Galactic News

  • April 13, 3309
  • Torval Mining Victorious in Corporate Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Fierce combat in the Tavgi system has resulted in Torval Mining Ltd overcoming Caine-Massey’s partner Tavgi Blue Life Inc.

    The conflict was triggered by the murder of Caine-Massey’s former CEO Johann Fleischer. The assassin was tracked from Mars to the Torval Mining megaship Orchestral Falcon. Circumstantial evidence suggested he was an undercover Imperial agent.

    Senator Zemina Torval, whose family owns the company, declared:

    “Loyal defenders of the Empire have helped to bring hostilities to an end and can now collect their rewards from the Orchestral Falcon. This accusation from Caine-Massey is baseless – I am not in the habit of assassinating my business rivals. Our security teams have detained the interloper from Federal space who was using false ID as an Imperial mining prospector, and handed him over to the authorities.”

    Shortly after, a statement was released by Colonel Saskia Landau, the head of Imperial Intelligence:

    “My colleague Captain Titus Torval brought this issue to my attention, once he was implicated in the matter. The man who allegedly shot Mr Fleischer has been transferred to our secure facilities for questioning. We anticipate that his true identity and motivations will soon be revealed.”

    The board of directors at Tavgi Blue Life Inc announced that their business partnership with Caine-Massey will be terminated, citing “displeasure at the loss of life incurred by this incident”. However, the faction will honour its pledge to reimburse independent pilots who supported Caine-Massey’s operation, with rewards available at Gordon Enterprise.

  • April 6, 3309
  • Corporate Battle Erupts in Tavgi System

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The killing of Caine-Massey’s CEO has sparked conflict between the Federal corporation and Imperial rival Torval Mining Ltd.

    Acting CEO Philippa Barlow-Lyons provided a statement regarding the hostilities:

    “The Federal Intelligence Agency tracked Johann Fleischer’s assassin from Mars to the Tavgi system, whereupon he boarded the Orchestral Falcon, one of Torval Mining’s megaships. We demanded that he be handed over to stand trial for his crime. They refused to even acknowledge us. Zemina Torval thinks she has taken her revenge and got away with it. She is wrong.”

    “Caine-Massey has instructed Tavgi Blue Life Inc, our business partner in the system, to board the Orchestral Falcon – by force, if necessary – and apprehend the suspect. We will do whatever it takes to arrest the Imperial Intelligence agent we hold responsible for murdering a captain of Federal industry.”

    A response was issued by Senator Zemina Torval:

    “Caine-Massey is using its CEO’s death to excuse a deliberate strike against my company, damaging our share price and testing the will of our political connections. Torval Mining Ltd will defend its property, as well as the honour of the Empire, against this unjustified assault.”

    To support their combat operations, Tavgi Blue Life Inc and Torval Mining Ltd have called upon Federal and Imperial naval auxiliaries to report to Gordon Enterprise and the Orchestral Falcon respectively.

    The conflict has heightened political tensions between the Empire and the Federation. With the majority of superpower naval forces deployed to the Thargoid front line, system authority vessels around Tavgi have been placed on alert.

    President Zachary Hudson was quick to comment that “my administration upholds the right for our factions to seek justice”. Senator Denton Patreus stated: “The Empire stands ready to shield its citizens, businesses and territories from attacks by foreign powers, xeno or otherwise.”

  • April 5, 3309
  • Archer Launches Presidential Campaign

    The Republican Party has nominated Vice President Jerome Archer as its candidate in the upcoming Federal election.

    Jerome Archer was formerly the secretary of security in President Zachary Hudson’s cabinet. He was promoted to vice president when his predecessor died during the Nine Martyrs attacks in 3307. He immediately proposed the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act, which authorised the Proactive Detection Bureau to monitor all civilian communications in the Federation to detect future terrorist activity.

    Vice President Archer began his election campaign at a political rally on Nanomam 2, where he announced:

    “Throughout my career, my priority has always been the same: keeping people safe. From my days as a cop on the streets of Nueva Vista to director of the Federal Intelligence Agency, I have worked hard to increase security for all citizens. I pledge to work even harder and achieve far more as your president.”

