CMDR raxiel silverpath profile > Flight Log

(Imperial Cutter)

February 8, 2021
18.35 ly
Feb 8, 2021, 12:08:18 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 18.35 lyDistance to Sol: 80.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,048.05 lyEstimated value: 347,729 cr
41.09 ly
Trianguli Sector TO-R b4-1
Feb 8, 2021, 12:07:30 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 41.09 lyDistance to Sol: 97.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,058.94 lyEstimated value: 5,109 cr
42.50 ly
Col 285 Sector UT-R d4-69
Feb 8, 2021, 12:06:14 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 42.50 lyDistance to Sol: 120.34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,058.68 lyEstimated value: 4,189 cr
43.23 ly
Feb 8, 2021, 12:05:24 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.23 lyDistance to Sol: 161.18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,072.08 lyEstimated value: 460,220 cr
43.49 ly
Col 285 Sector MH-L c8-3
Feb 8, 2021, 12:04:28 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.49 lyDistance to Sol: 198.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,094.73 lyEstimated value: 3,628 cr
44.03 ly
Col 285 Sector YD-Y b15-6
Feb 8, 2021, 12:03:38 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.03 lyDistance to Sol: 237.81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,111.30 lyEstimated value: 1,204 cr
44.01 ly
Synuefe AW-L c24-25
Feb 8, 2021, 12:02:44 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.01 lyDistance to Sol: 281.78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,134.03 lyEstimated value: 12,270 cr
43.23 ly
Synuefe ZB-Y b48-9
Feb 8, 2021, 12:00:36 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.23 lyDistance to Sol: 320.09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,154.75 lyEstimated value: 250,525 cr
February 7, 2021
42.79 ly
Synuefe YN-W a97-1
Feb 7, 2021, 11:59:48 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 42.79 lyDistance to Sol: 360.25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,177.55 lyEstimated value: 2,404 cr
29.83 ly
Synuefe XR-H d11-45
Feb 7, 2021, 12:06:09 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 29.83 lyDistance to Sol: 400.25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,202.16 lyEstimated value: 11,698 cr
44.73 ly
Synuefe WU-N c23-19
Feb 7, 2021, 12:05:14 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.73 lyDistance to Sol: 371.90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,195.10 lyEstimated value: 53,591 cr
45.32 ly
Wregoe PC-O b47-5
Feb 7, 2021, 12:04:23 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.32 lyDistance to Sol: 327.66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,176.94 lyEstimated value: 15,777 cr
45.37 ly
Wregoe NC-O b47-7
Feb 7, 2021, 12:03:27 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.37 lyDistance to Sol: 284.15 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,161.72 lyEstimated value: 4,706 cr
45.37 ly
Col 285 Sector NB-C b14-3
Feb 7, 2021, 12:02:36 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.37 lyDistance to Sol: 240.22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,145.03 lyEstimated value: 112,012 cr
45.64 ly
Col 285 Sector OH-A b15-4
Feb 7, 2021, 12:01:46 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.64 lyDistance to Sol: 194.93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,119.40 lyEstimated value: 4,813 cr
44.72 ly
Feb 7, 2021, 12:00:35 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.72 lyDistance to Sol: 149.51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,094.46 lyEstimated value: 63,945 cr
45.63 ly
LTT 2869
Feb 7, 2021, 11:59:19 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.63 lyDistance to Sol: 108.61 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,075.88 lyEstimated value: 1,208 cr
45.01 ly
Trianguli Sector PY-R b4-0
Feb 7, 2021, 11:58:28 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.01 lyDistance to Sol: 75.36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,064.29 lyEstimated value: 11,936 cr
43.51 ly
BD-04 782
Feb 7, 2021, 11:56:07 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.51 lyDistance to Sol: 67.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,053.22 lyEstimated value: 3,620 cr
35.77 ly
Feb 7, 2021, 11:46:07 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 35.77 lyDistance to Sol: 67.98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,032.31 lyEstimated value: 317,650 cr
