Galactic News

  • May 25, 3309
  • Materials Needed for Titan Research Project

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Deliveries to the Rabh system will help mass-produce a pulse wave xeno scanner which can analyse Thargoid Titans.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, outlined the initiative:

    “The Thargoid capital ships, now designated as Titans, are the top priority for both military and scientific study. Reaching these gargantuan objects is hazardous since it involves travelling through the Maelstroms’ corrosive environment, avoiding hostile Thargoid vessels along the way. But even at close range, ship sensors have been unable to obtain meaningful data on their composition.”

    “In response, Aegis has fast-tracked a project to modify the xeno scanner originally developed by Professor Ishmael Palin. This adaption utilises the electromagnetic technology found in pulse wave analysers, casting the scanner’s range over a much broader area.”

    “Simulated tests show that the pulse wave xeno scanner should be able to identify points of interest on a Titan’s hull. But the research effort requires as many pilots as possible to verify our findings out in the field. We are therefore gathering the supplies needed to manufacture the module in large quantities.”

    Aegis will reward pilots who transport shipments of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. These will be used to establish manufacturing centres for pulse wave xeno scanners, which will then be rapidly distributed to all rescue megaships. A secondary campaign will reward pilots for protecting deliveries from pirates.

  • May 23, 3309
  • Head of Aegis Makes Public Address

    Professor Alba Tesreau has broadcast a formal statement discussing the past, present and future of Aegis.

    Independent journalist Allan Mantle reported on the declaration for Vox Galactica:

    “The tremendous escalation of the Thargoid war makes Aegis more open to scrutiny than ever. By delivering a personal message to the public, Professor Tesreau exhibits the transparency and accountability that the agency previously lacked. Indeed, it’s to her credit that the mistakes of the past are not glossed over.”

    “Some will also consider it noble that Tesreau avoids mentioning how she opposed the superpowers shutting down Aegis in favour of working with Azimuth Biotech. Others will recognise her moral high ground as mere politics. The Allied, Federal and Imperial coordinators for Aegis are all duly applauded, a tip of the hat to those who helped her resurrect the organisation.”

    “Recent Thargoid discoveries are mentioned, with two having been formally classified since her speech was recorded: the Glaive-class hunters that pursue human ships, and the Revenant-class drones patrolling settlements in conquered systems. Naturally, Aegis’s top priority are the Thargoid motherships, which Tesreau formally assigns the designation of ‘Titan’. The statement reveals that work is underway to modify Professor Palin’s xeno scanner to gather data on these alien capital ships.”

    Princess Aisling Duval also delivered a statement:

    “I have nothing but praise for Professor Tesreau’s leadership of Aegis. She has transformed a once-failing initiative into the vanguard of humanity’s defence. I am impressed and inspired by her tireless determination, which is why I sought the position of Imperial representative in the organisation. My discussions with Tesreau have convinced me that the new iteration of Aegis has addressed the concerns I once held over its strategic direction.”

    “I also want to take this opportunity to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice when resisting the Thargoids’ military might. These courageous souls will never be forgotten. We all still have much work to do to protect those we care for.”

    Pilots will find the Aegis Statement waiting in their ship's inbox service.

  • May 22, 3309
  • Presidential Campaigns Target Federal Voters

    Jerome Archer, Felicia Winters and Zachary Rackham are lobbying for public support as the Federation prepares to elect a new president in August.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino covered the race for The Federal Times:

    “With Zachary Hudson’s eight-year term approaching its end, citizens must decide who will be the president of the Federation by the year’s end. The electoral machines for all three candidates are in full swing, with campaign slogans appearing at all Federal starports.”

    “The Republican Party has pinned its hopes on current Vice President Jerome Archer, who hopes to reassure Hudson loyalists with his similar leadership style and focus on interstellar security. Shadow President Felicia Winters, head of the Liberal Party, is promising a more humanitarian approach to government policy. And the wild card is independent candidate Zachary Rackham, whose wealth and notoriety afford him a fighting chance against the political heavyweights.”

    “Congress has confirmed that, with many government procedures impacted by the Thargoid war, election day has been delayed until later in the year. President Hudson is expected to remain in office for the interim period before the victor's official inauguration.”

    Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen analysed the media coverage:

    “Typically, Federal newsfeeds focus more on character than policies. The Federal Free Press obtained in-depth interviews with Winters and Isolde Rochester, while Sol Today published souvenir editions celebrating Hudson’s presidency as a ‘golden age’. On the fringes are those such as ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, who promotes voting for Rackham as a way to revolutionise society.”

    “What is not typical is that this election is being held during wartime. The ongoing Thargoid conflict has cast a shadow over voters’ optimism for the future. Some are even wondering if this might be the last president they ever elect, should the alien invasion of the core systems prove unstoppable.”

  • May 18, 3309
  • Thargoid ‘Hunter’ Vessel Class Confirmed

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A new type of Thargoid vessel, first encountered within the Maelstroms, is interdicting ships in Thargoid controlled systems.

    Aegis highlighted the threat as part of its research into the Thargoid capital ships. Commodore Emil Varga, the Allied military liaison, gave this statement:

    “The first explorers to breach the Maelstroms’ inner regions encountered a previously unseen Thargoid vessel, larger than a scout but smaller than an interceptor. These medium-sized craft have been categorised as hunters, with this specific class designated the ‘Glaive’ due to its blade-like protrusions.”

    “The Glaives operated close to the motherships, so it was initially believed they acted as sentries. But in recent days they have appeared within systems under Thargoid control. Pilots lucky enough to survive these encounters report being forced out of supercruise by Glaives and aggressively attacked.”

    “Personally, I believe that our newfound ability to penetrate the Maelstroms caught the Thargoids by surprise. In response, they have redeployed the mothership’s defenders to a more offensive role. Such rapid tactical adaptation is not typical of this species, which is a good indicator that we have them worried.”

    Aden Tanner provided more details following a research mission:

    “The Glaive is extremely aggressive and attacks any human ship within range. Its high-intensity energy weapons take the form of lightning bolts, similar to a Thargoid interceptor, but this vessel is faster and more manoeuvrable.”

    “Anti-xeno pilots should be advised that Glaives are also capable of disabling Guardian-based weaponry. This only became apparent when encountering them outside of the Maelstrom systems, where the Thargoids’ anti-Guardian field is permanently present.”

  • May 16, 3309
  • Thargoid Motherships Discovered Within Maelstroms

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Exploration of the inner regions of the Maelstroms has revealed the existence of colossal Thargoid constructs.

    Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, published a summary on behalf of the tri-superpower initiative:

    “Our pathfinder missions have verified reports by the first manned ships that used the Thargoid pulse neutraliser. We know that the core environments of all eight Maelstroms are consistent in layout and extremely dangerous.”

    “Once past the energy wave, the initial hazard is an asteroid field that must be navigated. We cannot theorise an obvious reason why the asteroids have been gathered here. Thargoid vessels also patrol this region. Some reports indicate a previously unencountered class of Thargoid combat vessel accompanying interceptors and scouts.”

    “Beyond these, at the centre of each Maelstrom, is a gargantuan Thargoid structure. They dwarf any singular man-made creation, even Coriolis starports. I’ve reviewed footage provided by our pilots, and I will admit that the architecture is unsettling. Finding a way to defeat them will be our greatest challenge to date.”

    Professor Shamus Madigan of Orion University, one of Aegis’s xenology specialists, added:

    “Despite initial references to ‘Thargoid motherships’, there is little evidence to confirm exactly what purpose they serve. Based on the expansion of Thargoid invasion forces around each Maelstrom, the leading theory proposes they are fleet control centres, directing expansion efforts into our territory. Individual craft arrive and depart via several access points. Further observation is necessary to determine true nature of these gigantic entities.”

    “The other popular term – ‘hive ship’ – infers that each carries a distinct community ruled by a Thargoid Queen. While INRA scientists theorised the hierarchy of Thargoid society, the existence of such a key figure has never been confirmed. The nature and number of the Thargoids inhabiting these titanic vessels remains open for speculation.”

  • May 12, 3309
  • Ground Troops Encounter Thargoid Drones

    Reports from planetary settlements within Thargoid-occupied systems have described alien drone vessels attacking on-foot personnel.

    Field correspondent Ernesto Rios summarised this development for Vox Galactica:

    “Scores of populated systems in the vicinity of the Maelstroms have been invaded by Thargoid fleets, causing horrific casualties and mass evacuations. But military personnel still risk their lives exploring settlements within those systems, to search for survivors or scavenge remaining materials.”