    “President Hudson’s excellent legacy regarding anti-xeno operations will continue under my leadership. We will increase our defensive capabilities to protect the Federation against any kind of external or internal threat.”

    The newsfeed Sol Today was supportive of the Republican Party’s candidate, referring to Archer as “the only sensible choice in this era of war and moral corruption”. By contrast, an editorial in the Federal Free Press stated: “Privacy will become history if the eavesdropper-in-chief is handed the reins of power.”

    Archer’s running mate in the election is Congressman Niko Shirakawa , who represents the Eta Cassiopeiae system. A former major in the Federal Marine Corp, he sits on several intelligence committees and is known to have military connections.

  • April 4, 3309
  • ‘Imperial Assassin’ Stokes Superpower Tensions

    Federal mining corporation Caine-Massey has accused Senator Zemina Torval of assassinating its CEO Johann Fleischer.

    An update from the Federal Intelligence Agency prompted a remarkable declaration from Philippa Barlow-Lyons, the company’s acting CEO:

    “Thanks to the FIA’s assembled security footage, we now know that the man who murdered Johann Fleischer departed from Olympus Village Spaceport using a false Federal ID. He then transferred to the Tavgi system under another alias, claiming to be a prospector for Torval Mining Ltd. And so, the trail leads directly to the culprit.”

    “It is very clear that Zemina Torval ordered Johann’s death as an act of revenge, after he defeated her efforts in January 3308 to obtain one of Caine-Massey’s most lucrative mining contracts. Analysis of the hitman’s weapon and other equipment matches those typically used by Imperial Intelligence. And who is a senior officer in that ruthless spy network? Zemina’s own grandson, Titus Torval.”

    Senator Torval has not acknowledged or responded to the accusation. A formal statement was delivered directly to Congress by the Imperial Senate:

    “We categorically reject the suggestion that any members of this august body, or of Imperial Intelligence, are connected to these events. The Empire no longer has any political or commercial involvement with the Federation, and remains focused on its extensive anti-xeno operations.”

    President Zachary Hudson publicly assured Caine-Massey, which is known to be a long-standing corporate donor to the Republican Party, that further resources will be directed to the investigation. He added:

    “This is a timely reminder that all citizens should be vigilant against the enemy within. If we discover that Imperial assassins and sleeper agents are responsible for this heinous crime, the Empire will be expected to act in a manner we find satisfactory.”

  • March 30, 3309
  • Seo Jin-ae: ‘I Believe Salvation Survived’

    Aegis has published a personal statement from Seo Jin-ae, who claims to have evidence that Salvation planned to escape death in the HIP 22460 system.

    “First of all, yes, Caleb Wycherley died when the Thargoids attacked the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. But, I believe, only physically. He was developing technology to automatically relocate his mind, an emergency protocol he named the Nemesis Failsafe.”

    “I know how implausible that sounds, but the files I recovered from an Azimuth Biotech archive prove his intentions. For several years, Salvation ran a private project to reverse-engineer a Guardian artefact which could store consciousness. The design showed neural interactions as digital impulses, and made reference to exactly retaining his identity and memories.”

    “Salvation had already extended his life to over 250 years, and was obsessed with staying alive until he could wipe out the Thargoids. I’m convinced that he has survived in some bodiless form, and that Azimuth has known all along.”

    Aden Tanner, who works for Aegis as an independent specialist, also released a statement:

    “I’ll admit that the designs Seo found seem authentic and incredibly advanced. But the files contained no concrete proof that the Nemesis Failsafe was constructed, or if it could actually work. I’m more concerned that she was being hunted by unknown parties, who would likely have succeeded if not for the Far God cult’s intervention. Perhaps it needs to be restated that actively seeking to hinder Aegis, or its valued personnel, is a crime against all three superpowers.”

    In related news, the Testament megaship that rescued Seo Jin-ae from unidentified attackers has now left the Luyten’s Star system, following a week of clemency offered by Federal authorities. A spokesperson for President Hudson reiterated that the Order of the Far God remains illegal in the Federation.

  • March 29, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: March 3309

    Vox Galactica correspondent Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest developments regarding the war against the Thargoids.

