Advanced search > Stations

Found 16,542 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Vogel Orbital
Hunahau / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.30 ly
9,453.95 ls      
Marianne's Journey to Arcadia
LTT 606 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 78.31 ly
2,087.94 ls      
Asire Base
GCRV 4654 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 78.37 ly
3,312.53 ls      
Hamilton Vision
V417 Hydrae / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 78.37 ly
711.99 ls      
Brunner Horizons
Ao Qin / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 78.41 ly
504.38 ls      
Wandrei Silo
Ao Qin / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 78.41 ly
504.11 ls      
Jacquard Orbital
Hoder / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 78.41 ly
13,364.94 ls      
Herschel Point
V2431 Cygni / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 78.44 ly
497.01 ls      
Kaku Orbital
Chemaku / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 78.55 ly
803.36 ls      
Crampton Port
Chemaku / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Agriculture 78.55 ly
661.04 ls      
Lawson Station
Chemaku / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 78.55 ly
2,882.66 ls      
Collins Station
Huichi / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 78.57 ly
112.48 ls      
Yakabugai / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.59 ly
364.33 ls      
Levi-Montalcini City
Yakabugai / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 78.59 ly
508.44 ls      
Serebrov Station
Yakabugai / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 78.59 ly
364.27 ls      
Gateway / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.62 ly
2,105.61 ls      
Rescue Ship - Dublin Citadel
Gateway / Mega ship
Pilots Federation Democracy Rescue 78.62 ly
299.48 ls      
Leavitt City
Syntec / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 78.63 ly
2,634.72 ls      
Oersted Gateway
Syntec / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 78.63 ly
3,519.66 ls      
Filipchenko Prospect
Ao Shun / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Colony 78.64 ly
1,780.12 ls      
Pawelczyk Terminal
Ao Shun / Coriolis Starport
Federation Confederacy Industrial 78.64 ly
1,286.09 ls      
Bosch City
Nisgayo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 78.64 ly
17.89 ls      
Brillant Prospect
Esumindii / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.69 ly
1,794.57 ls      
Nourse City
Esumindii / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate High Tech 78.69 ly
1,796.45 ls      
Perez Dock
Khodhis / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 78.73 ly
8,634.08 ls      
Piscium Sector QI-T b3-5 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.74 ly
0.00 ls      
Lovedu / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.77 ly
986.92 ls      
al-Khowarizmi Landing
Sofagre / Outpost
Alliance Democracy Refinery 78.77 ly
68.85 ls      
Midgley Hub
UBV 8670 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 78.78 ly
214,755.40 ls      
Schlegel Terminal
UBV 8670 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.78 ly
1,324.67 ls      
He Bo / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.78 ly
940.40 ls      
Cormack Vision
Tripu / Outpost
Independent Feudal Extraction 78.81 ly
1,049.34 ls      
Chargaff Orbital
Tripu / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal Extraction 78.81 ly
727.14 ls      
Scott Enterprise
Tripu / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 78.81 ly
723.00 ls      
Glidden Terminal
Eta Indi / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 78.83 ly
205.70 ls      
Bei Dou Sector JH-V b2-3 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.85 ly
0.00 ls      
Rush's Camp
Ackwada / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 78.90 ly
186.68 ls      
Sobek / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.91 ly
0.00 ls      
Sobek / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.91 ly
0.00 ls      
Baudry Gateway
Kwazahui / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.92 ly
37,495.70 ls      
Watts Terminal
Kwazahui / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 78.92 ly
1,051.44 ls      
Nasmyth Relay
Kwazahui / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 78.92 ly
8,114.87 ls      
Bosch City
Li Cha / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 78.96 ly
257.25 ls      
Kizim Station
Huiche / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 78.97 ly
1,110.93 ls      
Nikitin Base
Huiche / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Military 78.97 ly
1,089.77 ls      
Weyn Dock
CPD-70 2439 / Ocellus Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 78.97 ly
2,025.47 ls      
Fossum Keep
CPD-70 2439 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 78.97 ly
224.91 ls      
Chipiapoos / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 78.99 ly
1,442.25 ls      
Dedman Ring
Chipiapoos / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.99 ly
1,976.80 ls      
Cook Orbital
Chipiapoos / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 78.99 ly
