Galactic News

  • February 9, 3303
  • Community Goal: Peacock Patrons of Law Issue Appeal

    The Peacock Patrons of Law have placed an open order for Robotics, Ion Distributors and Emergency Power Cells. The organisation has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Phillips Dock in the Peacock system.

    The campaign begins on the 9th February 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Valentine's Day Appeal

    Human civilisation spans hundreds of star systems and encompasses a wide range of cultures, but many people still share a number of traditions. One such tradition is Valentine's Day, a celebration of romantic love dating from the 5th Century.

    With many choosing to mark the occasion by giving gifts to their significant other, retailers throughout the galaxy are preparing for a busy week. One of these retailers, Vestani Conservatives, has placed an open order for various commodities in anticipation of this hectic period. A spokesperson for the organisation said:

    "We won't be able to fulfil our commercial obligations without the support of the galactic community, so we're offering generous premiums to pilots who deliver Thrutis Cream, Deuringas Truffles and Esuseku Caviar to our headquarters at Rose Terminal in the Vestani system."

    The campaign begins on the 9th of February 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • February 2, 3303
  • Community Goal: Halsey to Build Refugee Centre

    Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has announced plans to establish a rehabilitation centre for victims of war – specifically those affected by the ongoing Federal-Imperial conflict. In a statement, Halsey said:

    "The centre will of course provide victims with food and shelter, but it will also serve to reunite families and friends, and where necessary will help those affected by war relocate to new systems."

    Humanitarian groups were quick to applaud Halsey, who since being discharged from the Clearwater Clinic in July last year has repeatedly expressed her commitment to peace.

    The campaign has received financial support from the Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry, which has placed an open order for Power Generators, Tantalum and Polymers for use in the construction. Pilots who deliver these commodities to Dirichlet Orbital in the Yum Kamcabi system will be generously rewarded.

    The campaign begins on the 2nd of February 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion

    The Colonia Council has launched a third migration appeal, giving the galaxy's minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula.

    A spokesperson for the organisation explained the nature of the initiative:

    "Once again we are asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques Station on behalf of their chosen organisation in order to earn a migration visa."

    "At the end of the campaign, the ten factions that have made the largest contribution will earn the right to settle in one of the systems we have targeted for colonisation. A new planetary outpost will be constructed in the system for the organisation's sole use."

    The campaign begins on the 2nd of February 3303 and will run for four weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • December 6, 3303
  • Community Goal: Alliance Appeals for Help

    The Alliance Council of Admirals has announced that an Alliance convoy has been attacked in the Fedmich system.

    According to a statement, the convoy was transporting personnel and military equipment to a secure Alliance outpost. It is understood the attack was executed by criminals operating in Fedmich.

    Most personnel were safely evacuated, but many of the ships comprising the convoy had to be abandoned. Furthermore, a number of occupied escape pods remain among the wreckage.

    A spokesperson for the Council of Admirals released a statement:

    "It is imperative that all personnel and material carried by this convoy be recovered as soon as possible."

    "To that end, we have authorised Fedmich Electronics Partners to coordinate a rescue operation, and will gladly reward those who deliver occupied escape pods and wreckage components to Roberts Port in the Fedmich system. Combat pilots are also needed to neutralise agitators operating in Fedmich and thus ensure the safety of those recovering material from the convoy."

    The operation begins on the 26th of January 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • November 9, 3303
  • Community Goal: Sirius Corp. to Address Unknown-Artefact Issue

    It is widely understood that Unknown Artefacts have the ability to extract materials from their immediate environment as part of a complex self-repair process. Unfortunately, this can have disastrous effects on starships and other forms of machinery.

    Perhaps the worst affected by this phenomena have been the galaxy's starports, many of which have had to suspend services as a result of Unknown Artefact-related disruption. The high prices offered for Unknown Artefacts on the black market means many starports have been flooded with the mysterious objects. And although meta-alloys can be used to counter Unknown Artefact-related interference, the scarcity of the material means this potential salve has had little impact.

