Galactic News

  • November 13, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Zachary Hudson secured expansions in three systems this week. AF Leporis, DP Camelopardalis, Kaushpoos, and Li Jungu all became bases for the Federation's fleets. AF Leporis has been a point of contention for many weeks due to its strategic location, and will provide a valuable staging point for future operations in the region.

    Edmund Mahon welcomed Sabikami and Gui Banni into the Alliance's list of preferred trade partners after successful negotiations were concluded early Thursday morning. News of additional trade agreements is expected in a week's time.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval's Shield of Justice busily distributed garrison supplies to her control systems, ensuring a comfortable command capital reserve for further expansion of Imperial justice. No new systems were added to the Emperor's list of protected systems this week.

    Felicia Winters focused primarily on distributing aid packages to systems in need this week. There were no additional systems that pledged their support to the Liberal party, but 41 Lambda Hydrae, Elycoch, and HIP 38747 are currently prime candidates for future Liberal strongholds.

    Li Yong-Rui added MET 20 to the Sirius portfolio this week. The coming week brings the promise of potential acquisitions in the T'ien Mu and Dhak systems. Some concern has been expressed about the profitability of recent and future acquisitions, but markets are still trading Sirius stock at a premium.

    Aisling Duval experienced both the loss of HIP 116045 and the acquisition of HIP 3603 during the past week, leaving the count of systems in support of the People's Princess at sixty-one. Aisling now enjoys a modest reserve that will allow her to gain favor in at least one more system in the near future.

    Zemina Torval acquired controlling assets in Kalana during the past week, increasing the number of systems in her portfolio to fifty-three. Negotiations are currently underway for a potential acquisition of HIP 107936, a system which may prove to be another bad acquisition for the senator's enterprises.

    Denton Patreus is running a deficit resulting from last week's high administrative costs that could not be offset by sufficient funds and supplies delivered to local security forces.The size of Patreus' territory is clearly too large for the senator to sustain long-term.

    Archon Delaine secured a new stronghold in 10 Kappa Pegasi this week, but Kumo Crew sponsored insurrections in Yu Di Yi and VVO 19 were suppressed. Yuror, an Imperial system near Senator Patreus' territory, appears to be the Pirate Lord's focus this week.

    Pranav Antal severed ties with Ahemez, Cao Yankir, HR 17, Kaurukat, Minerva, Takurua, and Xi Wang Mu this week. This purge of enclave systems was the first since Utopia's founding. The burden laid upon Utopian administrators is reportedly lighter this week, and optimism in Polevnic is running high.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • November 6, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Zachary Hudson's approval rating reached unprecedented heights this week. Federal fleets secured four strategic systems, bringing the total number of Republican control systems to 75. These new bases of operation include G 250-34, UBV 15076, Aornum, and DP Camelopardalis. As the fleet continues to grow, spurred on by CQC recruitment drives, it is likely that even more systems will fall under the protection of the Federal Navy.

    Edmund Mahon welcomed the people of BD+66 696 and 3 Upsilon Ophiuchi into the Alliance fold. The Prime Minister is busy with negotiations in the Sabikami system this week. Despite some minor setbacks, the Alliance economy remains strong.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval recovered from the recent dissatisfaction of seven disgruntled systems, and poured more garrison supplies than ever before into systems scattered throughout her domain. Though not every system received a full allocation, they still produced a substantial command capital reserve.

    Li Yong-Rui led Sirius to another successful week. The acquisitions of HIP 14886 and Ticua helped to elevate the corporation's financial rating, and with substantial capital reserves even after the most recent acquisitions, Sirius is poised to continue its growth.

    Felicia Winters led the Liberal party out of turmoil this week with a redoubling of Federal aid distribution. Lumbla's concerns were assuaged and the Xiriwal system pledged its support to Shadow President Winters. With a substantial reserve of command capital, the coming weeks will likely see even more systems join the Liberal party.

    Aisling Duval's popularity index fell dramatically this week as she faced above-average opposition. Three systems have expressed dissatisfaction and announced a possible withdrawal of support to the People's Princess.

