Galactic News

  • March 24, 3308
  • Rival Initiatives to Decide Reorte’s Future

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Deliveries to the Reorte Mining Coalition or the Reorte Pro-Alliance League will help determine the system’s status.

    The system’s controlling faction wishes to declare independence, in protest against Sirius Corporation’s proposed anti-xeno defence pact with the Alliance Defence Force.

    The Reorte Mining Coalition’s CEO Fergus Cassidy announced:

    “Prime Minister Mahon’s insistence on working with Sirius leads us to believe our interests are best served outside of the Alliance. To prepare for Reorte’s potential transition to an independent system, we ask for shipments of advanced medicines, skimmer components and building fabricators to be delivered to Davies High starport.”

    It is expected that if Reorte Mining Coalition is successful, all systems currently under its governance would similarly be classified as independent.

    Another faction in the system, the Reorte Pro-Alliance League, broadcast a statement in opposition by chief administrator Louisa Leblanc:

    “Severing Reorte’s links with the Alliance over some misguided idealism would be hasty and short-sighted, given the Thargoid threat this pact is intended to prepare for. We believe that increasing supplies of advanced medicines, skimmer components and building fabricators will reassure the public of the benefits of membership.”

    “The Alioth Independents faction has kindly provided a megaship, the Trobairitz, where pilots can deliver these commodities.”

    Although Sirius Corporation is not officially involved with these competing initiatives, it is offering pre-engineered heat sink modules to independent pilots who make deliveries to the Trobairitz.

  • March 23, 3308
  • Taurus Mining Ventures Begins Scientific Study

    The megaships Musashi and Heart of Taurus have entered the Synuefe CE-R c21-6 system to perform a mining-related research operation.

    Taurus Mining Ventures is an independent mining corporation closely associated with Salvation. It has acted as his intermediary in recent months, directly supporting his efforts to combat the Thargoids.

    Dr Ruben Carpenter, head of the company’s research division, provided a statement:

    “We have recorded some unusual radioactive signatures in the Synuefe CE-R c21-6 system. This has had a transformative effect on the molecular structure of certain naturally occurring substances.”

    “Our objective is to perform a detailed analysis of these irradiated materials and determine if they have value as mineable resources. Customised laboratories have been set up aboard both megaships, and work is already underway.”

    The Empirical, an independent journal aimed at the scientific community, commented:

    “As yet, the detection of atypical radiation signatures within CE-R c21-6 has not been verified by secondary sources. Our editorial team has reached out to Taurus Mining Ventures for clarification.”

  • March 18, 3308
  • Alliance Strives to Retain Reorte

    The megaship Trobairitz has arrived in the Reorte system to support the efforts of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League.

    In recent weeks, the Reorte system has forced the expulsion of Sirius Corporation and refused to accept the strategic defence pact. Since then, there have been proposals from its controlling faction to renounce Allied membership and declare independence. But this has galvanised others to campaign for Reorte to remain in the Alliance.

    Louisa Leblanc, chief administrator of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League, gave a statement to The Alliance Tribune:

    “The proposed partnership with Sirius Corporation Is restricted to increasing defences against the Thargoids. We do not believe this will be disruptive enough to justify losing all the myriad benefits of membership in the Alliance.”

    “The Reorte Pro-Alliance League is pleased to be supported by the Alioth Independents faction. A megaship, the Trobairitz, has been supplied to us and will serve as the centre of our campaign for Reorte to remain an Allied system.”

    Sirius Corporation has officially stated that this situation is an internal matter for the Alliance. Sources within the Alioth Independents suggest that Sirius Corporation delegates has been briefed on the situation.

  • March 9, 3308
  • Trial Period Agreed for Alliance-Sirius Pact

    The Alliance and Sirius Corporation have negotiated a three-month probationary period for its proposed anti-xeno defence agreement.

    In response to a summons by Councillor Nakato Kaine, CEO Li Yong-Rui appeared in person before the Assembly. As part of a longer speech he stated:

    “I fully understand that, in order to be effective, the strategic defence pact requires broader political support. But to share its details before the Alliance can experience its benefits may lead to hasty decisions.”