    But a recent announcement from the Sirius Corporation indicates that the company intends to tackle the issue by funding a major new research and development project. The purpose of the project is to make starports and other outposts more resistant to Unknown Artefact-related interference through the application of specific microresources.

    In support of this programme, the Sirius Corporation has placed an open order for unknown fragments, untypical shield scans and aberrant shield pattern analysis, and promised to reward pilots who deliver these materials to Cormack Hub in the Procyon system.

    The campaign begins on the 19th of January 3303 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • January 12, 3303
  • Community Goal: Conflict in Parun

    It has been several weeks since conflict was reported between the Empire and the Federation, following months of hostility between the two superpowers. The last incident connected to the Empire-Federation rift was a clash between the Pleiades Resource Enterprise and the Ant Hill Mob in November. Since then, there have been no reports of conflict.

    But intelligence recovered from the Parun system indicates that Laksmii Jet Power Industries, an Empire-aligned organisation, has devised a plot to smuggle quantities of personal weapons, explosives and reactive armour into Underwood Port. It is understood that Imperial agents based in the system will use these items to conduct guerrilla attacks against the Independents of Parun, the system's controlling faction.

    Having received word of this plot, the Independents of Parun has placed bounties on all Laksmii Jet Power Industries ships operating in Parun in the hope of thwarting the operation. Both factions have appealed to the galactic community for support, promising to reward pilots who support their campaigns.

    The rival operations begin on the 12th of January 3303 and will run for one week. If either organisation achieves its aims earlier than planned, the operations will end immediately.

  • January 5, 3303
  • Community Goal: Balones Gold Touch Systems Appeals for Materials

    Balones Gold Touch Systems has placed an open order for materials for use in a forthcoming project. A bulletin from the organisation confirms that pilots who deliver mined osmium, praseodymium and methanol monohydrate crystals to Tiedemann Dock in the Balones system will be generously rewarded.

    A spokesperson for the organisation elaborated on the nature of the project:

    "The purpose of this programme is to develop a number of advanced deep-space probes – ones that will reveal more about what lies beyond the borders of our galaxy."

    "We at Balones Gold Touch Systems believe galactic civilisation is on the cusp of a paradigm shift. The alien shipwrecks and the Synuefe ruins leave no room for doubt: we are not alone in the universe."

    "Knowledge is the currency of the future. Not money. Not weapons. Knowledge. And how best to acquire this knowledge? With the instruments that Balones Gold Touch Systems is developing."

    The campaign begins on the 5th of January 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion

    Last month, the Colonia Council launched the first in a series of initiatives to determine which organisations would join the rapidly expanding Colonia community. The Council has now launched a second initiative, once again giving the galaxy's minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula.

    In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation said:

    "We were delighted with the response to the first initiative, which demonstrated a clear commitment to the Colonia community."

    "For this appeal, we are once again asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques Station on behalf of their chosen organisation in order to earn a migration visa."

    "At the end of the campaign, the ten factions that have made the largest contribution will earn the right to settle in one of the systems we have targeted for colonisation. A new planetary outpost will be constructed in the system for the organisation's sole use."

    The campaign begins on the 5th of January 3303 and will run for four weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • December 22, 3302
  • Community Goal: People's Tutumu Confederacy Appeal Concludes

    The People's Tutumu Confederacy has released a statement announcing the successful conclusion of its seasonal appeal. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, delivering huge quantities of goods to North Ring in the Tutumu system.

    In addition to offering generous premiums for the requested items, the People's Tutumu Confederacy also organised a special prize draw.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative are now free to collect their rewards from North Ring in the Tutumu system.

  • Community Goals: Alliance to Build New Outpost

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has announced plans to construct a planetary outpost in the California Nebula. In a statement, Mahon explained that the new outpost would serve as a centre for xenobiological and astronomical research. He went on to say:

    "We have placed an open order for Geological Equipment, Hazardous Environment Suits and Surface Stabilisers for use in the construction of this new outpost, and authorised 160 SOAR to reward pilots who deliver these materials to Tshang City in the Furuhjelm III-674 system."

