Advanced search > Stations

Found 5,999 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Serre Dock
Attacates / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 141.53 ly
271.52 ls      
Mitchell City
Attacates / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 141.53 ly
378.58 ls      
Dobrovolskiy Ring
Li Chul / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 141.54 ly
81.34 ls      
Cooper Base
Li Chul / Planetary Port
Independent Dictatorship Military 141.54 ly
43.98 ls      
Bayliss Reach
Li Chul / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 141.54 ly
1,875.83 ls      
Pegasi Sector MD-P a7-2 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 141.64 ly
0.00 ls      
Verrier Orbital
Prydereti / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 141.65 ly
2,262.12 ls      
Sagan Orbital
Thosia / Ocellus Starport
Alliance Cooperative Refinery 141.69 ly
3,006.64 ls      
Medupe's Progress
Thosia / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Cooperative Refinery 141.69 ly
3,166.93 ls      
Mach City
Thosia / Orbis Starport
Alliance Cooperative Agriculture 141.69 ly
3,029.28 ls      
Dana City
Chengurr / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 141.73 ly
17,221.86 ls      
Hilmers Terminal
Chengurr / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 141.73 ly
851.95 ls      
Ngolite / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 141.73 ly
0.00 ls      
Samuda Enterprise
HIP 21923 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 141.88 ly
153,220.75 ls      
Pudwill Gorie Platform
HIP 56930 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 141.90 ly
1,304.99 ls      
Barbosa Station
Anedjet / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 141.93 ly
9.08 ls      
Maanen Dock
Namon / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 141.93 ly
5,665.40 ls      
Vogel Hub
Candecama / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 142.03 ly
78.17 ls      
Otus Orbital
Candecama / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 142.03 ly
329.24 ls      
Dowie Port
HIP 96854 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 142.07 ly
1,686.51 ls      
Hyakutake City
Mu-2 Octantis / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 142.12 ly
2,251.54 ls      
Chiang Orbital
Mu-2 Octantis / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 142.12 ly
1,668.29 ls      
Fidalgo Dock
Havalokul / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate High Tech 142.12 ly
341.72 ls      
Cayley Hub
HIP 55761 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 142.12 ly
622.72 ls      
Boming Hub
Pamenhari / Ocellus Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 142.21 ly
1,176.45 ls      
Hart Terminal
Turing / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 142.24 ly
11.92 ls      
Kidman Terminal
Ndjari / Coriolis Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 142.24 ly
10.36 ls      
Tyurin City
Buyuma / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 142.25 ly
873.56 ls      
Fettman Gateway
HIP 67055 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 142.27 ly
8,113.16 ls      
Garratt Gateway
HIP 67055 / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 142.27 ly
8,128.83 ls      
Wiley Gateway
HIP 67055 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 142.27 ly
295.78 ls      
Stiegler Dock
Eithure / Orbis Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 142.31 ly
229.53 ls      
Makeev Survey
Eithure / Planetary Outpost
Independent Confederacy Military 142.31 ly
969.09 ls      
Abetti Vision
Kholu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate High Tech 142.32 ly
638.36 ls      
HIP 20440 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 142.32 ly
1,410.70 ls      
Lee City
Chaman / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 142.32 ly
4,390.33 ls      
Cardano City
Hurusalki / Ocellus Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 142.34 ly
10,201.34 ls      
Bennett Orbital
HIP 117288 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 142.49 ly
363.58 ls      
Valdes Barracks
Djinba / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Military 142.52 ly
1,037.24 ls      
Coleman Terminal
Kyamatae / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 142.56 ly
210.38 ls      
Lysenko Enterprise
Kyamatae / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 142.56 ly
484.60 ls      
Baker Plant
Quikinnaqu / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Refinery 142.67 ly
18.51 ls      
Parun / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 142.68 ly
396.95 ls      
Fossum Ring
Kwatsu / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 142.72 ly
75.96 ls      
Kimberlin Ring
Eledolyaks / Ocellus Starport
Alliance Dictatorship Industrial 142.72 ly
1,379.37 ls      
McMonagle Station
Gabihilota / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 142.73 ly
253.76 ls      
Foucault Dock
Mantani / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 142.74 ly
1,913.58 ls      
Crook Terminal
HIP 21455 / Orbis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 142.74 ly
115,660.28 ls      
Kapteyn Enterprise
Biatelara / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 142.76 ly
1,046.39 ls      
Grigson Port
