Galactic News

  • February 13, 3301
  • The St. Valentine's Day Regatta

    Captain Millington, chief of racing operations, has finally announced the details of this year's St. Valentine's Regatta, one of the most prestigious events on the yearly racing calendar. The race, which begins in the Kumbaya system, will see participants follow a gruelling 500ly route that passes through some of the most dangerous areas in the surrounding sectors.

    "As every pilot knows, St. Valentine's is a gruelling test of nerve and daring, a headlong dash from one side of inhabited space to the other. Many enter, but only one can win. In the 37 years of the race's history (excluding 3284, when it was cancelled due to the civil war) this race has never been won by a pilot with less than exemplary skill. Many winners have gone on to become legends, so join us on the 14th to find out who will be next to ascend to glory amongst the stars."

    Any last minute entrants should contact Commander Kitiara for more information on how to sign up.

  • Restoring Sanity to Anarchy in Banki and BD+03 2338

    As the Federal Navy begins to move into position around Banki and BD+03 2338, independent Commanders from all corners of the galaxy have started gathering at Antonio De Andrade Vista in Banki and Matteucci Terminal in Khasiri in preparation for the final set of engagements against the Federal rebels.

    The Federal Navy has issued a warning calling for all civilians to evacuate the areas around Banki and BD+03 2338 immediately. The official policy being that any unidentified ships caught in the coming conflict will be treated as enemy combatants, meaning they will most likely be destroyed on sight.

    All loyal members of the Federation are requested to report to either Antonio De Andrade Vista in Banki or Matteucci Terminal in Khasiri to receive orders as to how they can best lend their support to the Federal Navy. Non-combat roles are available for conscientious objectors.

  • February 12, 3301
  • The Legend Returns

    It's been some time since Jaques began his epic journey from orbit around the moon of Topaz into the mysterious places of the great unknown. A week ago we reported that Jacques Station was seen by an intrepid commander in HIP 110620.

    What mysteries will the enigmatic cyborg see on his long travels? Emma Hallows, asked Jaques those very same questions the robotic barkeep responded-

    "If people want to know my story, they'd best come buy a drink and find out for themselves."

  • February 11, 3301
  • Lucan Onionhead Farmers Welcome Agricultural Commodities Traders

    Reports have reached GalNet that Lucan Onionhead farmers in the Tanmark system have been receiving regular supplies of Agricultural Medicine, Crop Harvesters, Land Enrichment Systems and Biowaste from intrepid traders sympathetic to their cause.

    "This is welcome news" said Georgio Algeria of the Kappa Fornacis Farmers Union. "A few Commanders helped us in Panem, and that’s cool but not enough. If enough of you can help get them to Tanmark we’ll be happy. And so will you. This is the way we make Onionhead bigger, better. It’s what we all want. Long live Onionhead! Lucan Onionhead for all!”

    No Federal representatives were available to comment.

  • February 10, 3301
  • Soontill Alien Artefacts to be Auctioned at Ngurii

    Soontill is back in the news this week as fresh rumours have surfaced of alien items hitting the market in Ngurii.

    It's been nearly two decades since Gallagher Restoration's auction of Soontill relics was discovered to be merely an outrageous publicity stunt. Although many high profile individuals were left red faced after the Phekda auction, most notably the band Jjagged Bbanner, it seems people still want to believe in the Thargoid legend. Indeed, several familiar names have already come forward enquiring about the new finds.

    What gives the latest rumours more credence than previous claims is the fact that the source of the alien items is not just one individual or one group, but several different lone wolf pilots.

    Is this another hoax?, Another stunt?

  • Compassion was the Cure for Ngaliba

    The community of Ngaliba managed to avoid a fate worse than death this past weekend, as hundreds of aid workers flew to the region to help find a cure for the plague that had been ravaging its way through the system.

    Imperial, Federal and Independent pilots from all walks of life came together to provide the vital resources needed to save countless lives. Thanks to their efforts there were less than a dozen confirmed causalities before a cure was finally found.

    Samples of the Ngaliba Plague have been sent on to all major virus repository databases as protection against any potential future outbreaks.

  • Yembo-Crowdsourcing Required to Help Build New Station

    After a week of speculation, Universal Cartographics have today announced that the system chosen to receive what is planned to be the first of a new fleet of UC controlled Explorer Station’s will be HIP 101110.

    Samuel Covington, the leader of the committee in charge of choosing HIP 101110 as the target location, had this to say about the announcement -

    “Hopefully this will be the first step in putting a more robust support system in place for all the brave men and women who risk their lives out there in the black. It won’t be easy establishing a station so far away, but we believe the rewards far outweigh any obstacles that might crop up along the way.”

    Partial construction of the new station will take place in the shipyards of Yembo. Anyone capable of sourcing metals are advised to get themselves over to Naddoddur Terminal - Yembo straight away, as Universal Cartographics are offering some exceptional incentives to Commanders helping with their current construction efforts.

