Advanced search > Minor factions

Found 77,863 minor factions.
Home system
Vertnyi People's Party Independent Communism Vertnyi
Vertnyi PLC Independent Corporate Vertnyi
Vertserus Dominion Independent Feudal Vertserus
Vertserus Progressive Party Federation Democracy Vertserus
Vertserus Travel PLC Independent Corporate Vertserus
Vertsety Blue Family Independent Anarchy Vertsety
Vertsety Network Empire Corporate Vertsety
Vertumnus Liberals Independent Democracy Vertumnus
Vertumnus Silver Allied Exchange Federation Corporate Vertumnus
Verucas Merchant Enterprise Independent Corporate Tenche
VESPER-M4 Cartel Independent Anarchy VESPER-M4
VESPER-M4 Jet Transport Inc Independent Corporate VESPER-M4
Vestani Conservatives Independent Dictatorship Vestani
Vestani Galactic Corp. Independent Corporate Vestani
Vestet Gold Partnership Independent Anarchy Vestet
Vestet Netcoms Industries Independent Corporate Vestet
Vesui Gold Mafia Independent Anarchy Vesui
Vesuvit Blue Brothers Independent Anarchy Vesuvit
Vesuvit Galactic Industries Independent Corporate Vesuvit
Vesuvit Organisation Independent Corporate Vesuvit
Vesuvit Patron's Principles Empire Patronage Vesuvit
Vetr Power Corp. Federation Corporate Vetr
Vetr Ring Independent Anarchy Vetr
Vetta Bureau Independent Dictatorship Vetta
Vetta Council Independent Anarchy Vetta
Vetta Independents Federation Democracy Vetta
Vetta Major Systems Independent Corporate Vetta
Vetta Order Independent Dictatorship Vetta
Vettones Alliance Independent Confederacy Vettones
Vettones League Independent Dictatorship Vettones
Vettones United Exchange Empire Corporate Vettones
Vettorasare Blue State Co Empire Corporate Vettorasare
Vettorasare Society Independent Anarchy
Viatori Patuit Explorer Crew Independent Feudal
Vibio Collective Independent Cooperative
Vibio Hand Gang Independent Anarchy
Vibio Holdings Federation Corporate Vibio
Vidattuns Domain Independent Feudal Vidattuns
Vidattuns Jet Clan Independent Anarchy Vidattuns
Vidavanta Industry Federation Corporate Vidavanta
Vidavanta Jet Drug Empire Independent Anarchy Vidavanta
Vidu Empire Pact Empire Patronage
Vidu Netcoms Co Independent Corporate Vidu
Vidu Organisation Independent Corporate
Vigr Coalition Federation Confederacy Vigr
Vigr Dominion Independent Feudal Vigr
Vigr Silver Control Ltdrporation Independent Corporate Vigr
Vili Gold Partnership Independent Anarchy Vili
Vili Patrons of Law Empire Patronage Vili
Vilia Industry Independent Corporate Vilia
Viliquerret Co Federation Corporate Viliquerret
Viliquerret Purple Ring Independent Anarchy Viliquerret
Villae Cartel Independent Anarchy Villae
Villae Commodities Empire Corporate Villae
Villae Shared Independent Cooperative Villae
Villeachi Drug Empire Independent Anarchy Villeachi
Villeachi Focus Independent Dictatorship Villeachi
Villeachi Fortune Co Independent Corporate Villeachi
Villing allied Independent Cooperative Villing
Villing Jet Electronics Network Independent Corporate Villing
Villing Jet Mafia Independent Anarchy Villing
Villing Public Group Independent Corporate Villing
Vimur Brotherhood Independent Anarchy Vimur
Vimur Republic Party Federation Democracy Vimur
Vimur Silver Universal Group Independent Corporate Vimur
Vimur Travel Co Independent Corporate Vimur
Vinab as one Independent Cooperative Vinab
Vinab Blue Vision Inc Independent Corporate Vinab
Vinab Netcoms Holdings Independent Corporate Vinab
Vinab Silver Partnership Independent Anarchy Vinab
Vinansans Crimson Fortune PLC Independent Corporate Vinansans
Vinansans Empire League Empire Patronage Vinansans
Vinansans Gold Camorra Independent Anarchy Vinansans
Vincana Jet Dragons Independent Anarchy
Vincana Natural Commodities Empire Corporate Vincana
Vinciani Drug Empire Independent Anarchy Vinciani
Vinciani Patrons of Law Empire Patronage Vinciani
Vinciani Silver Dynamic Dev Empire Corporate Vinciani
Vinciani State Holdings Independent Corporate Vinciani
Vincika Purple United Int Independent Corporate
Vindalovian Empire Independent Anarchy
Vindinepu Blue Life Co Independent Corporate Vindinepu
Vindinepu Focus Independent Dictatorship Vindinepu
Vindinepu Jet Cartel Independent Anarchy Vindinepu
Vindinepu Republic Party Federation Democracy Vindinepu
Vindumbiva Crimson Advanced Co Federation Corporate Vindumbiva
Vini Clonal Independent Democracy
Viracocha Nationalists Independent Dictatorship Viracocha
Viracocha Partners Independent Corporate Viracocha
Viracocha Services Federation Corporate Viracocha
Virangler Nobles Empire Feudal Virangler
Virawn Legal Incorporated Federation Corporate Virawn
Viro Imperial Society Empire Patronage Viro
Viro Interstellar Independent Corporate Viro
Viroluk Dominion Alliance Feudal Viroluk
Viroluk United Alliance Cooperative Viroluk
Viroluk Universal Solutions Independent Corporate Viroluk
Viroman Boys Independent Anarchy Viroman
Viroman Empire Party Empire Patronage Viroman
Viroman Gold Vision Exchange Independent Corporate Viroman