44.86 ly
V774 Tauri
Feb 7, 2021, 11:45:20 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.86 lyDistance to Sol: 69.59 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,056.17 lyEstimated value: 59,321 cr
43.90 ly
Feb 7, 2021, 11:44:29 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.90 lyDistance to Sol: 94.80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,080.71 lyEstimated value: 362,751 cr
42.23 ly
Feb 7, 2021, 11:43:30 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 42.23 lyDistance to Sol: 123.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,093.00 lyEstimated value: 32,851 cr
43.99 ly
Col 285 Sector LR-B b14-6
Feb 7, 2021, 11:42:40 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.99 lyDistance to Sol: 153.68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,109.40 lyEstimated value: 6,706 cr
44.46 ly
Col 285 Sector RN-T d3-117
Feb 7, 2021, 11:41:16 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.46 lyDistance to Sol: 188.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,123.30 lyEstimated value: 51,243 cr
44.27 ly
Col 285 Sector CT-D a28-1
Feb 7, 2021, 11:40:20 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.27 lyDistance to Sol: 228.10 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,138.48 lyEstimated value: 1,201 cr
44.80 ly
Synuefe FG-A a96-0
Feb 7, 2021, 11:39:33 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.80 lyDistance to Sol: 270.70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,155.30 lyEstimated value: 6,702 cr
89.48 ly
Synuefe LB-A a96-4
Feb 7, 2021, 11:38:28 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 89.48 lyDistance to Sol: 314.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,171.88 lyEstimated value: 5,200 cr
February 5, 2021
13.98 ly
Synuefe XR-H d11-45
Feb 5, 2021, 11:36:47 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 13.98 lyDistance to Sol: 400.25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,202.16 lyEstimated value: 11,698 cr
43.98 ly
Wregoe BW-E d11-89
Feb 5, 2021, 11:33:59 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.98 lyDistance to Sol: 387.70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,198.89 lyEstimated value: 18,911 cr
43.88 ly
Wregoe QC-O b47-9
Feb 5, 2021, 11:32:54 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.88 lyDistance to Sol: 344.33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,182.03 lyEstimated value: 2,407 cr
43.32 ly
Wregoe FY-H c23-13
Feb 5, 2021, 11:30:52 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.32 lyDistance to Sol: 300.50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,158.41 lyEstimated value: 164,310 cr
43.36 ly
Col 285 Sector IG-N c7-32
Feb 5, 2021, 11:29:08 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.36 lyDistance to Sol: 258.94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,143.97 lyEstimated value: 1,215 cr
43.22 ly
Col 285 Sector IB-N c7-13
Feb 5, 2021, 11:28:14 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.22 lyDistance to Sol: 216.76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,123.43 lyEstimated value: 32,634 cr
43.47 ly
Col 285 Sector BZ-B a29-3
Feb 5, 2021, 11:27:10 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.47 lyDistance to Sol: 176.76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,106.32 lyEstimated value: 2,404 cr
44.41 ly
Col 285 Sector DA-A a30-4
Feb 5, 2021, 11:26:03 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.41 lyDistance to Sol: 137.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,083.25 lyEstimated value: 1,201 cr
42.82 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 11:24:38 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 42.82 lyDistance to Sol: 97.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,054.36 lyEstimated value: 379,520 cr
43.98 ly
Hyades Sector MF-J a24-1
Feb 5, 2021, 11:23:41 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.98 lyDistance to Sol: 62.88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,035.23 lyEstimated value: 5,608 cr
16.69 ly
LHS 142
Feb 5, 2021, 11:07:00 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 16.69 lyDistance to Sol: 58.28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,008.93 lyEstimated value: 403,875 cr
24.13 ly
LHS 1067
Feb 5, 2021, 11:04:54 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 24.13 lyDistance to Sol: 59.46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,992.53 lyEstimated value: 606,975 cr
23.13 ly
LTT 9310
