Galactic News

  • July 15, 3307
  • Kumo Crew Campaign Starts Drug Production

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Kumo Crew syndicate has procured enough materials to introduce a new product to the market.

    The drug originated with the Blue Viper Club, a piratical travelling community whose dredger is currently in the vicinity of Kumo City station.

    It was confirmed that enough shipments of agronomic treatment, liquid oxygen and performance enhancers were received to enable immediate mass production. Pilots also fought to protect haulage vessels from pirate ships, suspected to be Kumo Crew rivals.

    The Interstellar Health Organisation has obtained a product sample and confirmed that, despite the name ‘helix’, it is a new variant of the recreational drug onionhead. As such, the product will be legally classified as onionhead gamma strain when it appears on the market.

    Despite claims of medicinal and psychological benefits, it is likely to be illegal in most systems. President Zachary Hudson, Princess Aisling Duval and several other political heavyweights have expressed outrage at the open manner by which its ingredients were procured.

    Archon Delaine, warlord of the Kumo Crew, responded:

    “Every system government generates revenue from the pharmaceutical trade, so the holier-than-thou attitude from these hypocrites turns my stomach. Helix brings happiness, and provides income for my people. I make no apologies!”

    Rewards for pilots who contributed to this campaign are now available at Kumo City in the Pegasi Sector PN-T C3-14 system.

  • July 8, 3307
  • Independence Spreads from Azaladshu System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Azaladshu Free faction has defeated the forces of Neche Inc and retained independence from the Federation.

    As a result, the Azaladshu, LFT 824, LHS 277 and LTT 3919 systems have confirmed their independent status. The victory also inspired the Coalition of Uteran, Lp 726-6 Free and Gluscap Labour factions to secede from the Federation, affecting all systems under their control.

    Mayor Constanza Noguera, leader of Azaladshu Free, declared:

    “A Federation that abuses the rights of its people has no authority. With the help of our loyal supporters, we’ve made a stand for dignity and civil rights.”

    The situation has caused turmoil in Congress, with President Zachary Hudson being criticised for his inability to contain this rebellion.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters responded to accusations that she orchestrated the seceding factions:

    “I support their rejection of our harsh surveillance laws, but not their methods of protest. I have no wish to see the Federation lose member systems for any reason.”

    Pilots who supported the Azaladshu Free faction can collect their rewards at Eratosthenes Ring station.

  • July 1, 3307
  • Federation Battles Independents in the Azaladshu System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Conflict has erupted between the Azaladshu Free and Neche Inc factions, as multiple Federal systems declare independence.

    This was sparked by Azaladshu Free withdrawing from the Federation, which transformed Azaladshu, LFT 824, LHS 277 and LTT 3919 into independent systems. The faction strenuously opposes government monitoring of Federal citizens’ private communications.

    Three other Federal factions are on the verge of declaring independence: Coalition of Uteran, Lp 726-6 Free and Gluscap Labour. All are closely monitoring the situation in Azaladshu and considering their next move.

    Mayor Constanza Noguera, leader of Azaladshu Free, made this statement:

    “We refuse to accept the Federation’s draconian surveillance laws. I call upon all supporters of independence to help us fight for our sovereignty!”

    The declaration brought a swift reaction from President Zachary Hudson:

    “As Azaladshu Free has violated the Federal Accord, I have no option but to order Neche Inc to engage with these criminals. Thanks to advance intelligence on the secession, we were able to establish the megaship Fortress Liberty in the system to help retake it for the Federation.”

    In Congress, Shadow President Felicia Winters faced criticism for allowing the secession to occur within her sphere of influence. She reiterated that she does not support rebellion, but does consider the Proactive Detection Bureau to be unconstitutional.

  • May 6, 3307
  • Hudson Initiative Increases Federal Surveillance

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    President Zachary Hudson’s call for data deliveries has enhanced civilian surveillance within the Federation.

    His campaign received more data than a competing request from Shadow President Felicia Winters, which aimed to offer ways of protecting communications against interception by the Proactive Detection Bureau.

    For both initiatives, pilots delivered anomalous bulk scan data, exceptional scrambled emission data, specialised legacy firmware and unusual encrypted files.

    President Zachary Hudson hailed this show of public support for the Federal government:

    “Our citizens deserve security, and with their contributions to the PDB’s databases, we are now in a better position to protect them against terrorism.”