    “These troops have come under attack by ‘airborne vehicles of Thargoid design’, according to one account. Their relatively small size suggests they are the equivalent of combat drones. ‘I’ve seen them patrol the abandoned settlements as if on guard duty,’ said one eyewitness, ‘and become extremely hostile when they detect any living humans.’”

    “It seems that the Thargoids now view these planets as their territory, and us as the intruders. Could they be planning to colonise all worlds in the core systems?”

    Following a tactical briefing with senior Aegis staff, Rear Admiral Daniel Parry provided an update to the press:

    “We have obtained several reports from both enlisted and unauthorised ground teams. Available data indicates that the Thargoid drones are capable of launching volleys of air-to-surface projectiles. I have read harrowing descriptions of entire squads being wiped out by missile bombardments from these craft.”

    “This potentially adds a new dimension to the war, by introducing active threats on planetary surfaces. Marine units are being prepared to investigate further. However, independent armed forces operating behind enemy lines can play a vital role by destroying as many drones as possible.”

  • May 10, 3309
  • Into the Maelstroms

    Aegis has confirmed that the first ships equipped with Thargoid pulse neutralisers have entered the inner regions of the Maelstroms.

    The new module provides a temporary shield against the electromagnetic pulse that is generated when ships reach a certain point within the Maelstroms. Until now, this has prevented all attempts to identify what Thargoid constructs may exist within the caustic clouds.

    Rear Admiral Daniel Parry, the Federal Navy’s liaison to Aegis, reported:

    “Armed ships crewed by military and xenology specialists have now been sent into each Maelstrom. These pathfinder missions will attempt to gather as much tactical and environmental data as possible.”

    “We have also received information from Commanders who returned intact from the Maelstroms’ core areas. We are unable to authenticate these accounts at present, but they are being collated and analysed. The Allied, Federal and Imperial high commands will authorise an official report in due course.”

    A secondary statement was provided by Commodore Emil Varga, the Alliance’s military liaison:

    “If the preliminary data obtained by independent pilots is accurate, one common factor is that they encountered a significant Thargoid presence. Aegis warns all pilots that they enter the Maelstroms at their own risk, and should prepare for combat situations.”

    “All of the eight systems containing Maelstroms are still affected by the same anti-Guardian field that was first witnessed in HIP 22460. Therefore, weapons based on Guardian technology will not function and should be replaced with other anti-xeno armaments.”

  • May 9, 3309
  • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser Becomes Available

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis’s new module will allow ships to penetrate the energy wave protecting the central regions of the Maelstroms.

    Deliveries of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters were made to Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system. These allowed Aegis to build a manufacturing and distribution centre for Thargoid pulse neutralisers, which can now be purchased from technology brokers on rescue megaships.

    Professor Alba Tesreau released a statement regarding Aegis’s next steps:

    “Combined with our caustic sink launcher, the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will enable explorers to travel through the Maelstroms’ corrosive clouds and into their cores. A small number of Aegis researchers will be among the first wave of pioneers. Their mission is to identify the source of these mysterious objects and gather data about its nature.”

    “I am conscious that, once again, independent pilots will also be risking their lives to increase our knowledge of the Thargoids. We have always been indebted to the galactic community for their bravery, and never more so for those who dare undertake this dangerous journey. Aegis will continue to provide support wherever possible.”

    An additional statement was made by former Federal Navy admiral Aden Tanner:

    “Whatever lies within the Maelstroms is almost certainly protected by further dangers. Judging by how swiftly our probes were disabled, the presence of human ships is likely to attract attention. I advise pilots to make sure they are outfitted with the best possible equipment before venturing within.”

    Aegis confirmed that payment for all who contributed to the initiative is now available from the Orunmilla. As a related reward, the first ten Commanders who delivered unclassified relics to Ram Tah or Professor Palin in August 3308, and the 40 who have traded the greatest quantities of these objects, have been recognised for their contribution to the Thargoid pulse neutraliser’s development. Each of these pilots will be invited via inbox to collect a Thargoid pulse neutraliser from storage at the Orunmilla megaship in Didiomanja.

  • May 4, 3309
  • Seo Jin-ae: ‘The Thargoids Know We’re Coming’

    A warning about entering the Maelstroms has been offered by Seo Jin-ae, whose unique cortical implant offers glimpses into the Thargoid hive mind.