    “Instead, we propose that Sirius Corporation is provided with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can enhance Allied security against the Thargoids. At the end of a contractually defined period of time, the Assembly can review the pact and decide whether or not to continue with our partnership.”

    Following further discussions, Yong-Rui accepted that the probationary period would be reduced to three months from the originally suggested six. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude that a solution had been reached.

    Councillor Ainsley Niven, representing the Reorte system, sounded a cautionary note:

    “Frankly, some Allied factions won’t tolerate Sirius’s presence for three minutes let alone three months. I fear that this will not be enough to convince all of our member systems to cooperate.”

  • March 2, 3308
  • Aegis Demands Reinstatement

    The leaders of Aegis have formally petitioned the Alliance, Empire and Federation to reform the anti-xeno organisation.

    Although all three superpowers are in the process of building their own taskforces to replace Aegis, they have been unable to assist against a recent surge of Thargoid incursions.

    Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong gave a statement to the press:

    “Surviving members of the leadership council have submitted an appeal to reverse the decision to disband Aegis. The essence of our case is that the superpowers are currently distracted by various internal situations, but the Thargoids care nothing for our politics and must be met with a unified show of force.”

    “Aegis support ships have recently been repurposed by other crews in several regions, including the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. But they could have been operated officially by our trained personnel, if only we were allowed to do our job.”

    “In addition to the increasing Thargoid threat, the rediscovery of the Alexandria in the Wregoe TC-X B29-0 system proves that Azimuth still exists. This sinister group slaughtered four thousand people to obtain Guardian artefacts, and we have logs proving it performed unlicensed xenological research in recent years. Aegis could provide centralised opposition to these criminals as well as defending against alien attack.”

  • February 18, 3308
  • Pilots Form Vanguard Against Thargoid Attacks

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Commanders are resisting Thargoid incursions in the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems.

    Although Aegis support vessels have been repurposed to offer support in all three systems, the organisation remains officially disbanded. It has fallen to individual pilots to defend the populations from swarms of Thargoid vessels.

    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy all intend to replace Aegis with their own anti-xeno taskforces, but these have yet to materialise. This was remarked upon by independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse:

    “We’ve got the Alliance trying to sell its own people to Sirius Corporation, the Empire somehow misplacing its own Emperor, and the Federation being torn to pieces by its crazy president… who’s got time to worry about Thargoids? I’ll tell you who: the civilians in the systems they’re invading! Our so-called leaders are praying that Salvation will step in and save the day, but he could be an alien himself for all we know!”

    Commodore Morag Halloran, who serves as Salvation’s military coordinator, was approached by Vox Galactica to comment on his strategy for combating the latest Thargoid activity:

    “Salvation is currently focused on further development of the anti-xeno superweapon. At present this is the most efficient use of his time and resources, rather than small-scale engagement. Rest assured that, before long, we shall take the fight to the Thargoids once more.”

  • February 11, 3308
  • New Thargoid Assaults in Three Systems

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The HIP 12314, Dan and Nauni systems have come under heavy attack by Thargoid vessels.

    Vox Galactica featured this report by freelance war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn:

    “The Thargoids have been unusually aggressive in recent months, as attested by the drifting wreckages of many independent ships. When Salvation repelled their forces from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems in December, some believed it was only a matter of time before the aliens retaliated. It appears that time has come.”

    “Although the Thargoid species is often viewed as territorial, on this occasion they have pushed further towards human space. Authorities in all three systems were unprepared for the incursions and have sent out a general call for assistance.”

    “The superpowers are still in the process of forming their anti-xeno taskforces, and thus unable to help. Fortunately, despite Aegis being officially defunct, some of its support megaships have yet to be decommissioned. These have been staffed with emergency crews and rushed into service in all three systems.”

    “As pilots race into combat once more, many must be wondering if the risks are now even greater. Have the Thargoids extended their reach into human space? Which systems might they strike at next? And is further escalation a price to be paid every time Salvation’s superweapon is deployed?”

  • February 7, 3308
  • The Fall of Aegis

    Shutdown procedures for the anti-xeno organisation are continuing, despite Aegis’s warnings that Azimuth has returned.

