Advanced search > Stations

Found 4,418 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Buy price Supply Facilities Distance to Sol
Osuigwe Horticultural Collection
Tatapai / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Empire Patronage Agriculture Leather: 137 cr 205 t 90.94 ly
498.73 ls      
Etienam Nutrition Farm
Nevermore / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Alliance Democracy Agriculture Leather: 142 cr 94 t 90.95 ly
5,563.70 ls      
Pinto Ring
Nevermore / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 186 cr 3,726 t 90.95 ly
322.58 ls      
Bernard Cultivations
Aetius / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Feudal Agriculture Leather: 116 cr 291 t 91.16 ly
550.91 ls      
Plucker Terminal
HR 8792 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 19,984 t 91.19 ly
4,609.69 ls      
Morita Botanical Range
Murnakum / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 184 cr 573 t 91.41 ly
262.94 ls      
Peterson Terminal
Kappa Ophiuchi / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 16,084 t 91.46 ly
3,875.17 ls      
Collins Gateway
Aurora / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 409,603 t 91.49 ly
451.38 ls      
Raven's Landing
Cai / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 155 cr 987 t 91.52 ly
449.27 ls      
Future Hopes
Cai / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 110 cr 2,451 t 91.52 ly
1,529.66 ls      
Vinci Hub
Adeo / Orbis Starport
Independent Feudal Agriculture Leather: 188 cr 19,458 t 91.59 ly
448.61 ls      
Morey Port
Ross 310 / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 168 cr 2,044 t 91.61 ly
197.79 ls      
Hildebrandt City
Orannika / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture Leather: 184 cr 68,028 t 91.71 ly
420.00 ls      
Tshang City
19 Leonis Minoris / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 267 cr 3,057 t 91.80 ly
1,114.04 ls      
Bosch Port
Shalit / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 109 cr 112,549 t 91.87 ly
129.76 ls      
Wetherbee Gateway
Morixa / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 154 cr 756,229 t 91.88 ly
524.04 ls      
Reed Ring
Beatis / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 5,224 t 91.91 ly
513.44 ls      
Holdstock Market
LHS 3921 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture Leather: 115 cr 398 t 91.93 ly
204.25 ls      
Deol Nutrition Enterprise
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 128 cr 620 t 91.96 ly
1,016.15 ls      
Yim Agricultural
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 120 cr 652 t 91.96 ly
2,591.95 ls      
Andrews's Nursery
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Feudal Agriculture Leather: 141 cr 265 t 91.96 ly
1,019.68 ls      
Orellana Horticultural Estate
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 115 cr 620 t 91.96 ly
2,573.64 ls      
Iyengar Hydroponics Estate
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 128 cr 800 t 91.96 ly
2,572.92 ls      
Aku Horticultural Holdings
Bestia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 128 cr 1,450 t 91.96 ly
1,016.16 ls      
Alexandria Gateway
Amahu / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture Leather: 104 cr 37,834 t 91.96 ly
103.37 ls      
Reed Dock
BD-19 3629A / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 108 cr 693,306 t 91.97 ly
946.12 ls      
Menzies Station
Tiangchi / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 28,903 t 91.98 ly
100.75 ls      
Rennie City
Abrocmii / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 4,571 t 92.02 ly
35.68 ls      
Maruyama Hydroponics Market
Eta Draconis / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 169 cr 187 t 92.07 ly
980.73 ls      
Swift Terminal
Eta Draconis / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 254 cr 89,684 t 92.07 ly
12,745.48 ls      
Konashevych Botanical Exchange
Gautama / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture Leather: 132 cr 91 t 92.21 ly
19.81 ls      
Clayton Orbital
Regira / Orbis Starport
Empire Feudal Agriculture Leather: 188 cr 14,931 t 92.31 ly
112.73 ls      
Smith Gateway
LP 918-29 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 78,441 t 92.34 ly
88.50 ls      
Freud Gateway
Sun Wen / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Agriculture Leather: 100 cr 27,883 t 92.40 ly
