Galactic News

  • February 6, 3309
  • Mahon: ‘Alliance Will Support Aegis’

    The Alliance Assembly has voted to make a contribution to Aegis if the agency is reformed by the three superpowers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made an official announcement:

    “Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s change of heart regarding anti-xeno collaboration has triggered swift action from Alliance systems. The Assembly has re-appraised a bill proposed last November by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, seeking to approve Aegis’s reformation. A majority vote has now passed that bill.”

    “The Alliance will therefore commit ships, resources and personnel to a collaborative anti-xeno agency. We will also share Thargoid-related intelligence and scientific data to a central database shared with the Empire and Federation.”

    “The strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation remains in effect, and the company continues to work with us on protecting Allied systems.”

    It has been suggested that Li Yong-Rui privately advised the prime minister against holding the vote, with the view that Sirius Corporation could fill the role of humanity's primary anti-xeno organisation. However, political analysts noted that Mahon has a long-standing dedication to multilateral cooperation against the Thargoids.

    Deputy Prime Minister Corcoran will act as the Alliance’s primary contact with any new incarnation of Aegis. Commodore Emil Varga has volunteered to serve as military liaison, with Dr Maximo Fonseca of Gateway Laboratories taking the lead on xenological research.

  • February 2, 3309
  • Pirates Lead Counter-Attack Against Thargoids

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Kumo Crew is marshalling the defence of the California Nebula by offering rewards for eliminating Thargoid vessels.

    The Kumo Council, the syndicate’s ruling body, assumed control of several systems that were recently invaded by Thargoid fleets. Independent pilots have been asked to take part in anti-xeno initiatives within the region, which are being coordinated from The Mictlan megaship.

    Harrison Gladstone of the Turner Research Group, which represents the Alliance in the California Nebula, made a formal protest:

    “We are not happy about defence initiatives being funded by a ruthless criminal gang. These pirates are using the Thargoid attacks to expand their illegal activity, thus jeopardising our faction’s scientific and commercial interests. Several of our ports in the area are now under Kumo Crew ‘emergency protections’, as they’ve termed it. This is an illegal occupation of Allied territory!”

    In response, Archon Delaine claimed:

    “Taking charge of local security forces is necessary to form an effective anti-xeno militia. If the Alliance cares so much about this region, where are their warships? We’re doing Mahon’s job for him. The colonists here will soon understand our decision is the correct one.”

    The Kumo Council has agreed to reimburse all Thargoid combat bonds handed in at The Mictlan in California Sector HR-W d1-28.

  • January 31, 3309
  • Emperor Approves Aisling’s Plan for Aegis

    Princess Aisling Duval met with Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval in person to discuss an Imperial contribution to the reformation of Aegis.

    The Imperial Herald’s political journalist Cassia Carvalho reported on events:

    “Aisling Duval’s arrival at the Imperial Palace was completely unexpected, according to several dignitaries whose appointed meetings with the Emperor were abruptly cancelled. One senatorial aide described how the princess ‘burst into the throne room so suddenly that I’m surprised the Imperial Guard didn’t shoot her’.”

    “Despite visible irritation, Emperor Arissa acceded to Princess Aisling’s demand for urgent talks. The two royals held a private conversation behind closed doors for many hours. I heard claims of raised voices at one stage, but nobody was willing to go on record to confirm this.”

    “Eventually, Her Majesty call for the media to assemble, which we did eagerly. The Emperor made it clear that her decree to isolate from the other superpowers remained active. However, if Aegis were to be re-established, a limited number of scientists and naval vessels would be allocated to the anti-xeno agency. Princess Aisling would take ownership of the endeavour, and coordinate with both Imperial and foreign organisations.”

    “Senators and Imperial Navy officials were surprised by this exception to the Emperor’s policy. But political analysts remarked on the shrewdness of making Princess Aisling personally responsible for the proposed anti-xeno collaboration, thereby distancing the Emperor from any potential failures.”

    “Insiders claim that Princess Aisling has already requested members for her delegation including Senator Caspian Leopold, Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson and xenological specialist Ivano Colombera. She has also tasked the Imperial Diplomatic Corps with re-opening diplomatic channels to the Alliance and Federation, specifically to share information about Alba Tesreau’s respective proposals for a reformed Aegis.”