    Zemina Torval's enterprises purchased controlling interests in Ac Yax Baru and He Pola this week. As long as funding remains available, there will be additional acquisitions during the coming week. Some acquisitions may prove to be bad investments for the senator's enterprises.

    Denton Patreus balanced his budget almost perfectly for the second week in a row. This means the Senator has no opportunities to prepare or expand his influence into new territory. Instead, his fleets are freed up to fortify his territory or partake in offensive actions.

    Archon Delaine crushed resistance from the system governments of Quikindji, Kui Xing, Bhattra, and Wikanawal in a massive surge of activity this week. Imperial fleets were overwhelmed, but managed to repulse the Kumo Crew from Imperial territory in Dhak and Bipera, while other freedom fighters protected Medzistha. With further insurrections already erupting, it looks like the Kumo Crew will establish more strongholds this week.

    Pranav Antal's administration was faced with a difficult choice this week, as evidence of unacceptable behaviour was uncovered in seven enclave systems. Moral Enforcer Zaan addressed the issue in this statement: "Social malignancy will not be tolerated, and will be excised for the good of all who live within Utopia. Systems deemed irrevocably tainted will be divested from Utopian space, with virtuous citizens given safe passage to new homes in other Utopian communes."

    Commander Corrigendum

  • October 23, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon presided over the finalization of an agreement that resulted in another regionally significant system joining the Alliance. The Prime Minister also praised defensive efforts that kept Alliance territory safe this week. A significant command capital reserve will make additional trade agreements possible during the coming week, further augmenting the Alliance's booming economy.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval was crowned Emperor this week, settling extensive debate over the succession crisis. Since her coronation, the Emperor has busied herself with the management of her vast territory. Two influential systems have pledged their support to the new Emperor in exchange for the enforcement of law and order.

    Zachary Hudson's fleets did not secure any additional territory this week, but fortification of the Federation's core worlds ensured that the President will have plenty of opportunity to focus his efforts outward in the near future. In the meantime, the CQC Championship continues to swell the ranks of the Federal Navy.

    Felicia Winters has carried on as she has for many weeks now. Undermining of the Shadow President's authority was roughly half that of recent weeks, allowing regular defensive efforts to be focused elsewhere. Should these trends continue, it is likely that Shadow President Winters will be able to expand her aid programs at a greater rate.

    Aisling Duval has kept a low profile in recent days, but her followers have been zealous as ever, which led to HIP 114709 pledging its support to Aisling. The public relations machine of people's princess has received additional funding, and is now preparing for multiple media blitzes.

    Li Yong-Rui was able to navigate Sirius Gov out of last week's financial straits, finalizing two major business deals that led to the acquisition of two systems. He was also able to amass sufficient reserves to open negotiations with several more systems this week. Sirius stocks are soaring.

    Denton Patreus has been embroiled in all-out war with the forces of Emperor's Dawn this week, which has consumed most of his energies, although he did find the time and resources to expand his influence to the Ditae system. With the full support of the Emperor against Emperor's Dawn, it is anticipated that the tide will soon turn against the insurrectionists.

    Zemina Torval recovered from last week's financial turmoil with grace and fortitude. Three systems have been added to the senator's list of preferred trading partners, and she now looks forward to establishing even more relationships in the near future.

    Pranav Antal succeeded in bringing another system, HIP 108110, into the Utopian fold this week. Utopian enclaves are now present in 45 systems. The peaceful society remains a beacon of hope in times of chaos.

    Archon Delaine has amassed a command capital supply greater than he's had in months. With these resources, the Pirate Lord has unleashed an unprecedented wave of blackmail and bribery in systems all around his domain. It is feared that these efforts will lead to several more systems falling to the Pirate Lord in the near future.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • October 16, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon has proven last week's naysaying economists wrong. The economic juggernaut that is the Alliance of Independent Systems now exerts influence over more than 1,000 systems – a tremendous milestone for the fledgling superpower, which only recently celebrated 70 years of existence.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval's days have been largely consumed by preparations for her coronation ceremony, but she has also made time to direct the efforts of the Shield of Justice. The Emperor-to-be oversaw massive fortifications during the past week, with 50 systems secured against little opposition. Everything appears to be in order for the coronation ceremony this weekend.

