Galactic News

  • June 27, 3304
  • Galaxy Reacts to Federal-Imperial Betrothal

    There has been a range of reactions to news that Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester are to be married.

    A congratulatory message was sent from the Imperial Palace, but there has been no personal comment from Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. News agencies on Capitol have reported rumours that the proposed marriage was not discussed with the Imperial family, and that the Emperor did not consent to the Princess’s engagement.

    Senator Zemina Torval offered a more definite statement of disapproval:

    “This is an attention-seeking move from the princess, and a dangerous one. It is beyond her remit to impact Imperial policy in this manner. Allowing her to harbour romantic fantasies is one thing, but the Empire cannot countenance such a reckless political manoeuvre.”

    Senator Caspian Leopold, who until recently was rumoured to be courting Aisling Duval, was more supportive:

    “I can assure you that many senators, patrons and citizens are delighted by the news. I’ve been privileged to witness Princess Aisling in Ambassador Rochester’s company, and they make a charming and affectionate couple. I wish them both all the happiness in the galaxy.”

    There was no response from President Zachary Hudson, suggesting that the engagement was as unexpected to the Federation as to the Empire. But a statement was made by Congressman Isolde Rochester, the mother of Jordan Rochester:

    “I support my son’s relationship with Her Imperial Highness, and I consider this a positive step for all parties. The potential benefits of stronger ties between the Empire and the Federation are incalculable, particularly in the areas of trade and defence. Many of us in Congress hope that this happy event spearheads a new era of cooperation.”

    Reactions from independent systems have ranged from joy to outrage. The only official response from the Alliance came from a spokesperson for the office of Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, who said:

    “The Alliance offers cordial congratulations to the couple, although it remains to be seen if their intentions become a reality.”

  • April 21, 3304
  • Imperial Senator Murdered

    Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. Regional media streams have confirmed that his death is being treated as a homicide.

    Captain Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service conveyed the facts at a press conference:

    “The body of Senator Cartesius was discovered in the early hours of this morning. There were no signs of a struggle, but we did discover a note that we assume was deliberately placed there by the murderer. The note read: ‘For Jameson’.”

    “As is well known, last year the ship of historical figure Commander John Jameson was located, following his final mission on behalf of the now-defunct Intergalactic Naval Research Arm. Presumably, this is the Jameson to whom the note refers.”

    “IISS analysts have confirmed that Nestor Cartesius was directly descended from a senior member of the INRA. We therefore believe that this crime is connected to the recent rediscovery of INRA outposts. Our working hypothesis is that the motive was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and Cartesius’s ancestor.”

    Captain Seutonia concluded by saying the investigation was ongoing.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a brief statement:

    “The Empire has lost one of its staunchest champions – one whose name will never be forgotten. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to find those responsible and bring them swiftly to justice.”

  • April 20, 3304
  • Imperial Senator Murdered

    Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. Regional media streams have confirmed that his death is being treated as a homicide.

    Captain Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service conveyed the facts at a press conference:

    “The body of Senator Cartesius was discovered in the early hours of this morning. There were no signs of a struggle, but we did discover a note that we assume was deliberately placed there by the murderer. The note read: ‘For Jameson’.”

    “As is well known, last year the ship of historical figure Commander John Jameson was located, following his final mission on behalf of the now-defunct Intergalactic Naval Research Arm. Presumably, this is the Jameson to whom the note refers.”

    “IISS analysts have confirmed that Nestor Cartesius was directly descended from a senior member of the INRA. We therefore believe that this crime is connected to the recent rediscovery of INRA outposts. Our working hypothesis is that the motive was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and Cartesius’s ancestor.”

    Captain Seutonia concluded by saying the investigation was ongoing.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a brief statement:

    “The Empire has lost one of its staunchest champions – one whose name will never be forgotten. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to find those responsible and bring them swiftly to justice.”

  • February 9, 3304
  • Galactic Leaders Renew Appeals for Aid

    Seventeen starports have now been attacked by the Thargoids, resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life. Many of these stations remain in a critical state, unable to offer essential services.

    In response, Federal President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval have issued fresh appeals for aid, imploring independent pilots to support relief efforts.

    In her announcement, Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “Relief coordinators are doing everything they can, but without the support of the galactic community, the restoration of these stations will take a long time. I therefore implore independent pilots to deliver essential commodities to the affected starports, and to evacuate civilians.”

    The Emperor also confirmed that Aegis is investigating reports that the Thargoids are moving towards the core systems.

  • February 8, 3304
  • Galactic Leaders Renew Appeals for Aid

    Seventeen starports have now been attacked by the Thargoids, resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life. Many of these stations remain in a critical state, unable to offer essential services.

    In response, Federal President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval have issued fresh appeals for aid, imploring independent pilots to support relief efforts.

