Advanced search > Stations

Found 18,537 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Kier Enterprise
Valda / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 104.27 ly
1,014.56 ls      
Artsebarsky Gateway
20 Ophiuchi / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 104.28 ly
5,765.83 ls      
Chargaff Port
20 Ophiuchi / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 104.28 ly
3,689.11 ls      
Asher Vision
NLTT 47967 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Refinery 104.29 ly
113.53 ls      
Barth Keep
NLTT 47967 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 104.29 ly
200.95 ls      
Joliot-Curie Gateway
Hou Warwa / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.31 ly
889.12 ls      
Sverdrup Terminal
Babal / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Extraction 104.33 ly
18.86 ls      
Gentle Port
Pilintana / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Terraforming 104.33 ly
147.85 ls      
Hottot Enterprise
Atroco / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 104.33 ly
6,373.07 ls      
Watts Orbital
Atroco / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.33 ly
184.90 ls      
Lasswitz Port
Atroco / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.33 ly
128.02 ls      
Kurland Dock
Atroco / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.33 ly
79.99 ls      
Eschbach Plant
Atroco / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 104.33 ly
184.44 ls      
Dana Point
Amijangal / Outpost
Alliance Cooperative Extraction 104.36 ly
11.34 ls      
Smith Ring
Patani / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.42 ly
965.86 ls      
Cseszneky Dock
Patani / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 104.42 ly
1,328.84 ls      
Borlaug Terminal
Patani / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 104.42 ly
1,828.15 ls      
Wilmore Depot
23 Arietis / Planetary Port
Empire Patronage Refinery 104.43 ly
198.69 ls      
Smith Hub
Medimunda / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 104.44 ly
7.59 ls      
Bernoulli Enterprise
Medimunda / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 104.44 ly
5.26 ls      
Thuot Port
Arnaq / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 104.46 ly
2,209.13 ls      
Cheli City
Tyrfing / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Refinery 104.49 ly
2,507.63 ls      
Houssay Ring
Aasgananu / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.50 ly
11.77 ls      
Sturckow Platform
Aasgananu / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 104.50 ly
1,115.62 ls      
Walter Ring
LHS 2150 / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.51 ly
623.50 ls      
Reynolds Port
LHS 2150 / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture 104.51 ly
414.40 ls      
Pryor Dock
Idungbates / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 104.52 ly
10,968.91 ls      
Alexander Freeport
Vasude / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 104.52 ly
1,102.60 ls      
Diophantus Arsenal
Vasude / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 104.52 ly
1,100.59 ls      
Bulgarin Ring
Kaduvumbaa / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.54 ly
14.65 ls      
Nelder Terminal
LP 476-207 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.56 ly
21.58 ls      
Gerlache Orbital
LP 476-207 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.56 ly
99.02 ls      
Cook Terminal
LP 476-207 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Industrial 104.56 ly
391,227.24 ls      
Clark Dock
LP 476-207 / Outpost
Federation Confederacy Industrial 104.56 ly
391,646.89 ls      
Redi Enterprise
Kutnigi / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 104.56 ly
552.94 ls      
Savinykh Orbital
Halaye / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.56 ly
329.68 ls      
Werner von Siemens Dock
Halaye / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.56 ly
262.10 ls      
McClintock Port
Halaye / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 104.56 ly
442.41 ls      
Dozois Orbital
Zomba / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture 104.57 ly
124.58 ls      
Leonard Station
Har Pahary / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate High Tech 104.59 ly
6.76 ls      
Sadi Carnot Ring
Hehe / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 104.59 ly
56,211.02 ls      
Rutherford Hub
Hehe / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 104.59 ly
1,993.87 ls      
Somerset Gateway
Hehe / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 104.59 ly
56,135.35 ls      
Torricelli Port
Aptet / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.64 ly
296.23 ls      
Dean Hub
Yawa / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage High Tech 104.66 ly
87.60 ls      
Burbank Horizons
Woyet / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 104.67 ly
16,999.67 ls      
Scott Station
Leucosimha / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.69 ly
22.29 ls      
Tiedemann Station
Kuligans / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 104.71 ly
45,219.47 ls      
Adams Port
Kuligans / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 104.71 ly
43,294.02 ls      
Russell Terminal