    Zachary Hudson amassed an enormous command capital stockpile in the previous week, alongside an increase in approval rating. Federal Navy recruitment levels are also at an all-time high, with many attributing the increased interest in the Navy to the CQC Championships.

    Felicia Winters and the liberal arm of the Federation have stockpiled sufficient resources to establish bases in a handful of systems, which will serve as staging points for future aid programs. Mangwe became one such base of operation during the past week.

    In the past week, Aisling Duval's supporters convinced the population of an influential system to support the people's princess, and her public-relations machine now appears primed to persuade additional systems to join Aisling's cause.

    Li Yong-Rui recently announced an initiative to bolster the economy of the distant colony of HIP 8396. This program comes at an odd time for Sirius, as profits fell during the past week, resulting in strained business relations with two systems.

    Denton Patreus has at last established a small cushion of command capital with which to exert additional influence over systems bordering his territory. The elimination of Emperor's Dawn remains among the Senator's top priorities, and as his fleets deploy, fortifications are underway to guard against further expansion of the insurgent organization.

    Zemina Torval's enterprises suffered some setbacks this week, resulting in turmoil for one popular trade system. Given the Senator's recent track record, economic analysts are not overly concerned about trade in her systems, and expect this to be a minor hiccup.

    Pranav Antal continued Utopia's quiet march through civilized space with the addition of the Xi Wang Mu system. Antal now has a modest command capital reserve with which to expand the vision of Utopia.

    Archon Delaine's attempts to exploit additional systems were denied this week, as system defence forces repelled Kumo Crew-backed insurrectionists. The spider of the Pegasi Sector is already spinning webs to ensnare additional systems. It remains to be seen whether the renewed offensive against Emperor's Dawn will weaken the Imperial resistance to the Pirate Lord.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • October 9, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon remains optimistic despite the projections of some economic analysts, citing the fact that the Alliance still boasts the most profitable economy of any power. Despite the pessimistic reports, influential systems are still flocking to the Alliance, with two more joining in the past week. The coming weeks will validate the opinion of either the Prime Minister or the critical analysts.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval experienced a momentous week in several ways, particularly her recent confirmation as the next Emperor. Only the threats of Emperor's Dawn appear to stand in her way now. The past week saw the closing of the embassy with the Sirius Corporation at Sietae. Relations between the Sirius Corp. and the Empire remain friendly. Four additional key systems subscribed to the protection of the Shield of Justice in the past week.

    Felicia Winters's approval rating has surpassed that of President Hudson for the first time in over a month. With a marked dip in opposition figures, Shadow President Winters was able to build up a command capital reserve that will serve her forces well in the coming week.

    Zachary Hudson's approval rating fell again this week as the Katurru system formally rejected the protection of Federation fleets. President Hudson's fleets more than compensated for the loss of Katurru by establishing bases of operation in three additional systems. The advent of the Close Quarters Combat Championship remains a wild card for the President - his public endorsement of CQC as a recruitment tool for the Federation Navy may lead to a rise in approval in the near future.

    Li Yong-Rui has put SiriusGov on track for steady growth. This week has seen the assets of one additional control system brought into the Sirius portfolio. Many investors would hope for more rapid growth and quick profits, but many shareholders recognize the value of a steady future of tempered growth. Li Yong-Rui appears most interested in the latter.

    Aisling Duval dealt with the results of the Senate's decision on the Imperial succession with grace, offering her support to the pronouncement, and popular opinion of the People's Princess appears to be on the rebound.

    Zemina Torval brought two profitable systems into her enterprise during the past week, ensuring yet another week with a high command capital reserve. Trade routes in Senator Torval's territory reportedly rival those of the Alliance. Things continue to look good for the wizened senator.

    Denton Patreus returned to Eotienses this week after a month in Achenar for the closed session of the Senate. His fleets appear to have recovered from recent weeks of conflict with Emperor's Dawn just as new Emperor's Dawn bases have been discovered in five systems. In anticipation of the coming engagements, fortification projects in the Senator's systems are currently in full swing.

