Advanced search > Stations

Found 51,532 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Ampere Survey
G 146-5 / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Democracy Military 69.39 ly
946.24 ls      
Laphrian Shipyard
Artemis / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 69.39 ly
239.74 ls      
The Legacy
Artemis / Mega ship
Empire Corporate Tourism 69.39 ly
2,133.25 ls      
Artemis / Asteroid base
Empire Corporate Industrial 69.39 ly
2,133.25 ls      
Suri Base
Artemis / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 69.39 ly
179.68 ls      
Stanley Installation
Artemis / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Military 69.39 ly
3,225.20 ls      
Buffett Works
LHS 4019 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 69.41 ly
2,080.51 ls      
Robinson Base
LHS 4019 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 69.41 ly
1,437.53 ls      
Ephesus / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 69.41 ly
0.00 ls      
Gregory Orbital
Wolf 750 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy High Tech 69.41 ly
1,531.29 ls      
Neumann Gateway
Wolf 750 / Outpost
Federation Corporate High Tech 69.41 ly
1,530.71 ls      
Nikolayev Settlement
Wolf 750 / Outpost
Federation Corporate High Tech 69.41 ly
1,879.91 ls      
Babcock Base
G 205-47 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Refinery 69.41 ly
154,361.29 ls      
Bain Horizons
G 205-47 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 69.41 ly
154,373.05 ls      
Loncke Terminal
BD-17 6172 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 69.42 ly
169,949.63 ls      
Dyson Installation
BD-17 6172 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 69.42 ly
169,097.81 ls      
Chun Market
BD-17 6172 / Orbis Starport
Independent Anarchy Agriculture 69.42 ly
169,172.83 ls      
Deslandres Survey
BD-17 6172 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 69.42 ly
170,114.64 ls      
Alvares Settlement
BD-17 6172 / Planetary Port
Independent Anarchy Refinery 69.42 ly
170,071.14 ls      
Roddenberry City
BD-17 6172 / Orbis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 69.42 ly
464.49 ls      
Cochrane Gateway
BD-17 6172 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 69.42 ly
170,014.19 ls      
Heck Dock
BD-17 6172 / Orbis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 69.42 ly
202.03 ls      
Cook Port
BD-17 6172 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 69.42 ly
170,027.69 ls      
Martin Depot
BD-17 6172 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 69.42 ly
170,082.33 ls      
Sadi Carnot Port
Theta Sculptoris / Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 69.42 ly
400.62 ls      
Sharipov Arsenal
Wolf 582 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 69.43 ly
2,043.53 ls      
Pavlou Barracks
Wolf 582 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 69.43 ly
1,473.38 ls      
Lopez-Alegria Port
Wolf 582 / Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 69.43 ly
3,696.82 ls      
Hauck Settlement
G 232-62 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 69.43 ly
872.03 ls      
Halley Installation
G 232-62 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 69.43 ly
870.22 ls      
Arkwright Horizons
LHS 1505 / Outpost
Alliance Democracy Refinery 69.45 ly
360.92 ls      
Meyrink Dock
Parnut / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 69.46 ly
296.64 ls      
West Point
Parnut / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 69.46 ly
296.60 ls      
Napier Orbital
Kamchairra / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Refinery 69.51 ly
75.24 ls      
d'Eyncourt City
Wolf 1487 / Outpost
Alliance Confederacy Refinery 69.53 ly
742.16 ls      
Steinmuller Outpost
Wolf 1487 / Outpost
Alliance Confederacy Refinery 69.53 ly
730.36 ls      
Phillips Arsenal
LP 640-74 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Military 69.55 ly
600.98 ls      
Grover Platform
V774 Tauri / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 69.59 ly
287.20 ls      
Shaw Refinery
LTT 9455 / Planetary Port
Federation Democracy Refinery 69.61 ly
15.48 ls      
Lee Settlement
LTT 9455 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 69.61 ly
38.90 ls      
Heinkel Relay
LTT 9455 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 69.61 ly
275.96 ls      
O'Leary Vision
LTT 9455 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 69.61 ly
15.48 ls      
Gaffney Vision
LTT 9455 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Colony 69.61 ly
1,262.98 ls      
Goonan Station
LTT 9455 / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship High Tech 69.61 ly
38.88 ls      
Hunt Base
MCC 467 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 69.66 ly
50,075.31 ls      
Fuca Ring
MCC 467 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 69.66 ly
50,080.73 ls      
Cook Penal colony
MCC 467 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 69.66 ly
50,023.37 ls      
Brunel Port
MCC 467 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture 69.66 ly
49,985.80 ls      
Preuss Station
Ualapalor / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.67 ly
942.35 ls      
Rochon Ring
Ualapalor / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture 69.67 ly
565.41 ls      