    Analysts predict that this outcome will boost security for systems that fall within Hudson’s personal sphere of influence. It is also expected that a loss of public support will reduce stability within systems where Winters has authority.

    Pilots who supported President Hudson can now collect their rewards from Gresley Dock in the Nanomam system.

    Pilots who supported Shadow President Winters can now collect their rewards from Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

  • April 29, 3307
  • Federal Leaders Launch Rival Data Requests

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Data deliveries are required by competing initiatives to increase or decrease civilian surveillance in the Federation.

    President Zachary Hudson has asked the public to contribute to making the Proactive Detection Bureau more effective:

    “The PDB requires access to lesser-known comms channels where terrorists and criminals lurk. Supplying it with data from multiple sources will allow us to root out more potential threats.”

    To counter this campaign, Shadow President Felicia Winters aims to protect personal communications from being intercepted:

    “My duty is to help citizens preserve their constitutional right to privacy. If enough data can be gathered for baseline testing, we will distribute legal technology and techniques to secure against government intrusion.”

    Both campaigns require deliveries of the following data types: anomalous bulk scan data, exceptional scrambled emission data, specialised legacy firmware and unusual encrypted files.

    To support President Hudson, pilots should deliver data to Gresley Dock in the Nanomam system.

    To support Shadow President Winters, pilots should deliver data to Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

    Political analysts believe that since Hudson and Winters are organising these projects personally, there may be repercussions for the security and stability of the systems where each has influence.

  • March 24, 3307
  • New Federal Vice President Selected

    President Zachary Hudson has announced that the new vice president of the Federation is Jerome Archer, replacing the deceased Brad Mitchell.

    Archer was previously serving as the Secretary of Security. Prior to becoming a congressman, he was a director of the Federal Intelligence Agency and had a long career in law enforcement.

    His predecessor, VP Brad Mitchell, died in the NMLA bombing of Li Qing Jao station in the Sol system. The attack also killed several members of the Federal Cabinet along with many government officials, who were attending a meeting at the starport.

    Addressing a gathering of Congress, Vice President Archer said:

    “My primary focus in this office will be to increase security throughout the Federation. I vow to build vigilance into the fabric of our society, and prevent such atrocities from ever happening again.”

    During the congressional session, President Hudson announced new appointments for other deceased members of the Cabinet. He also successfully obtained approval to increase funding for counter-terrorism operations run by ACT and the Federal Navy.

  • March 12, 3307
  • Starport Bombing Casualties Include Federal Vice President

    Vice President Brad Mitchell and a number of Federal Cabinet members have been killed in the recent terrorist attack on a starport orbiting Earth.

    The NMLA planted caustic enzyme explosives at Li Qing Jao station, where a government meeting was taking place. The VP and Cabinet members were confirmed to be among tens of thousands of casualties. Eight other starports across all three superpowers were simultaneously bombed.

    President Zachary Hudson, who was attending the Galactic Summit during the attack, made this statement:

    “This atrocity is nothing less than a declaration of war, and we will respond accordingly. For now, we mourn the loss of my close friend Brad Mitchell and other heroes of the Federation. I will personally appoint replacements to their positions soon.”

    The Federation has directly accused the Empire of being responsible, by allowing Neo-Marlinist bomb-makers to escape from a secret prison facility. The Imperial Senate reiterated that ‘Serene Harbour’ does not exist and is part of a Federal disinformation campaign.

    Followers of Marlinism have also received much public criticism. The Marlinist Colonies have repeatedly stressed that they do not support the NMLA and are unconnected to the attacks.

    Independent pilots have been asked to assist rescue and repair operations in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems.

  • February 26, 3307
  • Historic Meetings at the Galactic Summit

    Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders have held their first ever face-to-face discussions at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    Political correspondent Conrad Sterling published this report for Vox Galactica:

    “The Galactic Summit has already made history by bringing together many political figureheads within one conference chamber. Optimistic opening statements from Chancellor Anders Blaine and Prime Minister Edmund Mahon gained applause. President Zachary Hudson was more curt, reminding everyone that billions of people would be affected by their efforts.”

    “Agendas and debate topics for the next three weeks were formalised. Much of the work will be done behind the scenes by ambassadorial staff, making big decisions in small rooms.”

    “The general tone so far has been courteous, although that may not last. Predictably, interactions between the Imperial and Marlinist delegations have been frosty, with Senator Denton Patreus refusing to even acknowledge their presence during discussions.”