    Archon Delaine and the Kumo Crew claimed another system, the second week of expansion in a row. Analysts of the war effort in the Pegasi Sector have questioned the effectiveness of the Imperial expeditionary fleets and the voluntary forces that have opposed the Kumo Crew. Criminal activity has been spotted, spurring insurrections this week in two influential Federal systems and one Imperial system.

    Pranav Antal now governs an impressive 43 control systems. The achievement is even more remarkable when one considers that mere months ago the vision of Utopia was shared by a mere handful of systems. Many doubted whether Antal's vision for the future would gain any traction, but he has proven beyond all doubt that the ideals of Utopia are more enticing than originally believed.

  • October 6, 3301
  • Senate Declares Arissa Lavigny-Duval Emperor

    Standing on the steps of the Senate building, Chancellor Anders Blaine announced the Senate's decision on the succession. In a historic selection, and as a result of a clear majority vote, Arissa Lavigny-Duval will be the next ruler of the Empire. She will be the first female leader of the Empire since Marlin Duval founded the original colony on Achenar in the 23rd Century, although she will carry the title 'Emperor' rather than 'Empress'. Such an appointment would have been impossible prior to the reign of Hengist Duval due to an ancient decree that all Imperial rulers be male, but a ruling passed by the late Emperor early in his reign did away with this generations-old tradition.

    The news has been almost universally celebrated, and even Princess Aisling Duval offered her support for the appointment. The celebrations are likely to continue until the coronation ceremony in a week's time.

    Not everyone agrees with the Senate's decision, however. In a statement, Emperor's Dawn declared the selection of Arissa Lavigny-Duval "a desecration of the traditions of the Empire". The organisation has vowed not to allow the ceremony to happen.

  • October 5, 3301
  • Imperial Succession Vote in Senate Today

    Today is the last day of deliberation for the Senate over the question of who will become the next Emperor. By law, the Senate must announce the new Emperor by a clear majority decision tomorrow. Meanwhile, many are asking how a group like Emperor's Dawn could establish so many high-level contacts, and keep such a widespread extremist organisation secret for so long. It is clear that the new Emperor, whoever it may be, will be faced with challenges from the moment he or she assumes the throne.

    Chancellor Blaine was considered the strongest candidate for the throne, particularly given the deadlock between Princess Aisling Duval and Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval. But the recent revelation of his indirect connection to Emperor's Dawn leaves the two women as the most convincing contenders. The Princess's chances were dealt a blow by the revelation of her own connections to Emperor's Dawn. With Senator Lavigny-Duval receiving public support from Senators Patreus and Torval, some believe she has an advantage. Overall, however, the two are too closely matched to be able to confidently call a winner.

  • October 4, 3301
  • Chancellor Anders Blaine Issues Statement

    In the early hours of this morning, agents of the Imperial Guard and IISS arrested several members of Chancellor Anders Blaine's staff. He later released a statement:

    "It deeply pains me that members of my staff have brought such shame to my name and office. I regret to admit that Princess Aisling Duval's accusations are true, and that members of my staff have been instrumental, albeit without my knowledge, in conducting a campaign of slander against the Princess.

    "I take full responsibility for the actions of those in my employ, and offer my full and unconditional apologies to Princess Aisling."

    It is difficult to predict how this development will affect the succession vote. On the one hand, the Chancellor's link to Emperor's Dawn will inevitably damage his standing, despite his apparent ignorance of the connection. On the other, his contrition may go some way toward salvaging his reputation.

  • October 2, 3301
  • Scandal Rocks Chancellor Anders Blaine

    Little has been heard from Princess Aisling Duval since it was revealed that one of her key advisors, Patron Damon Clarke, was connected to Emperor's Dawn. She has reportedly cooperated with both the Senate and IISS investigations into the allegations, and has vehemently denied any prior knowledge of the link.

    That changed this morning with the shattering announcement of her own investigation's findings. In a statement, Princess Aisling revealed that some of Chancellor Anders Blaine's past advisors were connected to the same members of Emperor's Dawn as Patron Damon Clarke. She also highlighted that while Patron Clarke's connection to Emperor's Dawn was historic, those within the Chancellor's team were more recent.

    She concluded by listing the names of those implicated. Princess Aisling Duval has not yet released evidence of the connections.

    Chancellor Anders Blaine denied all knowledge of any connection, and refused to comment further.

