CMDR Surcouf87 profile > Flight Log
(Krait Phantom)
December 8, 2020
261.27 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.27 lyDistance to Sol: 17,304.29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 4,713.80 lyEstimated value: 47,298 cr
55.69 ly
Blua Eaec CY-G d11-49
Dec 8, 2020, 9:10:24 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 55.69 lyDistance to Sol: 17,045.39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 4,974.75 lyEstimated value: 372,126 cr
17.74 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 17.74 lyDistance to Sol: 17,014.72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,009.89 lyEstimated value: 219,968 cr
65.11 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.11 lyDistance to Sol: 16,998.77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,026.53 lyEstimated value: 4,885 cr
64.79 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.79 lyDistance to Sol: 16,933.98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,091.49 lyEstimated value: 551,564 cr
65.29 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.29 lyDistance to Sol: 16,869.77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,156.26 lyEstimated value: 3,720 cr
261.42 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.42 lyDistance to Sol: 16,805.78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,220.98 lyEstimated value: 107,522 cr
60.24 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 60.24 lyDistance to Sol: 16,551.76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,480.52 lyEstimated value: 127,001 cr
469.74 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 469.74 lyDistance to Sol: 16,494.57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 5,538.93 lyEstimated value: 3,633 cr
57.14 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 57.14 lyDistance to Sol: 16,030.88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,007.50 lyEstimated value: 22,914 cr
5.60 ly
Stuelou DR-C c29-337
Dec 8, 2020, 8:23:57 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 5.60 lyDistance to Sol: 15,974.13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,062.95 lyEstimated value: 127,415 cr
5.60 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 5.60 lyDistance to Sol: 15,977.40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,059.71 lyEstimated value: 885,204 cr
254.01 ly
Stuelou DR-C c29-337
Dec 8, 2020, 7:13:15 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 254.01 lyDistance to Sol: 15,974.13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,062.95 lyEstimated value: 127,415 cr
259.52 ly
Stuelou BN-H d11-2511
Dec 8, 2020, 7:12:03 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 259.52 lyDistance to Sol: 15,725.40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,313.59 lyEstimated value: 22,898 cr
149.25 ly
Stuelou QU-M d8-1157
Dec 8, 2020, 7:10:23 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 149.25 lyDistance to Sol: 15,469.63 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,572.56 lyEstimated value: 35,518 cr
63.58 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.58 lyDistance to Sol: 15,341.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,705.32 lyEstimated value: 211,674 cr
65.33 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.33 lyDistance to Sol: 15,278.43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,768.88 lyEstimated value: 173,713 cr
261.36 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.36 lyDistance to Sol: 15,215.31 ly
Distance to Colonia: 6,833.66 lyEstimated value: 3,652 cr
255.97 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 255.97 lyDistance to Sol: 14,963.24 ly
Distance to Colonia: 7,093.12 lyEstimated value: 22,815 cr
231.69 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 231.69 lyDistance to Sol: 14,713.78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 7,339.72 lyEstimated value: 25,296 cr
249.15 ly
Blo Aescs QN-B d13-1801
Dec 8, 2020, 6:39:36 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 249.15 lyDistance to Sol: 14,484.33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 7,570.96 lyEstimated value: 141,089 cr
62.58 ly
Blo Aescs FV-G d10-549
Dec 8, 2020, 6:37:54 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 62.58 lyDistance to Sol: 14,236.29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 7,819.32 lyEstimated value: 25,232 cr
261.36 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.36 lyDistance to Sol: 14,176.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 7,880.72 lyEstimated value: 473,273 cr
52.93 ly
Crookoa BW-N d6-1792
Dec 8, 2020, 6:26:11 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 52.93 lyDistance to Sol: 13,917.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,142.02 lyEstimated value: 142,421 cr
61.58 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 61.58 lyDistance to Sol: 13,921.39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,146.14 lyEstimated value: 4,827 cr
65.08 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.08 lyDistance to Sol: 13,861.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,207.42 lyEstimated value: 19,354 cr
261.00 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.00 lyDistance to Sol: 13,800.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,271.11 lyEstimated value: 71,766 cr
52.54 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 52.54 lyDistance to Sol: 13,549.23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,530.65 lyEstimated value: 607,225 cr
64.48 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.48 lyDistance to Sol: 13,498.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,578.18 lyEstimated value: 162,015 cr
65.26 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.26 lyDistance to Sol: 13,435.13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,642.39 lyEstimated value: 20,795 cr
65.22 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.22 lyDistance to Sol: 13,370.32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,707.54 lyEstimated value: 430,223 cr
64.64 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.64 lyDistance to Sol: 13,305.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,772.62 lyEstimated value: 30,306 cr
261.01 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.01 lyDistance to Sol: 13,244.75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 8,836.28 lyEstimated value: 37,792 cr
49.98 ly
Eodgorph XV-D d12-455
Dec 8, 2020, 5:37:43 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49.98 lyDistance to Sol: 12,989.63 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,097.12 lyEstimated value: 101,958 cr
December 7, 2020
