KDT. Weylandt Profil > Logbuch

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Finity's End [WEY-01]
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Onwards to WP 6

November 13th, 3303, 19:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to Waypoint 6:

I have made good progress in these last few days, after I finally returned to more densely populated space... relatively speaking.I heard about two places somewhere between WP2 and WP6 that I've decided to visit... Twin Garden and Celeri Transitu.I'm heading there and then I have to decide... turn back towards Station X for repairs and to turn in the data that I've collected so far, or continue onward with my journey. I followed the mass launch of my fellows from DECE from BC2 via transmission, looked as if they had a lot of fun. They have already decided on a location for Basecamp 3, but that already behind me. I found quite a few Earth-like and Ammonia Worlds, and plenty of Water Worlds along the way, many of them terraformable. I'm about 2.5 kly out of Celeri Transitu at the moment.

Weylandt out.

November 13th, 3303, 21:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Celeri Transitu:

I arrived at Celeri Transitu, but I'm not too impressed. Sure, there is a planet here with a very short orbital period but since it is not landable, it is not that visually impressive. I've come to a decision: I'll head back to the Daedalus Crossing and then on to Station X to carry out some repairs. It is not really necessary at the moment, my power plant is still at 97% , but I probably won't have the opportunity for repairs, I haven't been this close to a repair facility for the last 3 weeks and will probably not have the chance before Colonia. I am also far ahead of the main group of the expedition, so I have the time and can use it to turn in my exploration data... just in case.
I can't plot to the Crab Nebula directly, so I've found a good midway point, about 2.7 kly from here... let's see how far I get tonight.

Weylandt out.

Moving backwards towards WP 6

November 7th, 3303, 20:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to Waypoint 6:

Whoever called this endeavor the Dead End's Expedition must have precognitive capabilities... it is surprisingly hard to move away from WP 5 and Shackleton's Star as there are many pockets of empty space here which makes long range course plotting towards WP 6 almost impossible. I've run into some dead ends today and had to back track several times. But looks as if the worst is behind me, I am hopeful that it will get easier from here on.

I also used a neutron star to boost my FSD for the first time on this voyage... just to end up in another cul-de-sac. I try to rejoin the more densely populated region of the Outer Vacuus Arm, so I'm heading in the direction of BC 2 for the moment before turning westwards towards WP 6. At least that's the plan for now.

Weylandt out.

Shackleton's Star and beyond

November 6th, 3303, 20:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to Waypoint 6:

After harvesting some materials on the only landable planet in the system of Amundsen's Star, I am now heading back to more densely populated regions of stars. I decided to make a detour to Shackleton's Star, simply because it was in the vicinity and am now heading towards Waypoint 6, about 11k ly away. Direct plotting seems impossible from here.

It took some time to reach unexplored regions, but I hope that the already known zones are now behind me for the moment. I'm still well stocked in terms of FSD boost materials, but I plan to be on the look-out for some more materials. Long-range plotting is still difficult for now, but seems to be improving steadily.

Weylandt out.

Amundsen's Star

November 5th, 3303, 20:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Amundsen's Star (WP 5):

After two days of travel, I arrived at Waypoint 5 tonight. The journey was mostly uneventful, with some undiscovered Earth-like and ammonia worlds along the way. I was able to get to about 500 ly from the target before I had to resort to FSD boosts. I'm obviously not the first in this region of space, many of the stars and planets here have already been tagged, in particular by CMDR ALLITNIL. I also met CMDR Gramps at Waypoint 5 and we took the time for a few snapshots to prove our achievements on the only landable body in-system. I gotta say, his Asp almost looks as run-down as Peregrine.

I plan to do some material harvesting to replenish my resources, though unfortunately, there is no Polonium here. Then I have to move back to a more densely star population and plot the course for the next leg of this journey.

Weylandt out.

Basecamp 2... again (and in the fog)

November 3rd, 3303, 21:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at BC 2 (again):

I reached Basecamp 2 about 2 hours ahead of the calculated time of the eclipse and met up with CMDR Orciencor of the Star Jumper. Later, we were also joined by CMDR Rojo Habe of the Pepy's Cheese (I wonder what the story behind this ship name is). We spent some time here and watched it get darker. The scouts were right (again), this is an impressive and very atmospheric sight. Hardly any colors, only silhouettes of black, grey and white... positively spooky.

