Galactic News

  • May 26, 3305
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    Conflict has broken out in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system following a series of attacks against convoys transporting Guardian commodities. Zende Partners, who recently established a research operation in the system aided by a megaship transport service, have claimed the violence was organised by Segnen Exchange. Both corporations have called on the galactic community to support their respective security campaigns.

    In related news, the prior appeal by Zende Partners to install a technology broker at The Prospect in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 was successful. Guardian modules are now available for purchase at the outpost.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has called on President Gibson Kincaid to step down pending an official inquiry. Mahon has claimed that Kincaid’s unauthorised command of the Alliance’s Zaonce fleet, combined with recent claims of illegal campaign funding, is sufficient to suspend the presidency. Kincaid has dismissed the demands as unconstitutional.

    And finally, commentators have linked ship thief Gan Romero’s dream journal with the statements given by Jasmina Halsey following the disappearance of Starship One. The Rewired network claimed these ‘bodiless voices’ had disregarded the relative standing of these two individuals, and questioned how many others had experienced similar calls.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • May 25, 3305
  • Ship Thief Linked to Halsey’s Visions

    There has been much speculation about starship technician Gan Romero, whose dreams are believed to have directed him to steal a ship from a starport hangar.

    On the Rewired network, independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse offered this analysis:

    “Romero’s dream journal entries were very similar to Jasmina Halsey’s visions after the Starship One incident three years ago. Was this lowly grease monkey in touch with the same ‘caretakers of our galaxy’ that Halsey claims spoke to her?”

    “Sure, it could be coincidence. Maybe even a shared psychological disorder. But it seems possible that Halsey and Romero were telepathically contacted by the same incorporeal intelligence.”

    “You can see why they might want to talk to a Federal president. But a starport technician? What’s so special about Romero? If he’s telling the truth then who knows how many more ordinary people have heard these summons from ‘bodiless voices’ over the years?”

  • August 30, 3304
  • The Silence of Aisling Duval

    The date of Princess Aisling Duval’s wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester has passed without comment from either party.

    Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discussed the situation:

    “Public reaction to the cancelled wedding has ranged from outrage to delight. Jasmina Halsey expressed regret at a ‘lost opportunity for long-term peace’, while Senator Zemina Torval called it ‘the mercy killing of a catastrophically bad idea’.”

    “With no word from the Imperial Palace or the White House, it’s easy to imagine both Emperor Arissa and President Hudson breathing sighs of relief. But the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester rings loudest. What might they be feeling? Was their relationship terminated against their wishes? Did it ever really exist?”

    “Naturally I invited the princess to tell her story, but her previous openness is apparently a thing of the past. The Rochester family is also shying away from the media. Jarl Toredo, whose alleged affair with Aisling apparently derailed the marriage, has vanished from public sight.”

    “Was this a tragic love triangle, or just a political chess game? We may never know. But what’s certain is that, before long, Aisling Duval will put these failures behind her and be back in the spotlight where she belongs.”

  • August 29, 3304
  • The Silence of Aisling Duval

    The date of Princess Aisling Duval’s wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester has passed without comment from either party.

    Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discussed the situation:

    “Public reaction to the cancelled wedding has ranged from outrage to delight. Jasmina Halsey expressed regret at a ‘lost opportunity for long-term peace’, while Senator Zemina Torval called it ‘the mercy killing of a catastrophically bad idea’.”

    “With no word from the Imperial Palace or the White House, it’s easy to imagine both Emperor Arissa and President Hudson breathing sighs of relief. But the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester rings loudest. What might they be feeling? Was their relationship terminated against their wishes? Did it ever really exist?”

    “Naturally I invited the princess to tell her story, but her previous openness is apparently a thing of the past. The Rochester family is also shying away from the media. Jarl Toredo, whose alleged affair with Aisling apparently derailed the marriage, has vanished from public sight.”

    “Was this a tragic love triangle, or just a political chess game? We may never know. But what’s certain is that, before long, Aisling Duval will put these failures behind her and be back in the spotlight where she belongs.”

  • July 15, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma is the organisation’s coordinator, operating under the alias Nexus.

    The Church of Eternal Void has declared war on the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. The announcement has prompted a dramatic upswing in support for the Church, but security forces have issued reminders that the Far God sect is recognised as a religion, and that any hostility against its members would be considered a criminal act.