Wagner City
Ualapalor / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.67 ly
1,570.61 ls      
Anderson Terminal
Ualapalor / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.67 ly
942.35 ls      
Lu Point
Ualapalor / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 69.67 ly
942.36 ls      
Macquorn Rankine Depot
LP 714-58 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 69.68 ly
1,199.62 ls      
Ahmed Bastion
LP 714-58 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 69.68 ly
1,663.60 ls      
Archer Relay
40 Leonis / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 69.68 ly
2,417.97 ls      
Goeschke Horizons
40 Leonis / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.68 ly
2,213.10 ls      
Kennicott Escape
40 Leonis / Planetary Outpost
Federation Theocracy Colony 69.68 ly
2,415.42 ls      
Crown Port
Neits / Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 69.69 ly
17,639.63 ls      
Still Hangar
Neits / Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 69.69 ly
17,063.28 ls      
Leckie Prospect
Neits / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 69.69 ly
17,374.51 ls      
Chilton Dock
Terra Mater / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 69.73 ly
98.29 ls      
Terra Mater / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Agriculture 69.73 ly
495.18 ls      
Whitelaw Holdings
Terra Mater / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 69.73 ly
98.27 ls      
Caidin Arsenal
V419 Hydrae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 69.77 ly
2,917.62 ls      
Potter Orbital
V419 Hydrae / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.77 ly
2,018.15 ls      
Cabot Installation
V775 Herculis / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 69.77 ly
87,260.49 ls      
Vonarburg Enterprise
V775 Herculis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 69.77 ly
86,330.90 ls      
Vlamingh Hub
V775 Herculis / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 69.77 ly
86,429.02 ls      
Fontenay Depot
V775 Herculis / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 69.77 ly
1,488.05 ls      
Russo Ring
Aeneas / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 69.79 ly
2,118.43 ls      
Fanning Ring
Aeneas / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 69.79 ly
2,911.42 ls      
Drummond Legacy
Oeng Zhaob / Outpost
Independent Feudal Refinery 69.82 ly
233.78 ls      
Clough Keep
LTT 7370 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Feudal Military 69.83 ly
4,392.48 ls      
Arkwright Plant
LTT 7370 / Outpost
Independent Feudal Refinery 69.83 ly
4,192.05 ls      
Agassiz Hangar
LFT 551 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 69.84 ly
3,232.81 ls      
Ockels Relay
LDS 413 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 69.86 ly
34,489.82 ls      
Gemar Terminal
LDS 413 / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 69.86 ly
34,493.48 ls      
Friesner Installation
LDS 413 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 69.86 ly
34,465.76 ls      
Levinson City
I Puppis / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 69.87 ly
13,352.25 ls      
Goddard Gateway
Sugrivik / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 69.88 ly
480.45 ls      
Archambault Installation
Sugrivik / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Colony 69.88 ly
376.91 ls      
Grechko Ring
Sugrivik / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Tourism 69.88 ly
692.18 ls      
Hernandez Observatory
Sugrivik / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Colony 69.88 ly
376.35 ls      
Delbruck Dock
Sugrivik / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 69.88 ly
376.27 ls      
Maddox Relay
Sugrivik / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Military 69.88 ly
375.88 ls      
Sellings City
CN Bootis / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Refinery 69.90 ly
263.88 ls      
Crowley Lab
CN Bootis / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Colony 69.90 ly
2,862.67 ls      
Pullman Refinery
CN Bootis / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Refinery 69.90 ly
278,433.53 ls      
Dowling's Claim
CN Bootis / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Extraction 69.90 ly
264.37 ls      
Fife Vision
Lambda Arae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 69.93 ly
277.37 ls      
Onnes Station
Lambda Arae / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 69.93 ly
400.09 ls      
Walker Orbital
Lambda Arae / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 69.93 ly
276.37 ls      
Lambda Arae / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 69.93 ly
276.34 ls      
Laplace Landing
Lambda Arae / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 69.93 ly
275.69 ls      
Litke Landing
Lambda Arae / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 69.93 ly
276.37 ls      
Panshin Installation
Lambda Arae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 69.93 ly
276.37 ls      
Wiberg Orbital
Lambda Arae / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 69.93 ly
3,269.22 ls      
Redi Market
Lambda Arae / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 69.93 ly
969.44 ls      
Gibson Barracks
Lambda Arae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 69.93 ly
275.75 ls