Feb 5, 2021, 11:03:41 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 23.13 lyDistance to Sol: 69.40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,968.78 lyEstimated value: 2,414 cr
24.82 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 11:02:35 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 24.82 lyDistance to Sol: 82.52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,945.76 lyEstimated value: 100,658 cr
22.93 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 11:01:40 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 22.93 lyDistance to Sol: 90.41 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,924.49 lyEstimated value: 18,622 cr
24.56 ly
Col 285 Sector FI-P b20-1
Feb 5, 2021, 11:00:44 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 24.56 lyDistance to Sol: 113.23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,903.99 lyEstimated value: 6,411 cr
20.12 ly
Omicron Capricorni B
Feb 5, 2021, 10:54:21 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 20.12 lyDistance to Sol: 136.54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,880.00 lyEstimated value: 193,972 cr
24.80 ly
Col 285 Sector JO-N b21-3
Feb 5, 2021, 10:53:26 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 24.80 lyDistance to Sol: 118.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,895.67 lyEstimated value: 10,410 cr
23.01 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 10:52:06 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 23.01 lyDistance to Sol: 96.57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,920.43 lyEstimated value: 54,666 cr
22.35 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 10:50:58 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 22.35 lyDistance to Sol: 83.65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,942.32 lyEstimated value: 722,705 cr
23.03 ly
LP 876-26
Feb 5, 2021, 10:47:33 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 23.03 lyDistance to Sol: 66.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,963.62 lyEstimated value: 25,717 cr
24.78 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 10:45:22 PM
Ship: Far out (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 24.78 lyDistance to Sol: 51.33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,985.77 lyEstimated value: 2,422 cr
10.73 ly
LHS 142
Feb 5, 2021, 12:02:03 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 10.73 lyDistance to Sol: 58.28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,008.93 lyEstimated value: 403,875 cr
44.29 ly
Feb 5, 2021, 12:00:47 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.29 lyDistance to Sol: 60.98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,998.72 lyEstimated value: 339,840 cr
February 4, 2021
5.42 ly
LHS 3789
Feb 4, 2021, 11:59:27 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 5.42 lyDistance to Sol: 75.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,958.02 lyEstimated value: 1,205 cr
6.52 ly
Col 285 Sector AR-S b18-6
Feb 4, 2021, 11:58:35 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 6.52 lyDistance to Sol: 80.90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,953.81 lyEstimated value: 18,108 cr
45.28 ly
Col 285 Sector AR-S b18-2
Feb 4, 2021, 11:56:00 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.28 lyDistance to Sol: 87.07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,952.08 lyEstimated value: 4,810 cr
45.13 ly
CD-35 14353
Feb 4, 2021, 11:55:06 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.13 lyDistance to Sol: 119.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,908.34 lyEstimated value: 23,535 cr
45.47 ly
Theta-2 Sagittarii
Feb 4, 2021, 11:52:26 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.47 lyDistance to Sol: 158.18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,866.86 lyEstimated value: 5,779 cr
44.83 ly
Col 285 Sector DH-C c13-25
Feb 4, 2021, 11:50:46 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.83 lyDistance to Sol: 199.03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,828.52 lyEstimated value: 1,209 cr
45.29 ly
Col 285 Sector LU-C b27-7
Feb 4, 2021, 11:49:29 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.29 lyDistance to Sol: 241.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,792.80 lyEstimated value: 5,224 cr
45.30 ly
Swoilz WV-H b2-8
Feb 4, 2021, 11:48:12 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.30 lyDistance to Sol: 283.45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,763.01 lyEstimated value: 101,957 cr