    “In the broad sense, there have been few significant changes in Thargoid tactics. The eight Maelstroms continue to send waves of Thargoid vessels deeper into the core systems. Anti-xeno forces are certainly winning victories, and in some cases retaking previously occupied systems. But we are still losing more than we save.”

    “Despite being reformed only recently, Aegis has hit the ground running. Its caustic sink launcher is now available following a successful trial by Aden Tanner. This ingenious device increases the amount of time that a ship can spend inside a Maelstrom before being impaired by corrosive damage.”

    “The repulsing energy wave at the clouds’ centres, however, remains impenetrable. I understand that Aegis has prioritised gathering data about this defence mechanism, and research is underway into possible countermeasures. Until more can be learned about the true nature of the Maelstroms, the chances of destroying them are virtually zero.”

    “The Alliance, Empire and Federation are all working to reinforce their military strength. But the front line of this war is primarily being waged by independent pilots and squadrons. Heroic individuals such as Commander Oghmios-TTT, Commander Night Furry and Commander FrankXJR have achieved fame for their phenomenal success at destroying Thargoid vessels.”

    “Such small rays of hope in the darkness remain few and far between. Many battles are being won, but the creeping fear of inevitable defeat weighs heavily on all our souls. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • March 28, 3309
  • Winters Announces Election Manifesto

    The Liberal Party has published a detailed political manifesto in advance of the Federation’s presidential election in June.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters summarised her party’s plans during a campaign rally on Rhea 3:

    “The freedoms and privileges of Federal citizens have been abused or ignored by the Hudson administration. Our vision for governance focuses on restoring the Federation’s core values, offering every individual the opportunities they deserve.”

    “As your democratically elected president, I will take great pleasure in dismantling the Proactive Detection Bureau on day one. The mass-monitoring of private communications is a violation of civil rights that must end immediately.”

    “For those concerned about security, especially the Thargoid threat, I assure you that there will be no reduction in military spending. In fact, our aim is to extend naval and humanitarian assistance to independent systems near our borders that face Thargoid aggression. By supporting systems around Federal space, we will establish a robust front line to repel Thargoid forces.”

    The Federal Free Press praised the manifesto, remarking that it “displayed the balance of strength and compassion that has long been lacking from our leadership”. However, an editorial in Sol Today claimed: “Winters’s grip on political reality has been weakened by years of ineffectual hand-wringing.”

    In related news, the Republican Party is currently holding a series of caucuses to select their presidential candidate. Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa and Congressman Thandeka Qwabe have been eliminated from the running, leaving Vice President Jerome Archer and Secretary of State Lana Berkovich as the remaining nominees.

  • March 23, 3309
  • Far God Cultists Rescue Seo Jin-ae

    Seo Jin-ae has arrived safely in the Luyten’s Star system, aboard an Order of the Far God megaship.

    A message was transmitted by the First Apostle of the True Chapters, a proactive sect of the pacifistic religion, from aboard the Testament:

    “The one known to non-believers as Subject D-2 or Seo Jin-ae is sacred to us as the Preceptor – the first human to interpret the will of the Far God. We know her to be a holy emissary, on a personal pilgrimage that exposed her to great danger. I was able to convince my brethren to locate the Preceptor and offer her safe harbour from the heretics.”

    “I beseeched the Preceptor to help us hear the Far God’s divine thoughts as she does, but she informed me that the time was not yet right. She requested a reunion with her friends, who also seek ways to commune with Its heralds. While this insistence on collaborating with the unworthy is curious, we have faith that the Far God guides her path. One day the Preceptor will prepare us for the extinction of all life. It is our honour to serve her.”

    Professor Alba Tesreau gave a statement to the media:

    “I am very grateful to the First Apostle for her help. The Testament’s timely intervention routed several unidentified hostile ships that were hunting Seo Jin-ae. Once she has completed a medical assessment, we hope to learn more about her recent findings.”

    Congressman Tom Gillespie has instructed Aegis not to make formal contact with Far God cultists, whose faith is outlawed in the Federation as well as the Empire. A week’s clemency has been issued in recognition of Seo’s safe return, but the Testament’s presence deep in Federal territory is likely to irritate President Hudson.

  • March 21, 3309
  • Congress Votes Against Hudson Contravention

    President Zachary Hudson’s motion to allow him to serve a second term of office has been defeated by congressional vote.

