Galaktyczne Wieści

  • 23 grudnia 3302
  • Galactic News: Federal Exploration Programme in Disarray

    Last month, the Federation launched an appeal for exploration data from a number of remote locations. A competitive appeal was simultaneously launched by a mysterious group known as the Children of Raxxla, which succeeded in completely derailing the Federal initiative. Karl Devene, head of Astrocartography at Mars High, was forced to resign as a result.

    Federal exploration projects are currently on hold as a result of the failed initiative, and Devene's successor has not been announced. Meanwhile, the Children of Raxxla has yet to reveal any findings from the data it received, leading some to speculate that the organisation never intended to.

    "I believe it was a cynical attempt to sabotage Federal research," said a spokesperson for Mars High Astrocartography. "It was never about exonerating Salomé – they just used her plight to gain the data at the expense of the Federation. Unfortunately, the galactic community proved itself easily manipulated."

    Other commentators have concurred with the analysis. Jackson Trent, associate editor of The Imperial Citizen, said:

    "I don't understand the allure of Raxxla. They attacked Patreus's flagship and have proved themselves to be criminals of the worst kind. Patreus dealt with Emperor's Dawn – perhaps it's time for him to deal with the Children of Raxxla."

    Salomé, known in Imperial circles as Kahina Loren, was killed when the convoy transporting her to Koontz Asylum was interdicted and destroyed. She had been convicted of the attempted assassination of Denton Patreus.

    Meanwhile, independent pilots returning from the expedition have reported a series of curious beacons in deep space, but few details have surfaced.

  • 29 kwietnia 3302
  • Freelance Report: Keeping an Eye on Naval Expansion

    On the popular independent talk show 'Affairs of State', political commentator Walter Astoria defended the recent construction of a new Alliance outpost while expressing concern about Federal and Imperial naval expansion.

    "Who cares if the new Alliance outpost is a listening post? The Federation and Empire are building capital ships, and they feel threatened by an outpost? Give me a break!"

    "Federal shipyards have been running at maximum capacity since President Hudson's inauguration. Since then, the Federation's only noteworthy naval action was in Kausalya against Emperor's Dawn."

    "It may be less troubling to see the Empire replenishing its forces, given its prolonged campaign against Emperor's Dawn, but a new battle group built around a new Majestic is clearly an attempt to maintain the status quo."

    "Review your history – there aren't many examples of arms races cultivating peace and mutual understanding. This doesn't bode well."

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 16 marca 3302
  • Galactic News: End of the Road for Damon Clarke

    When the dissident organisation known as Emperor's Dawn was first brought to public attention, a number of high-profile Imperials were discovered to have connections to the group. One of them was Damon Clarke, a prominent industrialist and a member of Princess Aisling Duval's inner circle. According to a report published by the Imperial Herald, one of Clarke's companies had previously sold weapons to Emperor's Dawn, and the revelation plunged Clarke into scandal.

    The prominent patron denied all knowledge of the transaction, but his declarations of innocence were undermined when he fled Imperial space. From that point on, no further information regarding Clarke's whereabouts or actions was released to the public.

    But now an undisclosed source, which claims to be close to the Imperial Internal Security Service, has shared news of Clarke's fate. A section of the anonymous message is reprinted below:

    "As you know, Clarke fled Imperial space when his connection to Emperor's Dawn was discovered. But he didn't get far. The IISS caught up with him in Apathaam and brought him back to Achenar.

    "Clarke was looking at a death sentence, but the IISS offered him a deal: give up his contacts in Emperor's Dawn in exchange for a more lenient sentence. Clarke jumped at the offer, and gave up everyone he knew. His information earned him a commuted sentence: house arrest at his home on Capitol. He even got to keep his car. A pretty good deal."

    "So time passes and Emperor's Dawn gets its ass handed to it by the Empire. But a few of Clarke's former contacts survive, and they're none too happy about him selling them down the river. With IISS agents stationed at Clarke's home, it wasn't easy for them to get to him, but in the end they succeeded. Poisoned his food, I gather. Nasty way to go."

    The Imperial Internal Security Service has declined to comment on the matter.

  • 15 marca 3302
  • Freelance Report: Game of Shadows

    Various media outlets throughout inhabited space received an anonymous communiqué this morning. "The galactic community is in peril," the message began. "They just don't know it yet."

