Gal. Kartographierung > Galaktische Karte > Listing
Name | Type | |
Polonium Trees | geyserPOI | |
The Pomatomidae Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Pomegranate Nebula | α Nebula | |
Pony Heaven Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Poseidal Wall | regional | |
Poseidon | ★ Archived POI | |
Poseidon's Fury | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Poseidon's Garden | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Posideon's Playground | ★ Archived POI | |
Praei | λ Restricted Sectors | |
Prai Pruae Planetary Neubla | β Planetary Nebula | |
Precipice | δ Black Hole | |
Premonition Geysers | ★ Archived POI | |
Priapus' Heaven | ★ Archived POI | |
Prieluia's Furnace | ★ Archived POI | |
Pro Aoscs Depot | ☢ Jumponium-Rich System | |
Procul | γ Stellar Features | |
Proximity Rock | ★ Archived POI | |
Prue Flyuae Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Prue Hypa Depot | ☢ Jumponium-Rich System | |
PSR J1709-4429 | ζ Pulsar | |
PSR J1901+0716 | ζ Pulsar | |
Pudwill Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
Pueliae Nebula | α Nebula | |
Purple Crown nebula | α Nebula | |
Purple Rain | β Planetary Nebula | |
Purple Rings | β Planetary Nebula | |
Purple Unicorn | ★ Archived POI | |
The PW2010 Supercluster | σ Star Cluster | |
Pyramio Planetary Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
PZ Cassiopeiae | γ Stellar Features | |
Q07 / Orio-Persean Depot | organicPOI | |
Quantum Sea | δ Black Hole | |
Quantum World | ∅ Planetary Features | |
The Quartz Twins | ★ Archived POI | |
The Quaza Tron Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
Quiet Flame Nebula | α Nebula | |
QZ Carinae | γ Stellar Features | |
QZ Vulpeculae | δ Black Hole | |
R-Maile's DZ 050316 | ∅ Planetary Features | |
The Racetrack | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Rackham's Peak | Deep Space Outpost | |
Radioactive Green | ∅ Planetary Features | |
The Rainbow Bridge | β Planetary Nebula | |
Ramiels Song | β Planetary Nebula | |
Rare Earth Riches | geyserPOI | |
Rati´s Egg | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Rattla | ★ Archived POI | |
Rautila Taw | ★ Archived POI | |
R CrA Nebula (NGC 6729) | α Nebula | |
Reclamation Geysers | ★ Archived POI | |
Reclining Rings | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Red, White and Blue | ★ Archived POI | |
Red and Green Glory | β Planetary Nebula | |
Red Cloud Nebula | α Nebula | |
Red Coral | β Planetary Nebula | |
Red Cyclotron | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Red Dust | ★ Archived POI | |
Red Fog Rising | ★ Archived POI | |
Red Planet | ★ Archived POI | |
Red Prophecy | ★ Archived POI | |
Red River Run | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Red Spider Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Redstone Pocket | σ Star Cluster | |
Red Storm Geysers | geyserPOI | |
Red vs Blue | ★ Archived POI | |
Red Wasp Nebula | α Nebula | |
Regal and Celerity | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Reggie's Rise | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Reginn | γ Stellar Features | |
Regor Sector | λ Restricted Sectors | |
Reinhold's Keep | geyserPOI | |
Rekohu Project | η Historical Location | |
The Remembrance | σ Star Cluster | |
The Remnants Trio | γ Stellar Features | |
Rendezvous Depot | ☢ Jumponium-Rich System | |
Rendezvous Point | η Historical Location | |
Restless Silence | ★ Archived POI | |
Retina Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Reverberation | ★ Archived POI | |
Rho Cassiopeiae | γ Stellar Features | |
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex (IC 4603/4604) | α Nebula | |
Rhubarb Nebula | α Nebula | |
Rigel | γ Stellar Features | |
Rimor Captionem | η Historical Location | |
Ring Mine | Deep Space Outpost | |
Ring of Fire | ∅ Planetary Features | |
The Rings of Atreus | γ Stellar Features | |
Rings of Völund | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Rings Shore | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Ripley Harbor | ★ Archived POI | |
R'lyeh Gateway Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
R'Lyeh II | ★ Archived POI | |
Robin's Egg Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Roche's Planet | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Roche's Twin Daughters | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Roche's Waltz | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Roche Terminal | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Rock Hazard | ★ Archived POI | |
Rocky Showers | ★ Archived POI |