Community Goals

  • April 29, 2015
  • Finished

    In Defence Of Volungu

    End: Apr 29, 2015

    Imperial forces have launched an attack on Volungu. In response the Crimson Fortune Company have called for federal pilots to gather at Jemison Refinery to help drive the invaders back!

    The fighting is sure to be fierce, but the Volungu Public Company is willing to pay for any assistance they can get! Allies, bounty hunters and mercenaries of all stripes are invited to sign up to protect Volungu from the invaders.

    Bonus payments will only be made available if the Volungu Public Company proves to be successful at fending off their attackers, so independent contractors are advised to bring along as many friends as possible in order to ensure the Volungu Public Company survives long enough to see payment come due.

  • April 28, 2015
  • Finished

    The Art Of War

    End: Apr 28, 2015

    Over the years Senator Patreus has amassed an impressive collection of private military industrial companies and corporations. As a result the Senator's interests are spread across the length and breadth of the Empire, positioning Patreus as one of the premier suppliers of Imperial Armaments in the entire galaxy.

    Traditionally Eotienses has been left untouched by the Senator's business, but now the time has finally come for an upgrade. Senator Patreus has pledged to spend billions of credits in rejuvenating Eotienses's economy over the next month, with the ultimate aim being to turn Eotienses in to a high tech hub that will be the envy of the entire Empire.

    In order to help facilitate the rejuvenation effort, Senator Patreus has placed a series of order which require several millions units of Industrial Materials be brought to his agents on Parkinson Dock. All citizens that take part in the rejuvenation programme will be well rewarded for their efforts.

  • April 27, 2015
  • Finished

    Imperial Investigation: Operation Hr 706

    End: Apr 27, 2015

    The ongoing investigation into the attack on Emperor Hengist uncovered a trail that led to a bank account, set up under a false identity, by someone operating out of HR 706. The account wasn't set up by some amateur thug. They left no clue behind as to their true identity.

    This could have caused a serious problem for the Princess's agents. However, in conjunction with other evidence, the investigative taskforce believe that the account's activity shows that an organisation directly serving the would-be killer conspirator(s) may well call this system their home.

    Someone out there has the answers Princess Arissa needs. As such, the order has been given to forcibly shut down all criminal organisations operating in this sector. If the local scumbags want it to stop, they know what they have to do.

    Emperor's Grace has reluctantly agreed to play host to the taskforce, who have established a temporary base of operation aboard Laming Orbital. Citizens involved in the ongoing hunt for justice should submit their Imperial Bounty Vouchers for processing there.

  • April 25, 2015
  • Finished

    Waging War

    End: Apr 25, 2015

    Acting under orders of Senator Denton Patreus, in association with Silver Natural PLC, the Conservatives of BV Phoenicis are in the process of launch an assault on Saavedra Dock in order to reclaim assets currently illegally held by residents of Kui Hsien.

    As Senator Patreus has authorised the use of full military force to recoup losses incurred on debts owed to the Senator by the Friends of Kui Hsien, the Conservatives of BV Phoenicis are offering a range of generous payments to all mercenaries willing to fight for his cause. This includes the opportunity for pilots to earn a significant set of bonuses for hitting their targets.

  • April 19, 2015
  • Finished

    Imperial Task Force Investigates: Operation Almad

    End: Apr 19, 2015

    Arissa's Investigators have obtained information which indicates that certain criminal elements within Almad have ties to the group that conspired to kill the Emperor.

    Member's of the Princess's personal coterie have already begun questioning the local crime lords, but unsurprisingly most are refusing to cooperate.

    In an effort to encourage the normally silent members of our society to speak more freely, the princess has requested that combat pilots loyal to the house of Duval express their displeasure by forcing each and every pirate within 20 light years of Almad out of the skies.