Profil komandéra Gemini Targren > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
(Federal Corvette)
Členem od:
8. 12. 2020
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
5 133
Systémů objevených jako první:
1 025

There's something existentially crushing about walking into a dark, empty living quarters when you're not expecting it. My communique is still sitting, unread, on the terminal, so I can safely assume that Marina was gone before I sent it to let her know I was coming home. It didn't occur to me at the time, but in hindsight, it should have struck me as odd that she didn't link the Star's comms in to receive it remotely. I assume she must have not expected me to get back before her, because she didn't leave me any message, either. I had to check in with FFC to get her filed flight plan, to find out that she'd taken on a Charter Cruise for some Imperial bureaucrat. Probably some middle-management type with an overblown title who wanted to go home for the New Year holiday... The sort that will gladly overpay just to make themselves feel more important than they are; that would explain why Marina would take a job like that on such short notice.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't disappointed to find her away when I got back, but such is the life. Mainani is a decent jaunt from here, but she should be back in plenty of time for us to spend the New Year together ourselves. In fact, I think I'll take advantage of her absence to take Fafnir out again before she gets back, and surprise her with some Lavian Brandy...

Rotated Out

+++ Begin Communication Log:

"Federal Flight Control, this is Delacey Foxtrot-Foxtrot-Romeo, requesting docking clearance."

"Welcome back to Brunel Hub, Commander. Docking approved for pad Zero-Three."

"Thanks, Flight Control. Please notify the QM that Fafnir is coming in ready to move another load."

"Negative, Fafnir. Quartermaster reports that you've completed your contractual allotment at this time. The Federation Thanks you for your devoted service, and invites you to make use of station facilities to fresh your vessel and yourself before moving on."

"Roger, and out, Flight Control."

+++ Communication Log Ends

War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death; the whole squad has been hard at work out here. I've had to sleep in my ship most of the time - when I've had time to sleep - to make sure I don't catch the nasty bug that's been spreading, and food is scarce enough that I've been tearing into my emergency rations rather than taking any from the stations. Part of me almost feels guilty about heading back into the bubble, but I know I'm just one ship, and I honestly can't wait to get back to Saktsak, clean myself up, and gorge myself in a real meal.

And to see Marina. I know I've only been gone a week, and it's hardly the longest we've been apart, but something about seeing the misery these people have been enduring has made it that much harder to bear, and it's all I can think about as I bunk down in the back of Fafnir's cockpit. I almost want to leave now, but if I don't get some sack time, I'll almost definitely end up jumping headlong into a star in the way home.

I did sell off those cargo racks, too, but the hold is still going to need a good hose-out...

On loan

CMDR Richter "Gemini" Targren Dec 26, 3307

Marina's been getting on me for months to start keeping a proper log, so I figure I can finally get started on it while the Velinski ground crew is loading up my hold.

This is the third day of having my contract "loaned" to the Federation, at ADK's request. I don't have any particular love for the Federation, nor the Empire for that matter; Out in the black, it's easy to ignore the politicking and the tensions, and write it off as "someone else's problem." But ADK has been good to us for a long time now, and I owe them more than my share of favors. Besides, the money is good, so I can't complain too much.

Things are bad down here. I guess that's to be expected when the Federation tries to claim territories so far away, that they can't keep things under control with their usual unyielding efficiency. Besides the factional violence, which is pretty bad, they've got famine and disease spreading through both systems like a plasma fire in an FDS manifold. I've spent three days running food, clothes, and medicine between systems, but mostly lots and lots of Biowaste to the agricultural facilities on Don's Inheritance. I imagine I'll have to sell and replace most of my cargo racks when this truck is over.

There are a lot of us here from all over the bubble; it looks like ADK isn't the only one sending out contractors to try to help, but I have to wonder if we'll even make a dent in this mess.