledged to review their strategies for tackling interstellar terrorism. The Scythe of Panem extremists who engineered the blight have been dealt with, but who else might be planning a biochemical attack?”

    Meanwhile, the Rockforth Corporation’s PR department is working hard to reassure customers and shareholders. Critics have underscored the role of the EX7 fertiliser as a primary delivery system for the pathogen, but a Rockforth source argued that the product’s sabotage by Scythe of Panem agents could not have been anticipated.

    Nevertheless, the company’s haste to increase profits has been highlighted as a contributing factor in the blight’s impact. Rockforth is expected to release a statement in the next few days, pending an internal review.