  • February 9, 3301
  • Prism Senator Courts Controversy Again!

    In a move which is likely to further increase tensions between the Federation and the Empire, a high ranking Lady of the Empire has been denied access to the Sol system.

    Lady Kahina Tijani Loren, the Senator from the Prism system, was on a diplomatic mission at the behest of Chancellor Blaine when her Imperial Courier was interdicted whilst jumping into the Sol system.

    According to Imperial sources, Lady Kahina’s vessel came under attack by unidentified ships, but fought its way free despite suffering significant damage during the incident.

    Federal representatives insist that the Imperials failed to file a valid itinerary, which resulted in a lack of an escort through Federal space. The Empire has demanded a formal apology from the Federation, but so far this demand has gone unanswered.

    Lady Kahina was quoted as saying, "I don't like to be late."

  • Celebration at Abraham Lincoln Starport in Earth Orbit, Sol

    Pilots from around the galaxy are expected to gather outside Abraham Lincoln Starport, located in Earth orbit in the Sol system, at 18-00 on the 12th of February for the annual remembrance of the Station's namesake, President Abraham Lincoln.

    This date marks the 1,492nd anniversary of Lincoln's birth. Lincoln, president of one of the great democracies of the Northern Hemisphere in Earth's 19th century, is credited with ending the practice of human slave trafficking in that nation.

    Pilots gather each year at Abraham Lincoln Starport to show their solidarity in ending the galactic slave trade by flashing their ships' headlights for 30 seconds at precisely 18-00 on the evening of the anniversary.

    - CMDR Jaiotu

  • February 8, 3301
  • Underground Racers Spotted In and Around Sol

    Unsanctioned Fight Club - Chelomy Vison, Balaikda

    The war might be over, but the battle lives on in Balaikda with the arrival of the Chelomy Vision fight club.

    In this club, members engage in unsafe, unsanctioned brawls in the skies above Chelomy Vision. The winner goes home covered in credits and glory, while the losers get an all weekend pass to the medical centre.

    Last week the club ran a stock sidewinder event, and the carnage was brutal. This week the competition is expected to be even more fierce, but with so many credits up for grabs, independent pilots are expected to fly in from all over to prove they've got the skills to pay the bills. Meetings take place weekly at 05-00 sharp universal time.

  • February 7, 3301
  • Long Lost Station Returns

    Some years ago Jaques’ Station left its orbit around the moon of Topaz. It’s mission? To discover new beverages, explore distant stars, and bravely go where no starport had been before. When the starport left on its journey the station was being captained by the toughest barman in all of occupied space, a part-Cyborg known only by the moniker of Jaques.

    Jaques’ transformation from man to machine began during the time he served as a member of the Quinentis Fourteens, a Federal black ops strike team. His unit was captured by enemy forces during the Battle of Hell’s Gate.

    The intrepid ex-soldier spent close to the next 200 years improving his cybernetic implants and saving up to buy the station in order to head off and explore the stars in style, and he is happy for people to join him. Stay tuned to GalNet to find out all the latest developments as they occur.

  • Planning Underway for New Frontier Station

    Universal Cartographics have today announced their intention to launch a new exploration station. Plans for the development of the new station are already well underway, although the ultimate destination has yet to be chosen.

    Members of Universal Cartographics and the Explorers’ Association were asked to submit proposals as to the most useful location for the station. The following have been identified as candidates -

    • HIP 101110

    • SYNUEFE FR-T B36-3

    • Maia

    • HIP 117585

    • HIP 27215

    The board has requested that members of the Pilots Federation provide additional system data to help finalise the decision.

  • February 6, 3301
  • Patreus Fire Sale in Durius Ends

    The mass selling off of all surplus military assets from the Speke Prospect armoury was carried out at the behest of Imperial Senator Denton Patreus, to whom the people of Durius owe a rather significant debt.

    The Citizens of Tradition, acting in their position as custodians of Durius, have promised to use their newly acquired funds to further stimulate the local economy through the creation of new employment opportunities. To that end, Senator Patreus, in association with Senator Torval, has generously offered to provide free training for all debt- ridden citizens of Durius willing to be retrained for work as Imperial Slaves to clear their remaining debt.

  • Sickness Spreading Through Ngaliba

    A wave of sickness has spread through Ngaliba, leading the Federal Centre for Disease Control to issue an amber alert warning all pilots to avoid Fullerton Horizons until further notice.

    Anyone who has visited Ngaliba in the past five days is advised to seek immediate medical attention and avoid controlling machinery, flying starships, and travelling through hyperspace.

    Early signs of infection include dizziness, nausea, stomach pains and a loss of concentration.

    The Crimson Major Solutions have declined to offer any comment in regards to how many people are known to be infected.