    The proposal would have temporarily repealed the 77th amendment of the Federal Accord, which sets a maximum presidential term of eight years. A narrow majority voted not to accept this change to the Federation’s constitution.

    President Hudson addressed Congress following the announcement of the result:

    “The Federation’s democratic principles are paramount, and so I accept the decision of this chamber. I only hope that the disruption caused by a shift in leadership does not weaken our ability to withstand the current challenges. It is with total conviction that I say the Republican party will achieve victory in the ongoing war and maintain security within our borders. I intend to support the next Republican candidate to the best of my ability.”

    This outcome confirms that President Hudson’s administration will officially end shortly after the election, which is expected to take place in June but with no official date set. However, considering his many commercial and military connections, Hudson will remain a powerful political figure with a loyal supporter base.

    Nominees for the Republican Party’s new presidential candidate have begun lobbying for support. The frontrunners are three senior members of Hudson’s cabinet: Vice President Jerome Archer, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich and Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa. Congressman Thandeka Qwabe has also been nominated despite her relative inexperience.

    The Liberal Party’s candidates, Shadow President Felicia Winters and her running mate Isolde Rochester, have launched their presidential campaign. Several independent candidates are challenging the two main political parties, but only the famous entrepreneur Zachary Rackham is being viewed as a serious threat.

  • March 16, 3309
  • Ammonia World Survey Concludes

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis and Universal Cartographics have announced that the project to survey ammonia worlds has ended satisfactorily.

    Special mention goes to Commander aRadish, Commander Lone WolfPack and Commander T'Verez for their efforts.

    The exploration initiative was praised by Congressman Tom Gillespie, who oversees Federal contributions to Aegis:

    “An impressive number of terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres were scanned and catalogued over the last two weeks. Universal Cartographics certainly considers the project to be a great success, and I know our xenological scientists do too.”

    “This is the kind of task for which independent Commanders are absolutely unmatched in dedication and expertise, and they remain our indispensable allies.”

    Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Imperial military liaison to Aegis, added:

    “This information is of considerable strategic value. Each system containing an ammonia world will be monitored using concealed sensor buoys. This will alert Aegis to the presence of Thargoid vessels or Maelstrom manifestations. Advance warnings will provide increased time to evacuate systems or mount pre-emptive strikes.”

    Pilots can receive payment for their exploration data at Angus Manwaring starport in the Eta Cassiopeiae system. The promised x3 multiplier on exploration data profits for the next two weeks has also commenced, with Universal Cartographics providing this through its starport contacts.

  • Aegis Recommends Preventative Anti-Xeno Tactic

    Pilots Federation Alert

    An analysis of the ongoing Thargoid war has been released by Aegis and made available to all superpower and independent navies.

    The focus of the report centres on protecting systems at threat of Thargoid invasion. It suggests that anti-xeno forces are primarily fighting Thargoid invasion fleets which have already arrived, understandable due to the immediate risk to civilian life. However, Aegis proposes that increasing defensive efforts for systems at threat of invasion would be a more efficient way of slowing the spread of Thargoid-controlled territory.

    Commodore Emil Varga provided a statement alongside the report’s release:

    “The effort required to repel an invasion fleet is far higher than dissuading that fleet from entering a system in the first place.”

    “We believe that Thargoids have assumed a ‘path of least resistance’ approach to expansion. Thanks to the efforts of our skilled pilots, we have sufficient evidence to show that Thargoids will not deploy a full strength force in locations where advance Thargoid vessels encounter heavy resistance.”

    “The Orthrus vessels, in particular, appear key to prepping systems for invasion. The exact mechanisms in which they do so are yet to be verified, but an Orthrus appears to provide key logistical details about an expansion target. It is clear that invading Thargoid vessels know exactly where to emerge from hyperspace to attack local ports and tactical assets. Destroying Orthrus ships may be key to safeguarding an alerted system.”

    As an incentive to draw combat pilots to systems on alert, combat bonds payouts on Orthrus vessels have been increased.

  • March 14, 3309
  • Federal Eyes on Congress Debate

    Preliminary motions on the forthcoming Hudson Contravention vote have begun in Federal Congress.

    The proposal, named after President Zachary Hudson’s call to suspend the 77th amendment to the Federal Accord, is a point of significant contention. If approved, Hudson would be eligible to run for another term in this year’s presidential elections, breaking with centuries of constitutional law.

    Supporters of the proposal, led by Hudson’s cabinet, point to the ongoing conflict with the Thargoids as a primary reason to vote in favour. With the significant escalation in Thargoid aggression and the loss of hundreds of systems, it has been argued that a change of leadership could weaken the Federation’s ability to defend itself.

    Opponents have called the move a ‘dictatorial’ tactic which uses the fear of alien attack to influence public opinion. Felicia Winters, the Liberal candidate and current shadow president, recently discussed this further during an interview with the Federal Free Press:

    “In these difficult times we cannot forget who we are, or what makes the Federation great. The 77th amendment was established in 2594, and has defined the presidential length of service ever since. This structure not only provides clarity to the people who use their vote to inform Federal governance, but also to each individual entrusted with the honour of the presidency. To change it now would send a message that we have lost faith in the Federation’s political mechanism.”

    The official vote on the Hudson Contravention motion is expected to take place next week.

  • March 2, 3309
  • Caustic Sink Launcher Aids Maelstrom Exploration

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis’s initiative in the Duamta system has kick-started production of a ship module designed for caustic environments.

    Shipments of advanced catalysers, heatsink interlinks and palladium were delivered following a request from Professor Alba Tesreau. Pilots also provided tissue samples extracted from the caustic generators inside each Maelstrom, which are a vital component of these modules. Manufacturing bases have now been established, allowing stocks of the caustic sink launcher to reach the public market.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, head of xenological research at Gateway Laboratories, published a statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “The Thargoids have developed powerful defences to prevent their enemies reaching the heart of the Maelstroms. The dangerously caustic gas clouds are an effective deterrent, and have sadly claimed the lives of many intrepid pilots.”

    “So, the caustic sink launcher is an exciting breakthrough that will both save lives and facilitate vital data recovery. Now that ships can survive for longer within the clouds, the acquisition and study of tissue samples and caustic shards should increase. The next priority for Aegis is to study the massive energy surges that prevent access to the inner region of a Maelstrom.”

    Aegis has invited all pilots who took part in the delivery initiative to collect their rewards from the Orunmilla in the Duamta system.

  • Explorers Needed for Ammonia World Survey

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Universal Cartographics has announced a two-week initiative to locate planets with ammonia atmospheres.

    The survey was outlined by Cynthia Sideris, chairperson of Universal Cartographics:

    “Aegis has urgently requested an update to our database of terrestrial planets with ammonia atmospheres. It is no coincidence that each Maelstrom is located in a system containing such worlds, given that Thargoid biochemistry is ammonia-based.”

    “We are therefore liaising with Aegis to chart as many ammonia worlds as possible. As well as contributing to xenological research, our intent is to identify potential staging grounds for Thargoid fleets and arrival points for additional Maelstroms.”

    “Over the next two weeks, pilots can obtain increased payouts for delivering cartographic survey data to Angus Manwaring starport in the Eta Cassiopeiae system. Only ammonia world data will be recognised for the purpose of the survey campaign, however, with detailed surface scans particularly appreciated.”

    As an incentive for participation, general cartographic data payouts will be multiplied for a further period if the initiative is successful. The multiplier will depend on the campaign tier achieved.

    The most recent survey of this kind took place in 3306, when Sirius Atmospherics claimed to be developing a method of terraforming ammonia worlds for human habitation. Dr Maximilian North has since stated that the project is on hold following “practical obstacles impacting our ecosphere conversion theories”.

  • February 23, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: February 3309

    An overview of recent developments regarding the Thargoid conflict, as reported by Jade Sanderlyn on the Vox Galactica newsfeed.

    “Over the last month, Thargoid fleets have continued expanding outwards from the eight Maelstroms. The front lines of the war are relentlessly encroaching deeper into the core systems, leaving desolation and death in their wake.”

    “A dedicated resistance force won a few precious victories, with 61 systems fully liberated from Thargoid control. But compared to the 634 systems that have been overrun, it would be optimistic to suggest the aliens’ advance is being significantly impeded at this stage.”