    The transmission asserts a connection between Core Dynamics, the destruction of the Antares and Starship One, the Emperor's Dawn insurgency, and setbacks in Unknown Artefact research. It also claims that the deaths of Federal Vice-President Nigel Smeaton, Sean Richards, Arnold Lowe, Susan Monroe, Elaine Boyd, Emperor Hengist Duval and the disappearances of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey and Professor Ishmael Palin are similarly connected.

    The message concluded: "Many of those who have tried to connect these seemingly disparate events have been silenced, along with their sources. That is why I have chosen to remain anonymous. So far, only pawns have been revealed in this shadowy game. We must discover the king."

    Neither the Federation nor the Empire has chosen to comment on the transmission.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 5 lutego 3302
  • Galactic News: Emperor's Dawn Shadow Cells Destroyed

    Imperial Senator Denton Patreus has confirmed that the Emperor's Dawn 'shadow' cells discovered two weeks ago in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems have been destroyed. Thousands of independent pilots responded to the senator's call to arms, resulting in the total destruction of what are thought to be the last remaining Emperor's Dawn outposts. Following the victory, Senator Patreus released a statement to the media:

    "The galactic community has once again shown that it will not let itself be cowed by extremists. To all those who contributed to this campaign, I wish to offer my sincerest gratitude. I know that in the past I have been guilty of prematurely dismissing Emperor's Dawn, but on this occasion I think we can safely say that this insurgent organisation, which has tried so hard to undermine our way of life, is no more."

    The battle was viewed rather differently outside the Empire, however, with one commentator stating:

    "The Imperial propaganda machine would have you believe the Empire won by a landslide, but the truth is they had to work hard for victory."

  • 2 lutego 3302
  • Galactic News: Empire Calls in Reinforcements

    Two weeks ago, the Imperial Internal Security Service discovered 'shadow' cells belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems. Military fleets were swiftly despatched to the pertinent systems to destroy the last remaining vestiges of Emperor's Dawn. But recent reports indicate that the campaign may not be going quite as well as the Empire hoped. An Imperial pilot stationed in Dakshmandi spoke briefly with a correspondent from the Imperial Herald:

    "The insurgents may be resilient, but their days are numbered. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It might take a little longer than planned, but Emperor's Dawn is going down, I can promise you that."

    The Empire is understood to have sent reinforcements to the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems to support its forces.

  • 1 grudnia 3302
  • Community Goal: Emperor's Dawn 'Shadow' Cells Discovered

    When the Federal Navy destroyed the Emperor's Dawn base in the Kausalya system in December, many believed the organisation had finally been defeated. The Federal offensive, which was supported by a large deputation from the Federal Navy Auxiliary, was swift and merciless, and resulted in the total destruction of the insurgent outpost. But a statement from the office of Imperial Senator Denton Patreus indicates that, against all odds, Emperor's Dawn has endured.

    "The Imperial Internal Security Service has discovered that Emperor's Dawn has 'shadow' cells in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems – secret outposts that were apparently designed to protect the organisation's leadership in the event of a military defeat. It is of course vital to the continued security of the Empire and its people that these outposts be neutralised as swiftly as possible. If it is not, Emperor's Dawn could re-emerge to threaten the galaxy once again."

    Senator Patreus went on to issue a call to arms:

    "Swiftly neutralising these outposts depends on the support of the galactic community, and to this end I have authorised the payment of privateer bonds to any pilots who help with the offensive against Emperor's Dawn. Let us destroy these vile dissidents once and for all."

  • 16 grudnia 3301
  • Federation Triumphs over Emperor's Dawn

    When an outpost belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn was discovered in the Federal system of Kausalya two weeks ago, Federal President Zachary Hudson's response was swift and unequivocal. Promising to "mete out such punishment that the very fires of hell will seem but guttering candles in comparison", Hudson promptly despatched a military fleet to Kausalya. Today, Admiral Kirby of the Federal Navy confirmed that the initiative to rout the dissidents had been an unmitigated success:

    "They were defiant at first, but the battle started to go our way pretty quickly, and the past week has just been a mopping-up exercise, really. I think the Federal Navy Auxiliary made a big difference – when the insurgents saw how many independent pilots we had on our side, their morale took a big hit."

    In a statement, Zachary Hudson exhibited his usual confidence:

    "The insurgents' incursion into Kausalya was clearly the last gasp of a dying animal. They stood no chance against our fleet, and their outpost has been utterly destroyed. I predict this is the last we will see of Emperor's Dawn."