261.10 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.10 lyDistance to Sol: 12,940.66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,144.99 lyEstimated value: 79,195 cr
43.92 ly
Eodgorph HC-L d8-237
Dec 7, 2020, 6:39:06 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43.92 lyDistance to Sol: 12,689.08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,405.06 lyEstimated value: 38,483 cr
65.36 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.36 lyDistance to Sol: 12,653.95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,436.45 lyEstimated value: 2,407 cr
6.78 ly
Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula)
Dec 7, 2020, 6:24:28 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 6.78 lyDistance to Sol: 12,589.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,501.02 lyEstimated value: 26,376 cr
7.31 ly
Eodgorph VG-X b30-22
Dec 7, 2020, 6:23:08 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 7.31 lyDistance to Sol: 12,588.80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,502.61 lyEstimated value: 4,812 cr
1.08 ly
Eodgorph IN-Z c14-32
Dec 7, 2020, 6:21:16 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 1.08 lyDistance to Sol: 12,586.93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,505.70 lyEstimated value: 133,273 cr
6.41 ly
Eodgorph TL-X b30-10
Dec 7, 2020, 6:18:14 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 6.41 lyDistance to Sol: 12,586.38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,506.14 lyEstimated value: 170,924 cr
16.86 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 16.86 lyDistance to Sol: 12,582.13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,511.06 lyEstimated value: 394,077 cr
39.97 ly
Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula)
Dec 7, 2020, 6:08:10 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39.97 lyDistance to Sol: 12,589.53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,501.02 lyEstimated value: 26,376 cr
65.30 ly
Eodgorph LI-Z c14-30
Dec 7, 2020, 6:04:25 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.30 lyDistance to Sol: 12,555.36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,530.91 lyEstimated value: 87,991 cr
65.32 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.32 lyDistance to Sol: 12,503.23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,575.47 lyEstimated value: 62,609 cr
261.46 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.46 lyDistance to Sol: 12,448.92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,623.66 lyEstimated value: 182,033 cr
59.66 ly
Eodgorph CK-R d4-656
Dec 7, 2020, 5:54:13 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 59.66 lyDistance to Sol: 12,229.99 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,819.22 lyEstimated value: 77,187 cr
261.39 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.39 lyDistance to Sol: 12,176.95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 9,868.68 lyEstimated value: 85,704 cr
59.84 ly
Prua Phoe QI-Z d1-350
Dec 7, 2020, 5:42:42 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 59.84 lyDistance to Sol: 11,961.17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,066.79 lyEstimated value: 296,598 cr
December 6, 2020
63.82 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.82 lyDistance to Sol: 11,981.74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,044.93 lyEstimated value: 1,201 cr
65.24 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.24 lyDistance to Sol: 11,932.39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,090.44 lyEstimated value: 2,409 cr
65.22 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.22 lyDistance to Sol: 11,872.57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,147.75 lyEstimated value: 102,585 cr
65.20 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.20 lyDistance to Sol: 11,820.34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,196.66 lyEstimated value: 60,154 cr
261.19 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.19 lyDistance to Sol: 11,762.14 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,252.54 lyEstimated value: 4,177 cr
50.02 ly
Skaude QU-O e6-41
Dec 6, 2020, 9:48:21 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50.02 lyDistance to Sol: 11,541.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,464.59 lyEstimated value: 24,529 cr
64.11 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.11 lyDistance to Sol: 11,513.92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,490.50 lyEstimated value: 46,518 cr
183.48 ly
Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders))
Dec 6, 2020, 9:30:36 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 183.48 lyDistance to Sol: 11,569.28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,436.50 lyEstimated value: 348,023 cr
50.28 ly
Skaude EJ-F d12-274
Dec 6, 2020, 9:29:31 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50.28 lyDistance to Sol: 11,392.64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,611.14 lyEstimated value: 39,317 cr
63.94 ly
Skaude AD-H d11-59
Dec 6, 2020, 9:23:44 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.94 lyDistance to Sol: 11,346.30 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,657.71 lyEstimated value: 543,713 cr
260.88 ly
Skaude UP-E b44-0
Dec 6, 2020, 9:22:33 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 260.88 lyDistance to Sol: 11,282.88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,721.13 lyEstimated value: 3,378 cr
52.61 ly
Skaude QK-M d8-214
Dec 6, 2020, 9:21:20 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 52.61 lyDistance to Sol: 11,027.36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 10,974.94 lyEstimated value: 24,060 cr
261.03 ly
Skaude BY-C b31-9
Dec 6, 2020, 9:19:43 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 261.03 lyDistance to Sol: 10,976.89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,025.69 lyEstimated value: 1,204 cr
55.46 ly
Skaude DH-T d4-148
Dec 6, 2020, 9:18:23 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 55.46 lyDistance to Sol: 10,719.67 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,281.85 lyEstimated value: 218,191 cr
9.27 ly
Skaude ZA-V d3-28
Dec 6, 2020, 9:09:01 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 9.27 lyDistance to Sol: 10,676.61 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,325.17 lyEstimated value: 296,959 cr
1.20 ly
Skaude ZA-V d3-53
Dec 6, 2020, 9:05:57 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 1.20 lyDistance to Sol: 10,673.55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,328.04 lyEstimated value: 709,409 cr
61.13 ly
Skaude AL-X e1-28 (Rusty Net)