    “Fierce fighting has also broken out in the California and Witch Head Nebulas. It’s been speculated that the Thargoids seek to secure the barnacle sites seeded in those regions millennia ago… a reminder that this species may view all of our space as its original territory.”

    “Despite these grim developments, practical support arrived in the form of Azimuth Biotech’s experimental weapons stabilisers and Professor Palin’s improved xeno scanner. Both were welcomed by independent pilots, increasing their chances of triumphing over the powerful Thargoid vessels.”

    “Of course, the biggest news is the resurrection of Aegis. Key figures in the Alliance, Empire and Federation managed to re-establish the anti-xeno agency that was once abandoned in favour of Salvation. Already there are promises of technological breakthroughs, including the ability for ships to better withstand the caustic hell inside the Maelstroms.”

    “As our best and brightest work together in earnest, time will tell if they can prevent this war from overwhelming us all. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • Aegis Launches Caustic Sink Launcher Initiative

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Deliveries are requested in Duamta to fast-track production of a module that protects ships in caustic environments.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, the head of Aegis, provided these details:

    “We are grateful to Aden Tanner for personally testing our prototype caustic sink launcher. The electrochemical reaction within the Maelstrom cloud was successfully channelled into semi-liquid anodes for ejection. This kept the ship hull intact for considerably longer before Tanner was forced to withdraw.”

    “Aegis is setting up manufacturing and distribution centres to make the caustic sink launcher widely available. The Alliance, Empire and Federation will all contribute, but we know that the process can be accelerated with the direct support of the galactic community.”

    “Therefore, we have an open order for shipments of advanced catalysers, heatsink interlinks and palladium. We also require caustic tissue samples obtained from the caustic generators that can be found inside the Maelstrom clouds. I urge pilots to exercise caution as these are highly dangerous to obtain, but crucial to the modules’ manufacturing process.”

    Pilots can deliver these resources to the Orunmilla in the Duamta system. Aegis confirmed that the first commercially produced caustic sink launchers will be awarded to the initiative’s top contributors.

    Xenological research groups have reacted positively to this development. Director Ivano Colombera of the Imperial Science Academy stated:

    “Aegis has immediately justified its reformation with this contribution to the war effort. The caustic sink launcher will allow more data on the Maelstroms to be gathered, thus furthering our understanding of the Thargoids’ capabilities.”

  • February 20, 3309
  • Maelstrom Protection Technology Undergoes Testing

    Aegis has produced a prototype module that increases a ship’s ability to survive within caustic environments.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the newly reformed agency, published this statement:

    “The blueprints provided by Petra Olmanova have been rapidly developed by Aegis’s newly acquired chemical engineers, metallurgists and ship technicians. Utilising their combined skills, they have constructed a working prototype.”

    “This new module functions along similar lines to a heatsink launcher. It is designed to channel the corrosive reaction experienced within a Thargoid Maelstrom to specific replaceable anodes prior to ejection, thereby extending a ship’s range and operating time. We hope this will allow more data to be acquired about these mysterious objects.”

    “Aden Tanner has volunteered to personally pilot the ship in the live tests taking place this week. Time is of the essence, since the humanitarian cost of the Thargoid invasions rises every day.”

    Rear Admiral Daniel Parry, the Federal Navy’s military liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “I’ve served under Admiral Tanner, and his involvement with these test flights doesn’t surprise me one bit. He takes pride is never sending personnel on assignments he wouldn’t undertake personally. But he’s also sending a message: Aegis will no longer rely so heavily on independent pilots risking their lives. While Commanders of the Pilots’ Federation are still our most adaptable and reliable field agents, Aegis will seek to work alongside them wherever possible.”

  • February 17, 3309
  • Princess Aisling ‘Understood Risk of Speaking Out’

    Princess Aisling Duval has assumed oversight of the Empire’s contributions to the tri-superpower agency Aegis.

    She discussed her new role during an interview with The Imperial Herald:

    “Loathe though I was to defy the Emperor’s decree, every instinct told me that the Aegis initiative can develop methods of protecting the Empire from enormous losses in this war. I’m grateful that Arissa recognised the value of my plea.”