    In her announcement, Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “Relief coordinators are doing everything they can, but without the support of the galactic community, the restoration of these stations will take a long time. I therefore implore independent pilots to deliver essential commodities to the affected starports, and to evacuate civilians.”

    The Emperor also confirmed that Aegis is investigating reports that the Thargoids are moving towards the core systems.

  • December 15, 3303
  • Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids

    Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.

    Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753 and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.

    It is understood that the attacks were executed by a previously unseen class of Thargoid craft classified as an Interceptor Medusa. Footage from starport security feeds indicate that the Thargoid ships used their shutdown fields to neutralise station defences before targeting the main reactor. One eyewitness said, “It’s like they wanted to cripple us rather than destroy us outright”.

    Authorities in the affected systems have responded with appeals for foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics. They have also implored independent pilots to support relief operations by evacuating civilians from the starports.

    Responding to the development, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “Our thoughts are with those affected by these attacks. While I have every confidence that system authorities will be able to address the situation, the Empire is ready to help if necessary.”

  • December 14, 3303
  • Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids

    Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.

    Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753 and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.

    It is understood that the attacks were executed by a previously unseen class of Thargoid craft classified as an Interceptor Medusa. Footage from starport security feeds indicate that the Thargoid ships used their shutdown fields to neutralise station defences before targeting the main reactor. One eyewitness said, “It’s like they wanted to cripple rather us rather than destroy us outright”.

    Authorities in the affected systems have responded with appeals for foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics. They have also implored independent pilots to support relief operations by evacuating civilians from the starports.

    Responding to the development, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “Our thoughts are with those affected by these attacks. While I have every confidence that system authorities will be able to address the situation, the Empire is ready to help if necessary.”

  • Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA

    Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon have issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.

    Speaking from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “What the INRA records underscore is that even when faced with dire threats, we cannot abandon our principles. Evidently, the INRA crossed ethical boundaries in its pursuit of victory. Defending civilisation cannot come at the cost of our humanity.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon added the following:

    “While the INRA records are indeed disturbing, it was the account of John Jameson that troubled me most. Here we have a man – who evidently did a great deal to defend civilisation from the Thargoids – who was deceived, manipulated and ultimately murdered by the INRA.”

    “I am aware of concerns that Aegis could continue in the same vein. Fortunately, Aegis is bound by the strictest possible codes of conduct. We will not make the same mistakes.”

    Meanwhile, the descendents of those affected by the INRA’s activities are reportedly investigating the possibility of legal action. Legal experts have advised that such efforts are unlikely to yield results, however, given the amount of time that has passed.

  • December 13, 3303
  • Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA

    Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon have issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.

    Speaking from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “What the INRA records underscore is that even when faced with dire threats, we cannot abandon our principles. Evidently, the INRA crossed ethical boundaries in its pursuit of victory. Defending civilisation cannot come at the cost of our humanity.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon added the following:

    “While the INRA records are indeed disturbing, it was the account of John Jameson that troubled me most. Here we have a man – who evidently did a great deal to defend civilisation from the Thargoids – who was deceived, manipulated and ultimately murdered by the INRA.”

    “I am aware of concerns that Aegis could continue in the same vein. Fortunately, Aegis is bound by the strictest possible codes of conduct. We will not make the same mistakes.”

    Meanwhile, the descendents of those affected by the INRA’s activities are reportedly investigating the possibility of legal action. Legal experts have advised that such efforts are unlikely to yield results, however, given the amount of time that has passed.

  • November 18, 3303
  • Galactic News: Galactic Authorities Call for Calm

    As reports continue to pour in of Thargoid attacks, the galaxy’s leaders have issued statements urging the public to remain calm.

    In a missive released to a number of news feeds, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “It is true that the Thargoids represent a pertinent threat, but it is important that we understand the scale of this threat. At present, they are active only in the Pleiades Nebula, and there is no reason to believe they will spread beyond this area. Indeed, it is entirely possible that they lack the numbers to do so.”

    Federation President Zachary Hudson adopted a similar stance, while making an allusion to Federal-Imperial solidarity:

    “They haven’t set foot outside the Pleiades, and if they do, we have the means to deal with them. With the Federation and the Empire working together, there is no enemy we cannot overcome. The galactic community has nothing to fear.”

    But the buoyancy of these statements was undercut by Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, who offered the following assessment to The Federal Times:

    “We have no intelligence regarding the Thargoids’ long-term plans, and it would be premature – if not irresponsible – to assert that they will remain in the Pleiades. I can assure you, however, that this is a matter Aegis is actively investigating.”

  • November 17, 3303
  • Galactic News: Galactic Authorities Call for Calm

    As reports of Thargoid attacks continue to pour in, the galaxy’s leaders have issued statements urging the public to remain calm.

