Galactic News

  • September 7, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,373 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • LTT 15278 Gang

    • Umbrigua Blue Pirates

    • New Kuki An Labour

    • Aeduwona Holdings

    • LHS 2260 Brotherhood

    • Lan Tzak Purple Dragons

    • Viracocha Partners

    • CD-54 471 Exchange

    • Arugh Organisation

    • G 139-3 and Co

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • August 31, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,539 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Independent LP 30-55 Confederacy

    • Avalon Organisation

    • Liberty Party of Tz'utuls

    • Glusargiz Patron's Principles

    • Angurongo Patron's Principles

    • Mawu Corporation

    • Reddis Independents

    • LHS 3262 Blue Clan

    • Kruger 60 Free

    • Kuki An Ring

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These minor factions are experiencing an economic bust:

    • Zandu Jet Syndicate

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • August 24, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,607 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • HIP 20277 Inc

    • People's Procyon Values Party

    • Confederacy of Audhumbwe

    • Ngandins Organisation

    • Workers of Macuayan Liberals

    • United LTT 16548 Movement

    • Xereta Gold Creative Corp.

    • G 203-47 Silver Fortune Ind

    • Future of CD-39 14212

    • Chick Bara Empire Group

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 46 minor factions experiencing an economic bust:

    • Zandu Jet Syndicate

    • Democrats of LTT 4961

    • Chi Orionis Vision Organisation

    • Ovid Defence Force

    • Ross 490 Justice Party

    • Law Party of CD-51 102

    • Isleta Transport Incorporated

    • HIP 51197 Central Services

    • CD-35 9019 Liberals

    • Lalande 38451 Creative PLC

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • August 17, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    Here are 10 of the 3,685 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • HIP 106213 Independents

    • Nan Sapwe Purple Energy PLC

    • Bangwa Independents

    • Hanneng Labour

    • Ekonir Nobles

    • Nu Jet Crew

    • BPM 28514 Purple Power and Co

    • Huokang Silver Universal Ind

    • Menambe State Organisation

    • Kruger 60 and Co

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 50 minor factions experiencing an economic bust:

    • Zandu Jet Syndicate

    • Democrats of LTT 4961

    • Chi Orionis Vision Organisation

    • Bodhengue Independents

    • Conservatives of Zandu

    • Defence Party of Arro Na

    • Social Tjakiri Progressive Party

    • Caeritis Front

    • United CD-58 538 Resistance

    • Borasetani Syndicate

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • August 10, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    Here are 10 of the 3,788 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Shenich Legal Solutions

    • Nijuna Company

    • Heheng Freedom Party

    • Labour of HR 244

    • LHS 221 Vision Systems

    • Koskit Company

    • Gongalungul Comms Organisation

    • 5 G. Capricorni for Equality

    • Ditian Imperial Society

    • Official V640 Cassiopeia Front

    When in boom, the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 54 minor factions experiencing an economic bust:

    • Values Party of BD+26 2184

    • New HIP 18187 Flag

    • Law Party of YZ Ceti

    • Tialocan Jet Raiders

    • Justice Party of AZ Cancri

    • Sosoling Purple Netcoms Network

    • HIP 19758 Empire Consulate

    • NLTT 12619 Confederacy

    • Forculus Ltd

    • Values Party of Jitani

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    *Data is correct at time of publishing

  • August 3, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    Here are 10 of the 3,995 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Gyton's Hope Resistance

    • Beldarkri Constitution Party

    • Progressive Party of No Myoin

    • Obambivas Netcoms Ltd

    • Codorain Network

    • New HIP 60953 Constitution Party

    • Gender Flag

    • Obambivas United Industries

    • Narakapani Exchange

    • Lactonacaya Empire League

    When in boom, the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 93 minor factions currently experiencing an economic bust:

    • Wolf 1301 Crimson Electronics

    • LTT 9097 Gold Advanced Co

    • LHS 1197 Gold Family

    • HR 692 Empire League

    • HR 826 Movement

    • Official AZ Cancri Dominion

    • Mob of Groombridge 34

    • NLTT 12619 Confederacy

    • Forculus Ltd

    • Values Party of Jitani

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • July 27, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    The following 10 of the 4204 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Family of Euryale

    • Hajo Order

    • Ditibi Services

    • Witou Empire League

    • Meinjhalara Transport Services

    • Alliance of Cileni

    • Miquitagat Empire Assembly

    • Social LTT 7453 Free

    • Revolutionary Party of Lu Wang

    • Independents of Kappa Fornacis

    When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

    • NLTT 12619 Confederacy

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • July 20, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    The following 10 of the 4370 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Mombawet Nationalists

    • Amementi Silver Life Exchange

    • Allowair Constitution Party

    • NLTT 21088 Bridge Network

    • Independents of LFT 37

    • HIP 15205 Prison Colony

    • Finteno Free

    • Workers of Luan Yun Di Green Party

    • Waq Services

    • Uzumeru Netcoms Incorporated

    When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These 2 minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

    • Wolf 750 Liberals

    • Jet Energy Industry

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • July 13, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    The following 10 of the 4446 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Noblemen of V774 Herculis

    • HDS 123 Services

    • Ross 754 Labour

    • People's Tun for Equality

    • LTT 15278 Gang

    • Cartel of Hajo

    • Awawar Liberty Party

    • Peche Purple Life Network

    • Orgelal Major Services

    • Namon Dominion

    When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These 2 minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

    • Eotienses Silver Universal PLC

    • Jet Energy Industry

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • July 6, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    The following 10 of the 4479 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Fong Wang Limited

    • Ling Deti Blue Dynamic Comms

    • Values Party of Alano

    • Canopus Crimson Dragons

    • Daksakhi Liberals

    • Gyvatiges Jet Power Industries

    • Liabeze Legal Organisation

    • LP 376-62 Collective

    • New Groombridge 1618 Focus

    • Zugen Incorporated

    When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These 7 minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

    • HIP 117870 Confederation

    • Leaders of Kini

    • Labour of Gali

    • Devane Patrons of Law

    • Pachita Crimson Fortune Int

    • Progressive Party of GD 140

    • Caeritis Front

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing