Galactic News

  • March 28, 3309
  • Winters Announces Election Manifesto

    The Liberal Party has published a detailed political manifesto in advance of the Federation’s presidential election in June.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters summarised her party’s plans during a campaign rally on Rhea 3:

    “The freedoms and privileges of Federal citizens have been abused or ignored by the Hudson administration. Our vision for governance focuses on restoring the Federation’s core values, offering every individual the opportunities they deserve.”

    “As your democratically elected president, I will take great pleasure in dismantling the Proactive Detection Bureau on day one. The mass-monitoring of private communications is a violation of civil rights that must end immediately.”

    “For those concerned about security, especially the Thargoid threat, I assure you that there will be no reduction in military spending. In fact, our aim is to extend naval and humanitarian assistance to independent systems near our borders that face Thargoid aggression. By supporting systems around Federal space, we will establish a robust front line to repel Thargoid forces.”

    The Federal Free Press praised the manifesto, remarking that it “displayed the balance of strength and compassion that has long been lacking from our leadership”. However, an editorial in Sol Today claimed: “Winters’s grip on political reality has been weakened by years of ineffectual hand-wringing.”

    In related news, the Republican Party is currently holding a series of caucuses to select their presidential candidate. Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa and Congressman Thandeka Qwabe have been eliminated from the running, leaving Vice President Jerome Archer and Secretary of State Lana Berkovich as the remaining nominees.

  • March 21, 3309
  • Congress Votes Against Hudson Contravention

    President Zachary Hudson’s motion to allow him to serve a second term of office has been defeated by congressional vote.

    The proposal would have temporarily repealed the 77th amendment of the Federal Accord, which sets a maximum presidential term of eight years. A narrow majority voted not to accept this change to the Federation’s constitution.

    President Hudson addressed Congress following the announcement of the result:

    “The Federation’s democratic principles are paramount, and so I accept the decision of this chamber. I only hope that the disruption caused by a shift in leadership does not weaken our ability to withstand the current challenges. It is with total conviction that I say the Republican party will achieve victory in the ongoing war and maintain security within our borders. I intend to support the next Republican candidate to the best of my ability.”

    This outcome confirms that President Hudson’s administration will officially end shortly after the election, which is expected to take place in June but with no official date set. However, considering his many commercial and military connections, Hudson will remain a powerful political figure with a loyal supporter base.

    Nominees for the Republican Party’s new presidential candidate have begun lobbying for support. The frontrunners are three senior members of Hudson’s cabinet: Vice President Jerome Archer, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich and Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa. Congressman Thandeka Qwabe has also been nominated despite her relative inexperience.

    The Liberal Party’s candidates, Shadow President Felicia Winters and her running mate Isolde Rochester, have launched their presidential campaign. Several independent candidates are challenging the two main political parties, but only the famous entrepreneur Zachary Rackham is being viewed as a serious threat.

  • March 14, 3309
  • Federal Eyes on Congress Debate

    Preliminary motions on the forthcoming Hudson Contravention vote have begun in Federal Congress.

    The proposal, named after President Zachary Hudson’s call to suspend the 77th amendment to the Federal Accord, is a point of significant contention. If approved, Hudson would be eligible to run for another term in this year’s presidential elections, breaking with centuries of constitutional law.

    Supporters of the proposal, led by Hudson’s cabinet, point to the ongoing conflict with the Thargoids as a primary reason to vote in favour. With the significant escalation in Thargoid aggression and the loss of hundreds of systems, it has been argued that a change of leadership could weaken the Federation’s ability to defend itself.

    Opponents have called the move a ‘dictatorial’ tactic which uses the fear of alien attack to influence public opinion. Felicia Winters, the Liberal candidate and current shadow president, recently discussed this further during an interview with the Federal Free Press:

    “In these difficult times we cannot forget who we are, or what makes the Federation great. The 77th amendment was established in 2594, and has defined the presidential length of service ever since. This structure not only provides clarity to the people who use their vote to inform Federal governance, but also to each individual entrusted with the honour of the presidency. To change it now would send a message that we have lost faith in the Federation’s political mechanism.”

    The official vote on the Hudson Contravention motion is expected to take place next week.

  • February 27, 3309
  • Rackham Reveals Presidential Manifesto

    Trillionaire entrepreneur Zachary Rackham has launched his campaign to be elected as Federal president in the forthcoming election.

    He outlined several policies during a press event in the tropospheric suite of Rackham’s Spire on the planet Homeland:

    “As I see it, the job of president is to help ordinary, hard-working people from humble backgrounds – just like me. So I pledge to reduce all civil taxes and public service fees, and boost government funding for business grants and commercial opportunities. Let’s make everyone rich and successful – just like me!”

    Mr Rackham is running for the position of Federal president as an independent candidate and claims support from several corporate interests including Rackham Capital Investments. His manifesto has triggered a surge in popularity, with several high-profile celebrities promoting his campaign slogan: ‘Just Like Me’.

    However, economists have noted that his tax-cutting proposals remain uncosted and are considered virtually unachievable. The journalist Bryanna Blanco, who has been investigating Mr Rackham’s business affairs for years, described his presidential promises as “populist nonsense from a former pirate turned politician”.

    The presidential election will be held in June 3309. Shadow President Felicia Winters has confirmed that she will represent the Liberal Party, with Congressman Isolde Rochester as her running mate.

    The Republican Party candidate will be announced after Congress’s vote on the Hudson Contravention, which is scheduled for mid-March. If this constitutional amendment is approved, it will permit President Zachary Hudson to stand for a second eight-year term. Other senior Republican congressmen, including Vice President Jerome Archer, are also preparing their electoral campaigns.

  • February 10, 3309
  • Federation Pledges Resources to Aegis

    President Zachary Hudson and Shadow President Felicia Winters have united behind Federal backing for the reformation of Aegis.

    Congress held an emergency debate after the Alliance and Empire agreed to support an official tri-superpower initiative against the Thargoids. A majority of votes from Republican, Liberal and independent representatives approved the provision of ships, personnel and materials from the Federation.

    President Hudson delivered a short address to mark the occasion:

    “The intensified Thargoid attacks against the core systems demand a proportionate response. We recognise that Salvation was directly responsible for many of the tragic events that Aegis was blamed for. The Federation has an opportunity to correct that misjudgement and do our part to defeat a common adversary.”

    Congressman Tom Gillespie has volunteered to coordinate the Federation’s involvement with any unified anti-xeno activities. Professor Shamus Madigan of Olympus Village University will continue to lead on xenological research. The Federal Navy has assigned Rear Admiral Daniel Parry to act as its military liaison, a reduced version of the role formerly occupied by Admiral Aden Tanner.

    Professor Alba Tesreau has publicly thanked the leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation for their “renewed faith in the ideals that Aegis represents”.

  • December 26, 3308
  • Winters: ‘Federation Must Protect Independents’

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has called for the Federal Navy to help defend independent systems being invaded by the Thargoids.

    She outlined her viewpoint during an interview with the Federal Free Press:

    “The Thargoid fleets emerging from the Maelstroms have inflicted anguish and loss on millions. Our military forces have responded magnificently, and continue to fight hard against appalling odds. But while they are saving lives in Federal-aligned systems, independent systems are left to suffer.”

    “Surely this cannot be right? These are our neighbours, our trading partners, our historic cousins. Their populations cry out for help, and the mighty Federal Navy chooses to ignore them, claiming orders to prioritise saving our own. Is that who we are now? No better than the Empire?”

    “I have argued in Congress that we have a duty of responsibility to protect any independent systems lacking the ability to defend themselves from Thargoid attacks. The Federal Navy’s resources are finite, I understand that. But we are fighting to determine the future of the human race. We lack proof that the Thargoids have any concept of our politics, borders or allegiances. Why would they care which systems claim allegiance to whom? Every one of us is a target.”

    “And for those whose hearts are hardened to the suffering of others, think on this: the threat is moving closer each day. Leaving non-Federal factions to fend for themselves – and most likely become conquered – will only hasten the Thargoids’ advance. Before long, nowhere within the Federation will be safe. We will all pay the price for such callousness.”

  • January 17, 3308
  • Xeno-Peace Champion Elected to Congress

    Dalton Chase, the former governor of Andavandul 1, has become a Federal congressman following victory in the recent special election.

    Despite his relative youth and inexperience, many voters within the congressional district were influenced by Chase’s charm and positive campaign message. His enthusiasm for opening diplomatic relations with the Thargoids resonated with younger voters. The Liberal Party also ran a creative PR campaign across social channels, which was amplified by many counter-cultural ICE-casters.

    After formally swearing in and taking his oath of office, Congressman Chase proclaimed:

    “I’m conscious that some view me as unorthodox or contrarian, perhaps even ‘soft on Thargoids’. But I take the security of the Federation as seriously as any of my honourable colleagues. Achieving peace with another species, and thereby saving the lives of countless Federal citizens, would be considered the great moral victory of our generation.”

    Congratulations were offered by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who referred to Chase as a “spirited addition to our ranks”. Political analysts observed that she made no mention of his affiliation with the xeno-peace movement. Although some in the Liberal Party have expressed sympathy with its intentions, the majority consider it too radical to ever be officially endorsed.

    Key members of the Thargoid Advocacy Project have thanked Congressman Chase for helping to establish the pro-peace megaship, Kingfisher. This is currently being outfitted with specialist technology designed to transmit signals of various types, in the hope of being able to effect two-way communication with the Thargoids.

  • October 19, 3308
  • Federation Bans the Far God Cult

    President Hudson has approved a congressional bill to make the Order of the Far God illegal within all Federal systems.

    Congress voted to accept the resolution by a narrow majority, as announced by Secretary of State Lana Berkovich:

    “The Thargoids are categorised as an enemy of the state, and the Federal Accord forbids any citizen from providing aid to such enemies. The likelihood of radicalised Thargoid worshippers disrupting our anti-xeno operations in the name of their deity deserves a proactive response.”

    “Therefore, by Act of Congress, membership of this religious order is now a crime punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment. The organisation is barred from operating anywhere in Federal space. All detained Far God adherents are being interrogated for information related to espionage, with many already transported to stand trial in their home systems.”

    Congress has clarified that the resolution specifically targets ‘organisations which actively support the military objectives of non-humans’. It does not apply to civil groups promoting inter-species communication or diplomacy, such as the Thargoid Advocacy Project.

    The Galactic Interfaith Commune and similar agencies have protested against the new law. Shadow President Felicia Winters shared their disapproval, claiming that “such intolerance does not reflect the Federation’s core values”. Some congressmen have also voiced fears of the potential impact on voters who follow other fringe religions.

    With the Far God cult now illegal in both the Empire and the Federation, its hive-chapels can only be found in Allied and independent systems with local laws permitting religious liberty. The True Chapters sect’s remaining adherents are concentrated aboard the Perdition and Testament megaships, the locations of which are unknown.

  • October 10, 3308
  • Winters Condemns Oppression of Thargoid Cult

    The Popontia conflict and the mass arrest of Far God cultists have received civil and political criticism across the Federation.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered a statement to The Federal Times:

    “It is logical that any organisation supporting the Thargoids should come under scrutiny. But this does not justify the harsh and oppressive treatment of our own citizens for their religious beliefs. The Federal Accord safeguards their right to worship, as long as no laws are transgressed.”

    “The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has accused the cult of disseminating classified material and damaging anti-xeno operations. I demand that their evidence be shared with the High Court, so that a legal ruling can be made.”

    “I also call upon Congress to reject the secretary of state’s proposal to outlaw the Order of the Far God. This is nothing more than a blatant effort to prop up President Hudson’s waning powerbase.”

    A multiple-choice survey held by Sol Today resulted in the majority selecting ‘traitorous cowards’ to describe cult members, showing that Hudson’s order is not without support. However, a Federal Free Press opinion poll suggested that many citizens are uncomfortable with hostile acts against ‘deluded but essentially innocent people’.

    The Perdition and Testament megaships have now withdrawn from their standard patrol between the core system and the Pleaides, presumably to avoid further acts of hostility from the Federation. Dr Alfred Ulyanov observed that Federal citizens of the cult, along with the few remaining True Chapters adherents, were now concentrated aboard these megaships. Orthodox Far God hive-chapels are believed to still operate in Allied and independent systems.

  • September 26, 3308
  • Federal Crackdown on Thargoid Worshippers

    The Federal government has declared the Order of the Far God to be a potential enemy of the state.