CMDR Orciencor was also able to repair the damage to my hull, so this at least is back to 100 %. Next target: Waypoint 5.

Weylandt out.


November 2nd, 3303, 21:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to BC 2 (again):

I am moving back up the arm for a rendezvous at Basecamp 2. Although I have set a quick pace, I take the time to explore interesting systems in more detail. In this manner I have found one more Earth-like world and an ammonia world today, along with several water worlds. I was also able to replenish my materials for FSD boosts, I now have 40 premium charges, and also a satisfactory amount of basic and standard charges.

On a less positive note, I had some problems on a planet with 2.6g. A rapid maneuvre induced a heat surge in the systems and caused some damage. I had to pop a heat sink to limit the damage. I'm down to one heat sink in the first launcher but materials to synthesize new heat sinks are easy to find, so I am not too worried.

I still consider to make a trip back to Station X or New Beginning for some repairs and to turn in the exploration data that I have collected so far, but I have some time left to make a decision.

Weylandt out.

WP 3 & 4

November 1st, 3303, 21:05, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at WP3:

I reached WP 3 today, and, after some jumponium-boosted FSD jumps, also WP 4. Both systems seem to be pretty unremarkable with regards to their features. I guess they were chosen for their astronomical position within the galaxy. I am down to 32 premium FSD boosts now and will also need to stock up on Cadmium in particular. I looped back to WP 3 via the same route.

I've been told that back at Basecamp 2, there is some strange phenomenon creating a fog about every 60 hours, depending on the position of the planet and the sun. The next event has been calculated to take place in 2 days, at about 11:45. If I want to experience this first hand, I'll have to head back soon, as it is more than 150 jumps from my current position. Since most of this region has already been mapped by previous explorers (CMDR ALLITNIL must have spent ages in this area), there is not that much keeping me here anyway.

Weylandt out.

Scare and Fog

October 31st, 3303, 15:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to WP3:

Almost crashed into a planet today 'cause I got careless...again. Lost about 2 % hull strength, the other systems seem to be okay though. Making a stopover when heading back from this arm becomes ever more attractive. I need to be more careful.

October 31st, 3303, 15:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Basecamp 2:

I made a stop at the site for Basecamp 2 which we have preliminarily christened "Nilfheim Valley", due to the mist that covers the region from time to time. Of course, I am way too early, so nobody is here right now, though my deep space scanners detected CMDR Nimdok in the region. He must have been in his sleep cycle though as he didn't answer my comms request. Took SRV2 out for a spin and promptly tumbled down a hill... which is quite an experience in 0.03g. No damage to the SRV, luckily, and I collected some materials to synthesize SRV fuel. I plan to head out to the next two official waypoints (they are quite close together) and maybe swing back here on my way back up the arm to meet the others. I repaired some critical systems on the fly, though there is still the power plant, of course.

Weylandt out.

Deep space

October 30th, 3303, 18:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to WP3:

All in all, I had a rather productive day today. I've set course to WP3 and plan to hit the next base camp on the way back. I've already travelled 5k ly and make good progress. I also found a few interesting planets along the way, amongst others my first ringed Earth-Like World. In other news: I want a refund from the garage that applied Peregrine's last paint job. Two weeks in the black, and the paint is already peeling off all over the ship. I wonder if I'll have a ship left at the end of this trip if this goes on.

Weylandt out.


October 28th, 3303, 20:24, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Groerld Association:

I've been poring over the star maps since I have a little bit of time on my hands. Listening to the comms chatter from other CMDRs, I learned that they plan to meet up somewhere in between the base camp at 3 Geminorum and WP3 in 2 weeks' time. If I want to join them I'll need to kill some time as I am currently a few thousands ly ahead of the main group.

I found an interesting note about the Groerld Association, about 3.8k ly away from my position, and I plotted a course there to have a look-see. I arrived this evening after about 90 jumps and an uneventful journey, except for the Neutron Star that I found. Otherwise, mostly barren worlds and solitary stars, nothing special to report. At least navigating is easier since I have returned to the galactic plane.

The Groerld Association is a tight cluster of bright stars, and some CMDRs have obviously been here before me since some of the stars have already been claimed. Nevertheless, they seem to have done only a cursory job of mapping this region, there are still many treausures to find.

In one of my planetary SRV excursions, I also came upon a wrecked SRV, a skimmer and some cargo. What were they doing here, about 13k ly away from Sol?

Weylandt out.