  • December 7, 3309
  • Delaine Vows to Defend California Nebula

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Kumo Crew syndicate has rallied in the California Nebula to repel the region’s Thargoid invasion forces.

    In recent weeks Thargoid fleets swarmed through several local systems. The Kumo Council, the enclave’s authority for the notorious organisation, rapidly called in reinforcements in three systems it governs. Local security forces are now organising counter-attacks against Thargoid vessels.

    Archon Delaine, warlord of the Kumo Crew, announced:

    “Already the war has reached the California Nebula. But are any superpower navies racing to its defence? Of course not – the Alliance considers this colony expendable. It’s down to us to protect the nebula’s citizens, and will do whatever it takes to succeed.”

    The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed published a request for populations not to impede Kumo Crew activity, suggesting that fleet mobilisation is ‘a temporary measure to provide a coordinated resistance against the Thargoids’. It is thought Kumo Crew’s megaship, the Mictlan, is preparing to deploy in support of these efforts.

    This message was rejected by Turner Research Group, which controls several of the invaded systems. The scientific organisation was established by the Alliance in 3302 to study the barnacles discovered in the region. Harrison Gladstone, the group’s spokesperson, declared: “Delaine is obviously using the Thargoid attacks as a pretence for a power grab. There is no chance that these pirates will defend our systems out of the goodness of their blackened hearts. We’ll know what Delaine’s real plan is soon enough.”

    The California Nebula has witnessed several Thargoid attacks, most recently last October, but this is the first marked increase in hostilities following the arrival of the Maelstroms.

  • January 23, 3309
  • The Pro-Aegis Stance of the Princess

    Princess Aisling Duval’s call for the Empire to commit to a resumed Aegis project, alongside the Alliance and Federation, has received a harsh response.

    Admiral Denton Patreus was approached for comment by the Eye on Achenar newsfeed:

    “We all have our part to play in the Empire, but questioning military policy is hardly within a princess’s remit. I would humbly suggest that Her Highness focuses on those areas where she excels: charity work, hosting parties, advocating the wellbeing of the citizens and so forth.”

    A similar viewpoint was expressed by Senator Zemina Torval, who simply remarked: “Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but there was a time when attempting to challenge the Emperor’s decree was viewed as an insult to the throne.”

    Hadrian Augustus Duval’s response was less confrontational but clear: “I firmly believe that non-collaboration is the best direction for the Empire, and respectfully ask Aisling not to undermine this policy through the press.”

    However, Senator Caspian Leopold offered an alternative take:

    “Princess Aisling has a much better understanding of political realities than many give her credit for. After personally consulting with scientific, military and political specialists, she has concluded that reforming Aegis is the logical move. Far from challenging Emperor Arissa’s policy, this is a heartfelt attempt to support her reign by increasing the Empire’s chances of victory against the Thargoids.”

  • January 16, 3309
  • Princess Aisling Echoes Aegis Reformation Calls

    Princess Aisling Duval has publicly asked Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval to reconsider pledging Imperial resources to a cross-superpower anti-xeno initiative.

    Her message was shared on all Imperial newsfeeds:

    “The Empire’s capability to defend itself is not in question. But neither is there any doubt that we are facing a protracted war. The ferocity and scale of the Thargoid onslaught on human space is unprecedented. Of course the Empire will survive, as it has for over a millennium… but at what cost? How many systems must fall? How many citizens will grieve for lost loved ones?”

    “Emperor Arissa, I implore you: work with the Alliance and Federation to reform Aegis. Our combined resources are needed to develop new technologies to overcome the alien armadas. Corporate interests must not dictate this path. Let Imperial ingenuity and courage light the way to victory over a common enemy.”

    A handful of senators supported Princess Aisling’s plea initially, though others have criticised her for daring to challenge the Emperor’s decree. As yet there has been no response from the Imperial Palace.

    Gudrun Vestergaard , royal correspondent for The Imperial Herald, commented:

    “There is speculation that this may cause friction between Aisling and her cousin Hadrian Duval, whose long-held isolationist beliefs are now aligned with Imperial policy. Until now both have enjoyed a close relationship, with Aisling even being chosen as honour-mother to Hadrian’s baby son Hector. But their views on Imperial foreign policy could not be more different, and recent events have brought this into sharp focus.”

