Galactic News

  • June 9, 3302
  • Community Goal: Narcotics for the Crom Silver Boys

    Those who have explored the trade routes of Wolf 1301 will undoubtedly recall 'wolf fesh', the popular psychoactive drug that was once produced in the system. Although originally legal, when control of the system changed last year the drug was banned, and production was immediately halted. Wolf fesh disappeared from galactic trade routes almost overnight.

    But now it seems that the drug is about to make a return. Notorious crime syndicate the Crom Silver Boys, known for targeting traders and miners from their secret base in the Crom system, claim to have procured the secret recipe for the drug, and have announced plans to produce a new variant.

    The organisation has already stockpiled the necessary common ingredients, but to begin production it needs a quantity of rarer elements found only in other narcotics. The Crom Silver Boys have therefore placed an open order for the requisite intoxicants, and have promised to reward those who deliver the much-needed goods to Walheim Enterprise in the Herthe system.

    Most of the requested commodities are illegal in Herthe, and the system's security forces have vowed to interdict and search any suspicious vessels. The Crom Silver Boys have advised pilots participating in the operation to exercise caution.

    The campaign begins on the 9th of June 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • June 2, 3302
  • Community Goal: Bringing Order to Mehet

    Authorities in the Mehet system have reported that the number of criminals operating in the area has risen sharply over the past few months. Recent reports indicate that agitators have been attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing discord.

    To counter this threat, Mehet Ltd has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the Mehet system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Schwann Dock.

    The campaign begins on the 2nd of June 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: The Dangerous Games Begin

    The galaxy is home to countless factions, some boasting thousands of members and others comprising only a handful of individuals. Some exist to serve the galactic community, while others follow more antagonistic dogmas. For almost every creed in human space, there is a corresponding faction.

    Recent reports indicate that the largest of these factions have gained such significant levels of power and influence that they are on the cusp of being recognized as powers in their own right. This development coincides with mounting speculation that the empire of Pirate Lord Archon Delaine, once the most formidable power in the Pegasi Sector, is on the brink of collapse.

    With a paradigm shift looming, the largest of the galaxy's factions have taken the unprecedented step of organising a semi-official competition for the right to be recognised as an official power. The name of this competition? The Dangerous Games.

    Trinity Avon, a reporter for The Sovereign, elaborated on the nature of the event:

    "There are five factions competing in the Dangerous Games: the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps, the Border Coalition, GalCop, the Interstellar Communist Union and the Social Eleu Progressive Party. Between June and July 3302, these groups will participate in a series of community campaigns, giving the galaxy's independent pilots a chance to support their chosen faction."

    But these will not be the only factions taking part. With the start of the event still some weeks away, a number of smaller factions have begun competing for their chance to participate in the Dangerous Games. In the coming weeks, these factions will attempt to rally Commanders to their respective causes through a series of community-oriented events. Whichever faction successfully dominates its rivals in these 'Wildcard' events will enter the Dangerous Games, competing for the right to join the ranks of the galaxy's most powerful.

    The first Wildcard event requires pilots to fire up their mining lasers and gather gold for their chosen faction. The faction with the most gold at the end of the week-long campaign will be declared the victor of the first Wildcard heat. Naturally, pilots are also free to disrupt their rivals' efforts.

    The event begins on the 2nd of June 3302 and will run for one week.

  • May 26, 3302
  • Community Goal: The Skvortsov Orbital Hangover

    The party to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Distant Worlds Expedition has been a tremendous success, with festivities at Skvortsov Orbital lasting for several days. But the revelry has come at a cost, as it seems 63 G. Capricorni is now in the grip of a system-wide hangover.

    A member of staff at Skvortsov Orbital said: "Those Diamond Frogs really know how to throw a party. Seriously, I've never seen anything like it. At one point, the security chief was dancing on a table and screaming about wanting to be a showgirl."

