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  • 7. listopadu 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 5,833 minor factions currently expanding into new systems.

    • Social Savii Confederacy

    • Social Seguaje Confederacy

    • Samkyha State Network

    • Cygni Independents

    • Choth Gold Drug Empire

    • Social Kurutsi Alliance

    • Misthajani Commodities

    • Confederation of Medu

    • HIP 21821 Empire Assembly

    • Cofalyawa Incorporated

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 16. ledna 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data.

    Here are 10 of the 18,179 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Jet Major Industries

    • LHS 20 Company

    • Nationalists of LHS 20

    • Asurasairu Dynamic Ltd

    • Asurasairu Free

    • New Ingguromal Independents

    • Ingguromal Gang

    • Pechua Holdings

    • Union of Pechua Partnership

    • Independent Mahin Labour

    Civil wars involve conflict between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 4,595 minor factions at war:

    • New Wheemete Regulatory State

    • CD-35 14353 Systems

    • Kolhyni Silver Major Holdings

    • Posse of Nuites

    • Monarchy of Maid Ollanque

    • Mariterni Jet General Company

    • Krivasho Bridge Solutions

    • Defence Party of Ahemez

    • Future of Giguara

    • Ininohima Guardians of Tradition

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, wealth, security and standard of living are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Gutamaya Shipyards to Reinstate Restrictions

    Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards marked Arissa Lavigny-Duval's coronation by temporarily lifting the rank-related restrictions on all Imperial ships. With the official coronation period now over, the company has announced that the restrictions on its ships will be reinstated on Monday.

  • Mavia Kain Announces Galactic Games

    Mavia Kain, High Inquisitor of the Imperial Inquisition, has formally announced the upcoming Galactic Games for Charity. The games will take place between the 13th and 15th of November 3301 in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. A general amnesty will be declared in the Brestla system over the weekend.

    The headline event is the Galactic 'Top Gun' Championship, in which pilots from across the galaxy will compete for a prize of 200 million credits. Commanders wishing to participate are invited to visit Roed Oodergaard Port in the Brestla system between 18.00 on Friday the 13th of November and 06.00 on Saturday the 14th of November. The final will be held on Sunday at 20.00.

    The weekend will culminate with the first ever 'Elite Hunger Games', in which 24 commanders will compete in a no-holds-barred fight to the death in Mk III Vipers.

    Commander djtruthsayer

  • A Week in Powerplay

    Zachary Hudson's approval rating reached unprecedented heights this week. Federal fleets secured four strategic systems, bringing the total number of Republican control systems to 75. These new bases of operation include G 250-34, UBV 15076, Aornum, and DP Camelopardalis. As the fleet continues to grow, spurred on by CQC recruitment drives, it is likely that even more systems will fall under the protection of the Federal Navy.

    Edmund Mahon welcomed the people of BD+66 696 and 3 Upsilon Ophiuchi into the Alliance fold. The Prime Minister is busy with negotiations in the Sabikami system this week. Despite some minor setbacks, the Alliance economy remains strong.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval recovered from the recent dissatisfaction of seven disgruntled systems, and poured more garrison supplies than ever before into systems scattered throughout her domain. Though not every system received a full allocation, they still produced a substantial command capital reserve.

    Li Yong-Rui led Sirius to another successful week. The acquisitions of HIP 14886 and Ticua helped to elevate the corporation's financial rating, and with substantial capital reserves even after the most recent acquisitions, Sirius is poised to continue its growth.

    Felicia Winters led the Liberal party out of turmoil this week with a redoubling of Federal aid distribution. Lumbla's concerns were assuaged and the Xiriwal system pledged its support to Shadow President Winters. With a substantial reserve of command capital, the coming weeks will likely see even more systems join the Liberal party.

    Aisling Duval's popularity index fell dramatically this week as she faced above-average opposition. Three systems have expressed dissatisfaction and announced a possible withdrawal of support to the People's Princess.

    Zemina Torval's enterprises purchased controlling interests in Ac Yax Baru and He Pola this week. As long as funding remains available, there will be additional acquisitions during the coming week. Some acquisitions may prove to be bad investments for the senator's enterprises.

    Denton Patreus balanced his budget almost perfectly for the second week in a row. This means the Senator has no opportunities to prepare or expand his influence into new territory. Instead, his fleets are freed up to fortify his territory or partake in offensive actions.

    Archon Delaine crushed resistance from the system governments of Quikindji, Kui Xing, Bhattra, and Wikanawal in a massive surge of activity this week. Imperial fleets were overwhelmed, but managed to repulse the Kumo Crew from Imperial territory in Dhak and Bipera, while other freedom fighters protected Medzistha. With further insurrections already erupting, it looks like the Kumo Crew will establish more strongholds this week.

    Pranav Antal's administration was faced with a difficult choice this week, as evidence of unacceptable behaviour was uncovered in seven enclave systems. Moral Enforcer Zaan addressed the issue in this statement: "Social malignancy will not be tolerated, and will be excised for the good of all who live within Utopia. Systems deemed irrevocably tainted will be divested from Utopian space, with virtuous citizens given safe passage to new homes in other Utopian communes."