    The following press statement was delivered from the White House on Mars:

    “The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has uncovered sufficient cause for concern to suspect the Far God cult of treason. They are believed to be responsible for leaking classified audiovisual data from the HIP 22460 system, while sharing other sensitive Thargoid-related material internally. Due to this, the risk that they will frustrate anti-xeno operations is deemed considerable.”

    “President Hudson has therefore ordered military units to take control of all hive-chapels in Federal systems. Their inhabitants will be placed in detention facilities and subject to questioning.”

    In related news, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has sponsored a resolution petitioning Congress to make the Order of the Far God illegal. She has cited constitutional amendments that prevent citizens from providing aid and comfort to an enemy of the state.

    The civil rights organisation Advocacy, the Galactic Interfaith Commune and the Spiritual Freedom Movement have all condemned these actions. However, political opinion polls suggest that a majority of voters are in favour of banning the Far God cult in the Federation.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters issued the following response:

    “I understand there are concerns regarding a Thargoid-based religious order, especially at this time. But there must be concrete evidence supporting these allegations before we treat our own citizens as enemies. It seems to me that Hudson’s administration is desperate to appear ‘tough on Thargoids’ after the debacle in HIP 22460, and has found an easy scapegoat to generate popular support.”

  • August 22, 3308
  • A Day of Remembrance for HIP 22460

    President Zachary Hudson has announced that today is a Federal day of remembrance for those lost in HIP 22460 on August 9th.

    In a public address, the president formally acknowledged the recent tragedy:

    “The Battle of HIP 22460 is a dark day in our interstellar nation’s history. The crews of the FNS Bombardier, FNS Fortitude and FNS Varian Scott gave their lives with dignity and honour, as did many other courageous individuals. They will never be forgotten for as long as the Federation endures.”

    “We recognise this massacre of defenceless crew for what it was: the latest example of unrelenting hostility by our Thargoid enemy. Another event which leads me to believe no peace can be brokered with that species. I promise, under no uncertain terms, that the loss of over fifty thousand naval personnel will be avenged.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters provided a statement to The Federal Times:

    “I wholeheartedly support the creation of this day of remembrance. But we are not entirely blameless in causing the disaster. If not for an ill-considered commitment of Federal Navy resources to Salvation’s banner, this misguided project might never have been realised.”

    “I might add that President Hudson fails to explain precisely how we will enact revenge upon the Thargoids. Now that we appear to lack further superweapon technology, our conventional forces will be severely challenged if the conflict escalates.”

  • July 1, 3308
  • Leaders Respond to Azimuth Initiative

    The anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460 involving Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers has drawn comments from prominent political figures.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: “I agree with Senator Patreus that supporting Azimuth’s proposal remains our most practical course of action. However, alternative options for tackling the Thargoid threat are required.”

    Princess Aisling Duval: “Salvation is clearly a master of self-promotion and public manipulation. I only hope that the Empire does not regret associating with this distasteful individual.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon: “Our military presence in HIP 22460, coupled with the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, shows that the long-term security of Allied systems remains our priority.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine: “Two ruthless corporations with disreputable histories, and the Alliance is now collaborating with both. This a deeply regrettable chapter in our history.”

    President Zachary Hudson: “I have every confidence in the Federal Navy to protect Salvation while the Proteus Wave is prepared. This is a long-overdue reprisal against an intractable and relentless enemy.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Azimuth’s superweapon is effective, I’ll admit. But I’m unhappy with relying on this clandestine organisation, rather than an accountable anti-xeno agency.”

    CEO Li Yong-Rui: “Sirius Corporation is observing activities in HIP 22460 with great interest. I am keen to explore cooperation with Azimuth Biotech on developing new products using Proteus Wave technology.”

    Simguru Pranav Antal: “The advanced electromagnetic sciences developed by the Guardians over a million years ago remain poorly understood, even to Utopia’s keenest minds. The safety and effectiveness of Salvation’s device cannot be guaranteed.”

  • March 4, 3308
  • Hudson Refutes ‘Dictatorship’ Concerns

    President Zachary Hudson has made a public broadcast regarding his proposal to remove the single-term limit of the Federal presidency.

    Speaking from the White House on Mars, he directly addressed the anxiety that citizens have expressed about the Hudson Contravention:

    “If Congress agrees to temporarily suspend the 77th amendment of the Federal Accord, it will mean that I become eligible to stand for election again in 3309. It does not guarantee that I – or any future president – can remain in office indefinitely.”