    Aden Tanner, who is currently working with Aegis, released a personal statement:

    “Seo Jin-ae approached me in a state of distress shortly after the first tests of the Thargoid pulse neutraliser. She claimed that, as the probes passed through Taranis’s energy wave, she perceived a change among the Thargoid voices. ‘Like being woken up by insect bites,’ was how she described the sensation.”

    “‘The Thargoids aren’t as oblivious to our tests as it sometimes seems,’ she told me. I pressed her for more details, but there was only one thing she was convinced about: ‘They understand we’ve found a way to push deeper into the Maelstrom. They know we’re coming.’”

    “Now, this might mean nothing at all, and it’s not verifiable data. But it prompted Professor Tesreau to pass on Seo’s concerns to the superpowers. Likewise, I feel a sense of duty to share this with the galactic community. Any pilots who plan to explore the Maelstrom cores should not assume that they’ll have the element of surprise.”

    Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “I have personally reviewed all recent tactical reports, but found no evidence of any changes in the Thargoids’ behaviour or strategy. We are proceeding with our plans to mass-produce the Thargoid pulse neutraliser and send crewed ships into the Maelstroms. Tanner’s concern is noted, however, and we urge extreme caution in these early expeditions.”

  • May 2, 3309
  • Resources Needed for Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis has requested materials in the YZ Ceti system to mass-produce a defence for ships entering the Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the tri-superpower agency, announced the initiative at a press conference:

    “Final tests have been conducted on the Thargoid pulse neutraliser, which offers ships a brief window of insulation from the energy wave encountered inside a Maelstrom. Their primary components are based on unclassified relics, which are created by interfacing Guardian artefacts with Thargoid surface sites. Ram Tah and Professor Palin have donated some of their research supplies to this project.”

    “Aegis has been assigned a generous budget to purchase large quantities of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters. These will be used to create a manufacturing and distribution base, making the Thargoid pulse neutraliser commercially available on all rescue megaships.”

    Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system will serve as the delivery point for all shipments. Aegis has been authorised to redeem bounty hunting vouchers for all wanted ships in the vicinity, since transporting such valuable materials is likely to attract pirates.

    Representatives from the superpowers and the scientific community congratulated Aegis, while military figures emphasised the importance of finding ways to hinder or destroy the Maelstroms. Rear Admiral Daniel Parry claimed: “This is the most strategically significant breakthrough to date. It will allow us to modify our military tactics based on what is discovered inside the deadly clouds.”

  • April 28, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: April 3309

    Jade Sanderlyn’s latest report on the Thargoid invasion of the core systems has been published on Vox Galactica.

    “Taking the broad view of the conflict does little to lift the spirits. Thargoid fleets now occupy well over a thousand systems, nearly 200 of which were once populated. Several million people have been killed or wounded by bombardments and caustic attacks. Colossal numbers have fled their homes as refugees. Some sources estimate that well over ten billion people have been directly affected by the war, but the misery and hardship it has caused is immeasurable.”

    “As sobering as that sounds, the situation would be much worse were it not for enormous efforts by anti-xeno squadrons and independent ships, which continue to push back against the Thargoid fleets. Every day, thousands of pilots risk their lives in battle, rescuing civilians or delivering supplies. Dozens of systems have been reclaimed from the Thargoids, and there are signs that the alien expansion is gradually slowing against such resistance.”

    “For a while it looked as if more traditional warfare between factions was about to bring further devastation, when Federal and Imperial proxies clashed in the Tavgi and Pichch systems. But in fact, these skirmishes helped to demonstrate how the Empire and Federation are prioritising the Thargoid threat above their centuries-long rivalry.”

    “Aegis continues to focus its efforts on practical solutions. The recently announced Thargoid pulse neutraliser is an attempt to bypass the defensive barrier within the inner region of the Maelstroms. If this succeeds, what might be found lurking at their hearts? Newsfeeds are proposing destroying the Maelstroms entirely to halt the never-ending swarms of Thargoid vessels, but few experts believe this can be achieved with existing military resources.”

    “As for Azimuth Biotech, without the genius of Salvation they seem unable to contribute meaningfully, despite still claiming to be the leading anti-xeno specialists. There are rumours that CEO Torben Rademaker has been in contact with several weapons and industrial manufacturers, presumably with a view to building corporate links.”

    “The last five months have been one of the most devastating periods of human history. But we are also witnessing resilience and courage on truly heroic levels, and we’re not beaten yet. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • April 27, 3309
  • Convoy Tragedy Halts Superpower Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Empire and the Federation have resolved the conflict in Pichch after the accidental loss of anti-xeno supply ships.

    Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported on events for Vox Galactica:

    “Pichch is a key location to redirect front-line resources to systems facing invasion around Maelstrom Leigong. In recent days, these vital deliveries have been severely delayed by the internecine conflict. But disaster struck when an entire convoy carrying anti-xeno weaponry was destroyed by Imperial-aligned ships, which mistakenly identified them as local Federal resupply vessels.”

    “Once news of the incident spread, leaders of Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum stated that they had received orders to broker an immediate ceasefire. The conflict was heading towards a Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum victory, so the sudden peace is likely a relief to Gauluujja Exchange.”

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a personal declaration regarding the situation:

    “We permit Imperial-aligned factions a degree of autonomy, on the understanding that they do not jeopardise the Empire’s strategic goals. Undermining human resistance against the Thargoid invasion cannot be tolerated. I therefore command the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum to negotiate a ceasefire with their Federal neighbours at once.”

    A similar statement was delivered by President Zachary Hudson:

    “This tragic situation could and should have been avoided. Pichch is a Federal system, and we have a responsibility to sustain the flow of anti-xeno resources throughout that region. We cannot allow small-scale quarrels to derail our efforts. I have informed Gauluujja Exchange that they must arrange a peaceful resolution to their current conflict.”

    Both the Federal and Imperial factions have agreed to honour their commitments to those who supported their operations, with rewards available at Tiptree Port.

  • Positive Results from Maelstrom Probes

    Aegis’s prototype Thargoid pulse neutralisers have succeeded in allowing transit through the energy surge at the centre of a Maelstrom.

    Professor Alba Tesreau made the official statement:

    “Several remote-controlled probes outfitted with Thargoid pulse neutralisers were launched into the Taranis Maelstrom. The colossal electromagnetic pulse generated within the clouds should have repulsed them, but feedback confirms the probes were insulated from its effects.”

    “The method used to protect the probes was discovered through research on unclassified relics recovered from Thargoid surface sites. These alien artefacts were vital to the devices’ development. Initial research conducted by Ram Tah and Professor Palin proved that when receiving a modulated electrical charge, the unclassified relics emitted an energy field on similar frequencies to the Maelstrom’s pulse.”

    “Unfortunately, broadcasts from the probes were lost shortly afterwards. It hasn’t been possible to verify what happened to them at this stage. We will repeat this experiment with other Maelstroms, but we believe that only skilled human pilots will be able to uncover what awaits within.”

    Aden Tanner, who is supporting Aegis as a freelance tactical specialist, provided a supplemental report:

    “My team has been conducting secondary tests with the new module installed on a manned vessel. I can confirm that when in combat against Thargoid interceptors, it protects against ship system disruption in a similar way to the existing shutdown field neutraliser. But its weight and power draw are both greater, meaning that the new module is best suited to Maelstrom exploration.”

    Aegis has confirmed that it is working on establishing a production schedule for the Thargoid pulse neutraliser and intends to provide an update in the next few days.

  • April 24, 3309
  • Aegis Trials Tech to Explore Maelstroms

    Prototypes have been created of a new module designed to counteract the massive energy surge encountered by ships within Thargoid Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau made a public statement:

    “Intense research into the Maelstroms by Allied, Federal and Imperial specialists has yielded practical results. We have designed a device to briefly insulate a ship against the overpowering effects of a Maelstrom’s energy wave. Typically, the wave physically repels all human ships and disrupts onboard electrical systems.”

    “Combined with our caustic sink launcher, the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will enable access to the innermost regions of the alien clouds. My hope is that this breakthrough will reveal knowledge about the Thargoid invasion fleets that we desperately need.”

    Further details were provided by Ivano Colombera, the Empire’s scientific liaison to Aegis:

    “The Thargoid pulse neutraliser expands upon the shutdown field neutraliser originally designed by Elvira Martuuk in 3303. Using upgraded components, Aegis technicians have amplified its effectiveness when triggered at the correct time.”

    “Our primary objective was breaking through the electromagnetic pulse generated within a Maelstrom cloud when human ships are approximately 50 kilometres from its centre. Data provided by intrepid pilots who survived this experience has enabled us to calibrate a shield to its specific waveform, which should allow a ship to withstand its impact.”