  • 4 grudnia 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Federal President Zachary Hudson resolved problems in his supply chain this week, and ensured the Federal Navy's bases received sufficient supplies. An increase in naval funding has also come through, which will soon allow the Federal Navy to establish a presence in new systems. The Emperor's Dawn cell discovered in Kausalya, less than 50 light years from Sol, will surely face heavy Federal opposition this week.

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has calmed concerns about a potential collapse in financial markets that struck both Sirius Gov and Torval's enterprises. Though trade has been impacted, with no new trade agreements secured during the past week, the Alliance's economic future appears stable at this time.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval oversaw a tremendous fortification effort this week, protecting a substantial command capital reserve for future use. Shield of Justice patrols were not established in any new systems, but given the current surplus of resources, new systems will likely be able to subscribe to the security service in coming weeks.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters had a relatively quiet week. A great deal of effort was poured into preparing the way for potential extensions of the Liberal party's holdings, and the Shadow President now looks to bring Kherthaje, HIP 47328, and Amuzgo into the Liberal fold.

    Princess Aisling Duval is currently dealing with the potential withdrawal of support from Woyo Mina and Kanuket. Leaders in both systems have allegedly rejected the Princess's closely held values. It is unclear at this time whether Aisling will respond publicly to the news.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui led the corporation through what appeared to be a normal week, but difficulty in financial markets has led to a troubling deficit in Sirius's budget, causing three systems in the portfolio to fall into a state of turmoil. If Sirius is able to return to a state of solvency, the acquisition of Dheneb will go ahead as planned this week.

    Senator Zemina Torval was similarly affected by financial trouble this week. The senator's enterprises have become heavily laden with systems that simply do not turn a profit. For Torval to succeed in the future, she will need to divest herself of many of these deficit-causing systems.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's horde overwhelmed the beleaguered defence forces in Dhak following the third attempt to conquer the system. The Kumo Crew appears to be gaining momentum and crushing Imperial opposition. It is believed that Archon Delaine now has a vast reserve of command capital, with which he could easily establish additional strongholds in weeks to come.

    Senator Denton Patreus balanced his budget by a narrow margin, as opposition to his goals reached levels that have not been seen for over ten weeks. Despite this, fortifications held against incursions into the senator's territory, making further cutbacks unnecessary for the time being.

    Simguru Pranav Antal led a monumental effort to extend Utopia this week, but this Utopian outreach was sharply opposed, sending one Utopian system into a state of turmoil. Contie, a system over 150 light years from Polevnic, and Medzistha, a system nearly 140 light years from Polevnic, are entertaining Utopian representatives this week.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 20 listopada 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval deflected a great deal of opposition in her territory this week, and extended the services of the Shield of Justice to six new systems. Bragit, HR 4720, Juipedi, Kappa, Olelbis, and Tujil were all swept free of criminal activity, and regular patrols were established. Contie, Mbutsi, and NLTT 7856 are the focus of active crime sweeps this week.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson established a new base for the Federal fleet in the Picunche system this week, edging the number of bases operated by the Republican party to 79. If all goes well for the Federation President this week, eight additional bases will be opened – a testament to the rapid growth of the Federal Navy.

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon is currently presiding over a contracting economy, facing the lowest economic rating in nearly three months. Despite the slowing of commerce, the Tikurua system has formalized trade agreements with the Alliance, and now falls under the protection of the Council of Admirals.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters secured the support of 41 Lambda Hydrae and HIP 38747 this week, amid some mild controversy. The Shadow President now looks to Kherthaje and Catun for additional support. In an odd turn of events, the Mbutsi system deep in the heart of Winters' territory appears to be courting Imperial favour. Shadow President Winters is reportedly engaged in talks with the local system leaders in an attempt to secure their loyalty.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui finalized a deal to purchase controlling interests in T'ien Mu this week. Economists have expressed concerns about the profitability of future acquisitions, but support for Li Yong-Rui's vision for the future of Sirius remains strong. Sirius now controls 60 key systems.

    Senator Aisling Duval maintained the status quo this week – a rarity in the fast-paced world of politics and public opinion. The People's Princess is currently attempting to curry favour with the people of HIP 116045, and has reportedly been warmly received in the system.

    Senator Zemina Torval has finalized contracts that brought the infrastructure of HIP 107936 into her portfolio. Next week, the senator's list of new acquisitions could include Yimanbin. Should this system become a part of her enterprise, her influence will encompass 55 systems.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine humiliated the Imperial expeditionary forces this week by overthrowing the Imperial system of Yuror. Captured Yurorian leaders were put to the sword and their families were paraded through Harma in shackles. A thinly veiled threat was broadcast to the Empire following the conquest of Yuror: "A person only has the rights they can hold on to".