  • December 30, 3308
  • A Retrospective of 3308 (Part Two)

    Sima Kalhana continues her review of the most significant historical events that occurred during the past year.

    “In May 3308, the Thargoid invasions of the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems were completely repelled by the use of Salvation’s unique superweapons. This convinced the Alliance, Empire and Federation to support Azimuth Biotech in developing this Guardian-based technology, with Salvation claiming that he could end the Thargoid threat forever.”

    “Elsewhere that month, the Kumo Crew syndicate faced civil war as pirate rebels tried to replace Archon Delaine. Eventually his loyal forces triumphed, with the Blue Viper Club dredger clan fleeing his reprisals. And in the Federation, trillionaire entrepreneur Zachary Rackham announced his presidential candidacy for the 3309 election.”

    “June saw the Golconda generation ship repaired and updated by the Artificers Clan. This provided the majority of its original inhabitants, descended from Earth colonists, the opportunity to resume their spacefaring lifestyle.”

    “The news around this time was dominated by Salvation, particularly when he rebranded Taurus Mining Ventures as Azimuth Biotech. The scientist, once named Dr Caleb Wycherley, admitted that the corporation had evolved out of the notorious Azimuth Biochemicals. But Allied, Federal and Imperial leaders chose to ignore this, having pinned their anti-xeno strategy on Salvation’s superweapon technology.”

    “HIP 22460 was the system chosen to construct the Proteus Wave. This interfaced Guardian technology with a Thargoid ground settlement, and was designed to deliberately attract the Thargoids before wiping them out. During July and August, upgraded capital ships along with independent pilots defended Azimuth Biotech’s operation from swarms of Thargoid vessels.”

    “After weeks of intense combat and delivering vital supplies, the Proteus Wave was activated on 9th August. Initially it seemed successful, rendering the Thargoids powerless, but an unexpected second energy pulse from the planetary site had the same effect on all human ships. The resulting massacre saw the Thargoids take control of the HIP 22460 system, establishing a permanent presence.”

    “Salvation was dead. Azimuth Biotech’s plans had failed. The superpowers were in retreat. And speculation grew about an unearthly alien screech heard in HIP 22460, dubbed the ‘Thargoid roar’.”

  • December 27, 3308
  • The Time for Aegis?

    Professor Alba Tesreau has again called for the anti-xeno initiative Aegis to be reformed by the superpowers.

    “The arrival of the Maelstroms has escalated the Second Thargoid War beyond anything we have experienced before. The Thargoids are relentlessly attacking every human settlement within reach. And that reach is steadily expanding on eight fronts, spreading deeper into the core systems.”

    “In these dire circumstances, the decision to shut down Aegis seems to be a grave mistake. Now, more than ever, superpower-level resources are needed to establish large-scale research and defence projects. This is the surely the time for Aegis to be revived with as much funding and resources as possible.”

    “My symposium in October proved that there is an increasing appetite for collaboration. Many Allied and Federal military leaders have already discussed working together. Shadow President Winters recently suggested helping those beyond Federal borders, and Deputy Prime Minister Corcoran has championed the prospect of coalition in the Alliance.”

    “Sadly, the Empire’s current isolationist policy means that Aegis would necessitate a return as a dual-superpower initiative. But even that would be an improvement on the fractured, uncoordinated response to the Thargoid conquests.”

    There has been no official response to Professor Tesreau from the Alliance or Federation, but several individual congressmen and council members have repeated their support for the reformation of Aegis.

    In the Empire, only the Citizens’ Chronicle newsfeed reported on Tesreau’s ongoing campaign, commenting: “Even among the Imperial nobility, few dare to question the Emperor’s decree. But those few are growing bolder.”

  • December 16, 3308
  • Final Maelstroms Advance Thargoid Occupation

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A further 13 systems have fallen under Thargoid control as the last of the Maelstroms materialise.

    The three rogue signal sources – designated Thor, Raijin and Hadad – entered human-occupied space yesterday. As with the previous five anomalies, they manifested as colossal clouds of corrosive gas over 100 kilometres in diameter.

    Pilots who attempt to investigate the Maelstroms have been warned that the highly caustic nature of the clouds can disable and destroy ships. Xenologists have speculated that the cloud is a defensive asset, maintained by the huge numbers of caustic generators clustered within.

    All eight Maelstroms are now established at their destinations, positioned in a broad semi-circle along the fringe of the core systems. Each of these entities has become the centre of an expanding Thargoid sphere of influence. Populated systems in the surrounding regions have been dominated by extremely hostile Thargoid vessels, causing enormous casualties and catastrophic damage. Many more inhabited systems are at risk of invasion.

    Eleven rescue megaships have entered service at key locations to aid and process the millions of refugees fleeing these attacks. These ships also act as hubs for defence operations to support those systems struggling to resist the Thargoid fleets.

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have deployed capital ships equipped with anti-xeno weaponry to defend their respective territories. As yet there appears to be no technology or strategy capable of engaging the ominous power of the Maelstroms directly.

  • November 29, 3308
  • Taranis Unleashes Thargoid Invasion Fleets

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Taranis anomaly has arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, triggering a ferocious wave of Thargoid attacks in the region.

    Multiple inhabited systems are experiencing wide-scale invasions by countless numbers of Thargoid vessels, with casualties expected to number millions in the coming days. Several systems have already reported a complete loss of human control, with ports abandoned amid heavy losses.

    The Alliance Defence Force and Federal Navy have responded by sending capital ships, which will support independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons. Neither superpower has entered the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system, from which the Thargoid fleets seem to be emanating.

    There have been conflicting descriptions of the rogue signal source itself, which finally slowed to a halt after weeks of faster-than-light travel. Dr Remy Leroux, a xenologist working for Professor Palin, transmitted a garbled report describing Taranis as “not a single object but a colossal swirling maelstrom of some kind”, before all contact was lost.

    These initial reports have not been verified, and many authorities consider them to be unreliable or exaggerated. However, warnings have been issued that the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

    Speaking to The Alliance Tribune, Admiral Rachel Ziegler remarked: “Our focus at present is on defending the populated systems from swarms of highly aggressive Thargoids. Whatever this ‘maelstrom’ actually is, it’s clearly been sent with the purpose of eradicating human influence in the region.”

  • November 28, 3308
  • Militaries on Alert as Taranis Approaches

    The Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system has been identified as the location where the rogue signal source named Taranis will finally arrive.

    Professor Ishmael Palin gave a statement to confirm the findings of several scientific groups:

    “Data correlated from many long-range scans proves that the anomaly’s velocity is reducing steadily. At its present rate of descent, Taranis will arrive at Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 in approximately 24 hours. I have sent a research team, led by my colleague Dr Leroux, to gather data on its arrival.”

    Admiral Maxton Price of the Federal Navy commented:

    “Fortunately, this particular system is uninhabited so no populations are directly at risk. We are monitoring the situation rather than deploying capital ships. Civilian traffic is ordered not to enter Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 until we know more about Taranis’s capabilities.”

    The Alliance Defence Force issued a similar announcement from Admiral Rachel Ziegler:

    “The Thargoids’ overall strategy remains unknown, as does the true nature of these rogue signal sources. But there is certainly no reason to place ourselves in their path intentionally. It’s possible that, as with HIP 22460, the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system could become a no-go zone occupied by an overwhelming number of Thargoid vessels.”

    Despite making no official statement, it is believed that the Imperial Navy is likewise holding back from deploying a military fleet to the Taranis anomaly. Independent analysts have suggested that the destruction of the Kingfisher megaship in Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 has contributed to the superpowers’ caution, with capital ship losses in HIP 22460 also fresh in the memory.

  • November 15, 3308
  • Coalsack Nebula Reports Thargoid Activity

    The human colonists in the Coalsack Nebula has raised the alarm after Thargoid forces appeared several systems.

    Following recent attacks on systems and vessels in the California Nebula, it appears that the Thargoids have again sought to occupy systems where barnacle fields are present on planet surfaces.