    “Furthermore, the Republican Party will be able to field other electoral nominees, as will the Liberal Party and any independent candidates. As always, the votes of the people will determine who forms our government.”

    “I strongly believe that our constitution is robust enough to accommodate changes such as this, especially during these trying times. The Federation remains a place of democracy and freedom, not dictatorship.”

    President Hudson also called for an end to the recent violence seen at public demonstrations on many Federal worlds. Several cities have witnessed aggressive clashes between Hudson’s supporters and those of Shadow President Felicia Winters.

  • February 22, 3308
  • Hudson Contravention Sparks Federal Protests

    President Zachary Hudson’s proposal to remove the eight-year limit on his term of office has led to public unrest on many Federal worlds.

    Supporters of Shadow President Felicia Winters have taken the lead in protesting against the Hudson Contravention, which is currently being debated in Congress.

    The situation has been extensively covered by newsfeeds across the Federation:

    Federal Free Press: “As always, Felicia Winters is the only grown-up in the room. She has rightfully objected to the sitting president’s attempt at throwing away the rulebook. Repealing the 77th amendment would be a fundamental blow to our millennia-old democracy.”

    Sol Today: “What’s the choice here? Retain Hudson for a few more years until things calm down, or hand power to Winters and watch the Federal government weaken and collapse under a weight the shadow president cannot possibly bear?”

    The Federal Times: “Moderate Republican voters are taking a dim view of the Hudson Contravention, primarily because it denies them the option to choose a new administration. Vice President Jerome Archer, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich and Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa are the most likely presidential candidates, but none of them will be able to run for office in 3309 if Hudson gets his way.”

  • February 15, 3308
  • Federation Divided by Hudson’s Proposal

    President Zachary Hudson’s intention to remove the limit on his term in office has caused a deep rift among congressmen and voters alike.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino analysed the situation in The Federal Times:

    “Ever since the 77th amendment to the Federal Accord was ratified in 2594, no president has remained in office for longer than eight years. This is why the Hudson Contravention, as Congress officially refers to it, has turned up the heat on the simmering political division within the Federation.”

    “Members of the Cabinet and other leading Republicans have argued passionately that only Zachary Hudson has the experience and fortitude to guide the Federation through this eventful period in history. His supporters point to successes such as curtailing the secession crisis, ending the NMLA threat and introducing greater security via the Proactive Detection Bureau.”

    “However, others insist that repealing this amendment could pave the way from democracy to dictatorship. Two former presidents – Antonia Madison and Jasmina Halsey – have publicly condemned the Hudson Contravention as unconstitutional and dangerous.”

    “There are expectations that Shadow President Felicia Winters will move for a vote of no confidence. Political analysts suspect that after several controversial leadership decisions from Hudson last year, he would be unlikely to win over a majority in Congress.”

  • February 4, 3308
  • Hudson Attempts to Remove Presidential Limit

    The Federal government has announced plans to extend Zachary Hudson’s term as president beyond the legally allotted span.

    Every Federation president serves a single term of eight years. President Hudson assumed the role in June 3301, and is therefore due to step down in June 3309 following an election to select his replacement.

    Secretary of State Lana Berkovich delivered the proposal to Congress:

    “We live in extraordinary times, and all signs point to further challenges in the coming years. Our people deserve a steady hand at the helm rather than being forced to change political course, especially with the tempestuous developments found within our neighbouring superpowers.”

    “It is therefore in the public interest that we temporarily suspend the arbitrary eight-year limitation, to allow President Hudson to continue steering the Federation through the coming storms.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters condemned the proposal:

    “Hudson has already violated the Federal Accord with his surveillance laws, but now we can see how little he values our constitution. This is the act of a dictator, not a democratically elected president.”

    A few Republican congressmen reluctantly agreed with Winters, joining calls for President Hudson to withdraw the proposal. However, political analysts believe that Hudson enjoys the support of his entire Cabinet and a majority of the Republican Party.

  • December 1, 3308
  • Federal Government Plans for the Future

    President Zachary Hudson has delivered a speech to Congress on maintaining security for the Federation in the coming years.