    Utopian Leader Pranav Antal has led his people to prosperity following previous weeks of turmoil. A vastly reduced administrative burden has made it possible for Utopia to amass resources sufficient to ensure the vision of Utopia will spread once more through civilized space.

    Senator Denton Patreus finds himself in dire straits this week. Nearly a year of his popular zero-taxation policy, combined with months of combined pressure from Emperor's Dawn and the advances of the Kumo Crew, have worn down the Senator's fleets. The senator's forces have withdrawn from Utgaroar, and may soon withdraw from 47 Ceti.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 5 listopada 3301
  • Epsilon Indi Hosts Summit Conference

    London Relay in the Epsilon Indi system is to host a summit conference focusing on terrorism and galactic security. Representatives from the Empire, the Federation and the Alliance are all expected to attend the three-day event, which begins next week. Topics for discussion are expected to include Emperor's Dawn and the ongoing conflict in the Pegasi Sector.

    As preparations for the event begin, Federal authorities have raised concerns about an organisation based at London Relay known as 'Revolution Incorporated'. According to authorities, the group has announced its intention to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot – a historic incident dating from Earth's distant past – with "a special event" due to coincide with the summit. Although the precise nature of the event has not been revealed, authorities are nevertheless uneasy:

    "It's entirely possible that the organisation's intentions are benign, but since we know so little about it, and given its publicized intention to commemorate an attack on the state, we are obligated to investigate."

    The Federal spokesperson was asked to confirm reports that the group also plans to issue an open contract for explosives, but said only: "we can neither confirm nor deny such reports".

  • 28 października 3301
  • Empire Wins Decisive Victory

    For the past two weeks, the Empire has been battling the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems. This morning, the Empire confirmed that the campaign had been a resounding success, resulting in the total destruction of all three Emperor's Dawn bases. Senator Denton Patreus, who has been leading the campaign against the insurrectionists, issued a defiant statement:

    "Today we have delivered a decisive blow to our enemies, shattering their forces and leaving them scattered and defenceless. For all their bluster, these dissidents have been shown themselves to be nothing more than petty brigands, lacking in unity and moral conviction, and unable to withstand the might of our combined military forces. Their bases have been destroyed, their fleets routed. Emperor's Dawn is no longer a threat."

    But General Anthony Corvus, the veteran responsible for coordinating the Empire's military operations, adopted a more cautious tone:

    "This is a significant victory, certainly, but the war is not over. Cell organisations such as Emperor's Dawn can be surprisingly resilient, and it would be a mistake to discount them, even at this stage. Once I have seen the very last of their fighters destroyed, I will consider them vanquished. But that day has not yet come."

  • 26 października 3301
  • Fresh Incentive from Emperor's Dawn

    The war between the Empire and the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn has taken a decisive turn, as the Empire dealt critical blows to the insurrectionists' forces in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems this week. In response, Emperor's Dawn has issued a statement indicating that it intends to dramatically increase the amounts it is offering to privateers:

    "The Empire thinks that those who fight on its side do so because they share its ideals. We believe they fight because they are well paid. Fortunately, the Imperials are not the only ones who can purchase victory. From this point on, we will give any pilots who fight for our cause double the amount originally offered. Let us see how much people really believe in 'Imperial values'."

    This development is likely to rekindle debate over how the insurgent organisation is funded, given its apparent ability to access significant reserves.

  • 23 października 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon presided over the finalization of an agreement that resulted in another regionally significant system joining the Alliance. The Prime Minister also praised defensive efforts that kept Alliance territory safe this week. A significant command capital reserve will make additional trade agreements possible during the coming week, further augmenting the Alliance's booming economy.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval was crowned Emperor this week, settling extensive debate over the succession crisis. Since her coronation, the Emperor has busied herself with the management of her vast territory. Two influential systems have pledged their support to the new Emperor in exchange for the enforcement of law and order.

    Zachary Hudson's fleets did not secure any additional territory this week, but fortification of the Federation's core worlds ensured that the President will have plenty of opportunity to focus his efforts outward in the near future. In the meantime, the CQC Championship continues to swell the ranks of the Federal Navy.

    Felicia Winters has carried on as she has for many weeks now. Undermining of the Shadow President's authority was roughly half that of recent weeks, allowing regular defensive efforts to be focused elsewhere. Should these trends continue, it is likely that Shadow President Winters will be able to expand her aid programs at a greater rate.