    Councillor Lewis Laychurch, representing the Alliance Expeditionary Pact in HIP 62154, provided the following to the Alliance Tribune:

    “Our security craft regularly patrol between the populated systems in this region. We had the first reports of nonhuman signals this morning. Obviously we’ve seen Thargoid activity in the Coalsack Nebula several times before, but this time was different. It’s not an attack as much as a presence.”

    “We witnessed a huge upsurge in these signals in multiple systems. Over a couple of hours, it felt like Thargoid activity was visible on scanners wherever our ships looked. It’s exclusively in areas with barnacle sites, too.”

    Now, there’s no secret that the Thargoids aren’t happy with our interest in the meta-alloys those sites produce. But this time they’re not attacking ports, or either the Spirit of Nysa or Song of Mecchi megaships. It’s like they’re waiting for something.”

    The described behaviour matches similar Thargoid incursions into other populated systems in recent weeks. Researchers in the nebula have withdrawn from ongoing field studies of barnacle sites, citing safety concerns.

    In other news, Azimuth Biotech has announced that the Glorious Prospect will distribute the Mbooni permit from the LHS 1163 system, instead of the T-Tauri system as planned. Federal authorities offered protection to the megaship to reduce the travel time between the two locations, granting combat pilots swift access to the anti-xeno weaponry offered at Prospect’s Deep.

  • January 11, 3308
  • Council of Admirals Divided Over Unified Fleet

    The Alliance Defence Force has been unable to reach a consensus over the proposal to combine the superpowers’ forces against the Thargoids.

    Admirals Liam Flanagan , George Varma and Rachel Ziegler all openly support the concept of a unified fleet formed of Allied, Federal and Imperial vessels. However, Admirals Nikolas Glass, Maristela Silva and Tahir West have rejected this in favour of focusing on the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.

    Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin, the highest ranking officer in the Alliance Defence Force, has yet to reveal her own view. When pressed by a journalist from the Old Worlds Gazette, she commented: “A decision of such magnitude is more political than military, and therefore the province of the Assembly.”

    There was a more forthright statement from Admiral Ziegler, who previously commanded an Allied anti-xeno taskforce:

    “This refusal to accept that we must come together to fight the Thargoids is enormously disappointing. Many of our counterparts in the Federal Navy are keen to increase links between militaries, and I firmly believe that we would soon convince the Empire to join us. We must not indefinitely rule out re-establishing Aegis or a similar anti-xeno initiative.”

    In related news, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran has proposed a bill to the Assembly approving the reformation of Aegis. However, this has not received enough support to be formally debated and would achieve little without similar acts in the Federal Congress or Imperial Senate.

  • October 31, 3308
  • Empire Dismisses Calls for Aegis Return

    The Imperial Senate has debated contributing to anti-xeno activities such as Aegis or a unified superpower fleet.

    Senator Caspian Leopold initiated the discussions among his colleagues, stating:

    “One would never criticise Her Majesty’s priority to defend the Empire above all else. Nevertheless, we face an adversary that how shown no sign of understanding humanity’s many political, social or cultural distinctions. To them there is no Empire. Our citizens are simply more humans for the Thargoids to destroy.”

    “If we were to share our research and resources with a reformed Aegis, might we not end the Second Thargoid War sooner?”

    Imperial Admiral of the Fleet, Denton Patreus, responded:

    “Let me be clear: Aegis has been consigned to history. Likewise, the idea of unifying all three superpower fleets is a completely impractical fantasy. We can best serve the Empire by reinforcing the Imperial Navy and other military forces serving the Emperor.”

    “I assure you, senators, that we are closely monitoring Thargoid activity and the threat is currently contained. The anomalous signals moving towards the core systems are being tracked. But should any xeno force encroach upon Imperial territory, we are more than ready.”

    The issue was laid to rest Chancellor Anders Blaine:

    “Esteemed colleagues, there is great honour in exploring how best to protect our people from the alien foe. But I must remind you: a decree from the Emperor cannot be overruled, not even by this august chamber. The Empire will abstain from collaborating with the Alliance, Federation or any other foreign nation until Her Majesty wishes otherwise.”

  • October 28, 3308
  • Superpowers Discuss Unified Anti-Xeno Fleet

    Ambassadors of all three superpowers have held emergency talks following the California nebula attacks, with a united military fleet the primary topic.