    Excerpts from his address include the following:

    “In the last year, we have excelled at protecting Federal citizens from harm. The Proactive Detection Bureau proved its worth in locating terrorists before they could strike, and our security services played an instrumental role in the NMLA’s defeat.”

    “3308 is already bringing many challenges. The war against the Thargoids could escalate at any time, and we face the challenge of replacing Aegis with our own anti-xeno taskforce. We are also deeply concerned about increased infighting within the Alliance and Empire, which could easily spill over into our territory.”

    “My administration is holding high-level discussions about how best to keep the Federation strong and secure. We will soon make some brave proposals to continue meeting our people’s constitutional right to safety.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered this rebuttal:

    “President Hudson fails to mention his disastrous attempt to capture Yuri Grom, his former fleet admiral’s criminal conviction for destroying Starship One, or that his surveillance laws forced several systems to declare independence. I would argue that under his leadership, the Federation has never been weaker or less secure.”

  • October 13, 3307
  • Federal Terrorist Network Exposed

    The Proactive Detection Bureau has been instrumental in identifying violent corporatist extremists within the Federation.

    Deputy Director Bethany Blake of the Federal Intelligence Agency gave a statement to the media:

    “In recent weeks, our surveillance algorithms flagged a series of coded communications for investigation. We found that a network of radicalised citizens were discussing plans to assassinate members of Congress and leading political figures.”

    “This movement, which calls itself Jupiter’s Wrath, is inspired by Jupiter Rochester’s failed attempt to enable corporations to directly rule the Federation. Their goal was to enact revenge on those who they consider to be the ‘enemies of Jupiter Division’.”

    “Using data intercepted by the Proactive Detection Bureau, FIA agents performed a series of coordinated strikes in several Federal systems. Over a thousand armed extremists were arrested before they could act. We are currently working to identify the remaining Jupiter’s Wrath members.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer claimed that this was further validation of the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act, which permitted the PDB to be established. However, Shadow President Felicia Winters commented:

    “I commend the FIA for performing their duties. But I also question the timing of this operation, coming so soon after President Hudson’s appallingly reckless attempt to capture Yuri Grom. To me it seems calculated to show his administration in a positive light, while ignoring the violation of citizens’ privacy.”

  • August 23, 3307
  • A Fractured Federation

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has claimed that further systems declaring independence could severely damage the Federation.

    Her statement was in response to the conflict in the Kuwembaa system, which resulted in more Federal factions seceding from the superpower. Dozens of others are now openly considering breaking away and becoming independent.

    Addressing Congress, Shadow President Winters said:

    “We now face the possibility of large-scale rebellion, as more citizens reject intrusion into their private lives. Unless these authoritarian surveillance laws are repealed, we risk many more factions and allies losing their trust in any Federal government.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer responded:

    “The Proactive Detection Bureau provides increased security and decreased crime levels for all Federal systems. I deeply regret that a few have rejected its benefits, but we must concentrate on the bigger picture.”

    The Sovereign newsfeed described how the newly seceded systems are celebrating freedom from government scrutiny. It claims that up to fifty other factions have expressed interest in becoming independent.

    However, The Federal Times reported that more pragmatic leaders have voiced concerns that they are now more vulnerable. There are particular fears of retaliation by pro-Federation groups or attacks from opportunistic hostile forces.

  • July 8, 3307
  • Independence Spreads from Azaladshu System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Azaladshu Free faction has defeated the forces of Neche Inc and retained independence from the Federation.

    As a result, the Azaladshu, LFT 824, LHS 277 and LTT 3919 systems have confirmed their independent status. The victory also inspired the Coalition of Uteran, Lp 726-6 Free and Gluscap Labour factions to secede from the Federation, affecting all systems under their control.

    Mayor Constanza Noguera, leader of Azaladshu Free, declared:

    “A Federation that abuses the rights of its people has no authority. With the help of our loyal supporters, we’ve made a stand for dignity and civil rights.”

    The situation has caused turmoil in Congress, with President Zachary Hudson being criticised for his inability to contain this rebellion.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters responded to accusations that she orchestrated the seceding factions:

    “I support their rejection of our harsh surveillance laws, but not their methods of protest. I have no wish to see the Federation lose member systems for any reason.”

    Pilots who supported the Azaladshu Free faction can collect their rewards at Eratosthenes Ring station.