Galactic News

  • June 15, 3307
  • Sirius Corporation: The Fourth Superpower?

    The galaxy’s largest megacorporation is continuing to influence the political arena and affect billions of lives.

    A review was published by Marlon Royce, business analyst for Vox Galactica:

    “With its own government, laws and naval fleet, it’s not surprising that Sirius Corporation is occasionally referred to as ‘the fourth superpower’. That now seems to be its actual goal, as its impact upon interstellar politics increases.”

    “When Sirius Corporation resettled the Marlinist refugees in their own colony systems, it averted war between the Empire and the Federation. But this seemingly altruistic move enabled CEO Li Yong-Rui to claim political neutrality, gaining public support to host the Galactic Summit in the Sirius system.”

    “That success was undermined by the controversy of granting diplomatic status to pirate warlord Archon Delaine. Rumours of secret business dealings were reinforced when Sirius subsidiaries appeared alongside the Kumo Crew’s new starports.”

    “High-level agreements were also made with the Alliance, with Sirius Atmospherics aiding colonisation of the Coalsack Nebula. But some believe that its project to terraform ammonia worlds brought retaliatory strikes from the Thargoids and enormous casualties.”

    “The latest news is of a collaboration with technology brokers to make a previously limited ship module commercially available. Is this a shrewd business decision, or part of Sirius Corporation’s strategy of political dominance?”

  • March 4, 3307
  • Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit.

    The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.

    Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

    “Our thanks to the Federation for organising additional security against unexpected numbers of vessels this past week. Anarchic extremists, political enemies and opportunistic criminals all attempted to disrupt the conference to no avail. Pilots who helped maintain the peace can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    “For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    Pilots are reminded that neither permanent nor temporary permits to enter the Sirius system apply to fleet carriers. This joint initiative will run for one week, followed by Sirius Corporation partnering with the Alliance for the final week of the Galactic Summit.

    In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are continuing to offer a 10% discount on all their ships to mark the historic occasion.

  • February 25, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

    The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

    Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

    “The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

    In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks.

    Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.

  • Rare Goods Received for Political Delegates

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    A wide range of luxurious food and drink for the Galactic Summit has been delivered to the Sirius Corporation.

    Orders were placed for Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy. Large quantities of these rare items were shipped to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.

    The consumables will be ferried to the nearby Sirius system, where the diplomatic conference will take place. This initiative was considered a priority, since some delegates only agreed to attend if their requests for these rarities were met.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui has expressed his personal thanks to all pilots who delivered the rare goods, who can now collect their payment at Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.

    Sirius Corporation has been organising the Galactic Summit for the past month, which has involved increased freight runs into its home system as well as heightened security. Preparations are now complete, and the first ambassadors from the Alliance, Empire and Federation are on their way.

  • February 18, 3307
  • Rare Goods Required for Galactic Summit

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has requested deliveries of consumables to Luyten’s Star for the forthcoming diplomatic conference.

    The Galactic Summit will take place in the Sirius system and last for three weeks, beginning on Thursday the 25th of February. It will be attended by leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation, plus representatives from independent systems.

    Sirius Corporation has placed orders for these rare commodities: Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy.

    All shipments are to be delivered to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system. They will then be ferried to Sirius before the conference begins.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui discussed these preparations at a media event:

    “We will provide all honoured delegates with a comfortable, luxurious environment. This includes offering the finest cuisine from across the galaxy.”

    Several journalists pointed out that both the Alliance and Empire had registered official complaints about the Galactic Summit’s location being situated deep within Federal space. Li Yong-Rui responded:

    “I assure you that the Sirius system is politically neutral territory, and Sirius Corporation remains independent from the Federation. I can personally guarantee the safety and diplomatic immunity of all attendees.”

  • January 28, 3307
  • Sirius Corporation Secures Hosting of Galactic Summit

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has received more data than Utopia and will therefore host the Galactic Summit.

    Both organisations proposed to organise a diplomatic conference for the Alliance, Empire and Federation. After calling on the galactic community to gather data that would support security operations, many pilots handed in anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

    All three superpower governments confirmed that due to its success in preparing effective security systems, they will accept Sirius Corporation as the neutral territory for the conference.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

    “Thank you to all the independent pilots who supported us. Sirius will now begin work preparing for the first Galactic Summit, which we hope will increase peace and prosperity across the galaxy.”