  • September 22, 3301
  • Aisling Duval Praises the Munshin System

    Princess Aisling Duval has issued a statement praising the efforts of relief workers in the Munshin system.

    "War is a plague on our galactic society, and like all disease it most affects the poor, the hungry, and the downtrodden. It is therefore with great pride that I look to the Munshin system. There one sees true examples of Imperial citizenship, and true heroes. Any person can fire a laser, but only a true Imperial can see the humanity in another person. I extend my gratitude to the people of the Munshin system, and to the Libertas Cooperative, who are working so hard for the victims of the Pegasi Pirate War. The tireless commanders ferrying medicines to Ocrinox's Orbiter are likewise to be commended."

    The princesses’ critics immediately accused her of overlooking the pilots fighting in the Pegasi Pirate War, saying: "Every day, brave men and women of the Imperial Navy are killed in this war. Where is Princess Aisling's support for their families?"

    Commander Quade

  • September 21, 3301
  • Chancellor Blaine Confirms Senate Investigation

    At the start of the day’s deliberations, Chancellor Anders Blaine declared that a Senate investigation into the claimed connection between Princess Aisling Duval’s office and the insurgent group Emperor’s Dawn was to be undertaken. The investigation will begin immediately, despite the Senate being in closed session until the succession is decided.

    In response, Aisling Duval stated that she would comply in any way she could with the investigation. She also said that her own security teams had discovered some alarming information that she would share with the investigation committee.

    Meanwhile, the hunt for Patron Damon Clarke continues. Several of his associates were arrested by the Internal Security Service in the early hours of the morning and subjected to questioning.

  • September 20, 3301
  • Senator Patreus Calls for Senate Investigation

    As Senator Denton Patreus prepared to enter the Senate to continue the deliberations over the succession, he issued an angry demand for a full senate investigation into the reported links between Emperor’s Dawn and Princess Aisling Duval’s office.

    “While I sympathise with the princesses’ situation, having experienced a similar shock, I cannot allow that sympathy to influence my judgement. When a member of my household committed the most heinous of deeds, I submitted myself to the security services and gave them every access they needed.

    “We cannot wait to act, and I call upon the senate to commence an immediate and full investigation into any links between Princess Aisling and Emperor’s Dawn.”

    After the initial flurry of information from the Imperial Herald, no new facts were released today. Patron Damon Clarke remains at large, and the considered opinion is that he has fled the Empire.

  • September 19, 3301
  • Aisling Duval Issues Statement

    Following yesterday’s revelation of alleged links between Princess Aisling Duval’s office and the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency, Princess Aisling today issued a statement denying any knowledge of the connection.

    “It has come as a bitter surprise to me that any of my trusted advisors could have conducted business with the animals that murdered the Emperor. I will immediately undertake my own investigation into the matter, and root out any staff who are not truly loyal to the Empire.”

    Popularity polls have shown a dramatic fall for the so-called ‘People’s Princess’ as the Imperial Herald revealed more details of the alleged interactions with the terrorist group.

    Patron Damon Clarke remains unavailable for comment. A security officer based in Clarke’s home system revealed, anonymously, that Clarke’s whereabouts are unknown.

  • September 18, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon has led the Alliance to prosperity this week, surpassing all other major powers. New interstellar agreements have extended the Alliance’s areas of governance, while diligent legislative reports allowed the Prime Minister to effectively withstand attempts to undermine his authority. The Alliance now looks forward to a period of unprecedented prosperity.

    Zachary Hudson’s fleets weathered a massive storm this week, while successfully beating back the highest levels opposition the Federation’s President has seen. As defensive fleets executed their orders with diligence, offensive task forces pressed on the pain points of the Federation’s rivals. Hudson has made it clear that challenges to his authority will not be tolerated.

    Felicia Winters has consistently proven her ability to defy the odds, and this week was no exception. Withstanding the established norm of heavy opposition, the Shadow President’s couriers busied themselves with the distribution of aid packages throughout her sphere of influence. Her people now stand ready to extend Federation aid to additional systems.