    Political journalist Conrad Sterling provided this report for Vox Galactica:

    “The public demand to address the evolving Thargoid threat has led to key military personnel suggesting that the Allied, Federal and Imperial naval fleets could work in concert for the duration of the war. This once-inconceivable notion seems more plausible following the coalition in HIP 22460, despite the regrettable outcome of that operation.”

    “Sources have confirmed that Admiral Rachel Ziegler sought to contact Admiral Maxton Price directly, to discuss ways in which the Alliance Defence Force and Federal Navy might collaborate. Others have openly supported the idea of ‘a glorious grand armada to wipe out the alien hordes,’ as Vice Admiral Juno Rochester phrased it.”

    “However, there has been little in the way of political enthusiasm, with neither the Assembly nor Congress willing to debate the topic. Many leaders had their fingers burnt by aiding Salvation, which could dissuade them from extending the hand of comradeship once again.”

    “And then there is the Empire, which lacks any interest in further collaboration with outside governments or organisations. While the Emperor pursues her new path of Imperial isolationism, the Imperial Navy’s might cannot be relied upon to protect Allied, Federal or independent systems from Thargoid attack.”

    “Nevertheless, the prospect of resurrecting the anti-xeno agency Aegis continues to gain traction. Professor Tesreau’s recent symposium outlined plans for a new incarnation that would avoid the mistakes of the past. Even if we never see a grand human armada, the call for unity could manifest in a number of other ways.”

  • October 27, 3308
  • Thargoids Raid Nebula Colony

    The human enclave within the California Nebula has reported multiple attacks from Thargoid forces.

    Systems such as California Sector CQ-Y c5 and HIP 18077 have experienced direct assaults by large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Megaships in the area have also been attacked and left in disrepair, with surviving crews activating distress signals.

    Harrison Gladstone, a spokesperson for Turner Research Group which oversees Allied operations in the region, gave a statement to Vox Galactica:

    “We’re accustomed to the Thargoid encounters in the California nebula, but this time their aggression caught everyone by surprise. Research teams have been recalled from the region’s barnacle sites. It’s just become too dangerous to send our people out there.”

    Colonisation of the California Nebula took place in 3302 and focused primarily on harvesting meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacle sites. Although the enclave was initially established by the Alliance, the Kumo Crew’s expansion into the area last year brought tension.

    The Tau Ceti Journal reported that these latest attacks may directly impact the meta-alloy market. Some Federal corporations, which directly purchase this material from the Alliance, have warned that fresh sources of meta-alloys could be required to prevent commercial instability.

  • October 21, 3308
  • Hadrian Duval Endorses Imperial Isolation

    The Empire’s withdrawal from all cross-superpower operations has gained the full support of Hadrian Augustus Duval.

    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho reviewed the situation for The Imperial Herald:

    “As the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist, Hadrian Duval has long been considered the ‘black sheep’ of the Imperial Family. Only a few years ago, he sought to replace Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval on the throne. But he has since been pardoned and accepted as a genuine Duval, albeit with no royal title or position.”

    “Now, for the first time, Hadrian openly approves of the Emperor’s decisions. As he told Paresa News Network: ‘Walking away from the Alliance and Federation is the right path for the Empire to take. The Imperial Navy deserves to be our priority, to reinforce our strength and better defend us against our enemies.’”

    “Senator Zemina Torval dismissed this as a ‘hypocritical volte-face’, but in truth, Hadrian has always championed isolationism and traditional Imperial values. He seems as surprised as anyone to find that Emperor Arissa now shares some of his political ideologies. Ironically, it is now Princess Aisling Duval who has emerged as the voice of rebellion against Imperial policy.”

    “Others in the Senate have suggested that Hadrian Duval might serve the Empire in a more official capacity, or be bestowed a title and accepted into the nobility. The Emperor may find that the young man who was once her greatest threat could be transformed into a loyal ally.”

  • October 13, 3308
  • Thargoids Repulsed by Operation Tyndareus

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Allied forces have successfully defended the Andecavi system from Thargoid vessels.