    The starport's chief of security declined to comment, although rumours that he has resigned his position to fulfil his secret ambitions remain unsubstantiated. His office issued the following statement:

    "The celebrations were a great success, but now it's time to clean up. We are therefore asking independent pilots to deliver hazardous environment suits, water purifiers and coffee to help the system get back on its feet."

    The Diamond Frogs have once again stepped in, promising to reward pilots who deliver the much-needed commodities to Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G. Capricorni system. The campaign begins on the 26th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Bringing Peace to Ngolibardu

    Authorities in the Ngolibardu system have reported that the number of criminals operating in the area has risen sharply over the past few months. Recent reports indicate that agitators have been attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing discord.

    To counter this threat, Ngolibardu Electronics Solutions has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the Ngolibardu system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Vernadsky Port.

    The campaign begins on the 26th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • May 19, 3302
  • Community Goal: The Battle for Neits

    "We were escorting a cargo ship to Watson Settlement. As we approached, we were intercepted by a pair of Vultures. They asked us to identify ourselves, but I don't think they were even listening – they just opened fire. The cargo ship took a hit, and then my wingmate bought it. I barely made it out alive."

    This testimony comes from the Neits system, which has become the site of intense conflict in the past 24 hours. Authorities in the system have confirmed that a Federal organisation known as Neits Jet Life Ltd has deployed ships throughout the system, and is attacking other vessels at the slightest provocation. Meanwhile, the GR 316 Silver Universal Group, an Imperial organisation, has despatched fighters to counter the Federal offensive.

    Neits has long been a contentious territory due to its position between Imperial and Federal space. The system has always tried to maintain its independence, resisting both Federal and Imperial overtures, but many suspected it was only a matter of time before one of the superpowers made a grab for power.

    Neither the Federation nor the Empire has made an official statement on the matter, with both Federal President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval remaining silent. But one inhabitant of the system was happy to provide an opinion on the situation:

    "It's no secret that tensions have been rising between the Feds and the Empire recently, so I guess conflict was bound to break out sooner or later. Trouble is, when the superpowers start throwing punches, there tends to be a lot of collateral damage. By the time they're done fighting, there might not be much of Neits left."

    Both Neits Jet Life Ltd and the GR 316 Silver Universal Group have promised to reward pilots who support their campaigns. The two factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 19th of May 3302.

  • Community Goal: Battle Royale

    Don Antonaci, leader of the pirate organisation Wolf 359, has called on the galaxy's pirates to assemble for a faceoff against the Hutton Orbital Truckers and their allies. The pirate has proposed an 'anything goes' battle royale in the Wyrd system.

    Minelayers, thermal weapons, torpedo boats, long-range sniper ships – Antonaci is asking participants to bring their most devastating equipment to the ice rings, and to destroy any truckers they encounter. The truckers, meanwhile, have promised to send their finest to oppose Antonaci.

    The two parties have agreed that the pirates will fly Fer-De-Lances, Cobras, Vipers and Eagles, while the truckers will pilot Federal Assault Ships, Gunships, Dropships and Vultures. Pilots on both sides have been authorised to target anyone who piloting a larger vessel. Camera crews, which will be flying yellow haulers, are considered off limits.

    Antonaci released the following statement:

    "Despite my best efforts, these filthy truckers continue to trawl through space. We want all pilots friendly to the Don to help us teach these truckers a lesson. Bring your finest weapons, modules and upgrades, and show your support."

    The truckers' only response to Antonaci's challenge was: "Bring it on!"

    The campaign begins on the 19th of May 3302 and will run for one week. Pilots who support the operation will be generously reimbursed.

  • May 12, 3302
  • Community Goal: Ishmael Palin Launches Appeal

    Last month, Professor Ishmael Palin announced his intention to retire from The Palin Institute, the research organisation he founded in 3301. In a statement, the professor indicated that he would relocate to a small research centre on Maia A 3 a, where he would continue investigating the Unknown Artefacts and meta-alloys. Now, the professor has issued a further statement, announcing that he has placed an open order for building fabricators for the construction of the new outpost.