Kuligans / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 104.71 ly
45,166.62 ls      
Melvin City
Ndabangluya / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.71 ly
691.41 ls      
Swigert Hub
Thep No Cha / Outpost
Federation Confederacy Extraction 104.75 ly
469.43 ls      
Garay Terminal
Thep No Cha / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.75 ly
263.52 ls      
Grover Orbital
Thep No Cha / Outpost
Federation Confederacy Industrial 104.75 ly
378.17 ls      
Fossum Hub
Mechucos / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Extraction 104.76 ly
37.63 ls      
Quimby Port
Awonai / Outpost
Alliance Democracy Refinery 104.77 ly
350.69 ls      
White Market
Awonai / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy Agriculture 104.77 ly
650.12 ls      
Virtanen Terminal
LP 552-48 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.78 ly
370.29 ls      
Kizim Port
Chem / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.80 ly
455.20 ls      
Kroehl Dock
LTT 9850 / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.81 ly
913.07 ls      
Kube-McDowell Enterprise
Kakas / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 104.82 ly
124.63 ls      
Mackenzie Dock
Banebdjetet / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 104.85 ly
323.96 ls      
Crippen Terminal
42 Aquilae / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 104.87 ly
52,935.18 ls      
Caidin Town
42 Aquilae / Planetary Port
Federation Democracy Colony 104.87 ly
51,807.81 ls      
Caselberg Keep
42 Aquilae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 104.87 ly
51,794.99 ls      
Makarov Dock
42 Aquilae / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 104.87 ly
51,740.74 ls      
Ride Market
42 Aquilae / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Agriculture 104.87 ly
51,304.67 ls      
Baker Hub
42 Aquilae / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 104.87 ly
51,862.20 ls      
Born Station
42 Aquilae / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 104.87 ly
51,928.85 ls      
Phillips Terminal
Lwen / Outpost
Federation Corporate High Tech 104.87 ly
3,168.97 ls      
Oliver Enterprise
Lwen / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy High Tech 104.87 ly
43.70 ls      
Smith Hub
Lu Wang / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.90 ly
26.56 ls      
Poisson's Folly
Lu Wang / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 104.90 ly
47.23 ls      
Abernathy Relay
Dalannovale / Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 104.91 ly
3,174.42 ls      
Onufrienko Orbital
LTT 4337 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 104.91 ly
1,725.99 ls      
Brust Prospect
LTT 4337 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 104.91 ly
78.11 ls      
Zamka Terminal
LTT 4337 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 104.91 ly
24,698.45 ls      
Fisk Port
Lenchis / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 104.92 ly
534.76 ls      
Dietz Gateway
Lenchis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 104.92 ly
150.61 ls      
Crown Station
Jotnar / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 104.92 ly
22,300.36 ls      
Shunkai Horizons
Krobrigae / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 104.94 ly
221.96 ls      
Al-Jazari Orbital
Hranit / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 104.97 ly
20.26 ls      
McMonagle Dock
Hranit / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 104.97 ly
66.53 ls      
Brendan Beacon
Yum Kamcabi / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 104.99 ly
18.13 ls      
The Harmony
Yum Kamcabi / Mega ship
Independent Corporate High Tech 104.99 ly
1,265.12 ls      
Greenleaf's Inheritance
Yum Kamcabi / Planetary Port
Independent Corporate Refinery 104.99 ly
10.05 ls      
Pullman City
Kannicas / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 105.01 ly
648.89 ls      
Friend Terminal
Kannicas / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 105.01 ly
668.23 ls      
Morrison Orbital
Kannicas / Outpost
Alliance Patronage Extraction 105.01 ly
652.28 ls      
Furukawa Hub
Toxand / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 105.01 ly
6.04 ls      
Krylov City
HR 108 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture 105.03 ly
883.23 ls      
Rond d'Alembert Enterprise
HR 108 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 105.03 ly
357.16 ls      
Terry Gateway
HR 108 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 105.03 ly
483.84 ls      
Salk's Claim
Mban / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 105.03 ly
1,939.28 ls      
Naubakht Orbital
Epsilon Pavonis / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 105.06 ly
5,226.16 ls      
Hale Hub
Fomovithi / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 105.06 ly
57.78 ls      
Rawat Dock
CD-82 331 / Outpost
Empire Feudal Industrial 105.07 ly
1,176.93 ls      
Lee Dock
CD-82 331 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 105.07 ly
871.63 ls      
Laumer Orbital
Didio / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 105.09 ly
711.96 ls      
Steele Dock
Didio / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 105.09 ly
271.62 ls