    Pilots who delivered to Sirius Corporation can collect their rewards from Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

    Simguru Pranav Antal expressed disappointment, but confirmed that all who contributed to Utopia’s initiative will be rewarded at Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

    Sirius Corporation has stated that the Galactic Summit is provisionally scheduled to take place over a three-week period in late February and early March.

  • January 21, 3307
  • Sirius and Utopia Compete to Host Galactic Summit

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Rival initiatives to arrange a diplomatic conference have been launched by Sirius Corporation and the Utopia commune.

    The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have each provisionally agreed to send delegates to the first tri-superpower Galactic Summit in late February. This political gathering will also be attended by representatives from independent systems.

    All parties have specified that their participation depends upon the event being successfully organised in neutral territory, and with sufficient resources and security in place.

    Sirius Corporation and Utopia have begun to gather supplies to host the conference. Both have requested assistance from the galactic community to provide a broad range of data, which will be vital for planning security operations. Whichever organisation obtains the greatest amount of data will be deemed most suitable.

    The following data sources are of interest to both parties: anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

    Simguru Pranav Antal has called upon all pilots who support Utopia’s proposal to deliver the data to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui has asked all those who believe Sirius Corporation to be a more suitable host to deliver the data to Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

  • January 18, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Proposal from Sirius Corporation

    Utopia’s ability to host a diplomatic conference for all three superpowers has been challenged by the Sirius Corporation.

    The megacorp’s counter-proposal was announced by CEO Li Yong-Rui:

    “With all due respect to Simguru Antal, his commune cannot match our level of resources. Sirius is far better placed in terms of logistics and security, and our navy will be able to ensure the safe transportation of all delegates.”

    “Furthermore, we already have excellent commercial relationships with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, and can therefore guarantee neutrality. Our recent philanthropic gesture at creating the Marlinist Colonies proves that we are an impartial, stabilising force for the whole galaxy.”

    Discussions regarding the conference have been ongoing in superpower and independent systems alike. Some leaders have decried it as a pointless exercise, while others view it as a rare opportunity for political cohesion.

    Sirius Corporation and Utopia’s propositions for a Galactic Summit are now being compared by potential attendees. However, Zachary Rackham’s offer to host the conference at the actual galactic summit of Rackham’s Peak is not being seriously considered.

  • December 17, 3306
  • Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has successfully gathered materials to construct new independent settlements for Marlinist emigrants.

    Both the Empire and the Federation accepted the proposal from Sirius Corporation to establish colonies for the political refugees, who have been the cause of increased tension between the superpowers.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

    “As always, the galactic community’s immense contribution has made this achievement possible. The shipments of atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers will be used to construct new outposts and settlements in 8 uninhabited systems.”

    The Omega Merchant Command is now offering rewards at Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system to all pilots who delivered commodities.

    Aaron Whyte, a community leader among the refugees, commented on Vox Galactica:

    “I suppose we should be grateful that these colonies give us a chance of survival. But none of us wanted to set up our own kingdoms – only to remove the kings. And one day, we will.”

    The Marlinist population is expected to be transferred from Federal space to the new colonies in early 3307.

  • December 10, 3306
  • Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation.

    Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently.

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal:

    “It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community.”

    “Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all.”

    After intense debate, both Congress and the Senate accepted the proposal, with the proviso that any refugees identified as NMLA members will be returned to the Empire.

    Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also offered her approval:

    “We were forced to abandon our entire lives because of our political beliefs. This at least gives us a chance to have homes again.”

    Traders are asked to deliver atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers to Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system. From there, the Omega Merchant Command will distribute resources for the colonisation of up to ten uninhabited systems.

  • November 30, 3304
  • Aegis Offers Security to Ram Tah

    Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah.

    An announcement was made by Professor Alba Tesreau:

    “Ram Tah’s research has been enormously beneficial to our understanding of the Thargoids, and resulted in developments that aid us in the conflict. We therefore have a vested interest in protecting his work.”

    “We have deployed a security force that will provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah’s operation to remain completely independent. Hopefully this will prevent any further disruption.”