    Aisling Duval has kept a low profile in recent days, but her followers have been zealous as ever, which led to HIP 114709 pledging its support to Aisling. The public relations machine of people's princess has received additional funding, and is now preparing for multiple media blitzes.

    Li Yong-Rui was able to navigate Sirius Gov out of last week's financial straits, finalizing two major business deals that led to the acquisition of two systems. He was also able to amass sufficient reserves to open negotiations with several more systems this week. Sirius stocks are soaring.

    Denton Patreus has been embroiled in all-out war with the forces of Emperor's Dawn this week, which has consumed most of his energies, although he did find the time and resources to expand his influence to the Ditae system. With the full support of the Emperor against Emperor's Dawn, it is anticipated that the tide will soon turn against the insurrectionists.

    Zemina Torval recovered from last week's financial turmoil with grace and fortitude. Three systems have been added to the senator's list of preferred trading partners, and she now looks forward to establishing even more relationships in the near future.

    Pranav Antal succeeded in bringing another system, HIP 108110, into the Utopian fold this week. Utopian enclaves are now present in 45 systems. The peaceful society remains a beacon of hope in times of chaos.

    Archon Delaine has amassed a command capital supply greater than he's had in months. With these resources, the Pirate Lord has unleashed an unprecedented wave of blackmail and bribery in systems all around his domain. It is feared that these efforts will lead to several more systems falling to the Pirate Lord in the near future.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 21 października 3301
  • The Emperor Denounces Emperor's Dawn

    To date, the Empire's campaign against the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn has fallen largely under the jurisdiction of Senator Denton Patreus, but now that the question of the succession has been answered, the Empire is in a position to give Emperor's Dawn its full attention. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has issued a frank statement in which she denounces Emperor's Dawn as "an enemy of the Empire", and promises to give Senator Patreus her full support:

    "Emperor's Dawn has gone to great lengths to present itself as being aligned with the Empire's values and ideals, but make no mistake – this organisation is an enemy of the Empire. Senator Patreus has demonstrated sound judgement in his management of the campaign, and I have every faith in his ability to remove this threat to our civilisation. The operation to destroy Emperor's Dawn will continue under his guidance."

    The statement constitutes the Emperor's first decree as ruler of the Empire, and reflects a clear commitment to Imperial security.

  • 18 października 3301
  • Arissa Lavigny-Duval Crowned Emperor

    Today, dawn broke above an expectant Capitol as Imperial citizens awaited the coronation of the first female Emperor (the Imperial Senate having determined that 'Emperor' should be used for both male and female rulers). It looked like the entire population had come to witness the procession of Arissa Lavigny-Duval through the city to the Imperial Palace.

    The crowd's excitement was palpable, but it was undercut by uncertainty over whether the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn would succeed in disrupting the coronation ceremony, as they claimed they would. There have been rumours that Emperor-to-be Arissa refused to travel in a closed speeder, despite concerns for her safety, and she looked every part the Emperor as the procession made its way sedately through the city.

    The military and security presence was visible throughout the city, with Naval Infantry in full dress uniform lining the streets. A full company of Imperial Guard marched alongside the Senator's vehicle, their stark black uniforms contrasting with the crisp whites of the Naval Infantry.

    The procession arrived at the palace at exactly midday, where the senators and Imperial family waited. The brief ceremony was transmitted live throughout the Empire, and screened at key locations in the city so the crowds could watch. The multitude roared their appreciation to the sky as Emperor-to-be Arissa Lavigny-Duval completed her vows of office.

    At the conclusion of the ceremony, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval offered a few words for her people:

    "This is a day I cannot compare to any other. The trust my fellow senators have shown in me makes me all the more determined to overcome the challenges we will surely face in the coming weeks and months. For too long we have suffered from uncertainty in the wake of the Emperor's death.

    "I had the great fortune to talk with the late Emperor in his final days, and to learn how he planned to strengthen the Empire in these times of change. In the coming weeks, I will announce the formation of my government and my plans to tackle the threats facing the Empire.

    "But for now I will enjoy this moment and express my gratitude to the Empire and everyone, from slave to senator, for this opportunity to serve."

  • 16 października 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon has proven last week's naysaying economists wrong. The economic juggernaut that is the Alliance of Independent Systems now exerts influence over more than 1,000 systems – a tremendous milestone for the fledgling superpower, which only recently celebrated 70 years of existence.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval's days have been largely consumed by preparations for her coronation ceremony, but she has also made time to direct the efforts of the Shield of Justice. The Emperor-to-be oversaw massive fortifications during the past week, with 50 systems secured against little opposition. Everything appears to be in order for the coronation ceremony this weekend.