    “I’ve been liaising with Professor Alba Tesreau, as well as Dr Fonseca, Vice Admiral Anderson and the rest of my team. Our challenge is to make the most of the Imperial resources allocated to Aegis.”

    “It’s true that I was critical of Aegis’s effectiveness in the past, but I’ve always believed that cooperation with other superpowers can bring mutual benefits. The mass slaughter inflicted by the Thargoids eclipses the NMLA’s atrocities – a challenge we faced together. We must trust each other now as we did then.”

    The newsfeed also featured a response from Hadrian Augustus Duval:

    “It’s gratifying to see that Patreus and Torval aren’t as influential as they think they are. Yet that doesn’t mean Aisling is right. The Empire must not chain itself to the Alliance and Federation once again. The Emperor can be ruthless when it suits her, as I know only too well, but in this case she lacks the courage of her convictions.”

    Royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard observed:

    “This is a calculated move by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. If Aegis fails, her isolationist policy will be vindicated. If Aegis succeeds, she can claim credit for permitting this exception. The risk is whether the public would credit an Aegis-assisted victory over the Thargoids to the Princess. Such an outcome would increase Aisling’s popularity and political capital to a level Arissa is unlikely to tolerate for long.”

  • February 16, 3309
  • Thargoids Devastate Witch Head Enclave

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Populated systems in the Witch Head Nebula have been overrun by Thargoid fleets, resulting in widespread chaos.

    Thargoid vessels have directly targeted starports and planetary bases, leaving tens of thousands of casualties. With the nebula located hundreds of light years from the core systems, rescue services are struggling to aid the fleeing survivors.

    Vox Galactica published a fragmented message transmitted by the engineer Chloe Sedesi:

    “…emergency SOS from the Shenve system. The Thargoids… full-scale invasion. They’ve hit us hard. The… evacuated my team and abandoned Cinder Dock. We’re trying to get clear from… swarms of them, in every direction we turn. If anyone’s receiving this, we’re…”

    Captain Warren Lamar, head of security for the Alliance Expeditionary Pact, made this statement:

    “In recent years we’ve fought off several Thargoid strikes, but the sheer scale of these attacks is unprecedented. The Golden Stag megaship in Onoros has been destroyed, with most of our forces scattered. I’ve urgently requested reinforcements from the Alliance, but we are desperate for immediate support.”

    The Witch Head Enclave was established in 3305 following the discovery of barnacle sites, which were commercially exploited by the Alliance as sources of meta-alloys. Dr Maximo Fonseca and other leading xenologists believe that securing barnacle-rich systems is part of the Thargoids’ expansion strategy.

  • February 13, 3309
  • Aegis Returns

    The anti-xeno agency Aegis has been officially reformed by the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

    Aegis was initially founded in 3303 to centralise research into the Thargoids, as well as coordinate defence and rescue operations. It was disbanded in 3308 following accusations of incompetence in the wake of the Alexandria disaster and the subsequent findings of the Baumann Report. The recent escalation of the Thargoid War and calls for renewed collaboration between the superpowers have led to a reversal of that decision.

    Professor Alba Tesreau will serve as the head of the revived organisation. She provided details at a press conference:

    “Aegis remains humanity’s best hope of ending this calamitous war with the Thargoids. Its priority is to better understand the alien species through scientific research, and to utilise those findings to improve our defensive and weapon capabilities.”

    “Each superpower has appointed an individual to oversee its contributions: Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran for the Alliance, Princess Aisling Duval for the Empire, and Congressman Tom Gillespie for the Federation. We have also invited many independent specialists to partner with Aegis, including Professor Ishmael Palin, Ram Tah and a previous key member of Aegis, Aden Tanner.”

    “Criticism from the Baumann Report has been taken on board. Our new organisational structure follows the streamlined approach used by the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism Unit to great success. To improve coordination, a limited application of Omega Grid networking will facilitate rapid and secure communications between key members.”

    “Aegis’s first research project is already underway. The engineer Petra Olmanova has approached us with preliminary designs for a method of allowing ships to survive longer within the Maelstroms’ corrosive clouds. We have assigned several metallurgy and chemistry experts to develop this further.”