    Aegis has confirmed that initial test flights for the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will be unmanned. Prototypes have been fitted to specially constructed probes that will be remotely launched into a Maelstrom, while technicians monitor the real-time telemetry.

  • April 20, 3309
  • Old Rivals Clash as Thargoids Advance

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Factions aligned to the Empire and Federation have declared war in Pichch, which lies in the path of Thargoid expansion.

    Relations between the two superpowers have been strained in recent weeks, following the corporate skirmish in Tavgi. This has exacerbated hostilities between two long-standing rivals in the Pichch system, causing diplomatic negotiations to collapse.

    The ruling council of Gauluujja Exchange claimed: “Imperial saboteurs have been undermining our operations for years, and a military solution is now the only option.” A similar statement was made by the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum’s leadership: “The typical Federal response to their problems is to blame the Empire, so we are forced to resolve this on the battlefield.”

    The situation has also impacted the ongoing war against the Thargoids, as outlined in a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy:

    “With Maelstrom Leigong’s fleet expansion only a few systems away, Pichch is currently a key distribution point for anti-xeno weaponry and supplies in the region. There is widespread concern that this conflict could disrupt the flow of resources to the front line, hindering defences in multiple systems.”

    Both Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum have requested help from naval auxiliaries, who can register their support for either faction at Tiptree Port.

  • April 18, 3309
  • Alliance Urges Restraint Between Superpowers

    Allied and independent leaders have called upon the Empire and the Federation to discourage faction hostilities following conflict in Tavgi.

    Political journalist Conrad Sterling summarised the latest developments for Vox Galactica:

    “Minor skirmishes between superpower-aligned factions are not uncommon. But the Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd corporations have significant political ties, so their clash has led to bullish rhetoric from members of both Congress and the Senate.”

    “Many systems where Federal and Imperial populations coexist are experiencing civil tension and spates of public disturbance. There is a sense that the historic rivalry between two militaristic superpowers is being rekindled, and that similar sparks elsewhere may fan the flames at the worst possible time.”

    In the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted the potential repercussions:

    “Military distractions between the Empire and Federation would place more responsibility on the Alliance for protecting independent systems from Thargoid invasion. As well as a potentially horrific loss of life, that would be a significant drain on already stretched resources. The hawks in each administration should be directing their aggressive tendencies toward the Thargoids, not each other.”

    In response, Prime Minister Mahon agreed to send envoys from the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations to both the Empire and the Federation. Dozens of independent systems have supported the Alliance’s formal request to ‘lower the temperature’ and find a peaceful solution.

  • April 6, 3309
  • Corporate Battle Erupts in Tavgi System

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The killing of Caine-Massey’s CEO has sparked conflict between the Federal corporation and Imperial rival Torval Mining Ltd.

    Acting CEO Philippa Barlow-Lyons provided a statement regarding the hostilities:

    “The Federal Intelligence Agency tracked Johann Fleischer’s assassin from Mars to the Tavgi system, whereupon he boarded the Orchestral Falcon, one of Torval Mining’s megaships. We demanded that he be handed over to stand trial for his crime. They refused to even acknowledge us. Zemina Torval thinks she has taken her revenge and got away with it. She is wrong.”

    “Caine-Massey has instructed Tavgi Blue Life Inc, our business partner in the system, to board the Orchestral Falcon – by force, if necessary – and apprehend the suspect. We will do whatever it takes to arrest the Imperial Intelligence agent we hold responsible for murdering a captain of Federal industry.”

    A response was issued by Senator Zemina Torval:

    “Caine-Massey is using its CEO’s death to excuse a deliberate strike against my company, damaging our share price and testing the will of our political connections. Torval Mining Ltd will defend its property, as well as the honour of the Empire, against this unjustified assault.”

    To support their combat operations, Tavgi Blue Life Inc and Torval Mining Ltd have called upon Federal and Imperial naval auxiliaries to report to Gordon Enterprise and the Orchestral Falcon respectively.

    The conflict has heightened political tensions between the Empire and the Federation. With the majority of superpower naval forces deployed to the Thargoid front line, system authority vessels around Tavgi have been placed on alert.

    President Zachary Hudson was quick to comment that “my administration upholds the right for our factions to seek justice”. Senator Denton Patreus stated: “The Empire stands ready to shield its citizens, businesses and territories from attacks by foreign powers, xeno or otherwise.”