February 3, 2021
31.48 ly
R CrA Sector AF-A d42
Feb 3, 2021, 11:36:21 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 31.48 lyDistance to Sol: 328.72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,724.67 lyEstimated value: 82,522 cr
35.51 ly
Swoilz XX-D c1-30
Feb 3, 2021, 11:09:46 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 35.51 lyDistance to Sol: 301.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,739.90 lyEstimated value: 1,328,466 cr
45.64 ly
Swoilz YS-D c1-5
Feb 3, 2021, 11:08:37 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.64 lyDistance to Sol: 314.45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,719.97 lyEstimated value: 352,866 cr
22.49 ly
Swoiwns HA-C c2-23
Feb 3, 2021, 10:55:26 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 22.49 lyDistance to Sol: 334.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,693.47 lyEstimated value: 192,104 cr
45.21 ly
Swoilz YW-F b3-1
Feb 3, 2021, 10:54:11 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.21 lyDistance to Sol: 313.02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,714.63 lyEstimated value: 5,413 cr
45.35 ly
Col 285 Sector OV-A b28-4
Feb 3, 2021, 10:53:14 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.35 lyDistance to Sol: 267.87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,754.98 lyEstimated value: 4,706 cr
45.22 ly
Col 285 Sector EO-E b26-2
Feb 3, 2021, 10:52:06 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.22 lyDistance to Sol: 223.25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,793.45 lyEstimated value: 4,814 cr
45.62 ly
Col 285 Sector VG-I b24-8
Feb 3, 2021, 10:50:54 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.62 lyDistance to Sol: 178.41 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,836.06 lyEstimated value: 3,612 cr
45.76 ly
Col 285 Sector UU-F c11-25
Feb 3, 2021, 10:49:01 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.76 lyDistance to Sol: 138.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,879.16 lyEstimated value: 41,818 cr
43.97 ly
Feb 3, 2021, 10:48:01 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 43.97 lyDistance to Sol: 96.57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,920.43 lyEstimated value: 54,666 cr
45.43 ly
LP 876-26
Feb 3, 2021, 10:47:02 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.43 lyDistance to Sol: 66.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,963.62 lyEstimated value: 25,717 cr
16.69 ly
LHS 142
Feb 3, 2021, 10:34:08 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 16.69 lyDistance to Sol: 58.28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22,008.93 lyEstimated value: 403,875 cr
45.45 ly
LHS 1067
Feb 3, 2021, 10:33:12 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.45 lyDistance to Sol: 59.46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,992.53 lyEstimated value: 606,975 cr
45.28 ly
Col 285 Sector AR-S b18-2
Feb 3, 2021, 10:32:19 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.28 lyDistance to Sol: 87.07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,952.08 lyEstimated value: 4,810 cr
45.13 ly
CD-35 14353
Feb 3, 2021, 10:31:07 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.13 lyDistance to Sol: 119.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,908.34 lyEstimated value: 23,535 cr
45.47 ly
Theta-2 Sagittarii
Feb 3, 2021, 10:29:55 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.47 lyDistance to Sol: 158.18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,866.86 lyEstimated value: 5,779 cr
44.83 ly
Col 285 Sector DH-C c13-25
Feb 3, 2021, 10:28:52 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 44.83 lyDistance to Sol: 199.03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,828.52 lyEstimated value: 1,209 cr
45.29 ly
Col 285 Sector LU-C b27-7
Feb 3, 2021, 10:27:53 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.29 lyDistance to Sol: 241.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,792.80 lyEstimated value: 5,224 cr
45.30 ly
Swoilz WV-H b2-8
Feb 3, 2021, 10:26:51 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 45.30 lyDistance to Sol: 283.45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,763.01 lyEstimated value: 101,957 cr
30.49 ly
R CrA Sector AF-A d42
Feb 3, 2021, 12:00:11 AM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 30.49 lyDistance to Sol: 328.72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,724.67 lyEstimated value: 82,522 cr
