CMDR MyCrowWave27 资料 > 航行日志

Nebula Tour; part 7(Sadr Nebula to Veil East Nebula)

At the start of this session I joined the Lyra Eternal Legends squadron.

During my route planning I was conflicted. The Pelican Nebula was so tantalisingly close and it looked so beautiful that I considered skipping Veil East altogether.

I checked and found that Veil East was only 400Ly away, 22 jumps. This was fairly short so I decided to follow through with the plan and go there. I figured that I could reach there today and Pelican tomorrow.

So I lined up my jump as I left the Sadr Logistics Depot, the last permanent settlement I would encounter until T Tauri. I jumped past over the dark rings of the gas giant and began my journey, hoping I wouldn't regret my decision to go this way.

I soon found another type 1 "gas dwarf" with a radius of approx. 15,000km.

I saw a cool ringed icy body with a nice colour and low gravity but it was 41.5kLs away so unfortunately I couldn't visit although I would have loved to.

NGC 7822 had now resolved into a line of stars, all blurred together. Thw Pelican and Veil East Nebulae were large in the backdrop.

In one system I encountered a 1.4G planet with silicate magma. I decided to attempt a landing since I wasn't too far away from the logistics depot where I could respawn if things went awry. I was a bit nervous since this was my first "high G" landing. I felt much the same way when I tried planetary landing for the first time. I decided to go for it since it was still relatively low G and from what I'd heard all I'd have to do to make it out unscathed would be to take it easy.

Although the effects of gravity were more pronounced at no point did the landing prove hazardous. I deployed my SRV to examine one of the geological areas. While en route I didn't see a large, flat rock and accidentally ramped off it, I thought for sure that I was about to come to an abrupt and destructive stop. After investigating two fumarole sites I departed, now more confident in my landing abilities.

I found another type 1 gas dwarf, this one the smallest yet with a radius of 10,000km.

Nebula Tour; part 6(Veil West Nebula to Sadr Nebula)

I departed the Veil West Nebula, still able to see it behind me and Sadr Nebula ahead of me.

In one system early on I encountered a micro type I gas giant (gas dwarf?). It had a radius of about 14,000km, smaller than the eight planet which was an icy body with a radius of about 15,000km. I checked the codex and found that this was the smallest I had encountered so far, approximately 2.2 earth radii.

I encountered little out of the ordinary. By now NGC 7822 was close enough to see the white line formed by the various supergiants near it, an artefact of a telescope error if I remember correctly (one of several it appears as there is a similar phenomenon near NGC 1333 that I encountered when examining nebulae for this route).

I jumped into Sadr and was confronted by the massive Class F supergiant. From here I looked around then proceeded to a nearby inhabited system to dock and sell my data.

I went to Sadr Region Sector GW-W c1-22 to dock in the Sadr Logistics Depot, an asteroid base in the ring system of a gas giant with water based life and also the only settlement I woulf likely encounter until another asteroid base in the T Tauri system of the Hind Nebula. The planet it's around is the only planet in this system. The station itself is controlled by the Sadr Operations Initiative, an independent faction based out of this station.

I got just over 1.6mil credits in data, still not enough to level up from Pathfinder.

Next up would be the Veil East Nebula, I will plot the route next time.

Nebula Tour; part 5(Dumbbell PN to Veil West Nebula)

After finishing looking around the Dumbbell Nebula I plotted my route to Veil West Sector DL-Y d68, a system in the Veil West Nebula. It was 471Ly away and would take 26 jumps to reach. Considerably shorter than the 926Ly and 57 jumps it had taken me to reach my current location from the Helix Nebula (note if you are doing this route yourself skip the Helix Nebula, it's not worth it).

I launched from the Zygodactyl Tyrant for the last time and got ready ready to make my first jump of this next leg of my journey. I hoped to reach my target within 2 sessions (allowing for excursions and mapping). I took one last look at the nebula and it's shining white star as I jumped out and onto my route.

I soon noticed that my target was already well visible ahead unlike the two planetary nebulae I had encountered thus far which had both been invisible until I was closer by.

I made rapid progress as most systems I passed had only metal/rocky/icy worlds that were of little interest. I also noticed an abundance of Class K stars.

Eventually I was forced to stop and scoop. I investigated my route and found that while there was a few Class A stars in this area, my route was entirely Class M, K or G stars; mostly M. At least it was a short route with only 18 jumps remaining.

I was could now see the Veil West Nebula better and could also see the various other nebulae ahead. I also got some detail on the NGC 7822 which was now an orange circle with a vaguely line shaped object in it.

I saw some nice gas giants and noted that I had 10 jumps left.

As I lined up another jump I noticed that the Nebula looked a bit like a blue whale at this range.

With only 7 jumps left I made up my mind to reach it today. Sadr Nebula now also featured prominently as I lined up my jumps, I would either go here first or the Veil East Nebula after my current target.