    “However, First Minister Jenna Fairfax enjoyed a more cordial meeting with Shadow President Felicia Winters. They were joined by Jasmina Halsey, who has accompanied Winters from Mars in an unofficial capacity.”

    “One notable absentee was Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, whose family is under legal scrutiny following the crimes of his older brother Jupiter Rochester. This at least spared Jordan the awkwardness of having to formally greet his ex-fiancée, Princess Aisling Duval. But it’s likely there will be no shortage of tension between other delegates in the coming weeks.”

  • February 25, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

    The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

    Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

    “The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

    In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks.

    Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.

  • February 22, 3307
  • Hudson and Winters Confirmed for Galactic Summit

    President Zachary Hudson and Shadow President Felicia Winters will both attend the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    The Federation will also be represented by ambassadors from the Federal Diplomatic Corps, as well as several civil and corporate interests.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino reported for The Federal Times:

    “President Hudson’s personal presence at the Galactic Summit sends the message that he still holds the reins of power. He clearly hopes that facing off against the Empire’s leaders will distract the public from the recent Jupiter Rochester scandals.”

    “In his absence, Vice President Brad Mitchell will oversee congressional matters. There are rumours that Mitchell is positioning himself to challenge Hudson as the Republican Party candidate in the next election.”

    “The conference also offers opportunities for Felicia Winters to appear presidential. She has eagerly agreed to meet the Marlinist Colonies delegation, having coordinated humanitarian aid for the refugees last year.”

    “Winters has not asked Shadow VP Isolde Rochester to accompany her, perhaps as a rebuke for the criminal actions of her son. Furiously working on damage control for her family’s name, the Rochester matriarch has taken Jupiter’s two children into her care after his husband, Tomas Turai, filed for immediate divorce.”

  • February 15, 3307
  • Federation Damaged by Corruption and Conspiracy

    Federal citizens are in uproar after the former CEO of Core Dynamics was revealed to have destroyed Starship One to increase company profits.

    The trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent showed that Jupiter Rochester attempted to replace Jasmina Halsey with Zachary Hudson to secure military contracts with the Federal Navy.

    The Federal Intelligence Agency has arrested several co-conspirators, but its investigation is hampered by Jupiter Rochester loyalists splitting away from Core Dynamics. His new independent faction, Jupiter Division, has engaged in conflict against Federal forces in the HIP 54530 system.

    President Hudson has claimed ignorance of the assassination plot, but public opinion polls show a decrease of trust in the Republican Party. Many have voiced anger at such corruption at the heart of the Federation, calling for further investigations into the corporate sector’s influence on government.

    Political embarrassment has also affected the Liberal Party, with Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester attempting to distance herself from her eldest son:

    “Jupiter’s horrendous actions were his alone, made completely without our knowledge. My whole family is appalled at his illegal activity. We have offered to aid the authorities in bringing him to justice.”

  • February 8, 3307
  • Fleet Admiral Vincent Pronounced Guilty

    A Federal High Court jury has found Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent guilty of conspiracy to commit murder and treason.

    The court heard how Vincent worked with Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester to sabotage Starship One and assassinate then-President Jasmina Halsey, in order to increase military contracts.

    The Federal Times’s crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi observed:

    “Within minutes of Vincent receiving a life sentence, Federal Intelligence Agency teams arrested several co-conspirators in the Federal Navy along with some government officials.”

    “Jupiter Rochester himself has evaded arrest by fleeing to the HIP 54530 system, where loyalists within Core Dynamics are establishing a breakaway faction named Jupiter Division. Industry analysts believe that this corporate split has long been planned, but is being accelerated because of the trial.”

    “Rochester’s responsibility for the Starship One tragedy raises many questions, especially for his powerful family. It will certainly fuel the conspiracy theory that he is a member of a covert group of powerful figures, who manipulate events to benefit the military/industrial complex.”

    “However, a more plausible theory – that Zachary Hudson was responsible – now seems to have been debunked. Nothing presented in court suggested that the president had any involvement in, or knowledge of, the plan to eliminate his predecessor.”

  • February 5, 3307
  • Jupiter Rochester Named in Starship One Trial

    Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester has been accused of collaborating with Fleet Admiral Vincent to orchestrate Starship One’s destruction in 3301.

    As reported by Ethan Takahashi for The Federal Times:

    “Financial data was presented to the court showing that Vincent, along with others in government and the Federal Navy, received colossal payments via shell companies created by Jupiter Rochester’s loyalists.”