  • February 5, 3301
  • It’s Not All About Sovereignty

    The past few months have seen dozens of frontier systems launch initiatives to break away from Sol, due in no small part to the higher taxes being charged by the Federal government.

    The most recent referendum on Federal membership took place in the Dulos system, where an overwhelming 75% of the population voted to leave the Federation and become an Independent state.

    However, in recent weeks there has been a surge of support for the Federal government all across occupied space. Where previously there were tens of dozens of independent movements pushing to break away, all but a small handful of them have now fizzled out.

    Pundits point to actions taken by Admiral Vincent of the Federal Navy to protect the interests of member states at short notice, as the cause of this most recent shift in opinion.

  • Spassky's Inheritance, Mikunn

    The Dukes of Mikunn have begun sanctions against the dictatorial Law Party of HR 7327, in the HR 7327 system. As such, commerce to the Law Party owned Gabriel Station will be under blockade until such time as a regime change occurs. As the Dukes of Mikunn currently hold majority influence in the system, the reins of power at Gabriel Station should naturally pass to the Duchy of Mikunn.

    For the safety of all private traders, their Graces the Dukes have requested that independent pilots should stay clear of HR 7327, and Gabriel Station in particular, until further notice.

    Traffic should be routed to the neighbouring systems of Sukua, Kwatee and of course, Mikunn. Commanders interested in toppling the dictatorship of the Law Party should make their way to Mikunn and contact Commander Lucifer Wolfgang, Commander Calomiriel, or his Lordship the Count of Monte Fisto.

    Soda Popinski, Media Relations, Duchy of Mikunn

  • February 4, 3301
  • Federation Withdraws from Panem

    Following on from the deployment of Federal aid to the beleaguered farmers of Panem, President Halsey has today announced her intention to recall all Federal forces from Kappa Fornacis.

    The President has said of this -

    “I am pleased with how our marines-turned aid workers were able to help restore order to Panem so quickly - exemplary of what the Federation can offer its allies.”

    The leader of the Kappa Fornacis Farmer’s Association, Georgio Algeria, has denounced the Federation’s efforts. He said to gathered reporters -

    “Don’t be fooled by the Federation. They’re liars! This is just window dressing. They bully us, they burn us, now they try to buy us. Well we ain’t scared and we ain’t for sale. We say what happens on Panem, and we say Onionhead will live on!”

  • February 3, 3301
  • Trouble on the Fringe - Balaikda

    It seems that even the edges of colonised space aren't free of problems.

    A civil war has broken out in Balaikda between two of the system's minor factions, namely HIP 43760 State Plc and Balaikda Ltd. The former is Federation-aligned and unsurprisingly calls the nearby HIP 43760 home, while the latter is a local firm.

    Observers have reported a heavy handed response to this Federal involvement in an Imperial system, resulting in the Imperial Navy setting up checkpoints near a number of local planets. One source, who asked to remain unnamed, said "these checkpoints are manned by Elite Vipers and Cobras fitted with Plasma Accelerators, and so not to be taken lightly."

    Battles have broken out across the system, with various local factions offering combat bonds in an attempt to urge independent pilots to lend a hand in the small scale factional struggle.

  • Vesper-M4 Plays Unwilling Host to Demolition Derby

    Slough Orbital hosted the galaxy's inaugural SIDEWINDER DEMOLITION DERBY last Sunday and it was a huge success. The event, which will now be held on the first Sunday of every month, sees pilots flying their basic, weapons and shield-free Sidewinders at full speed around the airlock ring in an attempt to blow each other up.

    Slough Orbital’s Captain, Commander Rose, has expressed frustration at these troubling turn of events. Telling GalNet -

    "The Jet Transport Corporation lost a lot of trade last Sunday. No ships were able to enter or leave the station for almost an hour for fear of being blasted into smithereens by these lunatic pilots."

    Commander Angel Rose, daughter of Captain Rose, has praised the event, saying -

    "My father is a stuffy old codger. Everyone had a lot of fun, especially this month's derby winner, Commander Scicobalt. No-one was actually hurt, although Commander Belstarion's pride took a big dent when he got repeatedly stuck in the stations superstructure. I look forward to doing it all again next month!"

  • February 2, 3301
  • CN Bootis Rapid Wealth Expansion

    The United CN Bootis Progressive Party announced its plan for system expansion today, eliciting a negative response from other factions in the system. The Progressive Party has increased its controlling influence of the system over the past week by over 10% with the aid of mercenary pilots. A spokesman said -

    “We have stepped up trading at Sellings City dock, and have increased our patrols of all seven Resource Extraction Sites in the system. We have met with significant push-back from local pirate factions. Fighting is intense, but profitable to successful pilots.”

    “We are hiring miners, traders, and bounty hunters to help us continue our takeover of the system.”

    Opposing factions could not be reached directly for comment. Stay tuned for updates.

    CMDR Otalp