    In a missive released to a number of news feeds, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “It is true that the Thargoids represent a pertinent threat, but it is important that we understand the scale of this threat. At present, they are active only in the Pleiades Nebula, and there is no reason to believe they will spread beyond this area. Indeed, it is entirely possible that they lack the numbers to do so.”

    Federal President Zachary Hudson adopted a similar stance, while making an allusion to Federal-Imperial solidarity:

    “They haven’t set foot outside the Pleiades, and if they do, we have the means to deal with them. With the Federation and the Empire working together, there is no enemy we cannot overcome. The galactic community has nothing to fear.”

    But the buoyancy of these statements was undercut by Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, who offered the following assessment to The Federal Times:

    “We have no intelligence regarding the Thargoids’ long-term plans, and it would be premature – if not irresponsible – to assert that they will remain in the Pleiades. I can assure you however that this is a matter Aegis is actively investigating.”

  • September 2, 3303
  • Galactic News: Cold War Thawing?

    Following news that scientists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have united to form a new research initiative, speculation is mounting that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be nearing an end.

    As the conflict enters its second year, a number of commentators have expressed hope that peace might be in sight. The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent, Daxton Sung, offered the following analysis:

    “It’s inevitable that the formation of Aegis would lead to assumptions that the cold war is ending, but unfortunately there’s little evidence to that effect. These are the galaxy’s largest superpowers we’re talking about. The fact that there’s accord among certain sectors doesn’t mean there’s harmony at every level.”

    “But what does either side have to gain from maintaining its position? Neither the Empire nor the Federation has demonstrated it can prevent the other from extracting meta-alloys, which is supposedly what this conflict is all about. The only person to have been significantly affected by all this is poor old Professor Palin, who’s still languishing behind a Federal blockade.”

    “Frankly, the situation is farcical. I suspect both Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Zachary Hudson know they’re better off calling time on the whole thing, but neither side wants to be seen as ceding to the other. It’s about pride, essentially. Shouldn’t our leaders be above such things?”

    Neither Federal nor Imperial sources elected to comment.

  • September 1, 3303
  • Galactic News: Cold War Thawing?

    Following news that scientists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have united to form a new research initiative, speculation is mounting that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be nearing an end.

    As the conflict enters its second year, a number of commentators have expressed hope that peace might be in sight. The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent, Daxton Sung, offered the following analysis:

    “It’s inevitable that the formation of Aegis would lead to assumptions that the cold war is ending, but unfortunately there’s little evidence to that effect. These are the galaxy’s largest superpowers we’re talking about. The fact that there’s accord among certain sectors doesn’t mean there’s harmony at every level.”

    “But what does either side have to gain from maintaining its position? Neither the Empire nor the Federation has demonstrated it can prevent the other from extracting meta-alloys, which is supposedly what this conflict is all about. The only person to have been significantly affected by all this is poor old Professor Palin, who’s still languishing behind a Federal blockade.”

    “Frankly, the situation is farcical. I suspect both Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Zachary Hudson know they’re better off calling time on the whole thing, but neither side wants to be seen as ceding to the other. It’s about pride, essentially. Shouldn’t our leaders be above such things?”

    Neither Federal nor Imperial sources elected to comment.

  • June 20, 3303
  • Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Address Thargoid Discovery

    The leaders of the galaxy's major powers have responded to news that the mysterious ships seen in the Maia system and Pleiades Nebula are Thargoid vessels.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson released a characteristically forthright statement.

    “Earlier this year, I said I would rather prepare for an attack that may not come than be met by an attack I did not prepare for. Well, the Federation has not been idle. For months, we have been expanding our Navy in preparation for just such a day. Some, such as Edmund Mahon, believe this is unnecessary. But perhaps Mr Mahon has not read the reports of Federal ships being attacked by Thargoid vessels. If the Thargoids want a fight, it’s a fight they’ll get.”

    Addressing the media from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “The facts are these: the Thargoids have highly sophisticated starships, they have a relationship with the organic constructs, and they have the means to remotely disable human spacecraft. In some quarters, these facts have given rise to concern. But I urge you not to panic. The human race has surmounted countless challenges in the past, and created a civilisation that spans hundreds of star systems. Do not be too quick to discount the human race.”

    Finally, Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon released the following statement:

    “Our next steps must be taken with great care. Despite President Hudson’s claims to the contrary, there is no proof that the Thargoids have attacked Federal vessels. We must not assume the Thargoids are hostile. Theirs is clearly an intelligent and technologically sophisticated race. There is a great deal we could learn from them.”

  • June 19, 3303
  • Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Address Thargoid Discovery

    The leaders of the galaxy's major powers have responded to news that the mysterious ships seen in the Maia system and Pleiades Nebula are Thargoid vessels.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson released a characteristically forthright statement.

