Advanced search > Stations

Found 24,735 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Dantec Settlement
Koeng Pora / Planetary Port
Empire Corporate Refinery 267.70 ly
2,761.04 ls      
Tepper Installation
Kureserians / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 268.25 ly
332.36 ls      
Hevelius' Inheritance
Kureserians / Planetary Port
Independent Corporate Refinery 268.25 ly
17.30 ls      
Lambert Vision
Kureserians / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 268.25 ly
17.26 ls      
Dickinson Vision
Kureserians / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 268.25 ly
30.32 ls      
Hale Prospect
Kureserians / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 268.25 ly
335.14 ls      
Malvern Vision
Waimile / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 268.43 ly
5,602.04 ls      
42 n Persei / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 268.47 ly
332.23 ls      
Baily Enterprise
Selkit / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 268.71 ly
17.59 ls      
Riess Port
Selkit / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 268.71 ly
51.68 ls      
Harrington Settlement
Selkit / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 268.71 ly
17.55 ls      
Thorne City
Auso / Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 268.85 ly
175.22 ls      
Vess Station
Auso / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 268.85 ly
175.45 ls      
Kornbluth Beacon
Auso / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 268.85 ly
347,520.34 ls      
Niven Plant
Heimanes / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Refinery 269.81 ly
136.08 ls      
Serling Prospect
HIP 17984 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 270.24 ly
397,565.08 ls      
Caryanda Terminal
HIP 6254 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Refinery 270.47 ly
2,277.32 ls      
Greenstein Vision
HIP 6254 / Planetary Port
Independent Dictatorship Refinery 270.47 ly
2,098.34 ls      
Rabinowitz Vision
Gallemi / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 270.91 ly
589.13 ls      
Roentgen Installation
Singa / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 271.54 ly
3,721.71 ls      
Tasman Camp
Tirai / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 271.73 ly
3,650.26 ls      
Rowley Relay
HIP 112001 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 271.82 ly
3,080.27 ls      
Brorsen Port
Iconti Shi / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 272.03 ly
460.39 ls      
Dyson Station
Iconti Shi / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 272.03 ly
25.08 ls      
Jones Gateway
Iconti Shi / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 272.03 ly
13.73 ls      
Spassky's Folly
HIP 13514 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 272.73 ly
172.13 ls      
Borrego Ring
Caspiat / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 273.14 ly
250.81 ls      
Mandel Observatory
Caspiat / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 273.14 ly
314,339.64 ls      
McKee Orbital
Caspiat / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 273.14 ly
250.05 ls      
Henry Observatory
Caudji / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 273.49 ly
380,441.48 ls      
Lopez de Haro Relay
Caudji / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Colony 273.49 ly
1,027.53 ls      
Mayer City
Caudji / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 273.49 ly
1,375.58 ls      
Montrose Horizons
Caret Werek / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 273.81 ly
2,494.92 ls      
Col 285 Sector SI-R b5-5 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 274.11 ly
184.37 ls      
Asami Port
HIP 20869 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 274.32 ly
865.48 ls      
Qian Depot
Humana / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 274.76 ly
5,260.05 ls      
Yuzhe Plant
Humana / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 274.76 ly
4,732.13 ls      
Brothers Terminal
Humana / Planetary Port
Empire Feudal Refinery 274.76 ly
5,006.23 ls      
Auld Legacy
HIP 117831 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Prison colony Colony 274.77 ly
1,083.25 ls      
Peters Station
HIP 117831 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Prison colony Extraction 274.77 ly
1,445.97 ls      
Andrews Terminal
Auserid / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 275.07 ly
56.33 ls      
Shajn Terminal
Eshu / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 275.61 ly
1,742.49 ls      
Celsius Installation
Eshu / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 275.61 ly
2,674.68 ls      
Clark Exchange
Ingui / Planetary Outpost
Independent Theocracy Colony 275.63 ly
929.81 ls      
Szymanski and Udalski Hub
Ingui / Coriolis Starport
Independent Theocracy Extraction 275.63 ly
930.31 ls      
Almagro Settlement
Zaparo / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 275.84 ly
31,691.93 ls      
Laing Vision
Zaparo / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 275.84 ly
4,188.56 ls      
Furuta Beacon
Halanduni / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 275.86 ly
52.61 ls      
Arnold Survey
Khary / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 275.90 ly
34.90 ls      
McIntyre Vision
Khary / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Colony 275.90 ly
34.86 ls      