    Zachary Hudson amassed an enormous command capital stockpile in the previous week, alongside an increase in approval rating. Federal Navy recruitment levels are also at an all-time high, with many attributing the increased interest in the Navy to the CQC Championships.

    Felicia Winters and the liberal arm of the Federation have stockpiled sufficient resources to establish bases in a handful of systems, which will serve as staging points for future aid programs. Mangwe became one such base of operation during the past week.

    In the past week, Aisling Duval's supporters convinced the population of an influential system to support the people's princess, and her public-relations machine now appears primed to persuade additional systems to join Aisling's cause.

    Li Yong-Rui recently announced an initiative to bolster the economy of the distant colony of HIP 8396. This program comes at an odd time for Sirius, as profits fell during the past week, resulting in strained business relations with two systems.

    Denton Patreus has at last established a small cushion of command capital with which to exert additional influence over systems bordering his territory. The elimination of Emperor's Dawn remains among the Senator's top priorities, and as his fleets deploy, fortifications are underway to guard against further expansion of the insurgent organization.

    Zemina Torval's enterprises suffered some setbacks this week, resulting in turmoil for one popular trade system. Given the Senator's recent track record, economic analysts are not overly concerned about trade in her systems, and expect this to be a minor hiccup.

    Pranav Antal continued Utopia's quiet march through civilized space with the addition of the Xi Wang Mu system. Antal now has a modest command capital reserve with which to expand the vision of Utopia.

    Archon Delaine's attempts to exploit additional systems were denied this week, as system defence forces repelled Kumo Crew-backed insurrectionists. The spider of the Pegasi Sector is already spinning webs to ensnare additional systems. It remains to be seen whether the renewed offensive against Emperor's Dawn will weaken the Imperial resistance to the Pirate Lord.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 15 października 3301
  • The War against Emperor's Dawn Continues

    Following the Empire's recent discovery of five additional Emperor's Dawn bases, Senator Denton Patreus has despatched military fleets to three of the systems occupied by the insurgents: Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874. The Senator has also authorised a number of Empire-aligned factions to reward pilots who join the fight against Emperor's Dawn. The insurgents, meanwhile, have responded in kind, promising to reward pilots who help repel the Imperials.

    Some news feeds have speculated that the Senator's actions are designed not only to maintain the pressure on Emperor's Dawn, but also to minimise the chances of the insurgents disrupting Arissa Lavigny-Duval's forthcoming coronation.

    The outcome of the battle is by no means certain, but one thing is for sure – the wider conflict between the Empire and Emperor's Dawn is far from over.

  • 12 października 3301
  • Emperor's Dawn Connected to Universal Cartographics Security Breach

    Exploration activity has been brought to a near standstill after a data-encrypting firmware bug threatened to compromise recently acquired astronomical data. A spokesperson for Universal Cartographics released the following statement:

    "Commanders started noting discrepancies between the exploration records stored in their ship systems and their own personal records. When we investigated, we found that one of our contractors has purposely altered a recent firmware update that was applied to all discovery and surface scanners. We also found that the contractor had a connection to Emperor's Dawn. An arrest warrant has been issued, and our staff worked through the weekend to recover the encrypted data and replace the compromised firmware."

    It has been speculated that the sabotage was designed to hamstring the IISS's efforts to locate Emperor's Dawn bases using exploration data.

    Commander Fionn Mac Cumhaill

  • 11 października 3301
  • Who is Funding Emperor's Dawn?

    As the war between the Empire and Emperor's Dawn continues, an increasing number of political commentators are asking the question: where does the organisation get its money?

    Since the military campaign began, the Empire has expended substantial resources fighting the insurgents, but for the most part Emperor's Dawn has managed to match the strength of the Imperial offensives, and this ability to resist the Empire suggests that the organisation has access to significant levels of funding. Several weeks ago it was revealed that Emperor's Dawn had at one time received backing from D and C Shipping, Inc., an organisation belonging to the Imperial patron and industrialist Damon Clarke, but the connection between the two organisations is believed to have been severed some time ago.

    Verifiable details are scarce, but an anonymous source within the Empire has shared suspicions that Emperor's Dawn could have a benefactor in the corporate world. If this is true, it raises the question of what kind of company would support an organisation like Emperor's Dawn, and what it might hope to gain from such an association.

    The IISS was approached for comment, but it replied only by saying it was "pursuing all available leads".