Dec 6, 2020, 9:02:56 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 61.13 lyDistance to Sol: 10,674.03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,327.56 lyEstimated value: 790,141 cr
63.06 ly
Skaude ZA-V d3-50
Dec 6, 2020, 9:01:38 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.06 lyDistance to Sol: 10,644.20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,358.52 lyEstimated value: 41,616 cr
63.26 ly
Skaude UU-W d2-44
Dec 6, 2020, 9:00:40 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.26 lyDistance to Sol: 10,621.83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,382.83 lyEstimated value: 3,638 cr
260.83 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 260.83 lyDistance to Sol: 10,597.21 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,409.55 lyEstimated value: 3,668 cr
52.21 ly
Skaude GC-C d23
Dec 6, 2020, 8:58:08 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 52.21 lyDistance to Sol: 10,475.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,546.46 lyEstimated value: 52,722 cr
32.72 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 32.72 lyDistance to Sol: 10,442.38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,577.11 lyEstimated value: 38,084 cr
64.68 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.68 lyDistance to Sol: 10,429.79 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,592.24 lyEstimated value: 142,323 cr
65.02 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.02 lyDistance to Sol: 10,397.28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,629.79 lyEstimated value: 96,784 cr
64.15 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.15 lyDistance to Sol: 10,368.80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,664.13 lyEstimated value: 1,224 cr
63.43 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.43 lyDistance to Sol: 10,335.10 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,703.78 lyEstimated value: 224,934 cr
65.14 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.14 lyDistance to Sol: 10,303.56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,741.42 lyEstimated value: 392,325 cr
61.64 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 61.64 lyDistance to Sol: 10,266.74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,784.97 lyEstimated value: 110,436 cr
64.32 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.32 lyDistance to Sol: 10,231.62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,826.84 lyEstimated value: 305,652 cr
65.30 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.30 lyDistance to Sol: 10,194.16 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,871.69 lyEstimated value: 4,834 cr
65.00 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.00 lyDistance to Sol: 10,150.76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,921.83 lyEstimated value: 32,414 cr
65.13 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.13 lyDistance to Sol: 10,131.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,951.09 lyEstimated value: 478,445 cr
65.26 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.26 lyDistance to Sol: 10,094.09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 11,997.13 lyEstimated value: 404,618 cr
278.81 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 278.81 lyDistance to Sol: 10,058.14 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,042.46 lyEstimated value: 1,215 cr
260.53 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 260.53 lyDistance to Sol: 9,926.93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,221.35 lyEstimated value: 252,476 cr
60.88 ly
Flyiedgai VT-Y d1-43
Dec 6, 2020, 6:50:04 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 60.88 lyDistance to Sol: 9,814.39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,388.97 lyEstimated value: 85,806 cr
80.39 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 80.39 lyDistance to Sol: 9,868.94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,343.26 lyEstimated value: 11,936 cr
45.98 ly
Flyiedgai QN-A d1-114
Dec 6, 2020, 6:26:48 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45.98 lyDistance to Sol: 9,804.75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,415.76 lyEstimated value: 195,905 cr
62.24 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 62.24 lyDistance to Sol: 9,810.92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,422.30 lyEstimated value: 404,214 cr
64.84 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.84 lyDistance to Sol: 9,785.39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,463.28 lyEstimated value: 51,502 cr
63.84 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 63.84 lyDistance to Sol: 9,770.88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,495.68 lyEstimated value: 482,456 cr
64.02 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.02 lyDistance to Sol: 9,747.99 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,536.00 lyEstimated value: 201,103 cr
64.83 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.83 lyDistance to Sol: 9,725.86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,575.65 lyEstimated value: 962,556 cr
61.88 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 61.88 lyDistance to Sol: 9,696.99 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,621.93 lyEstimated value: 5,364 cr
17.87 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 17.87 lyDistance to Sol: 9,664.58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,669.42 lyEstimated value: 6,051 cr
60.43 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 60.43 lyDistance to Sol: 9,654.08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,683.87 lyEstimated value: 30,773 cr
62.51 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 62.51 lyDistance to Sol: 9,640.93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,714.59 lyEstimated value: 229,346 cr
260.96 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 260.96 lyDistance to Sol: 9,623.80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,752.05 lyEstimated value: 123,024 cr
56.77 ly
Flyua Hypue OU-M d8-121
Dec 6, 2020, 5:38:31 PM
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 56.77 lyDistance to Sol: 9,477.44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,968.08 lyEstimated value: 145,712 cr
64.39 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 64.39 lyDistance to Sol: 9,501.12 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12,966.80 lyEstimated value: 18,976 cr
65.09 ly
Ship: PEGASE DEEP SPACE (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 65.09 lyDistance to Sol: 9,474.88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13,014.28 lyEstimated value: 7,250 cr