    A date has been set for the wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester. Senator Zemina Torval remains a vocal critic of the marriage, but Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey has expressed enthusiasm for the union.

    In other news, an appeal has been launched to find the owner of a lottery ticket worth one billion credits. The annual Galactic Jackpot is by far the most popular lottery game, but on this occasion the winner has yet to make a claim. Purchase of the winning ticket has been confirmed, but no data is available as to who bought the ticket or when.

    Cobra Wing, an independent organisation based in Ebor, has launched an initiative to build a new research outpost in the system. The outpost will support further research into the Thargoids, focusing specifically on the possibility of inter-species communication.

    Finally, Didiomanja Emperor's Grace has announced that its initiative has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of exotic food and drink, and mined resources, were delivered to Leydenfrost Dock over the past week, allowing the organisation to host a sumptuous banquet and construct a monument in honour of Admiral Mira Tiverion.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • July 14, 3304
  • Details of Aisling Duval’s Wedding Announced

    The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is now in the advanced planning stages, and a date has been confirmed for the ceremony.

    An official proclamation was printed in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald:

    “Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Ciemess system.”

    “Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple’s wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union.”

    There has been criticism of Princess Duval’s choice of husband, with some Imperial citizens voicing dismay at the forthcoming nuptials. Senator Zemina Torval continued to publicly air her disapproval:

    “This is nothing but a PR exercise, designed purely for political and financial gain. The princess should not be undermining the Empire’s policies for her own personal benefit.”

    But there is equal support for what many consider a genuine romance. Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, now acting as an advisor to the Alliance, stated:

    “I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities for peace that this marriage will bring. This relationship symbolises a new era of amity that will benefit all of humanity.”

  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma is the organisation’s coordinator, operating under the alias Nexus.

    The Church of Eternal Void has declared war on the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. The announcement has prompted a dramatic upswing in support for the Church, but security forces have issued reminders that the Far God sect is recognised as a religion, and that any hostility against its members would be considered a criminal act.

    A date has been set for the wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester. Senator Zemina Torval remains a vocal critic of the marriage, but Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey has expressed enthusiasm for the union.

    In other news, an appeal has been launched to find the owner of a lottery ticket worth one billion credits. The annual Galactic Jackpot is by far the most popular lottery game, but on this occasion the winner has yet to make a claim. Purchase of the winning ticket has been confirmed, but no data is available as to who bought the ticket or when.

    Cobra Wing, an independent organisation based in Ebor, has launched an initiative to build a new research outpost in the system. The outpost will support further research into the Thargoids, focusing specifically on the possibility of inter-species communication.

    Finally, Didiomanja Emperor's Grace has announced that its initiative has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of exotic food and drink, and mined resources, were delivered to Leydenfrost Dock over the past week, allowing the organisation to host a sumptuous banquet and construct a monument in honour of Admiral Mira Tiverion.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • July 13, 3304
  • Details of Aisling Duval’s Wedding Announced

    The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is now in the advanced planning stages, and a date has been confirmed for the ceremony.

    An official proclamation was printed in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald:

    “Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Ciemess system.”

    “Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple’s wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union.”

    There has been criticism of Princess Duval’s choice of husband, with some Imperial citizens voicing dismay at the forthcoming nuptials. Senator Zemina Torval continued to publicly air her disapproval:

    “This is nothing but a PR exercise, designed purely for political and financial gain. The princess should not be undermining the Empire’s policies for her own personal benefit.”

    But there is equal support for what many consider a genuine romance. Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, now acting as an advisor to the Alliance, stated:

    “I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities for peace that this marriage will bring. This relationship symbolises a new era of amity that will benefit all of humanity.”

  • April 22, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. His death is being treated as a homicide. A note found at the crime scene and believed to have been written by the murderer read: ‘For Jameson’. It has been confirmed that Cartesius was descended from a senior member of the INRA and it is assumed that the motive for the killing was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and the senator’s ancestor.

    Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. In the article, Grant is open minded about Halsey’s claims of encountering super-intelligent beings, while suggesting that her statements might be designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised. Grant concludes by saying: “Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen.”

    Meanwhile, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel. Once complete, the megaship will research life on Earth-like worlds and allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. In support of this goal, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for various commodities, and placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the campaign can do so safely.