    To ensure those contributing materials can do so safely, 160 SOAR has also placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the Furuhjelm III-674 system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Tshang City.

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of December 3302 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Festive Appeal

    Many cultures choose to mark the end of the galactic year with the giving and receiving of gifts, and this year will be no exception. In anticipation of this busy period, luxury goods supplier Santa Muerte Co-operative has placed an open order for personal gifts. The organisation's CEO, Nicolas St Clauss, released the following statement to the media:

    "This year we're asking pilots to bring goods from Frost Dock in the Njambalba system to Clauss Port in Santa Muerte. In exchange, we're offering generous financial rewards and special festive prizes for those who make contributions."

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of December 3302 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • December 15, 3302
  • Community Goal: Putting LP 339-7 on the Map

    Dr Lewis Chapman, CEO of the Starship Enterprises Corporation, has announced plans to transform the LP 339-7 system into a popular tourist destination.

    To achieve this, the Starship Enterprises Corporation intends to establish a wildlife reserve on the planet LP 339-7 4 A. The reserve will be occupied by various cloned Earth animals, genetically tailored to suit their environments, created by the Starship Enterprises Corporation.

    In support of this project, the corporation has placed an open order for progenitor cells, animal monitors, aquaponic systems, atmospheric processors, land enrichment systems and advanced medicines. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in LP 339-7, to ensure that those contributing commodities to the campaign can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 15th of December 3302 and will run for one week.

  • December 1, 3302
  • Community Goal: People's Tutumu Confederacy Appeal

    As the end of the galactic year draws near and people throughout the galaxy start preparing for their end-of-year celebrations, the People's Tutumu Confederacy has announced a special seasonal event.

    A spokesperson for the organisation released a brief statement.

    "We have placed an open order for gold, pyrophyllite, and mineral oil, and in keeping with the spirit of the season we are offering generous premiums for these items. Additionally, every pilot who brings us these goods will be automatically entered into a prize draw, giving them the opportunity to win a range of fantastic prizes."

    "The more you contribute, the better your chance of winning!"

    The campaign will run from the 1st to the 16th of December 3302. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion

    Ever since Jaques Station arrived in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 in June, thousands of galactic citizens have migrated to the system in search of a new way of life. The migration movement has resulted in a number of new outposts in the region, as well as a chain of stations connecting the burgeoning community with the core systems.

    With the colony now firmly established in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 – recently renamed Colonia – the system's governing body, the Colonia Council, has announced plans to colonise the surrounding systems.

    In keeping with the spirit of egalitarianism that has characterised the colonisation movement, the Council has announced plans to run a series of appeals that will determine which organisations will occupy the systems surrounding Colonia.

    In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation said:

    "With the help of the galactic community, we have been able to establish a secure presence in the Colonia system. Now it's time to open up the rest of the sector for colonisation."

    "It is very important that those coming to the Colonia Nebula be committed to the area's ongoing development. That's why we're asking organisations that want to join the Colonia community to demonstrate their dedication by contributing to a resource drive."

    "At the start of each month, we will announce which systems have been targeted for colonisation. To earn a migration visa, pilots must deliver a specific commodity to Jaques Station on behalf of their chosen organisation. The nature of the commodity will be specified at the start of the month. Naturally, pilots will be reimbursed for their efforts."

    "At the end of the month, the ten factions that have made the largest contribution will earn the right to settle in one of the specified systems. A new planetary outpost will be constructed in the system for the organisation's sole use."

    "We should point out that organisations settling in the Colonia Nebula will be considered independent entities, separate from their parent faction."

    "Furthermore, the successful organisations will be responsible for working with other like-minded organisations to make the Colonia Nebula a beacon of civilisation."