    “The prosecution claimed that Rochester and Vincent were reacting to then-President Jasmina Halsey’s intention to scale back military spending, which would impact Core Dynamics’s profits. They arranged to assassinate her and lay groundwork for Zachary Hudson to be voted into power, knowing that his policies would result in further naval contracts.”

    “The defence argued that Halsey’s testimony was unreliable, and that the financial data was obtained via improper methods so should have been inadmissible. It was also pointed out that the Rochester family had many enemies determined to besmirch their reputation.”

    “The jury has now been sequestered to determine a verdict. This means they are unaware of media reports that several Core Dynamics departments, known collectively as ‘Jupiter Division’, are transporting ships and personnel to the HIP 54530 system.”

    Other sources confirmed that the HIP 54530 Gold Universal Group has officially assumed the name Jupiter Division, suggesting that it was heavily infiltrated by Rochester’s loyalists. The faction has retained control of the permit-locked HIP 54530 system.

  • January 20, 3307
  • Jasmina Halsey Returns to the Federation

    Former President Jasmina Halsey has arrived on Mars to stand as a witness in the upcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent.

    Halsey was subpoenaed by the Federal High Court to testify before the jury. Although this was not legally enforceable, since she now lives beyond the Federation’s jurisdiction, she has acceded to the court’s request.

    Jasmina Halsey served as Federal president prior to the destruction of Starship One in 3301, which Vincent is accused of arranging. She was recovered alive, but abandoned her political career and emigrated to the Alliance. She has since campaigned as a peace activist and acted as an adviser to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.

    After greeting a large crowd of supporters at Olympus Village Spaceport, Halsey gave a statement to The Federal Times:

    “This is a bittersweet moment for me. Coming back to the Federation feels like revisiting a past life. But perhaps we can finally lay some ghosts to rest.”

    She was welcomed in person by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who was secretary of state in Halsey’s administration. However, President Zachary Hudson has made no comment regarding his predecessor’s return or the forthcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent.

  • January 11, 3307
  • Date Set for Trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent

    Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent of the Federal Navy will stand trial on the 25th of January, charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason.

    The Federal Attorney’s Office has successfully obtained a grand jury indictment against Fleet Admiral Vincent. He is accused of arranging the sabotage of presidential vessel Starship One in 3301, to assassinate then-President Jasmina Halsey. Although she was later recovered alive, hundreds died when the ship was destroyed in flight.

    These charges were brought following the trial of Rory Webster, a naval technician who was implicated in the failure of Starship One’s hyperdrive system. Mr Webster confessed his involvement, but offered a plea bargain by providing evidence that he was following clandestine orders from Vincent.

    The subsequent arrest caused repercussions in military and political circles. President Zachary Hudson’s long-term association with Vincent resulted in Republican congressmen losing confidence in his leadership, and increased the Liberal Party’s popularity.

    As a naval chief of staff, Fleet Admiral Vincent is the highest ranking Federal military officer to ever stand trial. Media interest remains intense, with much public speculation about corruption among the Federation’s highest echelons.

    The trial will take place at the Federal High Court in Olympus Village on Mars, and is expected to last several weeks.

  • November 27, 3306
  • The Shadow of War

    NMLA terrorist attacks and the Marlinist refugee crisis have driven an increase in military spending from both the Empire and the Federation.

    The Federal Times has reported on President Zachary Hudson’s actions:

    “Building on the public outcry following the Neo-Marlinist bombing of a Federal starport, President Hudson has positioned himself once again as the Federation’s strongman. This is clearly a calculated effort to regain political power after negative associations from the Starship One trial.”

    “Shadow President Felicia Winters’s acceptance of Marlinist refugees has lost popularity, now that terrorists concealed among them have murdered thousands. However, cooler heads in Congress agree that provoking the Empire could lead to a far greater death toll.”

    The Empire’s response mirrored its counterpart, as observed by The Imperial Herald:

    “As well as the construction of new capital ships, Senator Denton Patreus has also ordered the withdrawal of funding for Aegis. The Senate’s consensus is that since Thargoid activity has reduced, the focus should now be on the Federation as well as the internal threat of the NMLA.”

    “Cooperation between the superpowers is rapidly coming to an end, leading to a state of interstellar brinkmanship. There is a real possibility that the Neo-Marlinists’ demand for revolutionary change may have broader repercussions than they intended.”

  • November 26, 3306
  • Empire and Federation Increase Capital Ship Production

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federal and Imperial Navies have both requested commodities for the construction of new capital ships.