    "The galactic community has given me considerable support over the past few months – even going so far as to rescue me and my team from pirates in the Orulas system – and I would very much like for them to be part of this initiative. The new research centre will be relatively modest, but there is still a need for materials. I can promise that pilots who deliver the necessary supplies will be generously compensated!"

    The Defence Party of Nespeleve, which is coordinating the effort on behalf of Professor Palin, has promised to reward pilots who deliver building fabricators to Wilkes Orbital in the Nespeleve system. The organisation has also promised to reward Commanders who eliminate hostiles operating in the system, to ensure those delivering building fabricators can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 12th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Skvortsov Orbital Explorers' Gala

    With the successful conclusion of the Distant Worlds Expedition looming, intrepid explorers both within and without the bubble are turning to the bubbly, and O'Malligan's Coffee Bar at Skvortsov Orbital has announced plans to throw a party for the returning travellers. A spokesperson for the establishment said:

    "What does an explorer want after they've returned to the bubble, stumbled out of their ship and cashed in at Universal Cartographics? A drink or two! So we're throwing the party of the century to celebrate the achievements of the Distant Worlds pilots, and other intrepid explorers."

    O'Malligan's Coffee Bar has approached the Diamond Frogs, the system's controlling faction, for assistance in making the party a reality. But the Diamond Frogs' chief logistics officer, Commander Paramemetic, said: "There's no way O'Malligan's is going to be able to throw a radical party without support from the Pilots Federation. Diamond Frogs pilots alone will consume all of O'Malligan's stock within a matter of hours."

    To ensure the celebration is worthy of the accomplishments of the Distant Worlds team, the Diamond Frogs have promised to reward pilots who bring alcohol and other recreational substances to Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

    The campaign begins on the 12th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • May 5, 3302
  • Community Goal: Tantalum for the Wyrd Raiders

    The Wyrd Raiders may not be widely known outside the Wyrd system, but for several years it has been one of the most successful commercial enterprises in its region of space, enjoying profitable relationships with an array of partners. Now, the organisation has issued an appeal to the galactic community for help in compiling an order of tantalum for an unnamed party.

    A spokesperson for the organisation released a brief statement to the media:

    "Ordinarily we would have no difficulty meeting an order of this kind, but given the relative urgency of the request, we have decided to place an open order for the necessary materials. Naturally we will generously reward those who lend us their support."

    The spokesperson was asked to address rumours that the tantalum was in fact intended for a group of independent engineers, but she refused to be drawn on the subject:

    "Our partners usually prefer to keep their identities private, since their transactions are often of a commercially sensitive nature. I'm sure you understand."

    The Wyrd Raiders has promised to reward pilots who deliver tantalum to Gareth Edwards Park in the Wyrd system. The campaign begins on the 5th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Jaques' Big Jump

    Equipped with a cluster of drive engines, Jaques Station is noted for being the galaxy's only travelling starport. Owned and operated by a cyborg known as 'Jaques', the Orbis station has been roaming the galaxy for over 40 years, and in that time it has become something of a cultural icon. Now, after more than four decades of travel, Jaques is about to embark on his most ambitious expedition yet – a long-distance jump from Gliese 1269 to Beagle Point.

    In a statement, Jaques explained the thinking behind the venture.

    "Well, I've been wandering the galaxy for over forty years now, and the truth is that after a while, travel starts to lose its allure. You've got to remember, I've been alive for several centuries. The things that used to excite you just sort of...lose their spark. I thought a long-distance leap might rekindle my enthusiasm."

    Naturally, moving a starport such a considerable distance requires a significant amount of fuel, which is why Jaques has turned to celebrated search-and-rescue organisation the Fuel Rats for help. The Fuel Rats, in turn, have issued an appeal to their many members and supporters to contribute fuel to Jaques's operation. The Fuel Rats Mischief, which is coordinating the operation, has promised to generously reward those who support the operation.

    The campaign begins on the 5th of May 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • April 28, 3302
  • Community Goal: Jasmina Halsey Appeals for Exploration Data

    Since being discharged from the medical centre at Leoniceno Orbital, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has repeatedly spoken about the allegedly transcendent experiences she had while drifting through space.