    The first campaign begins on the 1st of December 3302 and will run for four weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • November 24, 3302
  • Community Goal: Sale of the Century

    For many retailers, this Friday is one of the busiest days of the year, as prices are slashed and consumers compete to take advantage of a range of one-day offers.

    As the fateful day draws near, Tchernobog Free, a retail conglomerate based in the Tchernobog system, has placed an open order for various commodities to help it meet demand. The organisation has promised to reward pilots who deliver domestic appliances, clothing and consumer technology to its base of operations at Vancouver Ring.

    A spokesperson for the organisation gave a brief statement to the media:

    "Half of my suppliers have let me down and I've got investors breathing down my neck. I don't care how you do it – just get me those goods!"

    The campaign begins on the 24th of November 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • June 23, 3302
  • Community Goal: The Battle of Daramo

    The Daramo system is currently under Federal control, but recent reports indicate that both Imperial and independent forces – the latter under the rule of Pirate King Archon Delaine – are attempting to wrest power from the Federation.

    The Federation is evidently not about to capitulate. In a statement, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy said:

    "The Daramo system is of considerable strategic value to the Federation, and we will not surrender it without a fight. We have issued an emergency call to all Federation-aligned pilots – you are needed in Daramo!"

    The Empire, predictably, has responded in kind. Captain Danvers of the Imperial Navy said:

    "In the interest of the wellbeing of the citizens of Daramo, it is imperative that Imperial law be instated as soon as possible. If the Federation is allowed to retain control of the system, the people of Daramo will be sure to suffer."

    The Independents of Daramo have stepped in to coordinate operations on behalf of the Federation, while the Vaka Citizens of Tradition have been authorised to oversee the Imperial campaign. Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd of June 3302.

  • June 16, 3302
  • Community Goal: Final Stage of Wildcard Competition

    With the second stage of the Dangerous Games Wildcard competition complete, the third and final stage can now begin.

    This phase of the competition will focus on trade, with pilots being asked to gather as many conductive fabrics as possible for their chosen faction. The group with the most conductive fabrics at the end of the week-long event will be declared the winner.

    At the close of the Wildcard competition, the faction that has garnered the most support over the course of the campaign will enter the Dangerous Games and compete for the right to be recognised as an official power.

    With the end of the competition looming, each faction is eager to secure as much support as possible, and is doing all it can to attract pilots to its cause.

    The event begins on the 16th of June 3302 and will run for one week.

  • Community Goal: Pranav Antal Requests Exploration Data

    Every year, thousands of people disappear into the vastness of space. Some simply venture out too far and lose their way. Others are abducted by pirates and sold into slavery, their identities irrevocably erased. Others still may suffer more mysterious fates.

    For many, these disappearances are a fact of life – an inescapable consequence of living among the stars. But Pranav Antal, leader of the technologically progressive enclave Utopia, is unwilling to simply accept such losses. The simguru, as he is known, has launched a campaign to gather exploration data with the aim of discovering why so many of those who traverse the depths of space vanish.

    "The purpose of this campaign is to acquire concrete information about these disappearances so we can do more to prevent them. But I must stress that even if we are able to locate missing individuals, it is likely that they will be too far from our base of operations to make rescue possible. This is an intelligence-gathering operation only."

    Utopian representatives have promised to reward pilots who deliver exploration data to Terry Port in the Garoku system. The campaign begins on the 16th of June 3302 and will run for one week.

  • June 9, 3302
  • Community Goal: Wildcard Competition Continues

    The first stage of the Dangerous Games 'Wildcard' competition is over, and the second is about to begin. For this heat, pilots have been asked to head to the Bjorti system and deploy their hardpoints for a bounty-hunting contest. The faction that accumulates the most bounty vouchers during the week-long event will be declared the winner.

    The Dangerous Games Wildcard competition will run for a total of three weeks, and the victor will go on to vie for the right to be recognised as an official power.

    The event begins on the 9th of June 3302 and will run for one week.