176.24 ls      
Kolev Horticultural Biome
Binbine / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 245 cr 278 t 92.41 ly
70.50 ls      
Smeaton Market
Sotuki / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 148 cr 46,065 t 92.49 ly
282.21 ls      
Gidzenko Terminal
Kalb / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 320 cr 8,500 t 92.50 ly
115,229.31 ls      
Rayne Hydroponics Biome
Rudjer Boskovic / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Empire Dictatorship Agriculture Leather: 92 cr 73 t 92.51 ly
540.32 ls      
Rance Station
Arexack / Orbis Starport
Empire Feudal Agriculture Leather: 163 cr 3,757 t 92.52 ly
183.52 ls      
Fortress Gordon
Arexack / Orbis Starport
Empire Feudal Agriculture Leather: 163 cr 2,170 t 92.52 ly
257.61 ls      
Lopez City
Arexack / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Agriculture Leather: 163 cr 2,698 t 92.52 ly
480.18 ls      
Gowon Cultivation Centre
Toor / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Confederacy Agriculture Leather: 119 cr 233 t 92.68 ly
1,243.28 ls      
Chilton Port
Kurughnaye / Orbis Starport
Independent Anarchy Agriculture Leather: 113 cr 133,336 t 92.75 ly
1,197.33 ls      
Lopez Horticultural Holdings
Ju Shou Yax / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Democracy Agriculture Leather: 127 cr 763 t 92.89 ly
32.87 ls      
Hahn Ring
Dongkum / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 360,882 t 92.93 ly
97.35 ls      
Pratchett Gateway
Tobala / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 100 cr 4,457 t 92.95 ly
313.10 ls      
Qian Port
Grabrigpa / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Agriculture Leather: 274 cr 2,069 t 92.98 ly
38.00 ls      
Reilly Hub
Abukunin / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 266 cr 47,052 t 93.25 ly
170.74 ls      
Kozeyev Gateway
Lei Jen Zu / Coriolis Starport
Independent Theocracy Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 4,097 t 93.25 ly
1,045.25 ls      
Gardner Market
Rabay / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 24,848 t 93.34 ly
287.82 ls      
Gurevich Orbital
LHS 1380 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture Leather: 168 cr 46,575 t 93.37 ly
76.74 ls      
Matteucci City
LP 849-20 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 188 cr 4,515 t 93.38 ly
69.81 ls      
Brahe Hub
Cupis / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 6,221 t 93.45 ly
667.64 ls      
Skyline High
Sanna / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture Leather: 156 cr 18,440 t 93.65 ly
199.79 ls      
Jara Agricultural Facility
Mokojing / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 112 cr 522 t 93.79 ly
503.68 ls      
Ferguson Market
Mokojing / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 3,254 t 93.79 ly
104.09 ls      
Stephenson Gateway
Wolf 1148 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 3,510 t 93.80 ly
548.63 ls      
Russell Gateway
Cupinook / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 289 cr 91,403 t 93.83 ly
136.76 ls      
Caceres Agricultural Site
Snoquot / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 169 cr 171 t 93.90 ly
609.87 ls      
Kwolek Orbital
Sahualasta / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture Leather: 183 cr 59,568 t 93.96 ly
56.76 ls      
Dorsey Port
Olker / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 179 cr 68,078 t 94.15 ly
111.93 ls      
Broutsos Hydroponics Farm
Belianses / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 209 cr 292 t 94.32 ly
628.32 ls      
Hashimoto Botanical Centre
Belianses / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 209 cr 484 t 94.32 ly
638.60 ls      
Bazin Nutrition Habitat
Belianses / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 285 cr 484 t 94.32 ly
1,101.78 ls      
Roosa Market
37 Librae / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 268 cr 7,893 t 94.34 ly
1,742.42 ls      
Byeon Botanical Hub
37 Librae / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 106 cr 606 t 94.34 ly
939.65 ls      
Rodgers Hydroponics Centre
37 Librae / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 186 cr 125 t 94.34 ly
1,413.57 ls      
Andrukhovych Botanical Holdings
LTT 11655 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Democracy Agriculture Leather: 103 cr 951 t 94.40 ly