    Conrad Sterling reported on the situation for Vox Galactica:

    “We now know that the Alexandria megaship was targeted by a hostile force that could be Azimuth Biochemicals, the 200-year-old corporation which owned the Adamastor and Hesperus. In the face of this new evidence, Aegis leaders have petitioned for it to be reinstated.”

    “Even while accounting for this new evidence, the Baumann Report has exposed a litany of organisational failures within Aegis. There is still a broad consensus among politicians that the organisation should have done more to repel the Thargoids.”

    “Many senior military figures have switched focus to Aegis’s controversial rival Salvation, despite his mysterious nature. As one Imperial Navy admiral succinctly put it: ‘Salvation’s methods have proved more effective in counteracting the Thargoid threat.’”

    “The issue of military staff defections also appears to have been resolved. Alliance, Federal and Imperial fleets have opened channels of secondment, allowing naval crews to voluntarily take positions aboard Salvation’s vessels without resigning their commissions.”

    “However, one of Aegis’s requests has been authorised. There will be a public ceremony to posthumously award medals of honour to Captain Jacob Morales and the four thousand people who lost their lives aboard the Alexandria.”

  • February 3, 3308
  • Sirius Corporation Ejected from Reorte

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Reorte Mining Coalition has succeeded in forcing Sirius Corporation to withdraw from the Reorte system.

    Despite the megacorp’s strategic defence pact with the Alliance, Reorte’s controlling faction claimed the Sirius megaship Chariot of Rhea was an illegal intruder. This resulted in open conflict, which has ended with Sirius Corporation’s defeat.

    Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, transmitted this message:

    “With the support of many brave pilots, we have prevented Sirius from sinking its claws into the Reorte system. I hope our victory will convince the Alliance’s leaders to think twice about their deal with the devil.”

    Captain Delfina Dominguez has confirmed that Sirius Corporation has started to withdraw from Reorte. The megaship Chariot of Rhea will leave Reorte and jump to the Leesti system pending further discussions with Allied leaders.

    Sources have confirmed that permits to the Alioth and Sirius systems have been allocated to independent pilots depending on the faction they supported during the conflict.

    The Assembly has held emergency meetings to debate this turn of events. Councillor Ainsley Niven, who represents the Reorte system, delivered a warning to Prime Minister Mahon:

    “You have invited Sirius Corporation to provide military aid against the Thargoids, but without seeking the approval of those we are pledged to protect. That is not the way of the Alliance, no matter how grave the threat.”

  • January 31, 3308
  • ‘Azimuth has Survived’ Warns Aegis

    Information recovered from the Alexandria has prompted Aegis to insist that it was not responsible for the loss of the megaship’s crew and cargo.

    The wreckage of the Alexandria was recently located in the Wregoe TC-X B29-0 system. There were no survivors, but fragments of the commanding officer’s log were found.

    Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong published this statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “The logs made by Captain Jacob Morales tell a bleak tale. The Alexandria was deliberately sabotaged to leave it stranded and powerless. They were met by an unidentified group posing as a rescue team, who slaughtered most of the crew and hijacked the Guardian artefacts. The survivors later made a desperate attempt to initiate the hyperdrive, which sadly led to their destruction.”

    “We can now prove that the Alexandria’s loss was not caused by negligence, as claimed by the Baumann Report. In reality, the megaship was snared in a trap laid by an organised quasi-military force.”

    “Furthermore, Captain Morales discovered that the raiders worked for someone they referred to as ‘the Witch’. That name was mentioned in logs discovered at HIP 22460 regarding Project Seraph – vile experiments perpetrated by Azimuth researchers to install human test pilots into Thargoid vessels.”

    “This evidence suggests that Azimuth Biochemicals has survived in some form over the last two hundred years, and remains focused on aggressive xenological research. Aegis must be reinstated immediately to counter this dangerous organisation before more lives are lost.”

  • January 24, 3308
  • Reorte Resists Sirius Corporation

    The presence of Sirius Corporation in the Reorte system at the Alliance’s invitation has been challenged by the controlling faction.

    In its new role as a strategic defence partner, Sirius Corporation recently established itself in several Alliance systems. But its megaship in Reorte, Chariot of Rhea, has found itself blockaded by system security and refused permission to offload cargo or personnel.