February 2, 2021
10.26 ly
Swoilz CE-C c2-28
Feb 2, 2021, 11:44:54 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 10.26 lyDistance to Sol: 327.78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,740.94 lyEstimated value: 15,359 cr
10.35 ly
Swoilz DX-A d1-55
Feb 2, 2021, 11:41:08 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 10.35 lyDistance to Sol: 324.22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,740.82 lyEstimated value: 455,799 cr
5.41 ly
Swoilz HD-E b4-3
Feb 2, 2021, 11:37:32 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 5.41 lyDistance to Sol: 328.12 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,738.41 lyEstimated value: 620,448 cr
3.83 ly
Swoilz HD-E b4-2
Feb 2, 2021, 11:35:32 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 3.83 lyDistance to Sol: 326.10 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,742.68 lyEstimated value: 424,484 cr
7.64 ly
Swoilz HD-E b4-0
Feb 2, 2021, 11:33:23 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 7.64 lyDistance to Sol: 325.51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,744.81 lyEstimated value: 1,205 cr
9.81 ly
Swoilz EZ-B c2-9
Feb 2, 2021, 11:31:51 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 9.81 lyDistance to Sol: 329.16 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,742.63 lyEstimated value: 255,748 cr
7.09 ly
Swoilz EZ-B c2-2
Feb 2, 2021, 11:28:34 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 7.09 lyDistance to Sol: 328.78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,737.71 lyEstimated value: 339,609 cr
6.55 ly
Swoilz EZ-B c2-4
Feb 2, 2021, 11:26:42 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 6.55 lyDistance to Sol: 324.85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,738.10 lyEstimated value: 17,289 cr
10.45 ly
Swoilz EZ-B c2-6
Feb 2, 2021, 11:24:16 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 10.45 lyDistance to Sol: 325.30 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,735.58 lyEstimated value: 417,292 cr
6.60 ly
Swoilz HY-D b4-4
Feb 2, 2021, 11:03:47 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 6.60 lyDistance to Sol: 327.07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,730.46 lyEstimated value: 18,795 cr
10.24 ly
Swoilz HY-D b4-5
Feb 2, 2021, 11:02:05 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 10.24 lyDistance to Sol: 327.68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,726.30 lyEstimated value: 6,206 cr
8.00 ly
R CrA Sector ZE-A d78
Feb 2, 2021, 10:57:29 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 8.00 lyDistance to Sol: 332.20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,717.89 lyEstimated value: 4,581 cr
4.53 ly
R CrA Sector WO-A c10
Feb 2, 2021, 10:55:49 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 4.53 lyDistance to Sol: 332.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,713.46 lyEstimated value: 2,412 cr
6.24 ly
R CrA Sector WO-A c8
Feb 2, 2021, 10:54:36 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 6.24 lyDistance to Sol: 328.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,716.99 lyEstimated value: 1,212 cr
6.19 ly
R CrA Sector WO-A c11
Feb 2, 2021, 10:53:04 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 6.19 lyDistance to Sol: 330.18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,713.00 lyEstimated value: 3,623 cr
8.78 ly
R CrA Sector TY-A b4
Feb 2, 2021, 10:50:41 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 8.78 lyDistance to Sol: 333.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,709.09 lyEstimated value: 10,407 cr
9.09 ly
R CrA Sector VO-A c25
Feb 2, 2021, 10:49:06 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 9.09 lyDistance to Sol: 337.68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,707.74 lyEstimated value: 44,281 cr
9.13 ly
R CrA Sector VO-A c13
Feb 2, 2021, 10:47:31 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 9.13 lyDistance to Sol: 340.26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,702.23 lyEstimated value: 6,038 cr
11.19 ly
Swoilz CZ-B c2-15
Feb 2, 2021, 10:44:40 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 11.19 lyDistance to Sol: 342.22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,696.72 lyEstimated value: 21,188 cr
9.39 ly
Swoilz EY-D b4-4
Feb 2, 2021, 10:43:31 PM
Ship: Bluenose (Imperial Cutter)
Jump distance: 9.39 lyDistance to Sol: 345.01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21,691.77 lyEstimated value: 2,407 cr