    Aisling Duval’s publicity machine suffered minor setbacks late this week, resulting in a drop in standing. Sources close to the ‘People’s Princess’ have pledged to organise media blitzes in thousands of systems. It remains to be seen whether the lost standing will be recovered, although her supporters are, as always, optimistic.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s hard stance against crime was rejected by seven control systems this week, representing roughly 10% of systems previously governed by the senator. Five additional control systems are petitioning for an end to Senator Lavigny-Duval’s administration. The loss of these systems may prove to be a double-edged sword, however, as their maintenance has historically required a disproportionate amount of administrative effort.

    Lee Yong-Rui’s Sirius Corp spent its assets with prudence this week, making deals in several systems. Negotiations are still pending, but the prospect of further acquisitions has noticeably driven up the company’s stocks in financial markets, and shrewd investors would do well to take heed.

    Denton Patreus perfectly balanced yet another weekly budget, leaving him with insufficient capital to expand or prepare any systems this week. Having experienced relatively low opposition in his own territory, Patreus focused his efforts on destroying Emperor’s Dawn. With analysts predicting that the conflict will last at least another week, the absence of distractions such as subjugating additional systems may allow the senator to effectively stamp out the traitorous elements within his territory.

    Zemina Torval’s enterprises have shown promising signs of economic recovery. The shrewd businesswoman has expanded her control in Imperial space for the first time in weeks. Careful planning has ensured that Senator Torval now rests on a comfortable cushion of command capital, and wise preparation and expansion may allow her to rise further in standing.

    Pranav Antal has built up his standing this week through his characteristic peaceful approach, standing in stark contrast to his neighbour in the Pegasi Sector. Utopia and the Simguru rejoiced this week as the Miki system joined the commune. Utopia’s holdings now match those of Senator Torval.

    Archon Delaine’s excursions into Imperial territory contributed to the turmoil now faced by Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Aisling Duval. The successes of the expeditionary fleets came at the cost of expanding his dominion. Ever the opportunist, Archon Delaine now stands poised to overthrow neglected Federation systems bordering the Pegasi Sector.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • Did Aisling Duval Know About Emperor’s Dawn?

    In a devastating exposé released earlier today, the Imperial Herald has published details of alleged links between the secretive group backing Princess Aisling Duval and some of the funding sources for the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency. While a direct connection between Princess Aisling and the insurgency is not alleged, there does appear to be a connection to senior members of the Princess’s inner council.

    Most notable of these is the patron and industrialist Damon Clarke. The Herald has found evidence that D and C Shipping, Inc., one of Clarke’s companies, apparently funded and organised weapon shipments to people now known to be members of Emperor’s Dawn three years ago.

    It is not known at this time whether there has been any recent contact between Clarke’s company and these individuals, or how this relates to the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Patron Damon Clarke was unavailable for comment, but a spokesman for the company said:

    “We are an interstellar shipping company, making thousands of shipments for clients each day. We are approved to transport weapons where such shipments are legal, and we occasionally do so. We do not comment on individual transactions. If a former client later became a terrorist, that is certainly abhorrent, but it is hardly the fault of D and C Shipping, Inc.”

  • September 17, 3301
  • Kumo Operation to Hit Aisling Duval

    Ever the opportunists, Kumo Crew commanders have swept across a number of systems controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval in the last seven days. They penetrated deeper than in any previous skirmish, and elevated the level of danger faced by Imperial citizens as a result of the Pegasi Pirate War.

    With turmoil affecting billions of Imperial citizens and sweeping them into the ongoing saga, Commanders and tacticians have begun to realise that the conflict has taken on a new dimension. Leaked intelligence indicates that as the week draws to a close, Archon will focus his attention on planets and stations pledged to Aisling Duval.

    With Kumo Crew attacks imminent, the Empire must decide how to best fortify its strongholds against further incursion while trying to stem their enemy’s momentum. What was once thought of as a simple operation now draws on the strength and resources of a thousand worlds.

    Commander Mikalus

  • September 16, 3301
  • Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees

    Officials at Ocrinox's Orbiter held a press conference earlier today to announce their intention to build a state-of-the-art resettlement facility for refugees of the Pegasi Pirate War.