    A broadcast was made by Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition:

    “Councillor Kaine is right to say that Sirius is acting illegally. The prime minister did not consult us or any other Allied faction on working with them, and there’s good reason to be sceptical of their motives. We regard the Chariot of Rhea as an intruder and insist that it leaves immediately.”

    Li Yong-Rui has assured Alliance leaders that Sirius Corporation will only be collaborating on anti-Thargoid defence projects. He stressed that there will be no disruption to any local civil or commercial activity.

    The Alliance Tribune commented on the situation:

    “Many Allied systems welcomed the news that our military is being bolstered by Sirius Corporation. But others expressed disapproval, particularly among the Old Worlds where the populations tend to be more sceptical of change. What happens in Reorte could determine whether or not the new defence pact becomes widely accepted.”

  • January 22, 3308
  • The Return of the Alexandria

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Aegis megaship Alexandria, which vanished in hyperspace seven months ago, has been found in the Wregoe TC-X B29-0 system.

    A select group of independent pilots located the Alexandria following a search instigated by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis. She was forced to resign as a result of the Baumann Report, which was instigated by the controversial loss of this megaship.

    In June 3307, the Alexandria was pursued by Thargoid vessels due to a considerable number of Guardian artefacts held on board. It initiated a hyperspace jump to the HIP 30944 system to offload its cargo but never arrived. The megaship was assumed to have been hyperdicted by the Thargoids, resulting in the death of all four thousand crewmembers.

    According to on-site witnesses, the remains of the Alexandria are currently scattered across the planetary rings of Wregoe TC-X b29-0 AB 2 A. Ships are investigating the debris, but so far have not reported finding any survivors or Guardian relics.

    Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong made a public statement:

    “Losing the Alexandria was as tragic as it was mysterious, but we now have an opportunity to learn what happened. Aegis should remain operational until a full analysis has been completed and we can understand the cause of the megaship’s destruction.”

  • January 21, 3308
  • Federal Government Plans for the Future

    President Zachary Hudson has delivered a speech to Congress on maintaining security for the Federation in the coming years.

    Excerpts from his address include the following:

    “In the last year, we have excelled at protecting Federal citizens from harm. The Proactive Detection Bureau proved its worth in locating terrorists before they could strike, and our security services played an instrumental role in the NMLA’s defeat.”

    “3308 is already bringing many challenges. The war against the Thargoids could escalate at any time, and we face the challenge of replacing Aegis with our own anti-xeno taskforce. We are also deeply concerned about increased infighting within the Alliance and Empire, which could easily spill over into our territory.”

    “My administration is holding high-level discussions about how best to keep the Federation strong and secure. We will soon make some brave proposals to continue meeting our people’s constitutional right to safety.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered this rebuttal:

    “President Hudson fails to mention his disastrous attempt to capture Yuri Grom, his former fleet admiral’s criminal conviction for destroying Starship One, or that his surveillance laws forced several systems to declare independence. I would argue that under his leadership, the Federation has never been weaker or less secure.”

  • January 18, 3308
  • Superpowers Plan to Replace Aegis

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have accepted the Baumann Report’s recommendation to permanently shut down Aegis.

    The independent inquiry’s findings on the organisation’s failings will result in Aegis being immediately shut down. However, Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong has cautioned that “full demobilisation of staff, ships and resources might take several months”.

    Senator Denton Patreus has successfully obtained senatorial approval for an increased military budget, to allow the Imperial Navy to directly take on the role played by Aegis.

    Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori likewise confirmed that the Federal Congress has ordered the creation of a new naval strike force. On his own authority he has also commissioned an investigation into Salvation, following Ram Tah’s testimony regarding the nature of the anti-xeno superweapon.

    Admiral Nikolas Glass, who was recently appointed to the Council of Admirals, stated that the Alliance Defence Force and Sirius Navy will work in conjunction to fulfil Aegis’s purpose.

    Xenological research laboratories set up by Professor Alba Tesreau will now transfer their work to specialist departments in the Holloway Bioscience Institute, Imperial Science Academy and Olympus Village University. In 3304 the Thargoids made targeted strikes against Aegis’s labs, but all three institutions have made assurances that the new locations will have the highest security.