Rothman Vista
Khary / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 275.90 ly
34.87 ls      
Eschbach Horizons
Taurt / Planetary Outpost
Independent Theocracy Colony 276.22 ly
2,682.06 ls      
Koishikawa Station
Taurt / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 276.22 ly
1,573.36 ls      
Chios Plant
Yawalapiti / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 276.30 ly
8,539.92 ls      
Resnick Base
HIP 4062 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 276.88 ly
131.80 ls      
Ayton Innes Beacon
HIP 4062 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 276.88 ly
233.73 ls      
Sweet Orbital
HIP 114333 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Extraction 277.13 ly
2,181.68 ls      
Bolkow Orbital
HIP 114333 / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 277.13 ly
4,180.56 ls      
Marriott Depot
Lwendecht / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Refinery 277.19 ly
328.36 ls      
Wilhelm Enterprise
Lwendecht / Coriolis Starport
Independent Theocracy Extraction 277.19 ly
328.23 ls      
Cook Refinery
Lwendecht / Planetary Outpost
Empire Feudal Refinery 277.19 ly
328.36 ls      
Banach's Progress
Koing / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 277.24 ly
30.72 ls      
Merritt Hub
Padh / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 277.31 ly
231.56 ls      
Nadiradze Horizons
Ualarni / Coriolis Starport
Independent Theocracy Industrial 277.36 ly
785.53 ls      
Humason Orbital
Keiadiras / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 277.37 ly
4,109.75 ls      
Delany Enterprise
HIP 116263 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Refinery 277.60 ly
254.11 ls      
Maury Enterprise
HIP 116263 / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 277.60 ly
4,200.41 ls      
Safdie's Inheritance
Wikmung / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 278.21 ly
6.12 ls      
Sopwith Dock
HIP 16038 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 278.30 ly
847.43 ls      
Hedin Terminal
HIP 16038 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 278.30 ly
51,175.50 ls      
Schwabe Terminal
Motilekui / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 278.40 ly
374.50 ls      
Young Ring
Motilekui / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 278.40 ly
993.79 ls      
Emshwiller Terminal
Ibisanyan / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Colony 280.41 ly
117.44 ls      
Kuo Mines
Ibisanyan / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 280.41 ly
117.34 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Station
HIP 1536 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 281.17 ly
16,460.72 ls      
Anderson Hub
HIP 1536 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 281.17 ly
1,771.43 ls      
Miyasaka Ring
Atese / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 281.87 ly
1,460.29 ls      
Shinn Camp
Wallites / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 283.08 ly
973.77 ls      
Davis Landing
Wallites / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 283.08 ly
66.03 ls      
Wafa Enterprise
Bende / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 284.21 ly
32.08 ls      
Tuttle Platform
Bende / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 284.21 ly
92.87 ls      
Lee Reformatory
Aspele / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 285.65 ly
2,660.17 ls      
Blish Depot
Basterni / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 285.73 ly
931.75 ls      
HIP 1185 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 289.93 ly
1,413.44 ls      
Dalmas Plant
HIP 1781 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 291.48 ly
144,139.45 ls      
Riemann's Folly
HIP 1781 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 291.48 ly
145.75 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Port
HIP 1781 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 291.48 ly
424.93 ls      
Tanner Prospect
HIP 11469 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 293.05 ly
183.08 ls      
Medupe Installation
HIP 11469 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 293.05 ly
1,078.37 ls      
Gaughan Station
HIP 11469 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Extraction 293.05 ly
182.37 ls      
Suri Gateway
Vesuvit / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 296.54 ly
875.14 ls      
Fozard Vision
Vesuvit / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 296.54 ly
2,896.34 ls      
Herbert Beacon
Nyament / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 296.70 ly
335.10 ls      
Sorayama Orbital
Nyament / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 296.70 ly
410.06 ls      
Cerulli Enterprise
Kokondji / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 297.24 ly
483.13 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Landing
Kokondji / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 297.24 ly
483.19 ls      
Reynolds Installation
Karunti / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 297.94 ly
474,681.17 ls      
Gold Hub
HIP 117114 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 301.74 ly
27,573.17 ls      
Narlikar Vision
HIP 117114 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Refinery 301.74 ly
101.47 ls      
Tall's Inheritance
HIP 8711 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 303.68 ly
189,595.85 ls