    "We recognize the plight of their friends in the Pegasi Sector, and extend our welcome to all those who wish to settle here. We encourage all those who have access to transport to come to Ocrinox's Orbiter. You were promised citizenship – citizenship you shall have. You were promised protection – protection you shall have. You left home to seek a new life – a new life you shall have."

    The plan leans heavily on three aspects of the Munshin system: distance from the war, readily available food and jobs, and the necessary infrastructure to support a large population surge.

    Reports also indicate that officials at Ocrinox's Orbiter have sent messages to the Pilots Federation and Princess Aisling Duval asking for urgent delivery of medical supplies.

    Commander Quade

  • September 11, 3301
  • The People’s Princess Speaks

    At a public charity event in which several dozen slaves were granted their freedom, Princess Aisling Duval took the opportunity to speak about the succession.

    “It seems peculiar that as the closest living relative of our beloved Emperor, I am not involved in the process of selecting his successor. It is even stranger that there is a process at all - after all, I am the natural heir.”

    Her attempt to gloss over the legality of her claim has sparked angry rebuttals from legal experts and the camps of the other likely candidates. When we spoke to people on the street, however, we encountered almost universal support for the Princess. One Capitol resident told us:

    “I’m all for tradition, but we have to move with the times. Princess Aisling Duval understands what we need to do, and has the youthful vigour to make that happen.”

  • A Week in Powerplay

    Aisling Duval has once again topped the powerplay rankings, as extraordinarily low opposition to the people’s princess, combined with sufficient fortification, has allowed her to excel above all others this week.

    Zachary Hudson has demonstrated an ability to stand firm against overwhelming opposition. Undermining in over thirty systems was cancelled and extended the protection of the Federation fleet to several more, and Hudson’s rise to second place is well warranted this week.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s rising administrative costs, accompanied by shrewd undermining, has led to turmoil in seven systems this week. An increased emphasis on meaningful fortification is clearly needed to maintain the senator’s sway over her vast territory.

    Edmund Mahon has again guided the Alliance into prosperity. Careful fortification has secured Alliance borders, although the Alliance saw more opposition than the Empire. Prime Minister Mahon is now poised to offer citizenship to several key systems in the coming week.

    Felicia Winters, much like Hudson, weathered above-average undermining, but in spite of this she proved her resilience by providing humanitarian aid to one star cluster while maintaining a comfortable command capital reserve.

    Denton Patreus, ever the smooth operator, balanced his budgets nearly perfectly this week. Evading a deficit, his fleets now occupy control spheres in two additional locations.

    Li Yong-Rui has led Sirius Gov back into the black. Shrewd leadership, cutbacks, and the diligent labours of Sirius representatives have yielded a large command capital reserve. With an optimistic outlook, SiriusGov is poised to extend its influence once more in its corner of space.

    Zemina Torval has made a recovery from recent weeks of turmoil and the reduction of her portfolio. The senator now looks to end a long period of contraction in her enterprises through the acquisition of key systems.

    Archon Delaine’s lean forces have again amassed enough command capital to stir up insurrections in several systems. Although the Kumo Crew was rebuffed in its attempts to overthrow Federation and Imperial systems, a surge in criminal activity was reported in several more systems.

    Pranav Antal’s quiet commune succeeded in sharing the vision of Utopia with the inhabitants of Miki and the surrounding systems, and his people now hope to bring these systems into the fold. With no systems undermined this week, Pranav’s people are clearly the embodiment of Utopia.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • August 20, 3301
  • Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire's Future

    The group known as 'Children of Liberty' released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the "crossroads" the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination.

    "Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it is not just a question of who will lead the Empire - it is a question of whether that leader will be answerable to the people. The Empire was founded on the principle of a representative democracy, one in which senators – duly elected by the people – carry out the peoples' will. Marlin Duval would be ashamed of how her noble vision has been twisted and corrupted by her brother and his progeny."

    The statement went on to lament that none of the current claimants seem qualified to "restore liberty and honour" to the Empire, although the statement did say that "ironically enough, Aisling Duval embraces the most democratic methods, and goals, of all the claimants. Perhaps if she embraced the aim of returning the Empire to its democratic roots, the lovers of freedom in this galaxy would have someone they could actually support."

    Commander Virgil Kyle