  • January 14, 3308
  • Sirius Gov Enters the Alioth System

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has invited Sirius Corporation to establish a permanent presence within the Alliance.

    The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:

    “Sirius Corporation’s new role as a strategic defence partner has expanded swiftly, with a Sirius faction established in the Alioth system to represent the megacorp. In addition, several megaships have arrived in other Allied systems to provide support.”

    “The Alliance Defence Force and some government departments now have official advisors from Sirius Corporation on their staff. Prime Minister Mahon announced that these developments will streamline joint operations with the Sirius Navy, and in turn provide effective countermeasures against Thargoid aggression.”

    “But Councillor Nakato Kaine claims that the presence of Sirius Gov is illegal as it was not ratified by the Assembly. She has pointed out that since the defence pact makes this a classified military matter, any civil action to reverse Mahon’s executive decision has been deliberately blocked.”

  • November 2, 3308
  • Baumann Report: ‘Dismantle Aegis’

    The independent inquiry into Aegis has delivered its final conclusions and recommended that the organisation be closed down.

    Dr Paul Baumann, who chaired the board of inquiry, summarised the detailed report:

    “Aegis was established on solid foundations in 3303 with strong leadership. Over the years, poor mid-level management and general negligence reduced its effectiveness. A silo mentality developed, with each department focusing on itself rather than strategic goals.”

    “Reduced funding undoubtedly contributed to low morale among staff and a lack of any further breakthroughs in AX technology. But a reliance on independent pilots to combat the Thargoids became normalised, with some staff considering them ‘disposable mercenaries’.”

    “More specifically, the loss of the megaship Alexandria and the illegal attack against Hind Mine are both catastrophes that could have been anticipated and prevented. This board cannot in all conscience recommend any scenario that might enable further loss of life in Aegis’s name.”

    Observers have noted that the Baumann Report, as it is commonly referred to, does not discuss Salvation or suggest methods of replacing Aegis.

    In related news, the court martial of Admiral Aden Tanner has concluded with a verdict of guilty and a dishonourable discharge from the Federal Navy. However, his sentencing has been postponed by request from newly promoted Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori, who has ordered a full review of evidence provided by Ram Tah.

  • January 10, 3308
  • Sirius Navy Unites with Alliance Defence Force

    A new member has been appointed to the Council of Admirals to represent Sirius Corporation as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner.

    Political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

    “There are always six seats on the Council of Admirals, taken by senior military commanders from the largest regional fleets. Not only is this the first time that a seventh position has been created, it’s also the first to come from outside the Alliance.”

    “The new addition is Admiral Nikolas Glass, a highly decorated officer with the Sirius Navy. His new role is to coordinate the Alliance’s anti-Thargoid operations, which from now on will be directly supported by Sirius Corporation.”

    “Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin both endorsed this development as a way of strengthening the Alliance Defence Force, which lacks the might of the Federal or Imperial Navy. Many member systems have demanded increased protection against the Thargoid threat, so this news is likely to be well received.”

    “As expected, Councillor Nakato Kaine opposed the defence pact, with Admiral George Varma also critical of ‘merging commercial interests with military matters’. Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran also admitted that she abstained during the recent joint vote, but chose not to elaborate on her reasons. So it seems that the Assembly is not fully confident about this union with Sirius Corporation.”

  • January 5, 3308
  • Ram Tah’s Revelations Halt Court Martial

    The military trial of Admiral Aden Tanner has been suspended following evidence provided by Ram Tah as a witness for the defence.

    The Federal Navy tribunal was called to consider multiple charges – including mutiny – held against Tanner, the chief military liaison to Aegis. While commanding the Musashi megaship, he attempted to gain access to Hind Mine station and locate evidence regarding Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon.

    Admiral Tanner’s defence attorney opened a live link with Phoenix Base to allow Ram Tah to provide the following testimony:

    “We have analysed the classified experimental equipment that was recently delivered to enable Salvation’s superweapons. These components are near-identical to devices found at the Proteus research facility on Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2. In 3113, an Azimuth Biochemicals science team conducted weapons testing using Guardian artefacts from this site, accidentally triggering a radiation surge which resulted in their deaths.”