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 15. ledna 3301
  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections.

    Here are 10 of the 3,324 minor factions holding elections:

    • Ceronir Exchange

    • Movement for Kambila Labour

    • Sun Takush Power PLC

    • HIP 38422 Legal Co

    • LHS 5072 Network

    • CD-34 9020 Purple General Net

    • Revolutionary Capukanga Progressive Party

    • Black Birds Consilium

    • LHS 3437 Coalition

    • Munshin Allied PLC

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Duelling Narratives in Cayutorme Conflict

    The deadline for the inspection and disbandment of the mercenary Cayutorme Syndicate fleet has passed, and Imperial Naval vessels have entered the Cayutorme system. Speaking from an undisclosed location, the leader of the Cayutorme Syndicate, Kyle Kurowski, confirmed that his mercenary armada had engaged the Imperial Fleet, but denied reports that independent pilots were fighting for both sides: "Independent pilots are just that – independent. They will not be the tool the Emperor uses to turn us into Imperial citizens. If they stand for freedom, they stand with us."

    The Imperial war chest has been opened for any independent pilots who want to help the Imperial cause. Admiral Lucius Lavigny, the Emperor's second cousin, stated:

    "We know that Commanders pledged to the Empire will fight to maintain law and order, and we urge other Commanders to do the same. If these miscreants are permitted to continue with their activities, more systems will suffer."

    Commander Quade and Commander Corrigendum

  • Sirius Corporation Programme Begins Today

    Following a recent statement from Sirius Corporation announcing its intention to revitalise several newly acquired star systems, the company has launched an initiative to boost the economy of HIP 8396. At the heart of the initiative is a request for osmium, which Sirius Corp hopes will serve as a fillip for the system's financial rejuvenation. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of the Sirius Corp., was quoted as saying:

    "The people of HIP 8396 are part of the Sirius Corporation family, but if we are to help our compatriots, we will need help ourselves. So I implore all galactic citizens to contribute to this initiative, and bring a new era of peace and prosperity to HIP 8396."

  • Epsilon Indi Hosts Summit Conference

    London Relay in the Epsilon Indi system is to host a summit conference focusing on terrorism and galactic security. Representatives from the Empire, the Federation and the Alliance are all expected to attend the three-day event, which begins next week. Topics for discussion are expected to include Emperor's Dawn and the ongoing conflict in the Pegasi Sector.

    As preparations for the event begin, Federal authorities have raised concerns about an organisation based at London Relay known as 'Revolution Incorporated'. According to authorities, the group has announced its intention to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot – a historic incident dating from Earth's distant past – with "a special event" due to coincide with the summit. Although the precise nature of the event has not been revealed, authorities are nevertheless uneasy:

    "It's entirely possible that the organisation's intentions are benign, but since we know so little about it, and given its publicized intention to commemorate an attack on the state, we are obligated to investigate."

    The Federal spokesperson was asked to confirm reports that the group also plans to issue an open contract for explosives, but said only: "we can neither confirm nor deny such reports".

  • 4. listopadu 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers' activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled.

    Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered.

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • Treasure Hunt Comes to an End

    The treasure hunt organised by the billionaire and philanthropist Alfred Jeffress has come to an end, with a pilot by the name of Commander Woodhouse claiming victory. Hundreds of people took part in the competition, but ultimately there could only be one victor.

    As with Jeffress's previous treasure hunt, competitors were required to solve a series of riddles to find the mystery objects at the centre of the search – a trio of time capsules. The clues took pilots first to Slipher Hub in the Faust 68 system, then to Dickensport in Fomalhaut, and finally to the Cernunnos system.

    When the winner was announced, Alfred Jeffress released the following statement:

    "I wish to extend my sincere congratulations to the winner. You will receive your prizes soon! As for the other competitors, I would once again like to encourage them to remain hopeful – there will be another Jeffress treasure hunt, and next time the winner could be you!"

  • Cayutorme Syndicate Seeks Support

    Imperial investigators have confirmed ties between Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew and the mercenary group known as the Cayutorme Syndicate. This partnership brings disturbing context to the civil unrest currently affecting Cayutorme, as well as the syndicate's rapid rise to power.

    The leader of the Cayutorme Syndicate, Kyle Kurowski, is now trying to encourage mercenaries to join his already-imposing armada:

    "It is no great surprise that the Empire would attempt to strong-arm an independent system within its territory. Our navy is capable of handling an Imperial task force, but we nevertheless would like to increase our numbers. Any independent pilots willing to help us repel the impending invasion will be compensated richly, and granted access to high-class outfitting."