    There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of junior officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of Sirius Corp, has allegedly withdrawn his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.

  • November 24, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has been announced as the sixth member of the Alliance Council of Admirals. The position had been vacant for months after the previous appointment, Riri McAllister, was discovered to be the coordinator of terrorist group the League of Reparation. The decision has ruffled some feathers, not least because Admiral Yamamoto is a close personal friend of President Gibson Kincaid.

    The Mars Tribune has been closed and its owner arrested in the wake of the spy robot scandal. The announcement was made by Detective Captain Ramesh Thorne, who was recently reinstated to, and promoted by, the Federal Security Service. Thorne assured the public that the surveillance program installed in some Achilles Corporation PA912 robots had been removed.

    In other news, the Sirius Corporation has responded to the revelation that members of its private fleet conducted a mercenary raid on the Meene system. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corp, confirmed that a cabal of junior officers had orchestrated an illegal operation to gain access to Phoenix Base. The officers now face multiple charges.

    Isolationist group Nova Imperium has declared its intention to install a new Emperor. The group’s leader, recently identified as ex-navy admiral Duke Kaeso Mordanticus and known as the Imperator, said that the superpower had been weakened by collaborating with its enemies, and that the new Emperor would restore the glory of the Empire.

    Meanwhile, a long-standing rivalry between two factions in the Loha system has erupted into full-scale conflict. Relations were already strained when Loha Holdings accused its rivals of hijacking transport ships and murdering their crews. After the New Loha Party claimed this was a false flag operation designed to discredit them, diplomacy was replaced by weapons fire. Since neither side has an extensive fleet, both have appealed for support.

    Finally, a spokesperson for Olelbis Holdings has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering goods to Polyakov Orbital, and by eliminating agitators in Olelbis, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • November 23, 3304
  • Sirius Arrests Rogue Officers

    The Sirius Corporation has responded to the revelation that members of its private fleet coordinated a mercenary raid on the Meene system.

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corp, told the media:

    “Following a thorough inquiry, we have confirmed that a cabal of junior officers, with the aid of mercenaries, orchestrated an illegal operation to gain access to Phoenix Base. Although their intentions remain unclear, I can confirm they were acting purely in their own interests, and without official knowledge.”

    “The rogue officers, including those extradited into our custody by the Meene Defence Force, now face multiple charges, and could be imprisoned for life.”

    “I would like to express my sincere regret over this incident, and to personally apologise to Ram Tah. I continue to hope that we can work together on further Guardian-human technology.”

  • November 16, 3304
  • Connection to Sirius Corp Uncovered

    A link has been established between the mercenary group recently intercepted in the Meene system and the Sirius Corporation.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force said:

    “With the vital assistance of the galactic community, we were able to apprehend several of the mercenaries. Interrogations revealed that a number of them were in fact junior officers in Sirius Corp’s private fleet.”

    “Other mercenaries confirmed that the attack was funded and organised by these individuals, which raises the question of why Sirius should be involved with this criminal enterprise.”

    The engineer Ram Tah, who operates from Phoenix Base in the Meene system, commented:

    “Did Sirius really think it could obtain my research by force? Or was this an attempt to scare me into accepting Li Yong-Rui’s offer?”

    A spokesperson for the Sirius Corporation refuted any allegations of criminal activity, and insisted there would be a full inquiry.

  • November 10, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system. It is understood that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base, home of the engineer Ram Tah. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, said the attack demonstrated the precariousness of Ram Tah’s situation.

    In related news, security forces in Meene are launching an operation to capture enemy agents. Security Chief Harper Vargas said his forces intended to detain any surviving mercenaries and interrogate them, so they could identify the individuals behind the incursion.

    Meanwhile, Lieutenant Inspector Ramesh Thorne, who has been leading an investigation into The Mars Tribune, has been suspended from the Federal Security Service. The news came less than an hour after Thorne made a public appeal for information regarding admin robots fitted with secret surveillance programs, citing the unwillingness of his superiors to pursue the matter.

    The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens. The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, implicitly criticised Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval for ‘weakness’, and said that the Empire would only survive the Thargoid onslaught by severing ties with the other superpowers.