Now that I was only 3 jumps away I could see a reddish cloud behind the nebula that I couldn't before. This was the most beautiful nebula I had been to so far and although I couldn't get within it like the Dumbbell Nebula it was still nicer looking from afar.

I was now right outside the nebula, my next jump would take me to the far side of the nebula, to an F class star that was the closest to the nebula but not quite in it.

I jumped into the final system to s beautiful red and blue vista. I docked at the "Baron Von Zoomski" a nautilus class carrier owned by CMDR Innefectualgamer. Although refuel was disabled I was able to sell over 700,000 credits of data here.

It was 538Ly, 33 jumps to Veil East. It was 470Ly, 26 jumps to Sadr. Looking at the galactic map I decided to go to Sadr first, the Veil East, then HD 199021 (just because it glowed on the map) then onto the North America and Pelican Nebulae.

Nebula Tour; part 4(Finally reaching the Dumbbell PN)

I started out the final leg of the voyage in a system with a metal world very close to it's star. I got closer to get a look at the molten lava on its surface.

The next moment of note occured when I decided to try and identify some of stellar objects I could see from my system. I saw multiple glowy stars that looked like black holes, a strange orange circle and several nebulae. I through trial and error I eventually determined that one of the nebulae was the Elephants Trunk Nebula. I found this by selecting systems in various nebulae on the galactic map and seeing if they lined up with the nebula I could see. By using this method I identified the orange circle as the NGC 7822 Nebula, beyond the Elephants Trunk Nebula. I noticed a line of O class stars on the map here, I'd heard about this before and planned on going there some day but decided it was too far for my current trip. I was unable to identify the stars that looked like black holes as they didn't line up with any black holes nearby, I conclude that they must just be very bright stars nearby.

Continuing on, I found a system with 4 stars and Class III gas giant that was just 70ls from the main star. I took a brief detour to investigate this rather close gas giant and map it. From here it was just 9 jumps remaining.

I had now also visually identified the two Veil Nebulae, Sadr Nebula, LBN 623 and what I thought was the American and Pelican Nebulae. All future targets, but now my current target was within reach; 7 jumps.

Another very close metal world, only 15Ls away. 4 jumps.

As I stopped to briefly fuel scoop in my final system I could finally see the nebula, evidently not as large as the Helix Nebula which I could see from a few systems away.

I arrived and looked and the beautiful colours of the nebula. I investigated the closest planet then landed on a nearby carrier named the "Zygodactyl Tyrant" owned by CMDR Stoyben Xi. I made over 8 million credits in selling cartographic data and got several first discoveries including one first discovered system.

I would return another day to complete me exploration of this beautiful system.

Nebula Tour; part 3 (Helix PN to Dumbbell PN)

Still travelling between the the Helix and Dumbbell Nebulae.

Most of this journey was rather boring at first, broken up the occasional mapping and one tour in my SRV where I climbed a mountain.

Eventually I started discovering my first previously undiscovered planets and eventually an undiscovered star system.

In one class A system (previously discovered and mapped) I found an earth like and 3 water worlds. I stopped here to map everything before leaving this session here, although not much happened I was now down to 17 jumps away from my target with some valuable data gathered.

Nebula Tour; part 2 (Helix PN to Dumbbell PN)

The aim for today was to at least make it part of the way to BD+22 3878 at the centre of the Dumbbell Nebula, departing from where I left off at the Helix Nebula. 57 jumps, I take one last look at the Helix and line up my first jump.

I took a fairly significant stop to map some previously unmapped high metal content worlds.

I found a system with 2 helium giants, one of which was light in colour, differing from the standard red.

I mapped a metal rich body that was within 6.56Ls of its parent star. It was tidally locked to this class M star and had an orbital period of 0.8D. It had multiple silicate vapour geysers and I investigated one, obtaining some materials and nice pictures.

I ended the session with 41 jumps to go to the Dumbbell Nebula which was alright going for a relatively short session and several mapping/sight seeing stops.

Inner Orion Spur Nebula Tour; part 1

This journey will be undertaken in an Asp Explorer, named "Rook". This ship is equipped with a 5B FSD, 3B AFMU, 3A fuel scoop, 1I DSS and a 2H planetary vehicle hangar (equipped with 1 Scarab SRV). The ship has a current jump range of 22.14ly.

This journey is planned to go through at least 12 nebulae and planetary nebulae including the Veil nebulae, North America Nebula, Pelican Nebula, Iris Nebula and Barnard's Loop. The journey can be extended or shortened as needed.

The first target is the Helix Nebula, aiming for system CSI-21-22270 via fastest route (I would normally select economical route but that route won't plot).

I depart from Feustel Gateway in 44 B Ophiuci after purchasing an AFMU.

I started out with about 40 jumps and by the time I stop to fuel scoop (with my tank about half empty) I have 34 remaining.