Herus / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 142.80 ly
2,592.15 ls      
Stillman Station
Kachatrimih / Coriolis Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 142.83 ly
289.85 ls      
Rigaux Gateway
HIP 12605 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate High Tech 142.88 ly
381,299.77 ls      
Gromov Orbital
Choujem / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 142.92 ly
12.11 ls      
Yourkevitch Port
HIP 16529 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 143.02 ly
49,122.70 ls      
Gabriel Enterprise
Harma / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 143.04 ly
258.71 ls      
Narvaez Terminal
Swazahua / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy Industrial 143.06 ly
1,593.76 ls      
Chibio / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 143.07 ly
8,435.09 ls      
Holden Ring
Volcae / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 143.12 ly
514.41 ls      
al-Haytham Point
HIP 14857 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 143.12 ly
1,825.26 ls      
Smith Port
HIP 106072 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 143.13 ly
490.00 ls      
Ohm Horizons
HIP 29312 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Democracy High Tech 143.13 ly
653.38 ls      
Carr Dock
Negasta / Outpost
Alliance Anarchy Industrial 143.14 ly
1,118.56 ls      
Farmer Dock
Negasta / Orbis Starport
Alliance Anarchy Industrial 143.14 ly
651.69 ls      
Fox Terminal
HIP 117865 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 143.24 ly
35.84 ls      
Lee Station
HIP 117865 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 143.24 ly
477.88 ls      
Kimura Terminal
Atlantis / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal High Tech 143.29 ly
5,478.23 ls      
Trianguli Sector BA-A d84 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 143.35 ly
0.00 ls      
The Den
HR 7047 / Asteroid base
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 143.36 ly
1,905.71 ls      
Roelofs Enterprise
Enchimanda / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 143.43 ly
723.98 ls      
Crippen Terminal
Baijun / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 143.46 ly
65.05 ls      
Cook Ring
Ayores / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 143.46 ly
27.95 ls      
Jeury Hub
Latucano / Ocellus Starport
Alliance Corporate Industrial 143.46 ly
1,641.73 ls      
Schroter Terminal
Xuangu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage High Tech 143.48 ly
4.41 ls      
Nogambe / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 143.54 ly
0.00 ls      
Luiken Port
HIP 61986 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Patronage Industrial 143.54 ly
46.92 ls      
Richards Dock
HIP 46598 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Industrial 143.61 ly
89.33 ls      
Griffin Terminal
HIP 60325 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 143.61 ly
912.15 ls      
Constantine Bastion
Bogami / Planetary Outpost
Independent Confederacy Military 143.65 ly
1,216.85 ls      
Phillpotts Port
HIP 42253 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 143.67 ly
70.96 ls      
Gold Hub
Gliese 9539 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 143.79 ly
1,413.10 ls      
HIP 20084 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 143.84 ly
385.21 ls      
Tapinas Ring
Moram / Coriolis Starport
Empire Anarchy Industrial 143.84 ly
36.30 ls      
Hugh Hub
Any Kutjara / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 143.87 ly
95.36 ls      
Horch Orbital
Bered / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 143.93 ly
1,151.72 ls      
Rey Station
Miwodigi / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 143.95 ly
723.51 ls      
Wundt Terminal
Gliese 828.4 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Industrial 144.08 ly
511.83 ls      
Bottego Hub
Mehit / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 144.15 ly
901.72 ls      
Eanes' Progress
Wichaimi / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 144.16 ly
242.45 ls      
Smirnova Orbital
Wichaimi / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 144.16 ly
181.92 ls      
Houtman Silo
Wichaimi / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 144.16 ly
4,998.07 ls      
Wu Arsenal
Wichaimi / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 144.16 ly
570.72 ls      
Mueller Terminal
Wichaimi / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 144.16 ly
146.36 ls      
Brunner Ring
Wichaimi / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 144.16 ly
78.26 ls      
Ham City
Gliese 765.3 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 144.21 ly
2,356.49 ls      
Czerny Port
Gliese 765.3 / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Industrial 144.21 ly
2,333.06 ls      
Calennero / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 144.22 ly
0.00 ls      
Piaget Orbital
Wurango / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate High Tech 144.22 ly
1,200.89 ls      
HIP 19504 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 144.22 ly
60.03 ls      
Schrodinger City
Lakurbal / Ocellus Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 144.28 ly
11.91 ls      
Shajn Prospect
Vajrapese / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 144.30 ly
240.24 ls