    Commander Corrigendum

  • Positive Response to Explorers' Association Request

    The Explorers' Association has released a statement confirming that the pirates operating in the Kaushpoos system have been eliminated. Hundreds of pilots responded to the organisation's appeal, taking to their ships to battle the agitators disrupting the assembly of Kaushpoos's new Ocellus starport and deliver palladium for use in its construction. A spokesperson for the Explorers' Association released a brief statement:

    "By coming to the aid of this important initiative, the galactic community has once again demonstrated its belief in the value of this starport. The Explorers' Association extends its sincere gratitude to all those who helped to rid the Kaushpoos system of pirates, and also to those who delivered palladium for the next phase of construction. Thanks to you, we can continue with our work."

    A further statement is expected from the Explorers' Association soon, announcing its third and final public appeal for resources.

  • 13. ledna 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems.

    Here are 10 of the 2,532 minor factions in lockdown:

    • Butors Empire Pact

    • Movement for Ross 1051 Confederacy

    • Munfayl Labour

    • Anemoi Noblement

    • Dukes of Milcenu

    • Union of Njunmin Free

    • Law Party of MCC 858

    • LHS 3505 Services

    • Bureau of Bodb Dearg Flag

    • Kipsigines Vision Partners

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system's wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

    Here are 10 of the 2,657 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

    • Autocracy of LTT 16764

    • Partnership of Skaoismont

    • G 69-11 Co-op

    • Workers of Skeggiko O Labour

    • El Tio Empire Party

    • Groombridge 1618 Inc

    • Jeterait Bridge Interstellar

    • Green Party of HIP 103138

    • Lumanans Confederacy

    • BPM 590 Creative Network

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 2. listopadu 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit.

    Here are 10 of the 8,296 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Alliance of Wolf 485a

    • Traditional CD-64 139 Flag

    • Revolutionary Party of Patosata

    • Ross 199 Silver Raiders

    • 19 Leonis Min Alliance Combine

    • HIP 11433 Blue Cartel

    • Kebel Yeh Independents

    • LTT 198 Order

    • Olwain Liberals

    • Progressive Party of Nanabozho

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction's influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Armed Intruders Apprehended at Christian Dock

    Security personnel at Christian Dock in the Nganji System have successfully apprehended a group of armed interlopers, it has been confirmed. The intruders, who were reported to be in possession of personal weapons classed as illegal in several systems, are being detained while they await preliminary sentencing.

    Jason Treeves, Head of Security at Christian Dock, had the following to say:

    "The trespassers managed to disable our frontline security system, but apparently they didn't realise we had an array of secondary sensors, and they triggered the alarm. A response team was scrambled to their location, and my men succeeded in subduing the intruders with a minimum of fuss. A full investigation into how these men were able to bypass our security systems is now underway."

    Readers will no doubt recall that Christian Dock is also the centre of Professor Ishmael Palin's research into the unknown artefacts discovered earlier this year. Treeves refused to comment on a possible connection between the security breach and Professor Palin's research, but a civilian source at Christian Dock said:

    "I have it on good authority they were caught trying to break into Palin's laboratory, and I heard they had incendiary explosives, too. I wouldn't be surprised to discover they were trying to destroy the lab and the UAs."

  • Trouble in Varati

    Following reports of technical problems in the 64 Arietis and Warkushanui systems, news of similar problems at Bond Hub in the Varati system are beginning to emerge. Stana Chapple, an engineer at Bond Hub, confirmed that the starport was experiencing technical difficulties:

    "Yeah, we've had a few system malfunctions and power failures – the same sort of problems the folks at Weyn Dock are dealing with. We haven't figured out the cause, but we're looking into it now. Still, the problems aren't too severe, so I'm optimistic we'll have things running smoothly soon."

  • 31. října 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 5,088 minor factions currently expanding into new systems.

    • Niflhel Guardians of Tradition

    • BD+53 912 for Equality

    • Bast Holdings

    • Kraunaha Interstellar

    • Vanayequi Independents

    • Apalar Labour

    • Sicusha Gold General Services

    • Ngauna Incorporated

    • Dilgariang Confederacy

    • Lungundani PLC

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 29. října 3301
  • CIRG Researcher Addresses Artefact Developments

    The Voice of Varati recently interviewed the lead researcher at the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Commander RedWizzard:

    "We know that the UA's Morse-transmission behaviour is evolving. It's almost as if somebody is pushing buttons to trigger different behaviours. It's very strange.

    "We've also observed that they're spreading at an alarming rate over a huge volume of space. We learned a while ago that UAs seem to align themselves towards Merope in the Pleiades, and there is evidence that the systems containing UAs form a 'shell' around Merope at distances between 135 and 150 light years. Current estimates place the potential number of UAs in this region at thousands – possibly even tens of thousands."

    "This undeniable explosion in numbers is worrying, and we don't yet know its significance. But rest assured that we're working hard, and we hope to have some conclusions soon."

    RedWizzard also commented on the return of Professor Ishmael Palin to active UA research:

    "It's great to see him back in the game, and we wish him the best of luck. We also hope he might have some insight into this 'shell' phenomenon. Why this pattern? Why so many UAs? And where are they coming from?"

    "Our research is open to all, including Professor Palin. We hope he will reciprocate our openness."

    Commander Lord Zoltan