    The family and colleagues of author Olav Redcourt have reported him missing. A police investigation has so far failed to determine his whereabouts. Redcourt recently hit the headlines when he terminated his relationship with his publisher, Bonespire Publishing, midway through a promotional tour.

    Finally, authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there could be only one victor.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • November 7, 3304
  • Mercenary Incursion in Meene

    A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force reported:

    “Six hours ago, our forces were attacked by a small fleet belonging to a known mercenary group. Fortunately, we were able to defeat them before they could do serious damage.”

    “There is no doubt that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base. We suspect that this incident is connected to an attempted raid on the base that was repelled a few weeks ago.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, addressed the incident:

    “I’m relieved that the attack was foiled, but this only demonstrates how precarious Ram Tah’s situation is. I urge him to accept my offer to work with the Sirius Corporation – not only for his own safety, but also to safeguard future Guardian-human technologies.”

  • November 2, 3304
  • Ram Tah Rejects Sirius Corp

    The engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology.

    In a public statement, he said:

    “These technologies, developed using principles discovered by the Guardians, are too important to become corporate products. I have no doubt that Sirius would aim for maximum profits, rather than using the knowledge to aid humanity.”

    “Using tech brokers to distribute the designs allows them to be widely available, and thanks to the generosity of Aegis, the tech brokers’ costs have been reduced, making Guardian-human fighters and systems more affordable.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, has stated that his offer remains open, and that he hopes Ram Tah will have a change of heart.

  • October 26, 3304
  • Sirius Corp Makes Public Offer

    The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology.

    Li Yong-Rui, the corporation’s chief executive officer, made this statement:

    “Ram Tah’s research into the Guardians is of central importance to humanity’s future, and I would therefore like to place the resources of the Sirius Corporation at his disposal.”

    “As the recent incident at Phoenix Base illustrates, Ram Tah’s operation is currently at risk. Not only can we guarantee his safety, but with our manufacturing capabilities we can bring the benefits of Guardian technology to the whole galaxy.”

    There has been a range of reactions from business analysts. Some have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology.

    As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah. Repairs to his base in the Meene system have been completed, following an attempted incursion by armed intruders.

  • May 4, 3304
  • Antal’s Pessimism Triggers Backlash

    Many key figures have contested Pranav Antal’s suggestion that humanity could lose the conflict against the Thargoids.

    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters commented:

    “It’s surprising to hear such a dystopian prediction from the leader of Utopia! I know Antal’s heart is in the right place when he talks about preparing for the far future, but our focus should be on the present. The Thargoid threat has prompted an unprecedented level of inter-power cooperation, and this positive approach is what we must concentrate on.”

    Admiral Aden Tanner made a statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “Let me make this clear: our enemy may be powerful, but they are far from achieving victory. With our AX weaponry and new megaships, Aegis is leading an effective resistance against Thargoid forces.”

    Further refutation came from Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation:

    “With all due respect to Antal, his peculiar vision of humanity surviving as a mass of digital ghosts cannot be taken seriously. It’s not as if civilisation is on the edge of collapse – for most of us it remains business as usual. Our survival instincts and ingenuity will keep our societies functioning for a long time to come.”

  • May 3, 3304
  • Antal’s Pessimism Triggers Backlash

    Many key figures have contested Pranav Antal’s suggestion that humanity could lose the conflict against the Thargoids.

    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters commented:

    “It’s surprising to hear such a dystopian prediction from the leader of Utopia! I know Antal’s heart is in the right place when he talks about preparing for the far future, but our focus should be on the present. The Thargoid threat has prompted an unprecedented level of inter-power cooperation, and this positive approach is what we must concentrate on.”

    Admiral Aden Tanner made a statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “Let me make this clear: our enemy may be powerful, but they are far from achieving victory. With our AX weaponry and new megaships, Aegis is leading an effective resistance against Thargoid forces.”

    Further refutation came from Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation:

    “With all due respect to Antal, his peculiar vision of humanity surviving as a mass of digital ghosts cannot be taken seriously. It’s not as if civilisation is on the edge of collapse – for most of us it remains business as usual. Our survival instincts and ingenuity will keep our societies functioning for a long time to come.”