    The former leader purports to have seen "the true architects of creation" and to have been shown what she describes as "the infinities of the cosmos" – assertions that, along with her slowed speech, have seen her condemned as mentally unstable by some commentators.

    Now the former president has launched an appeal for exploration data that she hopes will validate her claims. According to a member of her personal staff, the former leader believes the data will prove there are super-intelligent beings living in the depths of space.

    The former Federal president released a brief statement to the media:

    "They are out there. I have seen them. We must put aside our petty differences and work together to establish contact. There is so much we could learn from them."

    The Azaleach Partnership has agreed to coordinate the campaign on Halsey's behalf, and to reward pilots who deliver exploration data to Leoniceno Orbital. The appeal begins on the 28th of April 3302 and will run for one week.

  • Community Goal: Morrina in Need

    The people of the Morrina system have endured considerable hardship recently, first at the hand of criminal gangs and then as a result of widespread civil unrest. Although a recent military operation succeeded in eliminating the agitators operating in the system, much of Morrina has been badly affected by the conflict, and many citizens are suffering from a lack of water and power.

    In response to this, the Spinward Marches Alliance Concern has launched an appeal for essential supplies in order to undo the damage caused by the extended conflict. The organisation has placed an open order for basic medicines, water purifiers and power generators, and has promised to generously reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Beaumont Dock.

    Organisation spokespersons Commander Saool and Commander Dennehy released the following statement:

    "For the past month, the Morrina system has been embroiled in conflict. The galactic community stepped up to help cull the criminal elements ravaging the system, and the Spinward Marches Alliance Concern has started to repair planetary infrastructure and restore power to the night side of tidally locked Morrina 3. But we need more supplies to get the system back on its feet."

    The campaign begins on the 28th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • April 21, 3302
  • Community Goal: Expanding the Imperial Fleet

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced plans to expand the Imperial Navy with a new Majestic-Class Interdictor. The formidable vessel will boast a range of imposing weaponry, including an array of modular interceptor guns.

    Lieutenant Severin, who is overseeing the ship's construction, issued a statement to the media:

    "I know there are some who would question the need for this vessel. To those individuals, I say this: just how safe do you feel? We live in an age in which even Emperors can be murdered. An age in which our enemies' faces are not known to us, and betrayal and deceit are encountered at every turn. The need for a strong, battle-ready navy has never been greater."

    "In order to complete production as swiftly as possible, we have placed an open order for supplies, and have authorised the Mundjiga Patrons of Law to reward pilots who deliver materials to our base of operations at Sagan Port. I implore all those who are loyal to the Empire to support this operation."

    The campaign begins on the 21st of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Upgrading Greeboski's Outpost

    Chancellor Zahra Arias of the Sovereign Justice Collective has announced plans to upgrade the infrastructure and defensive viability of Greeboski's Outpost in the Phiagre system. In a statement, Chancellor Arias said:

    "Greeboski's Outpost is a bastion for the people of Phiagre and a monument to our independence, and I consider it my duty to upgrade the starport's services. I have therefore placed an open order for titanium so we can begin the improvement programme."

    Chancellor Arias also called on the Pilots Federation to support Sovereign Justice Collective forces by protecting traders delivering titanium to Greeboski's Outpost. Pilots who hand in bounty vouchers or deliver titanium to the starport will be generously rewarded.

    The campaign begins on the 21st of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • April 14, 3302
  • Community Goal: Bringing Back the Bourbon

    Rumours from the Epsilon Indi system suggest that the United Epsilon Indi Flag is recruiting independent Commanders for a campaign called 'Bribes 4 Bourbon'. In a series of illicit meetings with system officials, the organisation reportedly secured an agreement to revise the status of Indi Bourbon and make it a legal beverage.

    Yulia 'The Needle' Kuriakova, a spokeswoman for the organisation, said:

    "For almost a year, authorities in Epsilon Indi have prohibited the production of Indi Bourbon, which is classified as an illegal substance. Our plan is to bring vast quantities of illegal liquor Mansfield Orbiter to pay off the officials."