I stopped to try out my new DSS then when I refueled after this I had 24 jumps remaining.

In 10 Theta Piscis Austrini I saw a class A star and a white type T Tauri star.

I map an ammonia world. 9 jumps remain.

I enter Helix sector, 7 jumps.

I encounter a system with two water worlds and some high metal content worlds in eccentric orbits, 4 jumps.

The Helix Planetary Nebula is now in sight, 2 jumps.

I make the final jump with "we're finally landing" by HOME fittingly playing. Although it's impossible to get within the nebula it's still a nice sight. A small bluish-purple ellipse. I take some nice pictures with a ringed class Y brown dwarf and the nebula in the background.

I plot a course to BD+22 3878, the system at the centre of the Dumbbell Planetary Nebula. 57 jumps, 926Ly. A journey for another day.

Deciat to the Coalsack Nebula via HIP 63835; Part 7

I started again in HIP 64197 with 34 jumps remaining to the Coalsack Nebula.

In Wregoe GI-T B58-5 I found my first ammonia world while scanning a cool looking gas giant so I went to investigate that. Unfortunately it was not a landfall planet so I couldn't land but it was interesting none the less.

I found water worlds in back to back systems then it was refueling time before I jumped into Lambda Crucis, an interesting change from the Wregoe and HIP designations all the previous stars have had on this leg of the journey.

Lambda Crucis had a bright Class B star and multiple brown dwarves but not much else, I decided to continue on, now entering the Praea sector.

In one system I found a gas giant that looked like a massive water world with clouds and another that had water based life. I picked up a bit of fuel while skimming past the star here as I lined up my next jump.

I eventually entered the Coalsack sector after having been in the Praea sector got only a few systems. Even though j was in the Coalsack sector there was still 22 jumps remaining.

The nebula was very visible as I lined up one of my jumps, 16 more remaining.

In HR 51332 I found multiple gas giants including one with ammonia life and another with water life orbiting between two stars.

As I passed through HR-4739 I realised my next jump would be into the Musca Dark Region, this is the sector that the actual Coalsack Nebula was in, you'd think it was in the Coalsack sector but no. 12 jumps remain.

In one of the system all 3 gas giants had life, 2 ammonia and 1 water.

I found a relatively uncommon Class IV gas giant. 7 jumps remaining, not giving up now.

In Musca Dark Region AL-X C1-17 I encountered 2 non human signal sources while scanning the gas giants here. 5 jumps remaining, almost there.

The signals are getting more frequent the closer I get to the nebula. 3 jumps remain.

Last jump, just under 3ly, my target shines bright against the dark nebula as I line up the jump.

I make it to the system and after an FSS scan I make my way towards Fort Xeno, an Alliance controlled orbis starport in orbit around one of the multiple water worlds in this system. I dock in an actual station for the first time in what feels like ages. My voyage is complete, now I will explore the nebula up close.

Deciat to the Coalsack Nebula via HIP 63835; Part 6

I took my last look at the HIP 63835 system as I lined my my jump to the next system on my route. This system was not on my return voyage so I may not ever return here. I set up my music playlist and prepared to get get back into the exploration rhythm.

I checked out some gas giants in a few systems along the way including one system which had two gas giants with water based life. In another I saw a pink/purple one. I encountered a system with a singular type I gas giant as its only planet.

As I continued my jumps to the various systems with generic names (or the occasional one with a HIP designation) the music kept me going. It's like a form of meditation.

After looking at the system map in HIP 63990 I saw a multitude of red gas giants, after performing some scans I determined them to be 4 helium giants, 3 class Y brown dwarves and 1 class T brown dwarf. As far as I know to find even one helium giant is rare but to find 4 and multiple brown dwarves amongst them was a jackpot.

In HIP 64197 I found a water giant, a class Y dwarf with a ring system and a pair of gas giants with a much smaller gas giant orbiting them. The outermost icy body was unscannable for some weird reason and whenever I tried to put the scanner close the UI freaked out and started spinning so I had to go out there and scan it manually.

It was here that I decided to end my session with 34 jumps remaining until I reached the Coalsack Nebula.

Deciat to the Coalsack Nebula via HIP 63835; Part 5

Still searching for a carrier with universal cartographics in HIP 63835. Luckily "Prontera" the second carrier I visited had it. The system worth the most money was HR-4771, worth 724,496 credits, altogether I had 2,252,721 credits of data enough to bring my total credits over 4million. I was hoping to buy a hauler here with my new cash but the shipyard service was unavailable. After checking I found that none of the other stations had shipyards either so I would have to wait until the Coalsack Nebula to get an upgrade. I wasn't too bothered by this since I was approximately halfway there.

I checked out a few of the planets and stars in the system. After this I stopped by the Josie Rosa Comms Installation then plotted a route to HIP 62154 just outside the Coalsack Nebula. It was 56 jumps away and I decided to leave it for another day.