    Finally, the Rind Gold Electronics Org has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre. A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org said: “As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential.”

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • April 21, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. His death is being treated as a homicide. A note found at the crime scene and believed to have been written by the murderer read: ‘For Jameson’. It has been confirmed that Cartesius was descended from a senior member of the INRA and it is assumed that the motive for the killing was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and the senator’s ancestor.

    Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. In the article, Grant is open minded about Halsey’s claims of encountering super-intelligent beings, while suggesting that her statements might be designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised. Grant concludes by saying: “Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen.”

    Meanwhile, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel. Once complete, the megaship will research life on Earth-like worlds and allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. In support of this goal, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for various commodities, and placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the campaign can do so safely.

    Finally, the Rind Gold Electronics Org has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre. A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org said: “As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential.”

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • April 20, 3304
  • Peace in Her Time: A Profile of Jasmina Halsey

    Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. Grant has described the report as a wide-ranging analysis that addresses “the political impact of a politician renouncing politics”.

    Key extracts from the article are reprinted below:

    “Some believe that Jasmina Halsey always intended to defect from the Federation and join the Alliance, where she currently acts as an advisor to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. Others assert that after years of inhumane politics, her conscience broke through – that she sought meaning by helping others and striving for concord between the powers.”

    “But it was Starship One’s destruction that transformed Halsey – something that she herself could not possibly have planned. Her subsequent ‘visions’ made her politically toxic, at least as far as the Federation was concerned, allowing her to simply walk away from presidential life. In that escape pod, she escaped from more than an exploding ship – she escaped her previous self.”

    “Critics argue that Halsey’s extraordinary claims of encountering super-intelligent beings and seeing paradise are meaningless without evidence. And yet, in a cosmos containing Thargoids and Guardians, can they be easily dismissed? Or are her outlandish claims designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised and make her into a messianic figure?”

    “If Halsey is walking a deliberate path, it remains an unstable one. Many in the Alliance have questioned why their leader is taking advice from a former psychiatric patient, let alone an ex-Federal President. Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen.”

  • April 19, 3304
  • Peace in Her Time: A Profile of Jasmina Halsey

    Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. Grant has described the report as a wide-ranging analysis that addresses “the political impact of a politician renouncing politics”.

    Key extracts from the article are reprinted below:

    “Some believe that Jasmina Halsey always intended to defect from the Federation and join the Alliance, where she currently acts as an advisor to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. Others assert that after years of inhumane politics, her conscience broke through – that she sought meaning by helping others and striving for concord between the powers.”

    “But it was Starship One’s destruction that transformed Halsey – something that she herself could not possibly have planned. Her subsequent ‘visions’ made her politically toxic, at least as far as the Federation was concerned, allowing her to simply walk away from presidential life. In that escape pod, she escaped from more than an exploding ship – she escaped her previous self.”

    “Critics argue that Halsey’s extraordinary claims of encountering super-intelligent beings and seeing paradise are meaningless without evidence. And yet, in a cosmos containing Thargoids and Guardians, can they be easily dismissed? Or are her outlandish claims designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised and make her into a messianic figure?”

    “If Halsey is walking a deliberate path, it remains an unstable one. Many in the Alliance have questioned why their leader is taking advice from a former psychiatric patient, let alone an ex-Federal President. Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen.”

  • October 28, 3303
  • Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War

    With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.

    Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:

    “Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”

    “I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”

  • October 27, 3303
  • Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War

    With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.

    Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:

    “Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”

    “I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”

  • October 20, 3303
  • Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War

    With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.

    Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:

    “Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”

    “I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”

  • July 1, 3303
  • Freelance Report: Fragile Unity in Federal Congress

    Following disturbing reports of attacks on Federal ships in the Pleiades Nebula, the partisan rancour that often characterises Federal Congress has faded into the background as both Republican and Liberal members of congress rally around President Zachary Hudson. Rumours that the attacks were perpetrated by the Thargoids abound, prompting calls for increased military spending.