    The United Epsilon Indi Flag has requested that Burnham Bile Distillate, Eranin Pearl Whisky, Leestian Evil Juice and Wuthielo Ku Froth be smuggled into Mansfield Orbiter. A temporary black market has been established to accept these commodities.

    The Federation, meanwhile, has asserted that the campaign represents an act of economic malfeasance, and has accused the United Epsilon Indi Flag of inciting civil disobedience. But Epsilon Indi is no stranger to dissent: in November last year an explosive-smuggling operation organised by a group called Revolution Incorporated was uncovered.

    The United Epsilon Indi Flag has promised to reward pilots who deliver rare liquors to Mansfield Orbiter in the Epsilon Indi system. The campaign begins on the 14th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Alliance to Establish New Outpost

    Harlyn Tavistok, a senior member of the Alliance Assembly, has announced plans to establish a new outpost on the fringes of inhabited space. According to Tavistok, the new station will provide the Alliance with "a vitally important new resource, significantly bolstering our reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering capabilities." An Alliance spokesperson provided further details:

    "Monitoring activity within human-inhabited space is of central importance to our continued security, but this particular sector currently contains a limited number of operational outposts. Our new station will address this issue."

    "To support this campaign, we have placed open orders via our partners at for Robotics, Semi Conductors and Auto Fabricators. Pilots who deliver these essential commodities to our base of operations at Noli Dock will be generously compensated."

    The campaign begins on the 14th April 3302 and will run for one week.

  • April 7, 3302
  • Community Goal: Improving Mining Facilities at Kooi Gateway

    The Canary Mining Corporation has announced plans to improve mining in the HIP 93377 system by asking independent pilots to deliver mineral extractors to Kooi Gateway, for the development of improved material-processing facilities at the station.

    A spokesperson for the corporation made the following statement:

    "The new equipment will allow us to efficiently collect, process and store larger quantities of minerals and metals than ever before, as well as offer a wider range of equipment to independent miners working in the system."

    The organisation has promised to reward those who deliver the much-needed equipment to Kooi Gateway in the HIP 93377 system.

    The campaign begins on the 7th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • Community Goal: Eliminating Agitators in Morrina

    Recent reports from Morrina indicate that the system is in the grip of widespread civil unrest. The system's inhabitants have taken to the streets to express their displeasure with local authorities, which have been criticised for failing to tackle rampant criminal activity.

    In response to this development, the Morrina Pro-Alliance Party has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Barjavel Vision.

    The campaign begins on the 7th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • March 31, 3302
  • Community Goal: The Onionhead Clash

    The ongoing Federal campaign against Onionhead has taken a new turn with the appointment of an 'Onionhead tzar', who will assume overall responsibility for eliminating the drug from Federal space. Edward Bores, a seasoned government official, has assumed the role, promising to employ "targeted measures" in the fight against the illegal narcotic.

    At a press event, Bores marked his appointment with the announcement of an innovative new campaign:

    "We are launching an initiative called 'Hand in the Head' designed to encourage Federal citizens to surrender any Onionhead in their possession. Individuals who deliver Onionhead to our headquarters at Grandin Gateway in the Altair system will be generously rewarded. At the end of the campaign, any Onionhead we have received will be destroyed."

    Meanwhile, an organisation known as the Altair Purple Mob has launched a campaign to prove that the drug is harmless, with the ultimate aim of having it reclassified as a non-toxic plant. Like the Federation, the organisation has issued an appeal for quantities of the drug, but unlike the Federation, the Altair Purple Mob intends to study the plant rather than destroy it. A spokesperson for the organisation said:

    "Legalising Onionhead would decriminalise its users, provide the Federal government with a new revenue stream, and destabilise the criminal network through which the drug is currently bought and sold. It's a no-brainer."

    The competing campaigns are scheduled to begin on the 31st of March 3302, and will run for one week.