471.54 ls      
Tanner Hydroponics Farm
LTT 11655 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Democracy Agriculture Leather: 166 cr 1,324 t 94.40 ly
470.59 ls      
Vizcaino Orbital
Maridwyn / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 108 cr 6,272 t 94.45 ly
100.80 ls      
Rzeppa Hub
63 chi Leonis / Orbis Starport
Alliance Democracy Agriculture Leather: 273 cr 7,784 t 94.53 ly
157,969.73 ls      
Min Agricultural
Waruts / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 168 cr 297 t 94.58 ly
636.02 ls      
Du Botanical Holdings
Ross 692 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 132 cr 3,205 t 94.70 ly
3,226.30 ls      
Toussaint Botanical Holding
Maurr / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 137 cr 153 t 94.80 ly
564.34 ls      
Harrison Port
Praecipua / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 268 cr 78,082 t 94.86 ly
29,179.73 ls      
Bortnik Hydroponics Holding
Praecipua / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 162 cr 351 t 94.86 ly
1,427.20 ls      
Rudenko Nurseries
Praecipua / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 239 cr 351 t 94.86 ly
1,433.04 ls      
Rodriguez Botanical Exchange
Praecipua / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 162 cr 351 t 94.86 ly
1,427.04 ls      
Tracy Horticultural Farm
Praecipua / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 239 cr 351 t 94.86 ly
2,280.71 ls      
Virtanen Ring
LTT 16764 / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 4,566 t 94.88 ly
252.40 ls      
Scheerbart Ring
Tepehuacoc / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 310 cr 5,026 t 95.02 ly
535.11 ls      
Craig Hydroponics Base
CD-36 12714 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 168 cr 1,676 t 95.04 ly
92.74 ls      
Sarpong Horticultural Range
Sedna / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Cooperative Agriculture Leather: 14 cr 14 t 95.04 ly
617.05 ls      
Sopwith Port
CD-52 187 / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture Leather: 281 cr 18,920 t 95.05 ly
73.11 ls      
Drignat Hydroponics Exchange
Shouvul / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 168 cr 326 t 95.07 ly
607.87 ls      
Albitzky Market
Alit / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture Leather: 204 cr 5,436 t 95.15 ly
349.39 ls      
Quinn Gateway
Idununn / Orbis Starport
Independent Feudal Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 4,298 t 95.22 ly
370.48 ls      
Gurragchaa Gateway
Warkushanui / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 108 cr 92,837 t 95.41 ly
463.49 ls      
Gregory Ryan Young
Flesk / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture Leather: 266 cr 1,474 t 95.47 ly
196.16 ls      
Glen's house of Lambada
Flesk / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture Leather: 155 cr 2,054 t 95.47 ly
199.74 ls      
Blish Port
Tefenhua / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 304 cr 60,084 t 95.48 ly
75.45 ls      
Townshend Gateway
Khered / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture Leather: 186 cr 72,656 t 95.49 ly
1,689.27 ls      
Gamow Gateway
BD+15 176 / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 129 cr 81,449 t 95.51 ly
363,244.88 ls      
Wilcutt Dock
Marizi / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 191 cr 4,667 t 95.57 ly
83.09 ls      
Warren Botanical Garden
HR 5451 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 173 cr 265 t 95.57 ly
1,195.07 ls      
Fraser Station
HR 5451 / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture Leather: 164 cr 36,597 t 95.57 ly
498.75 ls      
Esme Cultivation Complex
Menes / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Confederacy Agriculture Leather: 128 cr 195 t 95.57 ly
407.16 ls      
Mordovski Horticultural Habitat
Melici / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Federation Corporate Agriculture Leather: 176 cr 635 t 95.58 ly
327.04 ls      
Chang Agricultural
Lalande 31662 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Democracy Agriculture Leather: 268 cr 366 t 95.59 ly
1,813.63 ls      
Gairola Hydroponics Habitat
Lalande 31662 / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Independent Corporate Agriculture Leather: 197 cr 1,022 t 95.59 ly
1,751.44 ls