  • March 30, 3309
  • Seo Jin-ae: ‘I Believe Salvation Survived’

    Aegis has published a personal statement from Seo Jin-ae, who claims to have evidence that Salvation planned to escape death in the HIP 22460 system.

    “First of all, yes, Caleb Wycherley died when the Thargoids attacked the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. But, I believe, only physically. He was developing technology to automatically relocate his mind, an emergency protocol he named the Nemesis Failsafe.”

    “I know how implausible that sounds, but the files I recovered from an Azimuth Biotech archive prove his intentions. For several years, Salvation ran a private project to reverse-engineer a Guardian artefact which could store consciousness. The design showed neural interactions as digital impulses, and made reference to exactly retaining his identity and memories.”

    “Salvation had already extended his life to over 250 years, and was obsessed with staying alive until he could wipe out the Thargoids. I’m convinced that he has survived in some bodiless form, and that Azimuth has known all along.”

    Aden Tanner, who works for Aegis as an independent specialist, also released a statement:

    “I’ll admit that the designs Seo found seem authentic and incredibly advanced. But the files contained no concrete proof that the Nemesis Failsafe was constructed, or if it could actually work. I’m more concerned that she was being hunted by unknown parties, who would likely have succeeded if not for the Far God cult’s intervention. Perhaps it needs to be restated that actively seeking to hinder Aegis, or its valued personnel, is a crime against all three superpowers.”

    In related news, the Testament megaship that rescued Seo Jin-ae from unidentified attackers has now left the Luyten’s Star system, following a week of clemency offered by Federal authorities. A spokesperson for President Hudson reiterated that the Order of the Far God remains illegal in the Federation.

  • March 29, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: March 3309

    Vox Galactica correspondent Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest developments regarding the war against the Thargoids.

    “In the broad sense, there have been few significant changes in Thargoid tactics. The eight Maelstroms continue to send waves of Thargoid vessels deeper into the core systems. Anti-xeno forces are certainly winning victories, and in some cases retaking previously occupied systems. But we are still losing more than we save.”

    “Despite being reformed only recently, Aegis has hit the ground running. Its caustic sink launcher is now available following a successful trial by Aden Tanner. This ingenious device increases the amount of time that a ship can spend inside a Maelstrom before being impaired by corrosive damage.”

    “The repulsing energy wave at the clouds’ centres, however, remains impenetrable. I understand that Aegis has prioritised gathering data about this defence mechanism, and research is underway into possible countermeasures. Until more can be learned about the true nature of the Maelstroms, the chances of destroying them are virtually zero.”

    “The Alliance, Empire and Federation are all working to reinforce their military strength. But the front line of this war is primarily being waged by independent pilots and squadrons. Heroic individuals such as Commander Oghmios-TTT, Commander Night Furry and Commander FrankXJR have achieved fame for their phenomenal success at destroying Thargoid vessels.”

    “Such small rays of hope in the darkness remain few and far between. Many battles are being won, but the creeping fear of inevitable defeat weighs heavily on all our souls. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • March 28, 3309
  • Winters Announces Election Manifesto

    The Liberal Party has published a detailed political manifesto in advance of the Federation’s presidential election in June.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters summarised her party’s plans during a campaign rally on Rhea 3:

    “The freedoms and privileges of Federal citizens have been abused or ignored by the Hudson administration. Our vision for governance focuses on restoring the Federation’s core values, offering every individual the opportunities they deserve.”

    “As your democratically elected president, I will take great pleasure in dismantling the Proactive Detection Bureau on day one. The mass-monitoring of private communications is a violation of civil rights that must end immediately.”

    “For those concerned about security, especially the Thargoid threat, I assure you that there will be no reduction in military spending. In fact, our aim is to extend naval and humanitarian assistance to independent systems near our borders that face Thargoid aggression. By supporting systems around Federal space, we will establish a robust front line to repel Thargoid forces.”

    The Federal Free Press praised the manifesto, remarking that it “displayed the balance of strength and compassion that has long been lacking from our leadership”. However, an editorial in Sol Today claimed: “Winters’s grip on political reality has been weakened by years of ineffectual hand-wringing.”

    In related news, the Republican Party is currently holding a series of caucuses to select their presidential candidate. Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa and Congressman Thandeka Qwabe have been eliminated from the running, leaving Vice President Jerome Archer and Secretary of State Lana Berkovich as the remaining nominees.