    President Zachary Hudson has convinced Congress to increase funding for the Federal Navy, and to advance the construction programme for Farragut-class Battle Cruisers. In a powerful address, he said:

    “Defending the Federation is our highest priority in these uncertain times. It is vital that we reinforce our capability to protect the people from all threats.”

    The Federal Navy urgently requires additional resources to meet the new shipbuilding timetable. Deliveries of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies are requested at Schweickart City in the Parutis system.

    A similar declaration was made in the Imperial Senate mere hours later, when Senator Denton Patreus announced:

    “We face adversaries on all sides and from within, eager to corrupt and destroy our proud Empire. This is a time to bolster our strength and our resolve.”

    The Imperial Navy confirmed that new Majestic-class Interdictors and other military vessels are being assembled. A request has been made for shipments of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies to Miyasaka Orbital in the Mandh system.

  • October 26, 3306
  • Congress Votes to Accept Marlinist Immigrants

    The Federation will grant sanctuary to Marlinist political refugees from the Empire, following a congressional vote in favour of Felicia Winters.

    President Zachary Hudson had stated that illegal immigrants in the Federal systems Charunder, Ennead, HIP 36081, LTT 1935, LTT 3607 and Thetis would be detained and returned to Imperial space. This was challenged by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who argued that they deserved a more compassionate response.

    Congress debated and then voted on her proposal, which received majority support. Government funding will soon be released to provide resources and accommodation for the refugee population.

    Shadow President Winters told the media:

    “Charities such as Safeguard Interstellar are already doing excellent work, but now we can officially offer safe haven and temporary citizenship to all Marlinists.”

    “These innocent people only seek what we in the Federation take for granted – democracy, fairness and political representation. Their values are closer to ours than the Empire’s, and we have an obligation to protect them.”

    Several newsfeeds, including The Federal Times and Sol Today, commented that President Hudson’s authority has been undermined by his refusal to comment on the charges against Fleet Admiral Vincent. The accompanying rumours of corruption and conspiracy have had a demoralising effect on his supporters, and increased the Liberal Party’s popularity.

  • October 19, 3306
  • Political Turmoil for President Hudson

    Political support for Federal President Zachary Hudson has plummeted after the results of a trial concerning Starship One’s destruction.

    Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent was charged with sabotaging the presidential vessel, leading to hundreds of deaths. His close relationship with Hudson has triggered a public outcry and accusations of a conspiracy to assassinate then-President Jasmina Halsey.

    Political analyst Vihaan Niven reported on the situation:

    “The Republican Party is officially in a state of crisis. President Hudson has refused to make any statement regarding Fleet Admiral Vincent, despite pressure piling up from all corners of the Federation. Over a dozen congressmen have resigned in protest, refusing to be associated with what some newsfeeds are calling ‘the crime of the century’.”

    “Shadow President Felicia Winters has stopped short of making direct allegations against Hudson but, in several powerful speeches, she stressed that no elected ruler can ever be above the law.”

    “Opinion polls suggest that the Liberal Party now has majority support for the first time in years, and that many people view Hudson as a symbol of corruption. In 3305, halfway through his term of office, the President won the scheduled congressional vote of no confidence by a slim margin. It is doubtful that his administration would survive if it were to be held today.”

  • October 9, 3306
  • Fleet Admiral Vincent Named as Starship One Saboteur

    Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent, one of the Federal Navy chiefs of staff, has been arrested on charges related to the destruction of Starship One.

    The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster was halted by a plea bargain to reveal who ordered him to sabotage Starship One’s hyperdrive in 3301.

    An update on proceedings was delivered by Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney’s Office:

    “Mr Webster provided evidence that Fleet Admiral Vincent directly commanded him to arrange for Starship One to suffer the same fate as the Highliner Antares. The orders were allegedly provided on a private channel, accompanied by threats discouraging Mr Webster’s refusal.”

    “The trial concluded with the judge summarily convicting the defendant of aiding and abetting mass murder. Chief Technician Webster received a lenient sentence of 20 years in prison, in acknowledgement that he performed criminal acts under duress.”

    “The FIA has detained Vincent in a high-security facility, and he has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason. However, the case is likely to take several months to come to trial.”

    There was no comment from President Zachary Hudson, who is believed to be a personal friend of Vincent. A spokesperson for his administration said: “As always, the President has full confidence in our court system to deliver justice.”