    “My hypothesis is that Salvation has constructed large-scale versions of the Proteus design. These generate a powerful electromagnetic pulse at frequencies which disrupt the Thargoids’ bio-mechanical technology.”

    “It’s highly probable that this is based on an existing Guardian weapon discovered by the Proteus. This would explain why its presence within a system attracts Thargoid vessels.”

    The Federal Navy Criminal Court announced that Admiral Tanner’s court martial has been temporarily suspended while the new evidence is reviewed.

  • January 3, 3308
  • Alliance and Sirius Agree Defence Pact

    Sirius Corporation has signed an agreement to provide the Alliance with ships, materials and personnel to help combat the Thargoids.

    The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals held a rare joint vote on the issue of inviting the megacorp to become a strategic defence partner. The motion was debated in private and reportedly passed by a slim majority.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon told The Alliance Tribune:

    “The danger posed by the Thargoids is increasing once more, perhaps accelerated by the loss of Aegis and a lack of any binding treaty between the superpowers. It is vital that we make a proactive decision to maintain security for Alliance systems.”

    “Sirius Corporation will work closely with the Alliance Defence Force to reinforce our member vessels, focusing exclusively on anti-xeno operations. In return, new commercial agreements will provide the company with increased access to certain financial endeavours.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine spoke on behalf of several disapproving members of the Assembly:

    “We are already too entwined with this ruthless corporate giant, so to hand our defences over to them is another blow to the Alliance’s identity. It is also convenient that the details of the pact remain classified under military restrictions. We don’t even know what price we’re paying to hire Sirius to be our guard dog.”

  • December 31, 3307
  • A Retrospective of 3307 (Part Four)

    The last in a series that reviews the events of the past year, by noted historian Sima Kalhana.

    “October brought further controversy for the Federation, when a diplomatic conference in the Delta Pavonis system was revealed to be a honey trap designed to capture Yuri Grom. Only a rush of support for EG Union allowed their ruler to escape, causing political embarrassment for President Hudson.”

    “There was more corporate drama when Zemina Torval relinquished her long-held majority sharehold of Mastopolos Mining, fuelling rumours of a family rift with her cousins. Torval Mining Ltd became a fully independent corporation run by her daughter Constantia.”

    “The Colonia Bridge project officially started the first of two phases this year which would see the construction of 56 megaships between the Alcor and Colonia systems. Brewer Corporation enjoyed great public support for improving this travel corridor along the 22,000 light year journey, and revealed plans to enhance it further in the new year.”

    “Hadrian Duval, his wife Lady Astrid and their unborn child were the specific targets of another starport bombing by the NMLA. It proved unsuccessful, but did result in the Imperial Senate offering them protection in order to secure the Duval bloodline. It also led to a manhunt for Theta Seven, the galaxy’s most wanted terrorist.”

    “In November, Orion University claimed that the dredger occupied by the Scriveners Clan was legally their property, but the nomadic descendants of its original crew refused to give up their home. The stand-off caught the public attention, with some supporting the clan’s right to independence and others keen to discover what their Knowledge Core contained. Ultimately the Scriveners retained their freedom, sailing off into the void with their secrets intact.”

    “Many were shocked when Admiral Tanner, Aegis’s military chief, went rogue and tried to force access to a starport controlled by Salvation’s allies. His conviction that the anti-xeno superweapons were responsible for provoking the Thargoids was, however, not enough to win the day.”

    “The NMLA threw everything they had at the Mudhrid system in an attempt to rescue Theta Seven, who was hiding among the Far God cult to avoid capture. But the terrorists were crushed by ACT and a coalition of ships, with Theta Seven martyring himself by destroying the hijacked megaship Sacrosanct.”

    “A happier event in December was the birth of Hector Duval, son and heir of Hadrian and Lady Astrid. There were celebrations across the Empire, but also questions asked about the future of the Duval dynasty and if the child might one day inherit the Imperial throne.”

    “The year ended as it had begun, with Thargoid vessels swarming into nebula systems. But with incursions steadily increasing over recent months, there were fears that this time they might prove unstoppable. Salvation’s superweapons were once again deployed to halt the aliens’ progress, but will they be enough to prevent the Thargoids from threatening humanity in 3308?”