1,309.47 ls      
Love Horizons
LTT 6043 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 79.04 ly
1,369.22 ls      
Behnken Port
KUI 11 / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 79.05 ly
4,345.81 ls      
Jenner Hub
KUI 11 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 79.05 ly
4,343.68 ls      
Piccard Point
KUI 11 / Planetary Port
Federation Democracy Industrial 79.05 ly
4,354.33 ls      
Foreman Orbital
KUI 11 / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 79.05 ly
4,258.60 ls      
Varley Hangar
Jumadis / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Refinery 79.14 ly
592.98 ls      
MacLean Orbital
Namte / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 79.23 ly
26.58 ls      
McKay Settlement
Namte / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 79.23 ly
15.47 ls      
Peterson Ring
Asegezites / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 79.27 ly
2,648.88 ls      
Casper Relay
Mexicatese / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 79.28 ly
120.89 ls      
Birkhoff Relay
Mexicatese / Planetary Port
Federation Corporate Colony 79.28 ly
120.89 ls      
Papin Orbital
Regulus / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 79.29 ly
3,677.87 ls      
LHS 2477 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 79.35 ly
0.00 ls      
Mach Vision
LHS 2477 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 79.35 ly
195.14 ls      
Krupkat Relay
LHS 2789 / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Military 79.36 ly
1,228.80 ls      
Glidden Arsenal
Picaurukan / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Military 79.43 ly
143,503.54 ls      
Clerk Station
Picaurukan / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 79.43 ly
14.05 ls      
Aristotle Terminal
Picaurukan / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 79.43 ly
8.29 ls      
Gamow Hub
Picaurukan / Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 79.43 ly
1,438.62 ls      
Morukov Gateway
Picaurukan / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture 79.43 ly
25.93 ls      
Stairs Port
Lalande 4268 / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Extraction 79.46 ly
309.21 ls      
Lowry Ring
Lalande 4268 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 79.46 ly
1,165.93 ls      
Auer Base
Lalande 4268 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 79.46 ly
19,178.28 ls      
Conrad Terminal
Vellamo / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 79.51 ly
33.31 ls      
Zewail Mines
Kame / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 79.52 ly
447.23 ls      
Hilmers Port
Kame / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 79.52 ly
630.56 ls      
Darahk / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Extraction 79.52 ly
161.07 ls      
Trevithick Horizons
LP 445-22 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 79.53 ly
554.92 ls      
Aldrin Colony
Aegaeon / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 79.55 ly
9,279.99 ls      
Volterra Survey
Aegaeon / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 79.55 ly
9,306.34 ls      
Ledyard Keep
LHS 2637 / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Military 79.55 ly
523.95 ls      
LHS 2637 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 79.55 ly
0.00 ls      
Perez Ring
LHS 2637 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate High Tech 79.55 ly
394.09 ls      
West Gateway
Khernidjal / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate High Tech 79.56 ly
405.24 ls      
Morris Dock
Khernidjal / Outpost
Alliance Corporate High Tech 79.56 ly
585.25 ls      
Brooks Enterprise
Khernidjal / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Extraction 79.56 ly
585.13 ls      
Pawelczyk Orbital
Akheilos / Outpost
Alliance Democracy Refinery 79.56 ly
14.26 ls      
Lie Oasis
Achelous / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 79.57 ly
2,921.33 ls      
Hennen Enterprise
Achelous / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 79.57 ly
1,254.20 ls      
Mendel Hub
Achelous / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Agriculture 79.57 ly
218.76 ls      
Thompson Gateway
Achelous / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 79.57 ly
2,075.65 ls      
Marshall Survey
Achelous / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 79.57 ly
2,068.86 ls      
Noon Landing
Achelous / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 79.57 ly
2,070.60 ls      
Copernicus Dock
Achelous / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 79.57 ly
926.59 ls      
Enayex / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 79.57 ly
0.00 ls      
Enayex / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 79.57 ly
0.00 ls      
Coleman Relay
Enayex / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 79.57 ly
374,199.97 ls      
Enayex / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 79.57 ly
0.00 ls      
Watt Port
Enayex / Ocellus Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 79.57 ly
249.74 ls      
Hartsfield Gateway
NLTT 6655 / Outpost
Independent Patronage Industrial 79.57 ly
757.69 ls