    Emerging in the wake of the no-confidence vote that resulted in the expulsion of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, the bellicose Hudson administration was seen by many as emblematic of the Federation's uncertain path into the 34th century. But the possibility of an alien incursion is rapidly smoothing over the political sore points.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has been careful to neither endorse nor condemn Hudson’s militaristic rhetoric. Meanwhile, both the Republican and Liberal parties have remained silent on the post-presidential career of Jasmina Halsey, whose advocacy for galactic peace contrasts sharply with the hawkish leader who ordered planetary bombardments against onionhead growers in the Kappa Fornacis system. In the political press, attention has focused on the fact that Halsey has become a close confidante of Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon – another moderate voice on the intergalactic stage.


  • June 30, 3303
  • Freelance Report: Fragile Unity in Federal Congress

    Following disturbing reports of attacks on Federal ships in the Pleiades Nebula, the partisan rancour that often characterises Federal Congress has faded into the background as both Republican and Liberal members of congress rally around President Zachary Hudson. Rumours that the attacks were perpetrated by the Thargoids abound, prompting calls for increased military spending.

    Emerging in the wake of the no-confidence vote that resulted in the expulsion of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, the bellicose Hudson administration was seen by many as emblematic of the Federation's uncertain path into the 34th century. But the possibility of an alien incursion is rapidly smoothing over the political sore points.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has been careful to neither endorse nor condemn Hudson’s militaristic rhetoric. Meanwhile, both the Republican and Liberal parties have remained silent on the post-presidential career of Jasmina Halsey, whose advocacy for galactic peace contrasts sharply with the hawkish leader who ordered planetary bombardments against onionhead growers in the Kappa Fornacis system. In the political press, attention has focused on the fact that Halsey has become a close confidante of Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon – another moderate voice on the intergalactic stage.


  • June 9, 3303
  • Galactic News: Conflict in Jotunheim Draws to a Close

    Authorities in Jotunheim have announced that the operation to drive the Autocracy of Jotunheim from the system has succeeded.

    The organisation entered the system in order to bring it under Imperial control, but the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance was swiftly mobilised to repel the incursion.

    Both factions issued calls for support, and hundreds of independent combat pilots responded, but ultimately the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance emerged victorious. The Autocracy of Jotunheim has now withdrawn from the system.

    The success of the resistance operation was due in no small part to the support of Jasmina Halsey. Scores of pilots responded to her request for commodities, which were then donated to Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance.

    As the conflict drew to a close, representatives of the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance and the Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry thanked those who supported their operations.

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Big Harry's Monkey Hangout in the Jotunheim system.

  • June 8, 3303
  • Galactic News: Conflict in Jotunheim Draws to a Close

    Authorities in Jotunheim have announced that the operation to drive the Autocracy of Jotunheim from the system has succeeded.

    The organisation entered the system in order to bring it under Imperial control, but the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance was swiftly mobilised to repel the incursion.

    Both factions issued calls for support, and hundreds of independent combat pilots responded, but ultimately the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance emerged victorious. The Autocracy of Jotunheim has now withdrawn from the system.

    The success of the resistance operation was due in no small part to the support of Jasmina Halsey. Scores of pilots responded to her request for commodities, which were then donated to Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance.

    As the conflict drew to a close, representatives of the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance and the Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry thanked those who supported their operations.

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Big Harry's Monkey Hangout in the Jotunheim system.

  • June 2, 3303
  • Community Goal: The Battle for Jotunheim

    Recent reports from Jotunheim indicate that the Autocracy of Jotunheim, an Imperial-aligned organisation, has entered the system with a remit to bring it under Imperial control.

    Regional authorities have opposed the incursion, and have authorised the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance to drive the Autocracy of Jotunheim from the system. The Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance has also issued a call to independent combat pilots for support, promising to reward those who lend their aid. The Autocracy of Jotunheim has issued a similar plea.

    Meanwhile, peace activist Jasmina Halsey has surprised commentators by placing an open order for performance enhancers, armour and military grade fabrics, which she has pledged to donate to the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance in support of its operation. The Yum Kamcabi Purple Life Industry is coordinating Halsey’s appeal.

    Anticipating the furore her decision would cause, Halsey released the following statement:

    “I know I will be criticised for intervening in this conflict. But if those who oppose this war believe it can be stopped through peaceful protest alone, they are mistaken. If we do not help the people of Jotunheim, they will lose their homeland. We cannot stand idly by.”

    All three campaigns begin on the 1st of June 3303 and will run for one week. If any of the factions involved meets its targets earlier than planned, its campaign will end immediately.