    “Earlier this year, I said I would rather prepare for an attack that may not come than be met by an attack I did not prepare for. Well, the Federation has not been idle. For months, we have been expanding our Navy in preparation for just such a day. Some, such as Edmund Mahon, believe this is unnecessary. But perhaps Mr Mahon has not read the reports of Federal ships being attacked by Thargoid vessels. If the Thargoids want a fight, it’s a fight they’ll get.”

    Addressing the media from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

    “The facts are these: the Thargoids have highly sophisticated starships, they have a relationship with the organic constructs, and they have the means to remotely disable human spacecraft. In some quarters, these facts have given rise to concern. But I urge you not to panic. The human race has surmounted countless challenges in the past, and created a civilisation that spans hundreds of star systems. Do not be too quick to discount the human race.”

    Finally, Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon released the following statement:

    “Our next steps must be taken with great care. Despite President Hudson’s claims to the contrary, there is no proof that the Thargoids have attacked Federal vessels. We must not assume the Thargoids are hostile. Theirs is clearly an intelligent and technologically sophisticated race. There is a great deal we could learn from them.”

  • May 21, 3303
  • Galactic News: Halsey Stages Anti-War Protest

    Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey held a public demonstration in the Alioth system yesterday in protest of the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation.

    More than 30,000 people attended the event, which lasted for several hours and occupied one of the main public plazas in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim.

    A number of high-profile speakers and activists addressed the crowd, although Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was notable by his absence. Political commentators were quick to point out, however, that the demonstration could not have taken place without his foreknowledge, if not his explicit approval.

    In an address to the crowd, Halsey said:

    “As a 20th Century historian once wrote, ‘The underlying reason for war is always economic.’ This conflict has nothing to do with freedom or liberation – it is about resources. And I believe enough people have died to line the pockets of already wealthy individuals in the Federation and the Empire.”

    “I speak now directly to President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: It is not too late for you to listen to reason.”

    Neither the Empire nor the Federation elected to respond to Halsey’s statement.

  • May 20, 3303
  • Galactic News: Halsey Stages Anti-War Protest

    Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey held a public demonstration in the Alioth system yesterday in protest of the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation.

    More than 30,000 people attended the event, which lasted for several hours and occupied one of the main public plazas in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim.

    A number of high-profile speakers and activists addressed the crowd, although Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was notable by his absence. Political commentators were quick to point out, however, that the demonstration could not have taken place without his foreknowledge, if not his explicit approval.

    In an address to the crowd, Halsey said:

    “As a 20th Century historian once wrote, ‘The underlying reason for war is always economic.’ This conflict has nothing to do with freedom or liberation – it is about resources. And I believe enough people have died to line the pockets of already wealthy individuals in the Federation and the Empire.”

    “I speak now directly to President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: It is not too late for you to listen to reason.”

    Neither the Empire nor the Federation elected to respond to Halsey’s statement.

  • April 28, 3303
  • Galactic News: Imperial Initiative Succeeds

    The Merope Expeditionary Fleet has announced that the Imperial campaign to amass material for a new outpost in the Maia system has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering construction materials to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval released a brief statement, thanking those who supported the initiative. It is expected that work on the new outpost will begin imminently.

    Pilots who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system.

  • April 27, 3303
  • Galactic News: Imperial Initiative Succeeds

    The Merope Expeditionary Fleet has announced that the Imperial campaign to amass material for a new outpost in the Maia system has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering construction materials to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval released a brief statement, thanking those who supported the initiative. It is expected that work on the new outpost will begin imminently.

    Pilots who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system.

  • January 13, 3303
  • Galactic News: Superpowers Respond to Strange Sightings

    Following reports of mysterious spacecraft in human-inhabited space, the leaders of the galaxy's three superpowers have released official statements.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, currently undertaking a tour of Imperial systems, exhibited reservation:

    "To surmise that these encounters constitute proof of the existence of non-human intelligence would be rash in the extreme. We cannot rule out the possibility that these ships could be experimental human spacecraft, or even the product of an intricate hoax. I urge all Imperial citizens to remain calm, and not to leap to conclusions."

    Federal President Zachary Hudson, meanwhile, struck a characteristically strident tone:

    "I have reviewed the footage submitted by the galactic community. Granted, the evidence is not conclusive. But tell me this: Would you rather prepare for an attack that may not come, or be met by an attack you did not prepare for? We know nothing about the true nature or purpose of these vessels. It would be in our best interest to prepare for any eventuality."

    By contrast, Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was diplomatic:

    "Like the Emperor, I believe it would be premature to conclude that these are non-human spacecraft. But it is clear to me that these encounters warrant further investigation. We must gather further evidence, and keep an open mind. Knowledge, not ignorance. Proof, not speculation. That is the way forward."