    The defence operation was centred around the megaship Kumiho Sky, which hosted the Alliance and Sirius Corporation’s joint anti-xeno taskforce. A declaration of victory was made by Admiral Nikolas Glass:

    “Operation Tyndareus is officially a triumph! Alliance Defence Force and Sirius Navy crews have fought side by side to protect the people of Andecavi from the Thargoids. The aliens withdrew from the system en masse, following several days of hard fighting.”

    “The taskforce was ably supported by many freelance pilots and AX squadrons, who can now claim their rewards from the Kumiho Sky. These include unique pre-engineered heatsink modules for qualifying xeno-hunters. In addition, the modules will shortly be commercially available via official Sirius Corporation technology brokers.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed gratitude to all those who took part, remarking that the long delays in making the strategic defence pact a reality “have finally proved to be worthwhile”.

    In response, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted reports from witnesses that many Thargoid vessels withdrew into hyperspace before human forces overwhelmed them. She added:

    “Would the result in Andecavi have been any different without Sirius Corporation’s involvement? We have seen the Thargoids retreat while several conflicts were still evenly matched, just as in several other systems recently. Did this military pact deliver anything that the ADF could not have achieved alone?”

  • October 11, 3308
  • Subject D-2 Rejects Azimuth

    Seo Jin-ae, the Project Seraph survivor, has refused to have any further contact with Azimuth Biotech following its offer of help.

    She is currently in the care of Professor Alba Tesreau, who stated:

    “It will come as no surprise that Ms Seo vehemently rejects Mr Rademaker’s proposal. She has relayed horrific details to me about her abduction years ago, and the invasive experimentation at Oaken Point. The fear that Azimuth operatives were hunting her never passed, resulting in total isolation from her former life to protect friends and loved ones. As things stand, she has no reason to trust the organisation responsible for her suffering.”

    “Ms Seo’s health has improved, but I’m informed that a significant neural implant grafted into her cerebral cortex – designed to interface with a Thargoid vessel – can never be removed. With her permission, we are working to better understand the manner of the surgeries inflicted upon Ms Seo, along with her claimed interpretation of the ‘Thargoid roar’. I have contacted both Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah for assistance.”

    Azimuth Biotech CEO Torben Rademaker expressed disappointment at the response, and cast doubt on Seo Jin-ae’s legitimacy: “In her fragile emotional state, D-2 may be vulnerable to coercion by Professor Tesreau and other ex-Aegis radicals. Our medical teams have access to records detailing the procedures Oaken Point surgeons were carrying out. It would be unwise of Tesreau to choose self-interest over the chance to truly heal D-2.”

    In related news, several newsfeeds have reported an initial bump in public support for the reinstatement of Aegis. Following her attendance at the symposium, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran told the Old Worlds Gazette:

    “Operation Tyndareus has been initiated, with forces engaged in protecting the Andecavi system. Yet the Alliance should not rely exclusively on Sirius Corporation for anti-xeno defence. I believe that the return of Aegis is an option deserving serious consideration.”

  • October 6, 3308
  • Operation Tyndareus Reacts to Thargoid Fleet

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Alliance has deployed a reactionary task force to defend the Andecavi system from the Thargoids.

    An anti-xeno taskforce, titled Operation Tyndareus, was recently prepared by the Alliance Defence Force in conjunction with Sirius Corporation. This followed the ratification of the strategic defence pact between the superpower and the megacorp.

    Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy representative on the Council of Admirals, announced:

    “The Thargoids have encroached upon Allied territory, providing an opportunity for Operation Tyndareus to put this newly legislated partnership to the test. The megaships provided by Sirius Corp are on combat readiness for just such an event, and Kumiho Sky has jumped directly to the Andecavi system to act as a mobile base of operations. The ADF will spearhead our counter-attack against the alien forces.”

    “These are still early days for our unified anti-xeno efforts, so we are requesting additional support from independent pilots. Sirius Corporation will award its pre-engineered heatsink module to those who destroy adequate numbers of Thargoid vessels.”

    The Andecavi system reported the presence of Thargoids over the past forty-eight hours. However, as with recent incursions into other populated systems, no starports have yet been attacked. Sirius Corporation will reimburse Thargoid combat bonds delivered to the Kumiho Sky over the next seven days.